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Trust is the easiest thing in the world to loose, and the hardest thing in the

world to get back." To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of
the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the
human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.

The glue that holds all relationships together - including the relationship
between the leader and the led is trust, and trust is based on integrity.

you are like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a
lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.

love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the
one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.

Love is a choice you make from moment to moment. I love thee, I love but thee With
a love that shall not die Till the sun grows cold, And the stars grow old... Three
passions have governed my life: The longings for love, the search for knowledge,
And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].

Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness. In the union of love I have seen In a
mystic miniature the prefiguring vision Of the heavens that saints and poets have
imagined. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand
the hearts of [people]. I have wished to know why the stars shine. Love and
knowledge led upwards to the heavens, But always pity brought me back to earth;
Cries of pain reverberated in my heart Of children in famine, of victims tortured
And of old people left helpless. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, And I
too suffer.

This has been my life; I found it worth living Love is patient, love is kind. It
does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-
seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

I Corinthians 13:4-8 It seems no matter where you are in a relationship it's

always lacking trust, and like a key opens a door, trust is what opens a heart.
Without trust you begin to worry day and night somehow gaining insecurities within
yourself that makes you question the love you two share. You start to feel
unworthy, you have so much to say, will there ever be trust or just that constant
pain, because of those feelings there's an emptiness in your heart. you feel it's
easiest to just move on, but you wonder if you'll ever find a love so strong, so
just take his hand, put your trust in him, because love without trust isn't love at

Love without trust is like a perfume without a scent, It's like buying a home
without a single cent... Trust is the foundation of love, it's the steel in every
building, It's the soul in every body, where life is living... Without trust things
can easily fall apart, Including breaking a loved one's heart.

Love without trust is like climbing the mountains on your own, It's like movie
in-the-making that will never ever be shown... Trust is the sweetest sound you will
ever hear, It could even take away a person's deepest fear... Without trust things
will never be the way they are, Love will never grow nor travel very far. Love
without trust is like winter without the cold, It's like a pirate's lost treasure
without the gold...
Trust is the greatest landscape your eyes can see, There's no doubt, even the
blind man can agree... Without trust things will not fall into place, Love will be
forever lost in a maze.

Love with trust in order to live each day well, Walk in a garden with pleasant
flowers to smell... Let your heart listen to the sweet sounds of trust, Let love
sorround it and make it the very crust...

Open up your eyes, witness the solemn peace,And how love with trust can put your
life at ease.

My definition of love... is different from the book my definition of love is more

than just a look love is more than a word more than a song, more than a note love
is more than a poem more than anything i've wrote love is reaching out to touch
someone to be sure that they're there love is leaning in to kiss someone to remind
them that you care love is looking her in the eyes and whispering in her ears love
is cuddling when she cries and catching all her tears love is the warmth shared
between hugs when everything else is cold love is knowing they'll still be there
when everything else is old love is hearts beating faster and faster while
everything else is slowed down love is singing sweet songs to her even if hundreds
are around love is driving through the rain to help someone through tough times
love is me wishing that you'll love me too wishing you'd be mine love isn't just
holding hands love is holding hearts love isn't where it ends.... love is where it

Have you ever just sat and cried all because the one you loved lied. Have you ever
wondered why should I try when all that boy does is make me cry. Have you ever just
played your part even though you knew he'd been cheating on you from the start.
Have you ever loved somebody in every way to the point you didn't know what to say.
Have you ever just came apart because the one you loved played with you heart. Have
you ever wished upon a star but that wish never went very far. Have you ever laid
down at night and thought why did I start that stupid fight. Have you ever felt
used and all this time been confused. Have you ever felt like giving up when you
had your girls beside you always cheering you up. Are you tired of writing you
first name with his last knowing it will never be. ME TOO!! Now the day is finally
here.. I look at myself in the mirror Tears no longer stream down my face.. I've
found someone new to take your place. So now I say my final goodbye. I won't miss
you or everything you've put me through.. Now it's my time to speak my mind, and
I'll be just fine.. So here and now I'll tell you the truth.. I say goodbye to
youll this day. We were married for 5years and have been divorced now for 3 years,
the most annoying part is he haven't been calling to check up on his own child.. I
don't see that happening ever.. I need that special someone in my life, I am tired
of being lonely, I need somone to love me for whom I am, I promise to make my man
happy forever...

I must confess to you that I have promised not to share my life background with
anyone because of what my ex-husband did to me, I thought maybe no man will fall in
love with me again due to what my ex-husband did to me. it makes me sad:( while
telling you all this. so I do not want you to turn your back at me after reading
all this. I need you to standby me and I promise to do anything to make happy as

Honestly I have vow not to get married again, but I realise these life is too short
for us to be alone, and I have Faith in God and I believe in the word that say's
look ahead of the past and don't let the past to influence your future.. Righ now
I'm completely unattahced and would be glad if I encounter a man of high calibar,
good attitude, self respect and ambition. A man who knows what he wants and know
how to get it. he has to be understanding and sincere that way a relationship would
be smoother..

I do want to go on with my life and I�ve asked God to bring someone into my life
who will want me for me and be good to me and my son because I know that there has
to be someone out there for me because He never does anything without a reason even
if we can�t figure it out. I know just because the lord has someone else in mind
for me to share the rest of my life with, because He doesn�t want us to be alone or

Tell me more about you and your family dear.. do you live alone? what about your
parents, do you live close to them? are you the only child, tell me more about you
and your background, ethincity

Well am the only child of my parents.. I was born and raised with a short stay in
Rome, Italy My Father's parents were from Italy[Naples and Genoa] and my mother's
dad was from Madrid, Spain.My father's mother was British..I lost my both parents
In an Auto Accident when I was a Teenager.. I feel so bad since they have been
gone, I feel part of my world is gone.. I miss them so much

Its a long story and I don't like talking about it because I get upset and feel
like crying, but I don't mind telling you because i'm really interested in knowing
all about you..
I am honest woman rolled into one, and seek someone who is not afraid to show their
many facets as well. Would love a great romance but believe starting with
relationship is the best way..


I don't like to argue, fight or confrontations. I believe that you should treat
others the way you want and deserve to be treated. I love being in love! That may
sound silly.
My dream man would sound like the following- someone who unexpectedly surprises me
at work for an unplanned lunch or walk. someone who listens to me, doesn't have to
agree with me but respects me enough to listen. Respect our differences. Someone
who doesn't try to push their belief's on me but is okay with being different on
the issues that don't really determine a relationship but morally in line with my
faith and has the core belief's in family...

I want someone who would give me my space, but love on me at the right moment.
Someone who walks in a room and all I can think about is taking them home! Someone
who is sexually, well who likes a lot of! morning, noon and night! Who
occasionally wants to meet at home on our lunch break for sex I just think sex is
important along with all the other stuff.....JUST BEING HONEST!

I want someone that I can take to a funtion and when I'm across the room I look up
and see her looking at me, with just this inner peace and happiness something you
can feel and see from across the room or across the country! When you know someone
fills you up inside and you finally found that something that makes your life come
to a full circle! Knowing that with just a look, or touch. When words aren't even
spoken but you can just see the love in someone's eyes and embrace. That is what
I'm looking for!

I would like someone that will love and respect me for who I am, that likes to hold
my hand and surprise me with a little kiss when I least expect it,or give me a wink
from across the room to let me know she's thinking about me or give me a call just
to let me know she's thinking about me... and I will be doing the same..

I would love someone who is fun to be around, likes to laugh, joke around, enjoy
being outdoors going for long romantic walks, enjoys looking at the stars at night,
and watching the sun set and rise over the ocean. I am looking for someone that
enjoys the simple things in life, just as I do. I would like to meet someone
special that I can grow old with, and that we can always look into each other's
eyes and know that the love between us is just as wonderful and exciting as the day
we met...

I want to love a woman for who she is, to spoil her, and love her, and let her know
just how much she means to me, by the little things I do or say to make her feel
special. While at the same time she treats me in the same way, with love and
respect I'm really looking for Someone Honest, Caring, Romantic, Kind, Posses Great
Sense of Humor, Understanding, Intelligent, Respectful and Trust Worthy...

I do believe that it is important to know when to laugh, cry and be serious. Life
is a gift, we should take stock in it and appreciate what we have and live life to
the fullest. Family, work, friends all of that is important but can only be
enjoyed if you feel joy yourself

I am a woman who looks beyond what may be the obvious. Character is worth more than
flashiness. I am a woman who appreciates honesty and a great sense of humor. I love
to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life. I would appreciate a person who
has a good sense of who he is and a sense of direction about where he wants to be.
I can appreciate a man who sees a woman as a friend and a partner...
I know that men and women all have an inner child within and that is why I would
appreciate days filled with fun and laughter. I respect and adhere to taking care
of business in life--family, work, community, etc Yet, I know life involves alance.
I look for the good in most situations and choose to look for the good in others. I
know that life involves give and take and that what you seek is that you must be
willing to give and demonstrate yourself. I am romantic at heart. I like to be
appreciated and complimented to which I would do the same for that special
I like discovering new things about the person you meet. I am a person who looks
for the possibilities versus what cannot be achieved. life is better going through
with a special one instead of just any one. I like poetry I like trying new things.
I respect the direct approach-that is saying what you mean and meaning what you
say. I believe in smiling-even when things are not going as perfect as you had
hoped. A smile can brighten someone's day-I liken smiling-it is one of my
I feel all is not fair in love and war. That is, I feel you should give someone
your best and that you should exercise respect and honesty. I appreciate genuine
companionship and soul inspired relationship. You the one in which you can feel the
earth move beneath your feet with just one kiss. Or, one in which you spend idle
moments just thinking about the other person.....
I like camping, fishing, cycling, biking, movies, golf, all kinds of sports. I like
the indoors too but i'm mostly an outdorsey, i also like the city life.I take a
walk out when the weather's mild, but go to the pool or mostly the beach when it's
sunny... I enjoy the outdoors, especially the beach. Walking on the beach at
night,waves crashing restlessly, a million stars in the sky, ahhh perfect for me. I
also like dining out, plays, movies, art.Im pretty flexible as far as activities..

I am honest, dependable, loving, gentle, affectionate and have good friendship. I

feel that a woman like you is GOD's undeserved gift to men and she is supposed to
be loved, reverenced, protected, respected, and cherished..

I'm a straight and easy going man with a kind and gentle heart full of love..I love
to travel and would love a partner to travel with me. I have been a workaholic in
that past but last year I had a change of attitude and decided to live life now. I
might live to be a 100 years old or my time could end tomorrow. Rather than wait
and miss life I want to take advantage while I have the opportunity in front of
Profiles help but lack personal interaction and feedback that can only come through
emails if people are honest and the the true test comes at eventual Trusting each
I�m an outgoing Business woman dedicated to enjoying family and good friends. I
think of me as responsible, intelligent, passionate, social and fun, not
necessarily in that order. Dinner with friends, movies, dancing, walking, cooking
out, listening to diverse music, reading, traveling and sailing are some activities
I really enjoy. My work at jisecureit is challenging and rewarding but seeing my
children having fun, accomplishing a goal or enjoying mom-time gives me ultimate

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind,and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going
and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry
person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your
life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your
shoulders is not the way I view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I
like to think it shows... I have a wonderful boy Nicky. I would do best with
someone that isn't extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to
let things go! I love to try new things, and can laugh at myself when I fail
miserably. I don't give up easily, and have so many things I've yet to try. Please
love to laugh and have fun, what is better than laughing so hard your stomach
hurts? I love traveling, going on unknown adventures, and trying something I
thought I never would. I'll try anything once, well, but fun none the less! I take
pride in my appearance, but am not high maintenance. I love a nice dinner out, but
staying home, having chines food after a day spent working together on a completely
dirty, yet fulfilling project, can be so much fun with the right person....
Being honest and open is very important to me and I expect my match to feel the
same way. I am not a game player, and I don't have any interest in dating one. I do
however, make exceptions for board game lovers.

I am very creative and artistic. I love working on my house and digging in my

gardens, I have no problem getting dirt under my nails. I believe in a best friend
to spend my life with, and if it takes awhile and I meet new friends along the way,
that's a good thing too. Please have an adventurous silly side, although I can be
very sophisticated when necessary, life isn't as much fun if you subdue your inner
child all the time.
Am very romantic woman, passionate and emotional, kind hearted and have the fear of
God in me as well, I give all I can do to make my man be happy for the rest of his
life. I will be 100% honest and sincere to him and I will like him to treat me in
the same way with love and respect ..I don't want to be single any more or allow
what have happened to me in the past should come my way again, because I will get
hurt more and more and that will make me not to trust any man again....But I know
one day I will find my sweetest love ever of which I believe understanding matters
alot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and
friendship..If you can give me your trust, I'm sure we can be friends and build a
beautiful Friendship/Relationship without hurting each other. Although relationship
is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you but too much of it
can turn you off...I want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry
me on, I can assure you that in return, you'II never regret having me in your life
and I will make sure you feel loved, chrised and will be the happiest man on

I guess the world is so open now that all the men aren't looking for True Love all
they needed is One Nite Stand and I am not into that kind of game. I am looking for
a Long Term Relationship,I'm looking for true love someone i will spend all the
rest of mylife with and you seem to be the one I believe time tell us right. I'm
very easy going person and easy to get along with. I am a very tender hearted woman
at all times and I respect the person I am with.I am looking for the elusive soul
mate that we are all looking for...One of my questions is can you handle kindness??
And Kindness comes from the heart and most people treat kindness as weakness.So if
you are looking for a kind person then you need not to look any further.I am
looking for a comittment.No head games please.So if my Angel is out there you can
come to me.and i also believe Nothing good comes easy except by hardwork..


I�m searching for my life long partner to share a Great Life of Love with, romance,
long slow kisses, feeling very special, intimacy, spirituality, pleasurable
communication, dancing, meeting of the minds, opening a door for you, flowers,
traveling and other exciting interests and adventures, A GREAT LIFE of LOVE!! I am
one who strongly believes in respect and that without respect, you can�t experience
true love and generate a healthy relationship... I believe in a smaller "wow" when
it is first a friendship and then a larger "Wow" later as it evolves into a
Beautiful Loving committed relationship... I believe it�s not just what you are
like on the outside, but more about what you are like on the inside. I�m seeking
friendship first, (no game playing please) with someone who appreciates some of the
same temperaments and interests I enjoy..

That special someone is a man with integrity, he's compatible with me, responsible,
intelligent, has a sense of humour, positive, is clean and neat in habit and
appearance, romantic, passionate about living and loving. I would prefer that
someone to show interest and be supportive of my work. I like an adventurous person
who likes travel, nature and enjoys being home.he is a man who is at peace with
himself. I am hoping to connect with people of like minds to form friendship first
and then leave the rest to the Universe...

I'm a gentle soul, quiet and certainly not what most people would assume - a social
butterfly. Instead I'm the quiet watchful, listener who will provide u with a
listening ear after a tough day, and not judge, or assume or tell u what to do.I
love nature, and water and feel an especial kinship to just being near water and
having water right near my home. I feel the peace of the world in the breeze across
the water, the lapping of the waves on the shore, the unassuming nature of water
and nature. I am one with nature, and could spend hours just sitting by the beach,
river, lake, ocean and stitch, read, listen to music and feel at the end of a day
that I've had an incredible day...
I dont ask too much of a person, I like somebody who is honest, reliable, tender,
likes to show his emotions, likes to comunicate in the good or bad times, funny and
romantic. I like to have a relation based on love, comunication, care for each
other and respect each other space, likes, dislikes... I want someone close to
me....I dont like lies, no matter if the situacion is bad I prefer to know the
truth, I think that when people comunicates in a mature way things can be solved...

I feel that a relationship should always be based upon honesty and acceptance. When
you can fully accept yourself, honesty will come naturally. This in return will
leave your partner feeling comfortable with you, knowing there is nothing to hide.
If two people can see each other in full view with complete acceptance, they can
build a successful relationship from this.I do want you to know that am not here
for game..I do want to be with you and show you how I do care for you, spend
forever with you.
One key secret to a successful relationship is compromise. Meeting halfway on
things shows your partner that you really do care about their viewpoint and you are
willing to work on making each other happy. Every so often make it a point to do
something that you normally would not agree to or feel like doing. When you keep
your partner constantly surprised by your actions, you regenerate that "new love"
feeling time and time again. So, when your partner asks if you want to try that new
Love is obviously a crucial element in a successful long-term relationship. But
having love isn't enough. You need to be in love.give that deep kiss, sit next to
each other at a restaurant or hold hands in public. The little things go a long way
towards establishing a deep, intimate connection with your partner. As simple as it
sounds, this action is probably the most commonly overlooked and ignored..
To always communicate with each other. Be honest and never doubt each other. Trust
in one another. Love one another and be as one...Communication is important to
me,because i believe if something is bothering you about the other person, talk to
them about it. Don't let it eat at you and hope that they are going to change. How
will they change if you don't tell them..
To be open and honest with the person you're with. Lying about things only means
you have something to hide, and it only makes things worse for everyone,without
honesty in your relationship it will not work. Lies have a tendency of catching up
with you..
I think the most important key to a successful relationship is when you truly enjoy
each other's company...Commitment is the greatest key to a successful relationship.
If you are committed you will always find a way to work things out.

Love is the most beautiful song, with its sweet melody coming from the bottom of
the heart..Friendship is a pilgrimage of love from one heart to another..Do you
know what love feels like? That feeling that makes your heart so warm you would
never need the summer to come again
I wan a man who will accept me like his wife. We help each other financially and we
support each other very much...
I want a man who will look into my eyes and says the most incredible things to me
while lovemaking. It's like he can get into my mind and bring me to new heights
using only his words and his eyes
I want a man,who will be touching me, hugging me, kissing me, making love to me he
is totally into it. he's not doing it JUST to make me happy, he's doing it because
he really enjoys my body and being with me. What a turn-on!!!
From the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew that you would be someone that would
make me smile again. You had such a warm, soft look on your face that I knew there
was comfort and friendship in your heart. We started out as friends and you were
the rock I needed in my life. I soon began to realize that what I was feeling for
you was more than a friendship... something so overwhelming and wonderful that I
couldn't even believe it myself. You opened my heart to new and wonderful things!
You showed me what love really is and showed me that I was worth loving...........


Hello Micheal,

Thanks for the heart warming reply, I am so glad to read from you....

I am interested in getting to know you so much better, I'll tell you all you need
to know about me because you sounds so wonderful and someone that is ready for a
serious commitment.

Here goes my story:

My full name is Antonia Diaz, I am 35 years old, I stand 5"5... Blonde hair and
Blue eyes. I live in Berywn, IL....I am Originally from Rome, Italy.... But was
raised in the United Kingdom, I Attended a College and University both in United
Kingdom where I Obtained Bachelor Degrees in Business Administration/ Technology
Information Management Systems... I happen to be the only Daughter of my late
Parents, I have no brother or sister... My late mother was from the United Kingdom
and my father was from Rome, Italy..
My parents are both deceased. Dad died of cancer when I was 6years old, My Mom was
from the U,K.. so she took me there, I grew up in the UK spent almost all my life
there, and I came back to the state after I lost my Mom accidentally in an auto car
accident,...I feel so bad since they have been gone, I feel part of my world is
gone.. I miss them so much I'm the only child of my parents..

I am Self Employed. I work as a leading retailer of Computers, Notebooks, Upgrades,
Games, Electronics . and right now I'm at present in West Africa to supply
computers to a new Establishment company, I'd be back to the states in a couple of
weeks time, I believe the time I will be spending down here will help the both of
us to know more about each other before heading back to the states and I'm willing
to relocate for the right man that comes my way..I came with my daughter. Her name
is Alice and she goes by Ali, shes 10 years old. I only have positive things to say
about her..Alice is a very kindhearted person with a witty sense of humor, We had a
healthy relationship and I admire her character. God truly blessed me with an
amazing daughter. I employed a talented TUTOR here that will home school my
daughter while I'm busy working, I want the best for my daughter. I love her so
much and she means the world to me..

I'll would show up at your door with a small bouquet of flowers. We would go to a
dimly lit restaurant and find a table in the corner where we would not be
disturbed. We could then walk hand in hand through the mall enjoying each others
company. We could then rent a movie and go home (whoever is closer) and cuddle on
the couch while watching the movie. We would still gentle kisses periodically
throughout the movie.. We might even have a glass of non acoholic wine. Just one
glass. (I don't drink too much).

Here is a Question for you- Are you over your feeling for your ex and are you ready
to go on with life?

I was married for 8 years and I've been divorced for about 3 years .. my ex-husband
cheated on me with a very good friend of mine!! That made me not to keep friends
alot, My Daughter Alice is my best friend, and since I got divorced my ex- haven't
come visiting his daughter, It been a very long time now and I don't even know
where he is at the moment....

I do want to go on with my life and I�ve asked God to bring someone into my life
who will want me for me and be good to me and my Angle Alice because I know that
there has to be someone out there for me because he never does anything without a
reason even if we can�t figure it out. I know just because the lord has someone
else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because he doesn�t want us to
be alone or lonely....... I'll take my profile off the site for you because you
seemed very unique from other men and I thought it would be nice to see where this
could possible lead us.


I am an adventurous, risk-taker that's chosen to live an uncommon life. I love
great food, friends, conversation. I believe I have another lifetime in front of me
and I would like to meet someone with whom I connect physically, intellectually,
emotionally and spiritually to share it with. Someone I can get very very close to.
Someone to share a bond and trust with. Someone I can be silly with. Someone I can
play with....I bring out the little boy in you and you the little girl in me... I'd
love to let you know that I am easygoing and optimistic woman who fly's solo, I am
content to most of what life brings and always want to explore and aspire great
possibilities. you know the saying, When life gives you lemon, you should make
lemonades out of it..I am also a pretty upbeat person and with a decent and healthy
outlook of passion, humor, honesty, spirituality, sensuality, intelligence,
kindhearted and I am also a person with a great sense of humor..


I'd love someone that is serious, confident, responsible, honest, kind, sociable,
communicative, gentle, cheerful, romantic,....someone that still believes in true
love, soul mates, love notes, walks, holding hands, and talking to each other, That
special someone would be handsome, intelligent, affectionate, caring, funny and
family oriented, Accept my Daughter because she's an important part of my life, and
expect the person I'm with to accept that. Someone who will work at keeping the
relationship alive. Want that feeling of looking forward to seeing each other after
work, and when were away from each other, we cant wait to go home!

I enjoy chick flicks but I also like those movies you have to watch every little
thing so you understand the plot and the ending, movies that make you think. Horror
movies usually scare me pretty good, so I don't watch them every often. Action
movies about blowing everything up are okay, comedy movies to make you laugh until
you can hardly breath are wonderful too, It makes you look forward to every day...

I am a Christian/Catholic and I do go to church every Sunday, learning about the
lord. I know that if the lord wasn�t in my life..there are days I would just give
up but because he is, he keeps me going...

Do you like sports or outdoor activities? As For my hobbies...I like fishing,

camping, reading, going to the movies, hanging around with friends, cracking jokes,
listening to music, dancing, and also spending time with someone interesting like
the indoors too but i'm mostly an outdorsey..i also like the city life. I take a
walk out when the weather's mild, but go to the pool or mostly the beach when it's

What do you like to do with that special someone when it is raining? I like
snuggling on the couch or holding hands watching the rain or when it is just
raining a little sitting on the porch in the swing watching and talking. we can
also be playing kissing sharing jokes and telling stories....

I'd like to use this opportunity and tell you all about me and my daughter. My
daughter Alice is the joy of my life.. I love her so much. I really want a man whom
will love and also take care of her like his own Daughter. Because I will be doing
the samething for that special someone. ...I LOVE football!!! On Sundays, you
usually can't get me out from in front of the TV, at least not until the game is
over.. I love cuddling, kissing, I miss just having someone to share things with..
I miss so many, many things... I dream of sharing my life with the man who was
meant to be my soul-mate. I dream of having that special connection with someone
where it doesn't matter what you say, or even IF you say anything.. you always
understand each other and respect what the other has to say or feel. I miss laying
in a man's arms at nite and knowing that he will protect me from whatever life
brings at me.... I hope this is kind of what you were wanting from me. I hope I
didn't bore you or scare you off. I think this could just be the start of
something. I look forward to chatting with you and getting to know you better.
Until then Baby. You will be in my thought. Hug's and have a pleasant day.


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