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1. Point M is the mid-point of arc AC of a circle; point B is on minor arc AM; and F is the point
on CB such that MF is perpendicular to CB. Prove that FC = BF + AB.

Sol. Solution Check From: 10:42

2. In a circle w centred at O, AA’ and BB’ diameters perpendicular to each other such that the
points A, B, A’, B’ are arranged in an anticlockwise sense in this order. Let P be a point on the
minor arc A’B’ such that AP intersects BB’ at D & BP intersects AA’ at C. Suppose area of
the quadrilateral ABCD is 100. Find the radius of w.

Sol. Solution Check From: 25:17

3. In the triangle ABC, AB > AC, the extension of the altitude AD with D lying inside BC intersects
the circumcircle w of the triangle ABC at P. The circle through P and tangent to BC at D
intersect w at Q distinct from P with PQ = DQ. Prove that AD = BD – DC.

Sol. Solution Check From: 41:16

Page # 3
4. In the figure below, the point D lies inside the triangle ABC such that ∠BAD = ∠BCD and
∠BDC = 90°. Given that AB = 5 and BC = 6, and the point M is the mid-point of AC, find the
value of 8DM2.

Sol. Solution Check From: 56:00

5. How many triples (x, y, z) of real number are there such that

2x y − 1 + 2y z − 1 + 2z x − 1  xy + xz + yz

Sol. Solution Check From 47:01

Page # 4
6. Find all numbers x, y  N for which the relation x + 2y + 3x/y = 2012 holds.

Sol. Solution Check From 53:47

7. Let ABC be a right-angled triangle with ∠B = 90◦. Let I be the incentre of ABC. Let AI extended
intersect BC in F. Draw a line perpendicular to AI at I. Let it intersect AC in E. If IE = k(IF) then
find k.

Sol. Solution Check From 1:03:35

Page # 5
8. If (x - y)f(x + y) - (x + y)f(x - y) = 4xy(x2 – y2) ∀ x, y ∈ R, find f(4) , if f(1) = 1

Sol. Solution Check From 1:15:40

9. The sequence a0, a1, a2, …., is defined as a0 = 0, a1 = 1 and, for m ≥ n ≥ 0,

a2m + a2n
am+n + am−n = . Find the sum of digits of a1000.

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:20:49

10. Find 73rd digit from the end of the number 111............12
2012 digits

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:22:15

Page # 6
11. Let f(x) be a polynomial with integer coefficients. If a, b, c are distinct integers such that f(a) =
f(b) = f(c) = -1, find the maximum number of integral roots of f(x) = 0.

Sol. Solution Check From: 5:37

12. Let ABC be a triangle, AD an altitude and AE a median. Assume B; D; E; C lie in that order
on the line BC. Suppose the incentre of triangle ABE lies on AD and the incentre of ADC lies
on AE. Find ∠BAC in degrees.

Sol. Solution Check From: 13:25

Page # 7
13. Let f(x) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c and g(x) = x3 + bx2 + cx + a, where a; b; c are integers with c ≠ 0.
Suppose that the following conditions hold:

(a) f(1) = 0;

(b) the roots of g(x) are squares of the roots of f(x).

Find the value of a2014 + b2014 + c2014.

Sol. Solution Check From: 21:55

14. Determine the smallest prime that does not divide any five digit number whose digits are in a strictly
increasing order.

Sol. Solution Check From: 31:46

15. In triangle ABC, let D be the midpoint of BC. If ∠ADB = 45o and ∠ACD = 30o, determine ∠BAD
in degrees.

Sol. Solution Check From: 39:41

Page # 8

16. Let P be the product of the non real roots of x4 - 4x3 + 6x2 - 4x = 2005. Find [P].

Sol. Solution Check From: 57:48

17. Let ABC be a triangle with ∠A = 90 and AB = AC. Let D and E be points on the segment BC
such that BD:DE:EC = 3 : 5 : 4. Find ∠DAE.

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:08

Page # 9
18. In the figure below, BAD, BCE, ACE and DEF are straight lines. It is given that BA = BC, AD
= AF, EB = ED. If ∠BED = x°, find the value of (x-10).

Sol. Solution Check From: 14:57

19. Find the sum of the digits of the number of 4-digit numbers (in base 10) having non-zero digits
and which are divisible by 4 but not by 8.

Sol. Solution Check From: 21:30

Page # 10
20. If the minimal area of a right angled triangle whose inradius is 1 unit is of the form k + 2√2,
then find value of k.

Sol. Solution Check From: 30:32

21. What is the smallest positive integer n, where n ≠ 11, such that the highest common factor of
n - 11 and 3n + 20 is greater than 1?

Sol. Solution Check From: 51:39

22. Let ABCD be a rectangle and let E and F be points on CD and BC respectively such that area
(ADE) = 16, area (CEF) = 9 and area (ABF) = 25. What is the area of triangle AEF?

Sol. Solution Check From: 56:29

Page # 11
23. Let 1 be a circle with centre O and let AB be a diameter of 1. Let P be a point on the
segment OB different from O. Suppose another circle 2 with centre P lies in the interior of
1. Tangents are drawn from A and B to the circle 2 intersecting 1 again at A1 and B1
respectively such that A1 and B1 are on the opposite sides of AB. Given that A1B = 5, AB1 =
15 and OP = 10, find the radius of 1.

Sol. Solution Check From (Video Unavailable)

24. Let p, q be the prime numbers such that n3pq – n is a multiple of 3pq for all positive integers n.
Find the least possible value of p + q.

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:09

Page # 12
25. For each positive integer n, consider highest common factor hn of the two numbers n! + 1 and
(n + 1)!. For n < 100, find the largest value of hn.

Sol. Solution Check From: 10:03

26. Consider the areas of the four triangles obtained by drawing the diagonals AC and BD of a
trapezium ABCD. The product of these areas, taken two at time, are computed. If among the
six products so obtained, two products are 1296 and 576, determine the square root of the
maximum possible area of the trapezium to the nearest integer.

Sol. Solution Check From: 15:44

Page # 13
27. Determine the sum of all possible positive integers n, the product of whose digits equal n 2 –
15n – 27.

Sol. Solution Check From: 9:33

28. Let T be the smallest positive integer which, when divided by 11, 13, 15 leaves remainders in
the sets {7, 8, 9}, {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} respectively. What is the sum of the squares of the digits
of T?

Sol. Solution Check From: 9:33

Page # 14
29. What is the number of ways in which one can colour the square of a 4  4 chessboard with
colours red and blue such that each row as well as each column has exactly two red squares
and two blue squares?

Sol. Solution Check From: 24:19

30. Let N be the number of ways of distributing 8 chocolates of different brands among 3 children
such that each child gets at least one chocolate, and no two children get the same number of
chocolates. Find the sum of the digits of N.

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:38

31. Let D be an interior point of the side BC of a triangle ABC. Let I 1 and I2 be the incentres of
triangle ABD and ACD respectively. Let AI1 and AI2 meet BC in E and F respectively. If BI1E
= 60o. What is the measure of Cl2F in degrees?

Sol. Solution Check From: 5:49

Page # 15
32. Let P(x) = ao + a1x + a2x2 + … + anxn be a polynomial in which ai is a non-negative integer for
i  {0, 1, 2, …., n}. If P(1) = 4 and P(5) = 136. What is the value of P(3)?

Sol. Solution Check From: 11:49

33. Consider the set E = {5, 6, 7, 8 9}. For any partition {A, B} of E, with both A and B non – empty.
Consider the number obtained by adding the product of elements of A to the product of
elements of B. Let N be the largest prime number among these numbers. Find the sum of the
digits of N.

Sol. Solution Check From: 7:33

Page # 16

34. What is the greatest integer not exceeding the sum n =1

Sol. Solution Check From: 0.50

35. A 1  n rectangle (n  1) is divided into n unit (1  1) squares. Each square of this rectangle
is coloured red, blue or green. Let f(n) be the number of colourings of the rectangle in which
there are an even number of red squares. What is the largest prime factor of f(9)/f(3)? (The
number of red squares can be zero).

Sol. Solution Check From: 14:16

36. A village has a circular wall around it, and the wall has four gates pointing north, south, east
and west. A tree stands outside the village, 16 m north of the north gate, and it can be just
seen appearing on the horizon from a point 48 m east of the south gate. What is the diameter,
in meter of the wall that surrounds the village?

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:02

Page # 17
37. Positive integers x, y, z satisfy xy + z = 160. Compute the smallest possible value of x + yz.

Sol. Solution Check From: 7:58

38. We will say that a rearrangement of the letters of a word has no fixed letters if, when the
rearrangement is placed directly below the word, no column has the sane letter repeated. For
instance, H B R A T A is a rearrangement with no fixed letters of B H A R A T. How many
distinguishable rearrangements with no fixed letters does B H A R A T have? (The two A’s
are considered identical.)

Sol. Solution Check From: 14:11

Page # 18
39. Let ABC be a triangle with sides 51, 52, 53. Let  denote the incircle of ABC. Draw tangents
of  which are parallel to the sides of ABC. Let r1, r2, r3 be the inradii of the three corner
triangle so formed. Find the largest integer that does not exceed r 1 + r2 + r3.

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:03

40. In a triangle ABC, the median AD (with D on BC) and the angle bisector BE (with E on AC)
are perpendicular to each other. If AD = 7 and BE = 9, find the integer nearest to the area of
triangle ABC.

Sol. Solution Check From: 8:21

Page # 19
41. Let E denote the set of all natural numbers n such that 3 < n < 100 and the set {1, 2, 3, …, n}
can be partitioned into 3 subsets with equal sums. Find the number of elements of E.

Sol. Solution Check From: 13:52

42. For all positive real numbers a, b, c prove that

a b c 3
+ +  .
b+c c +a a+b 2

Sol. Solution Check From: 6:02

Page # 20
43. In an acute triangle ABC, points D, E, F are located on the sides BC, CA, AB respectively
such that = , = , = .Prove that AD, BE, CF are the altitudes of

Sol. Solution Check From: 2:08

44. Let ABCD be a square and M, N points on sides AB, BC, respectively, such that MDN = 45o.
If R is the midpoint of MN show that RP = RQ where P, Q are the points of intersection of AC
with the lines MD, ND.

Sol. Solution Check From: 7:52

45. Let x, y and z be three distinct real positive numbers. Determine with proof whether or not the
three real numbers

x y y z z x
| − |,| − |,| − | can be the lengths of the sides of a triangle.
y x z y x z

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Sol. Solution Check From: 1:38

46. Find the number of unordered pairs {A, B} (i.e., the pairs {A, B} and {B, A} are considered to
be the same) of subsets of an n – element set X which satisfy the conditions:

(a) A  B; (b) A  B = X

[e.g., if X = {a, b, c, d}, then {{a, b}, {b, c, d}}, {{a}, {b, c, d}}, {, {a, b, c, d}} are some of the
admissible pairs.

Sol. Solution Check From: 7:52

47. Suppose N is an n – digit positive integer such that

(a) all the n – digits are distinct; and

(b) the sum of any three consecutive digits is divisible by 5.

Prove that n is at most 6. Further, show that starting with any digit one can find a six – digit
number with these properties.

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Sol. Solution Check From: 1:40

48. Let A1A2A3 ….A21 be a 21 – sided regular polygon inscribed in a circle with centre O. How
many triangles Ai Aj Ak, 1  i < j < k  21, contains the points O in their interior.

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:51

49. Find the number of real of all rational numbers m/n such that

(a) 0 < m/ n < 1

(b) m and n are relatively prime

(c) mn = 25!

Sol. Solution Check From: 1:28

Page # 23
50. I have 6 friends and during a vacation I met them during several dinners. I found that I dined
with all the 6 exactly on 1 day; with every 5 of them on 2 days; with every 4 of them on 3 days;
with every 3 of them on 3 days; with every 2 of them on 5 days. Further every friend was
present at 7 dinners and every friend was absent at 7 dinners. How many dinners did I have

Sol. Solution Check From: 8:28

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