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14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz


Rapid Fire Lesson 1

24 Questions


Rapid Fire Lesson 1

Exlusive Game

2. Which of the following is not remembered by the

narrator as a quality of the Knight?
a) truth b) freedom

c) courtesy d) manly

3. The first of the ecclesiastes to be described in the

General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales is ___________.

a) Monk b) Prioress
c) Friar d) Clerk of Oxford

4. Among the Canterbury pilgrims, who is a carpenter? 1/8
14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz

5. Who is not a character in Bard Burning?

a) Colonel Sartoris b) Abner

c) Lennie Snopes. d) Summer

6. Mark check the characters in A Bend in the River.

a) Salim b) Raymond.
c) Indar d) Bhanu


The world is what it is; men who are

nothing, who allow themselves to
become nothing, have no place in it.
A Bend in the River, Opening line

8. Another popular style of theatre during Jacobean times

was the revenge play, which was popularized in the
Elizabethan era by______, and then further developed
later by John Webster. 2/8
14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz


The revenge tragedy, or revenge play, is

a dramatic genre in which the
protagonist seeks revenge for an
imagined or actual injury.
The term, revenge tragedy, was first introduced in 1900 by A. H.
Thorndike to label a class of plays written in the late Elizabethan and
early Jacobean eras

10. Write a short summary on Victorian Period.

11. In the tavern scene in Piers the Plowman, who is enticed

into a drinking party, while on the way to Confession?
a) Glutton b) Sloth

c) Narrator d) Sloth

12. _______ identified Chaucer as the father of the English

literary canon. 3/8
14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz

George Puttenham (1529–1590) was an
English writer and literary critic. He is
generally considered to be the author of
the influential handbook on poetry and
rhetoric, The Arte of English
Puttenham's book covers a general(1589).
history of the art of poetry, and a
discussion of the various forms of poetry; the second treats
of prosody, dealing in turn with the measures in use in English verse,
the caesura, punctuation, rhyme, accent, cadence, proportion in figure,
which the author illustrates by geometrical diagrams, and the
proposed innovations of English quantitative verse; the section on
ornament deals with style, the distinctions between written and spoken

14. Who wrote Black Boy?

a) Richard Wright b) Irish Murdoch

15. Who wrote The Black Prince

a) Richard Wright b) Irish Murdoch 4/8
14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz


The Black Prince is Iris Murdoch's

15th novel, first published in 1973. The
name of the novel alludes mainly
to Hamlet.

Black Boy (1945) is a memoir by American author Richard Wright,

detailing his upbringing. Wright describes his youth in the
South: Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, and his eventual move
to Chicago, where he establishes his writing career and becomes
involved with the Communist Party.

17. Which of the following best describes the doctrine of


a) All knowledge is derived from experience. b) Human perceptions are constructed and
reflect structures of political power.
c) The search for essential or ultimate d) The sensory world is an illusion.
principles of reality.

18. Who was deposed from the English throne in the

Glorious, or Bloodless, Revolution in 1688?

19. The Prisoners, Claricilla, The Princess, or Love at First

Sight and The Parson's Wedding are the plays by

a) Thomas Killigrew b) Samuel Butler 5/8
14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz

20. Check Mark E-books by Margaret Eleanor Atwood. If

all then mark all the options

a) I'm Starved For You: Positron, Episode b) Choke Collar: Positron, Episode Two
One (2012) (2012)

c) Erase Me: Positron, Episode Three (2013) d) The Heart Goes Last: Positron, Episode
Four (2013)

21. A cyborg is a being with both organic and

biomechatronic body parts. The term was coined in
1960 by Manfred Clynes and


Cultural Studies Terms: Cyborg

23. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with this


a) Very satisfied b) Somewhat satisfied

c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Somewhat dissatisfied

e) Very dissatisfied 6/8
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"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." -- Henry David Thoreau 7/8
14/09/2021, 21:06 Rapid Fire Lesson 1 | Print - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. 7. 13. 19. n/a
2. d 8. Thomas Kyd 14. n/a 20. a,b,c,d
3. b 9. 15. n/a 21. Nathan S. Kline
4. Reeve 10. n/a 16. 22.
5. n/a 11. c 17. a 23. n/a
6. a,b,c 12. Puttenham 18. James II 24. 8/8

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