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Grade 8 Final Term - Sample Questions



You must answer on the question paper.

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• Answer all questions.
• Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
• Write your name and GRID number in the boxes at the top of the page.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
• Do not write on any bar codes.
• You should show all your working in the booklet.
• You may not use a calculator.
1 Many scientists believe that a large asteroid collided with the Earth over 65 million years ago.

(a) Two effects of this collision were the formation of a crater and climate change.

Write down one other possible effect of this collision.


(b) Carlos models an asteroid colliding with the Earth.

He drops a steel ball into a box containing sand.

steel ball


before after

(i) Describe what the steel ball and the sand represent in his model.

steel ball


(ii) Suggest two ways Carlos increases the width and depth of the crater.

2 Waveforms show how sound waves interact.

Look at the different waveforms.



(a) Waveform B is the result of the interaction between two waveforms.

Which word describes this interaction?


(b) Look at this diagram showing two waveforms.

Which waveform A, B, C or D is the result of the interaction between these two waveforms?


(c) Look at this diagram showing two waveforms.

Which waveform A, B, C or D is the result of the interaction between these two waveforms?

3 Blessy investigates floating and sinking.

She puts a whole lemon in a beaker of water.



The whole lemon floats.

Water has a density of 997 kg / m3.

Whole lemon has a density of 984 kg / m3.

Look at the table showing the density of different parts of a lemon.

part of lemon
in kg / m3
peel 956

segment 998

seed 925

(a) Predict which parts of the lemon float when in water.

Explain your answer.

(b) Blessy wants to find out if the different parts of a lemon will float or sink in salt solution.

She predicts that as the concentration of salt solution increases eventually all three parts of
the lemon will float.

Write a plan for her investigation.


4 Ahmed describes an electrical circuit.

My circuit is a complete series circuit with:
• one battery of cells
• two lamps
• one open switch
• one variable resistor
• one meter to measure the current in the whole circuit
• one meter to measure the voltage across the variable resistor.

Draw his circuit using conventional symbols.

The battery of cells has been drawn for you.
5 Oliver connects a resistor in an electrical circuit.

He measures the current as he increases the voltage across the resistor.

Oliver draws a graph.

current in A

0 1 2 3 4 5
voltage in V

(a) Current is measured in A (amps) and voltage is measured in V (volts).

Write down the unit of resistance.


(b) Calculate the resistance of the resistor.

Include the equation used to calculate resistance in your answer.

resistance = [2]
6 Scientists believe that the Moon was formed after a collision between the Earth and another
small planet.

This is called the collision theory for the formation of the Moon.

The debris from the collision collected to form the Moon.

(a) Chen collects information about the elements found on the Earth and on the Moon.

percentage of element found on the

Earth Moon
oxygen 45.3 44.7
silicon 22.0 22.5
magnesium 2.6 2.3
iron 6.0 8.3
calcium 3.6 3.1

(i) Most of the information supports the collision theory.

Explain how most of this information supports the collision theory.


(ii) There is a comparison of one element that does not support the collision theory.

Write down the name of this element.


(b) Suggest two other pieces of evidence Chen collects to support the collision theory.

7 Aiko calculates the density of some objects.

(a) A block of iron has a mass of 19.68 g.

The volume of the block is 2.50 cm3.

(i) Write down the equation Aiko uses to calculate density.

density = [1]

(ii) Calculate the density of Aiko's block of iron.

density = g / cm3 [1]

(b) Aiko calculates the density of four objects.

Look at her results.

in g / cm 3

A 2.7

B 8.4

C 0.002

D 13.6

Which object is a gas?

Circle the correct answer.


Explain your answer.

8 The Earth's crust is made of a number of large pieces.

(a) What is the name given to these pieces of the Earth’s crust?

Circle the correct answer.

earthquake inner core mantle tectonic plates


(b) Look at the map showing the positions of earthquakes around the world in 2021.

Suggest how the position of earthquakes provides evidence for the large pieces of the crust.

(c) Look at the two maps showing the jigsaw appearance of the continental coasts.

equator equator

3000 million years ago today

(i) What is meant by the jigsaw appearance of the continental coasts?


(ii) The continents have moved since 3000 million years ago.

Explain how the continents move.

9 When asteroids collide with the Earth, they make craters.

Chen uses a model to investigate the effect of asteroid collisions with the Earth.

In his investigation Chen:

• drops a rock into a container of soil

• measures the size of the hole in the soil made by the rock.

(a) Complete the sentences about Chen’s model.

In the model the rock represents .

In the model the soil represents .

In the model the hole represents .


(b) Write down one strength and one limitation of his model of asteroid collisions with the Earth.



10 The circuit diagram shows the circuit Priya makes using switches and identical lamps.



(a) Priya connects a meter to measure the current at position M in the circuit.

Draw the correct symbol for the meter she uses to measure the current.


(b) Priya opens and closes different switches.

Complete the table by writing if the:

• switches are open or closed

• lamps are on or off.

switch R switch S switch T lamp J lamp K lamp L

closed open open off


open closed closed off

........................ ........................

on off on


(c) Describe how Priya connects a voltmeter to measure the voltage across lamp J.

11 Here are some sentences about the collision theory for the formation of the Moon.

A The less dense rocks eventually merged together to form the Moon.

B This caused very high temperatures and the Earth’s outer layer melted.

C A collision occurred between the Earth and a small planet.

D The less dense rocks were ejected and cooled.

E The dense iron from the cores of both planets merged to create the Earth.

F The less dense rocks were captured by the Earth’s gravitational field.

(a) Put these sentences in the correct order to describe the collision theory.

Two have been done for you.



(b) In 1969, astronauts went to the Moon and collected rock samples.

Describe how these Moon rock samples provide evidence to support the collision theory.


(c) Suggest why the density of the Earth is greater than the density of the Moon.

Use ideas from the collision theory in your answer.

12 Yuri investigates current in a parallel electrical circuit.

(a) Draw his circuit with:

• a battery of cells
• a closed switch
• two lamps in parallel with each other
• a meter to measure the current through one of the lamps.

Use standard electrical symbols.


(b) Yuri uses the same components to make a series electrical circuit with two lamps.

Write a sentence to compare the brightness of the two lamps in the two circuits.

13 Look at the diagram of two waveforms.

Tick () the box which shows what happens when these two waveforms interact.

14 This question is about floating and sinking.

(a) Look at the table of densities for different materials.

in kg / m3

concrete 2400

iron 7000

plastic 920

water 1000

wood 600

Which materials from the table float in water?

Explain your answer.




(b) An object sinks in water but floats in sea water.

Predict a value for the density of sea water.

Circle the correct answer.

100 kg / m3 900 kg / m3 1000 kg / m3 1030 kg / m3 [1]

(c) An object is put into a container full of water.

The object floats and a volume of water comes out of the container.

The water is collected in a 100 cm3 measuring cylinder.

Look at the diagram of part of the measuring cylinder.





What volume of water is collected?

cm3 [1]
15 The map shows the Earth’s continents.

North Europe Asia




Fossils of a plant species that grew 200 million years ago have been found in South America,
Africa, Antarctica and Australasia.

Explain why fossils of this plant species are found on these four continents.

16 Look at the diagram of a model of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle.


(a) Name one event that happens at X.


(b) What do the arrows on the diagram represent?


17 Mia investigates an electrical circuit.

(a) She makes this prediction,

‘Adding more lamps into a series circuit

does not change the current in the circuit.’

Tick () to show if Mia's prediction is correct.

yes no

Give a reason for your answer.


(b) The current flowing through a lamp is 4.5 A.

The voltage across the lamp is 1.5 V.

Calculate the resistance of the lamp.

resistance = Ω [2]
18 The diagram shows a circuit with two lamps.

Complete the circuit diagram to show how to measure the voltage across one of the lamps. [2]
19 Scientists think the Moon was formed during a collision between the Earth and another small

This is called the collision theory for the formation of the Moon.

Describe three reasons why rocks collected from the Moon support this collision theory.


10 Ahmed wants to find the density of dry sand.

The dry sand has a mass of 150 g and a volume of 100 cm3.

Calculate the density of the dry sand.

Include the unit of density in your answer.

density = unit

20 Angelique makes an electrical circuit with a buzzer and a lamp.

(a) Draw the standard electrical symbol for a buzzer.


(b) She uses an electrical component to control the brightness of the lamp.

Draw the standard electrical symbol for this component.


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