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Seeking a professionally challenging and rewarding carrier by keeping abreast with latest
developments and innovations in software technology to work from remote location. Specially
interested in R&D and Architecture.


 Full stack Java (JDK) developer having 11+ years of IT experience in the development of Web
 Having 3+ years of Team lead and 3+ years of mentor.
 Hands-on experience in coding Java 8/9/17, REST Integration, Vue 3/Angular.
 Hands-on experience in Spring, Spring Boot-3 (Microservices), Spring Cloud.
 Hands-on experience in monolith application segregation and application integration.
 Hands-on experience in Docker & Kafka and Kafka-Tool.
 Hands-on experience in Pivotal Cloud Foundry and POC’s done with OpenShift.
 Hands on experience in Azure (Cosmos / Mongo DB, AKS portal) and AWS (S3, EC2).
 Hands-on experience in mapping the relational model using Hibernate and JPA.
 Hands-on experience in developing Web Modules using MVC framework.
 Hands-on experience in Angular, VUE, NPM, NodeJS, TypeScript, JSF-Primefaces.
 Hands-on experience in Oracle SQL, MySQL, and NoSQL (Cosmos/CouchDB).
 Hands-on experience in using IDE Eclipse, VS Code, IntelliJ, Anaconda.
 Hands-on experience in Web Sphere (WAS & Liberty), Tomcat, JBoss, Payara, GIT, and SVN.
 Ability to work under pressure and deliver good quality products within a given timeline.
 Experience in the bug fixing and testing the application through the Unit test (Junit), Cucumber.
 Having knowledge of DevOps features as Jenkins build/deployment and Nexus.
 Having a good experience with build tools like Maven, Ant, and Gradle.
 Working on blogs implementation Master From Us, Java T Brains, PDF E Learning.
 Have Good knowledge of Data structure and algorithms.
 Have a look at my POC projects on various latest technologies in GitHub and LinkedIn profile.

 Monolith application segregation and application integration.
 Worked on Agile/SCRUM methodology and processes.
 Processes good analytical and programming skills.
 Having good experience in SDLC with an earned reputation for meeting deadlines and delivering
critical solutions.

 Worked as SSE (Freelance) in GrappleSoft from Sep 2023 to Feb 2024.
 Worked as SSE (Freelance) in Techouts from Jan 2023 to Sep 2023.
 Worked as Senior Software Engineer in NLite from Jun 2021 to Aug 2022.
 Worked as Software Engineer in EmaraTech in Dubai since May-2019 to Feb-2021.
 Worked as Project Lead in Wipro Digital in Bangalore from Oct-2018 to Apr-2019.
 Worked as Senior Software Engineer in Indecomm Global Services, Bangalore from Sep-2017
to Oct-2018.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


 Worked as Associate Software Engineer in Amber Road Software Pvt Ltd, Bangalore from Sep
2015 to Sep 2017.
 Worked as a Software Engineer in Torry Harris Business Solution, Bangalore from April 2014 to
Sep 2015.
 Worked as Associate Software Engineer in OraTalents Solutions and Services from Sep 2012 to
Apr 2014.

 Master of Computer Science (M.Sc) from S.V. University, Tirupathi.

Operating system Windows, Linux
Languages Java / JDK -17, XML, HTML, SQL
RDBMS Oracle, MySQL, Informix, NoSQL (Couch/Cosmos)
Web technologies NPM, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON,
Servlets, JSP, REST WS, jQuery
Web framework (MVC/MVP) JSF, GWT, Angular - 17, Vue 2/3
J2EE Frameworks Hibernate, Spring, Spring Boot-3, Microservices,
Servers WebSphere Liberty, JBoss, Tomcat, Payara GF
IDE IntelliJ, Eclipse, VS Code, STS
Integration/Messaging tools Kafka, Kafka-Tool, Elastic
Configuration Tools GIT, Subversion and CVS
DevOps Tools Docker, Jenkins, Nexus
Cloud Pivotal Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, Azure

Project Title : MayaMaya – Remote
Client : Catenate
Environment : Angular-17, Node JS, Rest API, Postgres
Duration : Sep 2023 to Feb 2024
Ide : Visual Studio Code
Web Technologies : JSON, REST WS, NoSQL
Tools :, Git, Azure Dev Tools

Project Title : Invoice App – Remote
Client : Croma
Environment : JDK-17, Spring Boot-3, Rest API, Mongo DB
Duration : Jan 2023 to Sep 2023
Ide : Intellij
Web Technologies : Core Java, JPA, JSON, REST WS, NoSQL
Tools : JIRA, Git, Azure Dev Tools

Project Title : Sonic Object – Remote
Client : Citi

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


Environment : Vue JS 2/3, Node JS, JDK-11, Microservices, Spring Boot-3, REST WS
Duration : Jun 2021 to Aug 2022
Ide : Visual Studio Code
Web Technologies : Core Java, JPA, JSON, REST WS, Vue JS
Tools : JIRA, Git, Bit Bucket

Project Title : Vision Establishment
Environment : Java 8, Microservices, Spring Boot, REST WS, Docker
Duration : May 2019 to Feb 2021
Ide : IntelliJ, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code
Web Technologies : Core Java, JPA, Kafka, JSON, REST WS, JSF, Angular
Tools : JIRA, Git, Maven, Gradle, Swagger, Junit,

Vision is the backbone project of GDRFA, which will handle all immigration-related work for
DUBAI. I am working as a software engineer in the Establishment module in the Vision project. Vision
also has another module like Core, FIS. The establishment is the module that will handle
Company/Organization registrations, licensing with the DUBAI government. The establishment is also
closely related to DED (Dubai Economic Department).

Roles / Responsibilities
 A major achievement which I have made is to segregate the Establishment module from
VISION monolith application without breaking any functionality.
 As a software engineer, I am responsible for design, development/Enhancement, automation
and delivery into production.
 Segregated Establishment application integrating with other module applications.
 DED-Establishment microservice end-to-end application development.
 Expertise in Agile sprint planning and releases.
 Involved in application-to-application integration through ESB broker and MQ teams.
 Enhancing and finding solutions to solve challenges.
 Implemented a few of the POC projects and provided demo to the team where we have
new challenges.
 Working on Automation with Microfocus Lean FT including UI, SOAP & REST.
 Helping the team if they have any challenges facing.
 Effectively participating scrum & sprint planning/release meetings.

Project Title : Digital Transform
Environment : Java 8, Spring Boot, REST WS
Duration : Oct-2018 to Apr-2019
Ide : Eclipse, IntelliJ
Web Technologies : Core Java, JPA, Spring Boot, JSON, REST WS, Camel
Tools : JIRA, Sonar, Git, Maven, Swagger, Junit, JMS


Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


As the name says, Digital Transform is the Digital project of client Transamerica. As part of this
project, we have a couple of other projects implementing and integrating with it. Those are like
insurance, annuities, mutual funds etc. We are working on Insurance domain. Again, insurance has
different parts in it like Life insurance and supplemental insurance. We are working on integrations of
this project.
Roles / Responsibilities
 I am working as an Architect with the designation of Senior Software Engineer.
 Enhancing and finding solutions to solve challenges.
 Implemented a few of the POC projects and provided demo to the team.
 Working on Micro services (Spring Boot) and its integrated technologies.
 Done few POC on Apache Camel and REST WS integration using SAGA patterns.
 Concentrated on team/application challenges to solve.
 Effectively participating scrum meetings and sprint release meetings.

Project Title : Jenzabar
Environment : Java/J2EE, GWT, Angular, Spring Boot
Duration : Sep-2017 to Oct-2018
Ide : Eclipse, VSC
Web Technologies : Core Java, Servlet, Hibernate, Spring, JSON, REST
Tools : JIRA, Sonar, SVN, Maven, UML

Jenzabar is the client who is dealing with the US higher education system with multiple
universities. We are dealing with multiple modules like Admissions, AR Management and
Advancement. I am working as a Developer and Architect mostly concentrated on platform level issues
and improvement. We are using the above-mentioned technologies for our application

Roles / Responsibilities
 I am working as an Architect with the designation of Senior Software Engineer.
 Enhancing the features and doing fixes in architecture.
 Analyzed and enhanced the source code and drastically improved performance of the specific
 Having knowledge on DevOps features like Docker and Jenkins.
 Introduced new features for security like SAML configuration.
 Concentrated on application performance improvement.
 Effectively participating scrum meetings and sprint release meetings.

Project Title : GTM
Environment : Java/J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, Oracle
Duration : Sep 2015 to Sep 2017
Ide : Eclipse
Web Technologies : Core Java, JDBC, Servlet, JSP, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON
Tools : JIRA, ARK, Sonar, SVN, Gradle


Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


GTM stands for Global Trade Master. GTM has various modules like Import, Export, FTA, FTG
and Logistics. GTM will help users to do transactions between the countries without facing Customs
issues. GTM also contains content across the world. I am working in Import module which will have sub
modules of PO, CI, Shipment, PCE, BP and CE. Specifically, I worked in PGA end to end implementation.
PGA stands for Partner Government Agencies. I have also experience in Product Support (L3 Support) to
analyze the issue and move to the required teams. We are using ETF framework to implement the
application and RDBMS is ORACLE.

Roles / Responsibilities
 Implemented PGA end to end and enhanced the FDA1.7 new requirements.
 Worked on Security Vulnerability issues which are generated by BURP tool.
 Quickly learns company specific framework called ETF.
 Worked on DGS module which is part of ETF framework to design and generate documents.
 Coordinating with PDM’s if need clarification on the requirement.
 Attending requirement estimation meetings.
 Working in Support to fine RCA of the issues.
 Effectively participating in the meetings with L1 Support and Clients through WebEx.
 Effectively attending everyday scrum meetings.
 Involved in End-to-End workflow.
 Writing Junit test cases to test the functionality.

Project Title : MIS
Client : THBS
Role : GWT Developer
Duration : Apr 2014 to Sep 2015
Environment : Java/J2EE, GWT, Hibernate, JBoss
Database : MySQL
IDE : Eclipse
Web Technologies : JSP, Servlets, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, XML, JQuery

MIS stands for Management Information System. MIS is the central system of THBS which is used by all
THBS employees. MIS maintains the complete organization information. It contains many modules like Timesheet,
LMS, Attendance, Library, Training, GSR etc. It also contains the separate modules for HR, Finance and Admin

Roles / Responsibilities
 A big achievement in the team is individually upgraded MIS project into the latest version
of technologies.
 All modules are converted into JNDI implementation and made easy of maintaining the project.
 Worked as Mentor in the team to guide juniors.
 Individually designed and implemented the Separation alerts on Homepage module.
 Worked on Enhancements and change request.
 Implemented inclusion and exclusion list of birthdays and anniversaries.
 Generated new XLS/PDF reports under various roles.
 Hands on Experience in developing Webpages using GWT, CSS, JSP.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


 Writing Junit test cases to test the functionality.

Project Title : MyCareWeb
Client : M Joshi, USA
Role : Java Developer
Duration : July 2013 to Apr 2014
Environment : Java, GWT, Spring, Hibernate
Database : MySQL
Ide : Eclipse
OS : Windows

MyCareWeb is a hospital management project for US. It is the central system of Hospital
management. We used to maintain, Patients, Physicians and Staff information. It is basically used to take
an appointment of a physician and to maintain e-prescriptions of the patient.

Roles / Responsibilities
 Worked in development and support for MyCareWeb application.
 Worked on Change Request to add/update functionality by using the GWT.
 Update QC comments every day for the defects.
 Involved in reports design by using Crystal Reports.
 PDFs are generated by using iText.
 Validations are provided by using JavaScript.

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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