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Lesson Plan

Course Name: English as a Second Language

Lesson Number: 5


Topic: Food and Dining Experiences

Level: Intermediate

Time Allocation: 45 minutes

bjectives of the Lesson:

Practical Goals:

- To expand students' vocabulary related to food, restaurants, and dining experiences.

- To practice the present perfect simple tense in the context of past dining experiences.

Educational (Socio-Cultural) Goals:

- To foster cultural awareness by discussing various types of cuisine and dining etiquette from around the

- To develop social skills through role-playing and collaborative discussions.

Educational Goals:

- To enhance reading comprehension through the analysis of restaurant reviews and food-related texts.

- To improve listening skills by interpreting and discussing audio material on dining decisions.

Developmental Goals:

- To encourage analytical thinking by comparing different dining experiences.

- To boost communicative competence in speaking about past experiences with correct grammatical

Equipment of the Lesson:

- Interactive whiteboard or projector for displaying digital content.

- Audio player for listening activities.

- Student’s book for reference and reading materials.

- Handouts for vocabulary and grammar exercises.

- Role-play cards for speaking activities.

Brief Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (10 minutes):

- Greet students, introduce the topic, and engage with warm-up questions about dining preferences.

2. Main Part (30 minutes):

- Vocabulary introduction: Discuss new food and restaurant terms.

- Grammar focus: Present perfect tense review and practice exercises.

- Listening activity: Audio about deciding where to eat.

- Reading and discussion: Restaurant review and descriptive adjectives.

- Speaking activity: Role-play ordering food at a restaurant.

3. Conclusion (5 minutes):

- Summarize key points, assess understanding, and assign homework.

Lesson Structure

I. Greeting and Lead-in – 10 min

1. Greet the students and have a brief check-in: 2 min

- "How are you today? What's your favorite meal that you've had recently?"

2. Introduction to the lesson topic with interactive questions: 3 min

- "What types of restaurants do you often visit and why?"

- "Can you tell us about a memorable dining experience?"

3. Engage students with a fun fact or statistic about dining out: 5 min

- "Did you know that the average person eats out between 4 to 5 times a week?"

II. MAIN PART – 30 min

- Vocabulary introduction: Discuss new food and restaurant terms.

- Grammar focus: Present perfect tense review and practice exercises.

- Listening activity: Audio about deciding where to eat.

- Reading and discussion: Restaurant review and descriptive adjectives.

- Speaking activity: Role-play ordering food at a restaurant.

1. Vocabulary Task:

- Students are given images of various foods and restaurant scenes along with a list of new vocabulary.
They match words to images and use them in sentences.

2. Grammar Task:

- Provide sentences describing dining experiences with missing verbs. Students fill in the blanks using the
correct form of the verbs in the present perfect tense.

3. Listening Task:

- Play an audio recording of a conversation about choosing a restaurant. Students note key points and
discuss the criteria for the decision.

4. Reading and Discussion Task:

- Students read a restaurant review and identify key descriptive adjectives. Discuss the importance of
these adjectives in conveying the dining experience.

5. Speaking Task:

- In pairs, students role-play a scenario where one is suggesting restaurants and the other is making
decisions based on preferences. They practice making polite requests and responses using the target
language structures and vocabulary.


1. Summarizing the lesson and assessing understanding: 3 min

- Quick review of the key vocabulary and grammar points.

- Ask for volunteers to use the present perfect to describe their last dining experience.

2. Giving home assignment: 2 min

- Write a short paragraph about a memorable restaurant experience using the present perfect tense and
newly learned vocabulary.

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