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Glasgow School for Business and Society

Department of Economics and Law

Postgraduate Research Methods Module

Assessment 1:
Quantitative Data Analysis Report

MODULE LEADER – Dr Thulani Moyo

Deputy Module Leader - Dr Margaret-Anne Houston

PG REM 2023-24 Tri C

Assessment 1: Quantitative Data Analysis Report Summative Assessment

Word length: 1,500 words excluding title page, tables, figures, references and appendices
(normal +/- 10% word count limits apply).
• Please note, that work which is substantially lower or higher than the stated word
count may fail as out with the remit of the assessment.
Worth 40% of total marks for this module.
Submission to Turnitin, on or before 2pm Thursday 12 August 2024
• Any work submitted after this date without a prior extension will not normally be
Quantitative Data relevant to this assessment will be distributed in weeks 5 & 6 lab-

Summative Assessment Method:

The PG Research Methods module initially discusses and critiques theoretical and practical
elements of undertaking research. Each week, you will have discussed and considered the
relevance of different approaches and methods of research to your own area of interest.
This first assessment invites you to evidence your understanding of the role of quantitative
data to your own research. Therefore, the final summative assessment allows you to
evidence your ability to reflect if and how quantitative data could be applied to your own
academic area.

Specifically, your final Assessment 1 should:

1. Evidence your understanding of the quantitative data and analysis techniques
distributed during the lab-tutorials. Relevant issues will be discussed during the labs
and seminars.
 This allows you to evidence your understanding of research design and
quantitative data.
2. Identify a research question/aim within your own area of interest. It is expected that this
will normally be the topic you intend to research within the Masters Research Project.
3. Evaluate and reflect how the distributed quantitative data and analysis techniques could
or could not apply to your own research question/aim.
 This includes a critique of why it would add depth to your work or, alternatively,
why the quantitative data would not be applicable.
4. Draw conclusions from your evaluation, critical discussion and reflection about your own
proposed research design, tool(s) and analysis technique(s).

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PG REM 2023-24 Tri C

Structure of the PG REM Written Assessment 1:

Quantitative Assessment Research Title (not included in word count).

 Please provide a title that summarises what your research is about, using relevant
research terms. Do not use the title “Report of a Quantitative Study” – use a specific title
for your work which would normally include the key research terms, academic area and
sample (where applicable).
 The Research Title does not count for the overall assessment word count.
Brief Rationale of your own Research Area (150 words worth 10% of marks).

 A short, concise account of the background to and rationale for your research
question/aim, drawing on relevant literature to show why your study is important and
how it relates to existing research in the field.
 This section should be referenced to previous studies in your chosen research area.
Statement of your Own Research Question/Aim (50 words).

 Your own intended research question(s) or research aim. This should be drawn from
your own area of interest.
Identification and critical discussion of the meaning of the quantitative data presented
(500 words worth 35% of marks).

 Identify, in your own words, what you understand the statistics to mean in research
 A critical discussion of the meaning of the quantitative data presented which evidences
your understanding of the meaning of the statistics, their common usage and their
 This section must have specific reference to the quantitative data-sets provided in
questions 1 & 2 below, (you may want to include some statistical output generated using
SPSS such as: Tables/Graphs/ Figures etc.) to ensure clarity of your discussion. It should
also be referenced to relevant readings (please see your indicative module reading list
on GCULearn).

1. Data Set: Homicide.sav. A group of forensic scientists wanted to see whether a link
existed between weather temperature and the number of recorded homicides.

i. Produce some relevant summary statistics (mean/mode/median & standard dev.),

and write a short paragraph on your findings.

The report of your findings should demonstrate evidence of analytical, discursive and
interpretational skills. Include any relevant figures or graphs in the Appendix section if
you wish and reference it within the document.
10% marks for the correct statistics generated and correct explanation of the output.
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PG REM 2023-24 Tri C

ii. Perform some initial analysis on these variables (Bar/Pie/Histogram), and write a few
short paragraphs on your findings, underneath each output.
Include any relevant figures or graphs in the Appendix section if you wish and reference it
within the document.

15% marks for the correct statistics generated and correct explanation of the output.

iii. Testing for relationships: A group of forensic scientists wanted to see whether a
relationship existed between:
a. Weather temperature; and
b. The number of recorded homicides.

HINT: 1) Describe a suitable research hypothesis and statistical hypothesis for this
question. 2) Analyse the potential relationship between these variables (scatter plot &
correlations statistics) and write a short report on your findings. Include any relevant
statistics. Your analysis should be conducted at the 5% level of significance.

10% marks for the correct statistics generated and correct explanation of the output.

Evaluation and reflection of the relevance of quantitative data and analysis and their
applicability to your own research topic (650 words worth 40% marks).

 An in-depth critique and evaluation of how quantitative data could, or alternatively why
it could not, be applied to your own research area. This must include a relevant and
evidenced discussion of both positive and negatives elements.
 Relevant literature must be referenced to justify points made throughout your work – so
reference throughout. Use the references offered by the relevant practitioner to guide
your further reading. It is also expected that you would draw on work from relevant
research methods journal articles.
Conclusion (150 words worth 10% marks)

 Given the critique and evaluation of both quantitative data and its application to your
own research area, this final section should draw out the implications of your findings
for future use of these methods and analysis.
Appendix (if applicable) - Not included in final word count

 Appendices may be used to offer further insight into work which is identified within the
body of the assessment.
 The appendix will not count towards the word limit.

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PG REM 2023-24 Tri C

References - Not included in final word count

 Must be in the GCU required style as identified on the relevant GCU webpages.
 References do not count towards the final word limit.
 More information about referencing and plagiarism can also be found at Cite Them
Presentation, referencing and grammar = 5% marks
Total marks = 100%

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