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--- ~~w,r, (f<rT'•R) m l'l!lTfT ~N;)· ',ltf"..

f I Dlroctor (Mnrkotlng) Rajbhasha Trophy Format

~ ~ lfiYmqr,; Rlfif2s
(f.?r'.fTlrrr 1J'1M ) / (MARKETING DIVISION)

dlj~Ucfi I Annexure-1

cf'l 2022-2023 if ®ft cfil~fRllM ~ ~ ffl ffl ~

"f¾°~ (~) (IGl'+lltill W ' ~ fyrq tj"mfmr'Sf"Cf'?r
Revised Proforma for "Director (Mktg.) Rajbhasha Trophy"

I 1 . '111 i,1-;:i 'li"T ;:n,:r / Nan,e of Location ~~

~ "T'' "73" . "Tf '' ITT/ ''A", "B" , "C'' Region "©'" /8
cf'. /A

"@ /8

I Tf / C

3_ ,...1<11•1 -:i ;.:rufr I Office Category

I. TfY-c!" q=,1,--1 1+':i I State office ~ ~ cfi l 1:11~1:I

II. ~ if,11:ll•n / I~ m
cfill:11•1'--I { ~ I cfi l<lT~Fl) / Divisional
Office/ lndane Divisiona l Office (Area Office)/
Ill. ~/::.rrnTT ,f,I -~ \ ,-11:1 / Terminal/RC Office ~

IV. :Av11 9V-/~ 9TZ/ 0f<e! •l l slM / LPG Plant/Lube Plant Lube

Godow n
V. R 1i I/~'TlsF,,~ ./ ~!lf"RT (~) / Depot/AFS/ Laboratory (Lab )

4 ~-p,;f r,:r ,f.1-11,1,~ 'f.T ;rrr.r /Name of Reg ional Office ::3"m ITT cfil'~l~'--1
5 .~ '1,1,, 1,111 TI";rri:f / Name of State Offi ce ~~cfill:11°11:I

6.·f, l•i1 +1 ~ 'T-T ;:rri:r sf qz.,p:r / Name and designation of Office Head. !/ITTrffl 3TT<r
7 .·.J ,1-~1·1·1 T. fi.:fr ,;rm-fr/ ff,;fr tP-l~"1 1N 'i.fiT ;:rri:r cf 'Tc;r!Tlf/ Name & ~
/ c.Jes1 gnation of Hindi in-charqe of the office/Hindi coordinator. ~~ITTi

I I· . ':,1,.., ;·T •j:, 1 ·\i1; : 1 01 .i 11 Parks i o r th is section -0 5

ITTt ~ it 'f.i!efit / Status of Hindi knowledge

' •,rr,;nfnif 'f.T f-.r..f7'TT/D ctal/:i of Ernp loyoos (f f l ~ afr:~ ~"fel'li) / (Officers and White Collar Staff only)
e.·f f'rn-r i-r v-r ~f,JTTf-rif / •.,,tj '1 1fP{i ;-f.r "tj,§".[fT / Total officers/Staff in the 15 + 7
o ff 1r;co.
I~ j-\J fl I rrfr + T,IR rf-'nii f r
,j v-r
7-~ 1TT "3-lT,s cp- ~ / Write by adding
the 22
lot;-Ji number of ci ff1c0rs + Staff.
l1?' 1
; ~17IT·1 ~ Cf, Jt 1'1f 7
( cf.P.P:rnr:r. $1" i;m:r 'JWFl7ffhrr/ r.f,J:T ·cf I~ 1.(1 <Rt ¥1" ~ I ~-10
. ha Trophy t-ormat
(Marketing) RaJbhas
~ ~ 1 Director
~~Tili (~ ) ~ Trim~rr.-12
Staff of tl1e
. led e Officers and
Total No. of Pravin and working know g --
.' ~
.. f.'t , -iTT "f.T
office .
. + -=i; Jf '1 1f) 'lT • ,, -tj;?TT
11 . ~ ~ ~..r=r. m;; n,r ~ p n and working
fi',-i[1I Write by adding the total num ber of ravI
knowledqe Officers + Staff. ~
1 If) it ·{.i 'J"rfj'lj 1 i-45%
12. :f>141~111 if Sl4101a1 rrm ~ F f . m-;r m-H · ~ · -:;r,rimaT--55 %
and working
Percentage of Officers and Staff with proficiency
knowledge in the office. ~ ~
' '?i/Yes
13. ~ i f,, ~Wfi ,--r,r~
::iiruTT TTT ~ .' "hll1 I,,,M
•9,, -;,U
·f,J:1-tj1fh1'i ~ ~ ~ ~~ 80 % 1fT ,ml' 3ITTl"'li ~? /On the above
basis. Wheth;r the total number of work ing 1<nowled9e and proficient
officers and Staff in the office is 80% or more? I· I',,. I -
14. ~ 3ffilTT 'T't ~ 1i ll~ ti1 4
if wfmp.r, ~ ffi1lT ~J ·l, If) 'j I -;,,;rr
-+ 4-11fhf'f # tti<1 ~ ~ 60-79% i t ~ ~? /On th e above basis,

Whether the total number of worl<ing knowledge and pro ficient officers
dnd staff in the office is more than 60-79%? \ 3 : '. ' II, I I -
1s . ~ 3ij-m 'T't '-f4'T ,w1h111 if fflIDUcf) n:cr wur ~ crm
t4,,u fb:i1· # ~ m-r n-1"1lcfi< 40-60 % it 3ffucF *?/On the above basis,
Whether the total number of working knowled ge and profi cie nt officers
and staff in the office is more than 40-60%? (2 Points /
16. ~ ~ ~ fk'-11Rla ~ ~ crl.! Enclosed copy of on ly ~ -1
signed and verified rosters required to answe r. (I

I wm~R~ if-'· lTTot;-imar.,: :to -..::.:- c ·.,,

~-::.1 ~ # ~ / P u rchase of Hind i books
17.'FTT R<f1 ~ cFl' '©iR W cll-.f cFl' Tft? / Whe the r Hindi books Kt / Yes
purchased this year? \ I

18.'f'TT ~~ <fT ~ nft)- if 50 m~@~ 'Zfffi 3ffiff, TIM f.r ~ ~ I Yes

j...., t: •ii ,1.f1 'l'ft? / Whether Hindi books worth 50 per cen t or more of the
total book purchase amount? ( ·1 ~)0111:)
19.~ mfu i "IT<1 ~ i ~ rict'cft ~ ~ %? Is the bill of tf I Yes
pu rchase of books enclosed with the entry? (1

20.<f"l ir. ef,,-r;; ~ 'lli ~ i ~ ~ <TT I Enclosed copy of bills for C1'}<-TTTT, -2
books nurchased durinq th e vear.

_________ _____ ___ __

, __,_ I,·! • /I • _;._:__..:.;_
Ii II II ___
11 06

'.iR,!cftlfi, 01 / Pre se ntation

I • 4,-!.f,1 &f:' tf f;rmi-rf -ipr,.ifmr ft,ft ~ 1J~ft4,< 11riHtndl Prosontatlon rolotod to only oth ar dop-;rt,-;,('nts - -

? 1.~tr f,fTfT7. f ·f.T 'A"T•1,fr ·r, 111r 1i•rn· ,1,'i I Enclose copy of r lr::;~1~1,11~t-'1 - I• I iil I,
presen tation.
i~l· L
'l n / Page 2 of 11
~~~ (fifttvR) ~ ~ ~ / Director (Marketing) Rajbhash
a Trophy Format

1-1 tt1;-;r-nn:r,:mv - 1Enc lose copy of Sec ond qua
.'.' .. 1: 1 t 1 '1L 1 r:i
! ·, s, · 1Liln 1 t. (i '

.'J 11 •1-'1 I ' rin) r 11 ~ ..,,,n1,f\JT -.:j-;;p;r P I Enc lose copy of third quar ter ~-5

111c' Sl, n t,1t tlll1 .

copy of four th quar ter ~-6

:'-~ i'· fr f .rr,1 11 'P i,l'n;ni ~ r "liT / Enc lose
' - - - - - -- - - - - - - --3f<'fl"T - - 1 - - - - - - - -1
__pres ent(1 t1on . ' 1. ~TIPrri:Ri ~ cf.T
,?E- -·,n' F1 ,ri -~11 fr rr.;- 1r.ft rfttfr;!r ~ 3fi'11T ~ q, rrm ~
i~r/ T i1 fri ~ m.-ur ;:\" / All
the PPT s uplo aded abov e are on
. Give their details. 2.3fnt <F l"~
ci1ff0rC'nt topic s ,,nd in different qua rters 3. 3fTTt !/rri::r<F ,:p,r T,
4.3fTTt ir ~ *6

I .- , • , 'l 1;·,\s t :, ti s ~..-,ction

~20 22- 2023 #-~ ~ ~t f"{ ~ ~ ~ m r t ~ ~ c r r w

i Report of 2022-2023 on Hindi MIS
Date of submission of Quarterl y Hind 611,<1~9"> - 7
copies of all four Q PR)
· (~.f f.hmfr wil i cj;'t- srTTPTT "ffiW cfit / Enclose the
~ <l'F '+ifr rrf? / Whe ther the first ~
I Yes
26.T ii q,e-;'"'1 Rl1'Tf.r <fi- ftin i f.ruffu:r
dule d date ? (2.5
quar ter repo rt filed befo re the sche

/ Date of filinq of first quar ter re oort . 05.0 7.20 22

1 , re 11 i1 1-l I i1 r: q'1~ "ITT '-'ITT' ~
f-n:rm ,I;,- ftm f.ruffur c'ITDl9 <l'F ·,rrr 'lff? Whe
ther the ~ / Yes
28 -;::r ~
d date ? (2.5
,e ... l'nci quar ter report filed by the sche dule
report. 04.1 0.20 22
::_9 ~ 1- -1 1,fi f, •11~ ~ '1-1 ~ /Date of filinq of Second quar ter
/ Whether the ~ / Yes
3C n-: -i"1-1 -~1 f;'r-:rrf.r it fhn t fu, rnfro- <l'F 'llfr 'lff?
dule d date ? (2.5 Poin ts)
.r rd 1uarter repo rt filed bv the sche
of filing of third quar ter 05.0 1.20 23
l •
i--;:r ..,- fmr fr P-W- '.p-;f it rfTTr&' / Date
r~ :J l
'+ifr 'l'li? / Whe ther the ~ / Yes
~ 2. -=..r =r ITTrf.r f.T frci'ri fu, c'ITDl9 <l'F

dule d date ? \2. 5

'our t'l q 1c1rle r repo rt filed by the sche

of filing of four th quar ter 05.0 4.20 23

31 .,,..- tr r-nnfr f, 'll ~ ·,:r,-;r it rrrfrn- / Date
r,::po rt
-- ~
i--l .;, • - : r .fT fl Irri P- ;r,.rr W. 'ifT "ifR f.t 'fTTTT1g f.'r t_rfu' ~ 3TTcf!P:fcF
all quar terly
copy of the requ ired file to conf irm
r nclu ,o
,.. 11 [?,';fr l~J:J ;fl-:IT'.7r rf1'i;:r it •~r 1Tt
., ,,, ., l/1 1r UillC: of fillin g /rr! u I f-1
. ,, I J ;-!• 11: rfJ.f 'Jf°i f[7•f!f .,:r f:;i,:i 117· i:p .f j
ed copy of
RrT-ir {r it '1-ffi .r,:;- ftiA f
;r 11 ~t/F or conf lnm 111on , attac h the sign
"1,: I11 · ''1 ' I :i:i-,
'1 ·1 rr ~1.19t' '>CnI from H1nd1 MI
S port al show ing de tails of the repo
rt I
:, · , • 1

- ~ I Pag e 3 of 11
~~ ( ~ ) u;;i-mm ~ ~ / Directo r (M arketing) Rajbhasha Trophy
\ filled in all quarters.
I • 'I 1·•1•1 \,' {
· -r c t1011 L I , I I " II t.,I I 1 11 I
I '
~ 2022-2023 it~ u-;rrwrr "ifinfR<R° ufqftt cfit ~ f.roefi ~ -a-~/D ates
of Quarterly OLIC Meetinq held In Year 2022 -2023.
·(r-i·.ft 171'1'-FT 1-,..r;r V_j_ Enclose all M inu tes of Meelinq~
----- --- --
35 . ~ ~ cfiT <fill.1¥ "tj..],;r ;,p- / Enclosed copy of fir st qua rter ·;r,-r-nn: - 8 I
minutes. (I
•Ill \
36."if'.TT 'TTl" ~~ ?Tsif'lTTTTT ;.fiTifP-PR 1'.ffi:r~r :€fill ~I ~ t, 90 ~-;fr ir, ~i / Yes I
·ifr;,.- ~ f.'1- Tft? I Whether this m ee ting held w ithin 90 days of the
la st m eeting of th e Official Languag e Implemen tation Committe e?
i ).) I II ,
37 .~ fuintr cfiT ~ ~ cp" / Enclose copy of the seco nd quarter
~- 9
minutes. ("I
r> oint)
38.<PTT 'TI; ?Tsif"ATQT ilw~\rcPH i:rfi:rfct cf,j- m ~ m 'f. 90 ft-;:fi" t. ·,:fr;n- ?":T I Yes I
~ :€r ~? /Whether this meeting held within 90 days of th e
la st I
meeting of the Official Language Implemen tation Committe e?
( l' l'o 11:,
39 .rfu:rfr fuintr cfiT ~ ~ <liT / Enclosed copy of th e th ird -
2,i r! <1 w+. - 10
qua rter minutes . (1 Point)
40.'.f'TT <ff. 7Tsir"'1fl'.TI •.fil'~lrclq.-t 1'ffitfit f.'1- m
A-w-fr ~ t. 90 t. ·,:ft-,,T ~.-n if I Yes
-~ 'if1" lli? I Whether this meeting held w ithin 90 days of th e last
meeting of the Official Language Implem entati on Committee?
t 1 r> l'o 1 ·
41 .~'TT ~ <fiT ~ ~ ~ / Enclosed copy of the fourth ~-1 1
q uarter minutes . ( 1 Point)
42 .'.f'TT ~ 7J-;;i"''1Tl'fl ifi l'~\r-:M.-t "lfi:rfi't f.'1- m ~ -m
"ifi 90 -~ "ifi <,:fun: ~ I Yes
-~ 'if1" lli? / Wheth er this meeting held within 90 days of th e la st
m eeting of the Official Language Implemen tation Committe e?
l 1 1. I\ ) ii 1
·- - -
· se ction 7 I 'If,, •,,I, I l• I ~I II r! ,Ill 08 - - - - _
mrr 3(3) it, mer -;,rrtt ~<F l°~ /No. of documents issued und e r Cl aus e 30_:
•1T''TT -~ f--rintr frrfr~ TT ·f1:r,,f.r ~ /All rl gures sl1 ould be rn ;:itchHd~tl_1___l_~.1 rt t-~y r,,p,,n::: _
4 ~~.-PTT ri ~;-i'r f,:ri;ir?. t ij ,JI •.-r 3(3) ·t 1 1
.1·,f1 ;:i-c1 1~,.~1 R-11 1 11 ~11 i l ,•1r'> I V\/lwtlw .r [ 1 ' yl, -;
all section 3(3) c!2_cumen ~s~ued bil lt~c1 I in th e fir sl~ 1.1rtt-i r'? _
, _ ______ _
44 ,'lj'F TT ";"fl r,1 T, ;-fl-r rr, 'l :~ifr ~rq-ri l ,r: ·1;0: :}ll~:~n1•rP"T>;ll
JI\ \~ f:I 1' i clll; \f; I ·l•H11 l ,-I .~
,;rf;;,rt ~ -;f.f / l<lndly encloso slg11ed co plu s ol l<:iw ord ors/clrcul nrs, etc.
as sample for f_!_rs t_g uaf:!or..:. _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ I I '11l111t __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
'TTI I Page 4 of 11
~lff<li (fiMui.;) ~ ~ ™ I Director (Marketing) Raj bhash a Trophy Form at
45.cfm ~ ~ i t mn 3(3) t. rr.:ft ~ fu:'.TTlfr ffl g"Q:? / Whether it I Yes
all se ction 3(3) docurnents issued bi lingually in th e se cond quarter?
(1 Point )
4 6. ~ ;:i.f,, i ;:r~T '17 1+Vl" frnntt ,r. ~<;); 3ITT!/TT/ Wffi ~ ~ ~ illafmf ~ -13
·ifui -r,.:p,r #; Kindly encl o se signed copi es of few ord ers/ci rcul ars etc.
as sam p le for second q uarter. (1 Point)
47 .'TTT ~ ~ i f t.1m 3(3) ti T.f4T ~ fu:mm -;;nft "gQ;? I Wh ether it I Yes
\ all section 3(3) documen ts issued bilingu ally in the third qu arter? (1
\ 48.ct;:·_ , '4_1 ~ ~ W ,rz <fMft ~ ti ~ ~~TT/~~~~ df,:-'fftcr ~ -14
~ ~ V I Kind ly e nclose signed copies of few ord ers/circulars , etc.
1 as samp le for Third quarter. ( 1 Point )
\ 49 .<FTT :::fr?.fr fimrtr if mn 3(3) ti um~ fu:'mm ~ ~ ? I Whether ef_f /Yes
al l section 3(3 ) documents issued bilingua l in the fourth quarter? (1
50.-=-fPTT ~ ij:; w <TT '9t?-n ~ t, ~ 3ITT"~TT/~ ~ ~ ~ ill~ ~-15
m<n ~ µ / f<.indly enclose signed copies of few orders/circulars ,
elc . as sample for Fourth quarter. (1
I ' ~ 1, ,;iq; ti otal marks fo · this snction -1 0
~~ ~I Original Hindi Correspondence
~--=i -1 G i:t 1{ 1 f- 1-11~ <t. ~ ~ "ifTT t, ~ TTRn: ~ ~ I Only related to the origi nal
corres pon dence of item number four of the quarterly report.
~ "'f, ~ '1'-TT 1T ITT t. ~ ~ ~ "lR I ~ t
cf"ff.lT t, ~ ~ ~ cfiT ffi1T "iti/ It
contain s consolidated data for A , Band C ReQion . Please use the encl osed fo rmat for wo rkin q .
1 51 .·-l r:,-11. ~li•"i. cfri:rCT rfm '9tft ~ if "!TTT~ ~ w~ ~ /Total 1623
number of origi nal letters issu ed in the first , second, thi rd and fourth
52.T"'Zr, ~ - ~ "'741 :;,fr~ fui:rrtr if ~ ~ 1r1 ~ W ~ 1481
: ,_;_~ T0tal number of original Hindi letter issued in the first , second ,
thi rd ancJ fourth q ua rter.
53 .rr,----iT. ~ , ~ ;:i-'QT :;{)-,fr fui:rrtr if ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi # 142
; ~ 'Total number of Original English letter issued in the first , second,
third and fourth quarter.
54 'T,rir. ~ . ~rrrfr 'FTT 'qT>fr frfi:rTtr if J'!Tfr ~ ~ ~ cfiT m !?Rr 91 %
/ Pe rcentage of total Hind i lette rs issued in 1"' , 2"d, 3"', and 4 11' quarter.
55.'9T1:I f.:nnf.r T. 1rf 'l ~ RP" if. ~Wfi'f ';,Ji , '½I" rP;IT Tf c:'r,r ~·; ~TT , tgvf Weft
\ •1·..i -1-n -i,1 ·~t i.nh 'l ~ i 7l1Tr -ri,,r~,fr f;:r,.rr,rr ;:fl· f.f-rf"H,rfl-ff i;i-R)· TTT.1"11" 'ifT 1 /
UncJPr tl1r:: origina l corres poncl ence of th e four quarters, a signed
\ r O\JYof t1 1c tot ;:i l letlc:r:; or/\ , B and C Region , to tal Hi ndi le tt ers and
•, u 11 1 uf t0t;1 I Lr19 lisl1 let ter:; sl1 ou ld b e co 111 pilecl . Enclo se signed
~ I Page 5 of 11
. I
Rojblrn SIHl r,op 1y fo n11nl
..-'hfr~ / olroctor (Mork otlng)
f.r~r,t; (fiNuR) ~ x'""

co .
~ ~ : ,. .
.. ;,. .
rr,:;r ~I Tj0' rf • , 1•1
TT2r 0- r~rr~, ri .', IT rr,r ii ,,, :,
~ ~ft?: if ~ H ?.wi).5 1 ' I• i:;rf< ;i, ~ ,
thi c sl1 oo l (l omi nl)
s-icfi ~ data avail able
i::..... ,• ;:) ' ti 111
1-:. 11 ;jfl"TTTTI In case
c .c c . be qlv on in th is ito 111 . 10
match with the above items, no rnrn l< s WI 11 ~
' *Section 9 t' i I I 11 II

~ cfi l'l~ll~i / Hindi Wo rk shop • . . , , r Fill I rl ,il n j)f 11;,,cl

9T. ~ ffl 9TT•TI if 1Tf.r1TTrnTT ~~ J[ YIT' 1f r

',Tr I,.' i i I ll
On Partlc1r)ation in e::icl1 nuarter
1 worl<sl, op _ · ; rJ
- t q ~ ~1:n r\7 i( fy,'-.fl 7Wf !>1H I Jll ' il\ ,1,1 r,) i1 ,~ / Wli ol11 01 ll 11 1rli · 1 , r,
· 1

workshop 0 1~ nized in lhe first lLUt1 rle1·, _

57.ffl.9ITTTT :ft- crr.frr lr,:T 1"1111'~1frr 1t 11 rr,.r;r r / l.: 11cl o:,od copy ' ii ll 71;
1,, workshop pl,olograph and attendance li st.

-111 1ts -------:-

58.¢ ~ ti" if ~ c!T cfiPtll!T<TI ,r !I / t- io
:,~ rf.t ·r r.r / Wheth er Hlncll worl<shop
organized in the second quarter. I

59. ffl9fRT ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~1f ~ / Enclosed copy or ti H·)

2,, workshop photograph and attendance list. ,,
•in ts l

/ Wh ether H111 cli •I ,\ I / Ne,

workshop organized in the third quarter. I I 11 1 ,
61 .m9fRT ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 91{ /Enclosed copy of th e 3"'
workshop photograph and attendance list.
- J 'tS

62."?-TT =n-41 ~ it ~ cwf~w-rr ~~ cfr lfi· / Whether Hin di .-, h I Nu

worksho or anized in the fourth uarter. 1 I'<, , 1

63.ffl9JTr1T cRr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <R' / Enclosed copy of the 4 11 '

workshop photograph and attendance list.

64.~ / ~~R if ~ ~ I Office/ Total personnel in loca tion . _ 22

65.':fQ •q,- if ~ -=!"'ITT ffl~ITTfHTT T-f ~'i'.fffA· 3rfw.r,rfhfr/ cf.J.J"9Tfh:ii •fit !.I [ r ' [
~ I Number of offi cers/staffs participati ng in all the worl<shop s lleld
throughout the year.
66. ~ rf.;,r,, :,m~/~fh:rr -;;rn- ~Frt!ffff/P ercentage of Traii~eci · 1, , 1
Officers/ Em ployee s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
67.~ -~ PW 'TT ;;pn 50 .:rf.t!JPf' if ·:irfi.),r, j,1fi?rr.rfi·;,r,rj'-7rrfl· -r;p\ •,n, I \ l l
•I 11 I N~,
'.TT'.Jffif1 l.7 I On th e above basis, wh olh 0r more li mn 50 por cc11t ol tlw
officers/employe es aro tral nod In
l 1 , ii 11•, I
l110 worl< ~hop?

*Section 10 J r, , , 11, ' "·""' 10

68.; p n ~ / •flT~R 11 fi4 r

1111 i 17 1
t/TJ7.1 1 : 1 r.1 i11 ,11 ,,., 11.,
[ ~beth er_ljindi fortnight orunnit:o d In !I tr i Offi co/ ll on'?

'1ft / Pn~w 6 or 11
~ ~fifi ( ~ ) ~ ~ 'l'P-f / Director (Marketing) Rajbhasha Trophy Format
I 69.V,-:f 1TTFITT"
. T, ~ it - w~r,1i.l ~ ~ Q ni ~1 fr! rl I
1 cf,f ~ Ri<lT if I Yes
wrT? / Wl1e ther Hind i compe tition organi zed in the office during Hindi

/ fortnig ht? (1
?o.'Tf-Tilmr # ~Pr ~ - "Afrh1frli-l1 rrm m Fctw TJRmITTi :f.r tJ:IT ~ -16

I· J
I/ Compt?.lit 1on details - Enclos e th e list of compe tition and

- -
/1 .1-ll f}.fT r~-1 r.d P-T ~ fhrti ;~
'XIJ,13° WT ;ff-rTT!:IT"r q W J g
' \,'\'h(' thcr Hindi Dav progra m re port signed by the Head
of the Office
dlld t'nrlos ed.

- - ----
-::... ~-.1 'lilcll~l f;iil~ -=il'!TI ~ / Enclos e Hindi fortn ight report. (2 Poi nts)
;" 3.--;. {t 'T-TI"Ti fl ¥m -tj,:;rJ ef.T/E nclose Hindi fortnight Photos.
(2Poin ts )

R"~iil 'T~I / Maxim um of 20

~R' 11 t OOR21 cfi3~ ~ ~ i f ~ 203l<J i~'SIT
n 21.
marks can be obtained in all heads under Section 11 to Sectio

cri ~ ~ ~ ~ R ' it~ ifil4R4<i m-

~ ~ I Other activities related to
im plemen tation of Hindi in office/location during the year
7-t ~ ·-f.i '~J<1 '~,~-M ,!Jlrf ~ fM1 J..jl-jrq 'Hi filU ffl ~ c/ili.lfw~
filU ~/ Yes
·, ,_-1; =- .. 'TTm 7""G;f"TTL/T ~ it ~~ # 11{ I Wheth er Participation
" trie A'1 nua l Offici al Language Conference organ ized by its
reporting I
(2 Po ints )
c/11ce b '} th e Hindi Coordinator of the Office/Location .
7: . ~- ,.. ;+ ~I ·1-i·+.!Jf-;, i ft-ft Al-Jr,:ji.Jcf, 0TT ffl fhl f2,,,Qf,11.J filU ~ ~ / Yes I
~ ,;-~ 71:f'iTTTTT ;:_f;t 11'{ I Wheth er Participation in
i:n:frm ~ 6i', ii ~mPhrT
tr,e Ann ual Official Language Review Meeting organized
by its
-~r:,or11n9 office by the Hindi Coordinator of the Office / Locatio
n . (2 I

,1{~ : ·,-., ~·,nr:r r -r-ci:r,;r,, -r:,n J..J1TTe-rr m it Nff~ fhstefr

, ~, , :-- -.ur_r:rt1f1r:a tr-: of attenda nce at Annu al Official Language
' ✓ r,r 1_{ (-;f :,; 1:: i::lJl (j ReV l()W Mee tin g,
' • ~ -'lTf' .rrrir,,r.f 'l ":rf ·r.p:fTm ;:r,w. "FT ~ rPTT ~~-lTTr ~ ~ <fit I
~· ·' r 1
.J :, 7 T ',i •ff'1 1 ;;; 'TT P.Tr •rrr ~ F rfil' ~ sJTTTT'r I / Enclosed copy of J

f~11r 1Jf<· . ,mrf at!(, 11d;inc;o list of officiu

l language con ference and
,. ,

r, ·,,, :1 tf ,, c•t111 11 l11 tlir1 iil1:irmcu of 1110 alJovo proo f. til e above
marks I
.':di f tll /11 ~l '✓ f fl I

I /7 ;•If ,, i•l I ·~1,11 I 1i ,1,l 11/1 1,1 ,.~-!r


~11 :111: 111 1 i:,r

f ,\, \t) \ I

l _.:Jm
:--11 h1- ~ ft.JT TJ<IT-? ..,. -/N- --- --J;
' WI ,.. ti i': f 11u11 -H1nd1 Amp loy110:; 11 0 111111 a to d fur Hindi training th is year?

I -- -- - --
., f ' >11 1l:• ). . ~ - - - - - - - - - '
_ _ i.__~
- ------

'TH I Page 7 of 11
l~ ojb ll oa hn Trop hy Form a t
~~ ( ~ ) ~ ~ ~ / D i r ecto r (M ork otlno)

78 .'il"fut,ur .-t I1-1 i-t,.-t tj-;; 'IJT.lT1JT ~ ;:p' I Enclosed cory of en rolli non l
for traini ng . (2 !:J oints )
*~ ~~ WiTTcr if 30f1' ~ ~ k,r, ;rt)' f,rTT ~ I / In l11 O 8 1) 5 8 11 CO

of the abov e roof, th e abov e mark s will not bo given.

I : I • I•!. I ' I
p.r•,TI<T ;:R) 1m;,r ,,,. !-J(, r,. 11 -;; 1 ·,r, 11 ,ir.11 1 ,r.h I No
79. fin:n-tr fnnt mr,TT rrr
rtme11 I !31 10?
Subm issio n of Onlin e QPR on Raj bhas ha Dep:J
80. ~''1TQT R'iTf1T cf;, -~- Tf1" ·,m
lTt rrrA· 04 frl-rrr tr ·h f-JrrF~ 1 ·l,'I / rrn
on 1110 offi cia l lans.,uH oe
Enclo se copie s of all 04 quar terly repor ts lilied
depa rtme nt's site .
/ I '1 I I ,I

•~q<-lfh ~ cTl 3f'lTTcf if~~~ 4"q;- ;1n~' f-tn: ~ T 1 / In th e ab senc e

be qiven .
of the abov e proo f, the abov e mark s wi ll not

81.cP-TT ef'ii'~h•:P:l / ~ 9R .-t:Cl <hi'·l<fil' ~ f.? Wheth er Office/Location is ~1 I Yes
m embe r of T OLIC ?
:: _,1 r:ts)
~ ~ ·iwr 'ITT<TT? I Whet h er th e
min9 R '?.i· / Yes
82.oFTT ,n1<J-.i.t1 <f.'r €16cfi ~ ef.lll l (1£1 /
in c(? ( ' 1 1i11 1·
Head of the Offic e/ Loca tion attend the meet
I j q ,: , -a; ~ 'JlTTT7T ~
ofi'ZI ~ -c;rm,rr ~ 3f'i:rfcf it 3?T.fT Rn: 1TC!: 3f<f; riff ·fctn:
of the abov e proof ,
:ii~;, I Enclo sed copy of the abov e . In the absence
th e abov e mark s will not be qiven .

lTT Fcr•,TT1f / ~ f\R'r ,rf r I No

I 83 .~ ~mi TT ~/q?1R1 ,~1-1 ~ . f/ ~'1Tf
mitte e /
1.r.:rrf'r ::TT7T f.rfti?.:rJT/ Inspe ction by the Parliament ary Com
M OP& NG/D ept of Rajb hash a/Hindi In-charges
I [;l(i l S I
f?i r, -:.:rJT fnni wm ~ /Encl osed copy of Inspection Re port.
1 )\ 1
1 >
34 .
7-ITT V /Encl osed copv of ATR ). ( I 1 ·0111 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I 85. ~ 1 •fr1-11 ~
-~ ?.r! t.PTT"IT 7-fT-fll ~ I WTrfi ,;rr.rrirr if, -~rmcr i:j' :f,'~IT ·[7.-~ TIT~ ~f, ,if,f f ~Tr
,nn:-ir Enclo sed copy of In the abse nce of Ill e abo ve
the abov e.
_ _ _ __
roof, the abov e mark s will not b~g iven. _

,, ~ ~ 'L I 1-f, /l ql ,tl I 11· I

~rrt ,on HJ I

~Fr.r/ 1 rrn-;1,ii·ri \/ , rrr.rrr~/'f;fi7•! J"/rl~• I 1~1/ p·,, l,J ,' i' I Y L'S
86 ,::p.fl ~'T-f ,rrt '0,"iT f?,',fr/fir,rrrA
-~rrP. f,;r~p:r 7<'T ir ,;r;nT~ ·,rr~ ~'? / Wh oth or Hlncil/ bi lingu al brn1 nors
os /r oldorn / bon l<lol:1/ sll cl<orR pri1 1lod till s
yo, 11·
signb oard s / nam eplal
spec iall y design ed
'1 8 / PA\)O 8 of 11
I -f, I

f¾~Ri (~) ~ ~ ~ / Director (Marketing) Rajbhasha Trophy Format
ffl. :7 I -1 1 1 -;;:-~ fK l/~;· 1wr'r ~ /JI I ·>1 i.i'1Fl /rm:~/
W ·l'.l
I Enclosed co py
rf.Fl7/ ~;frc,p 3TTR ~ - 1 8
of Hindi/ Bilingual
Ba nne 1s/S ig nb o,:i rcl s/Narnep lates/Folders/
Booklets/Sticke rs etc.
; p r111ted du rin g th e yea r. (:) l)oinl -;)
' :rrri'Pr. 0 1,n:n111 ,;-;,~r ;:r,"r1 "JTTTITT i;p:rr1r i 3f'l'.fl'r.r it~ R:n- ,w 3M; ;r,lr ~
0 " ...
Jjll TT]
" ' '

. /E nclosed copy of th e above . In the abse nce of the above proof,

the above rnarl<s will not be aive n.

I I :1 marl · imth•s s._ction -04

tl8 rn
-ITT'f.T 117-r,=;p:rAii;~R f.n:r:r 10(4) 'fi cTITTf s1=f ~ ~ Gfim if I Yes
nn? , Whethe r yo u·re Office/ Loca tion is Notified this year under Rule
I 10 (4 )? (2

s9. ·-h 1-~1;;i,_1,~rrt!IR t. wri:r 10(4) ii1 mfa s.:r ~ ~ m ~m ',fqTUT ~-19
-ft m i-Tif ,f.i / Enclosed copy of notification under Rule 10(4) of
Office, Location this year.

I +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ',fqTUT t, 3f~ -if 3,(R ~ <TT; ~ ~ ~

\ JfTTTTf Enclosedcopy of the above . In the absence of the above proof,
the above marks wi ll not be qiven.

I l - - ". <'f1•, lotal mark- f .. t his s0 c:t io,1 -04

~l0 .m ·"1T'TTT cJ ,l -·~ 1•1 ~/urJ-1-. ~R
f.n:ri:i- 10(4) ~~~~ en- cFTT W t{f I Yes
':flf ~ 8(4) -t. ~ ~ 9 f: 3fR9f ~ ~ i ? /If your Office/Location is
Notified under Ru le 10(4) then whether Individual Orders have been
ssued this year under Ru le 8(4 )? (2

91 _~,," F-,.'.,nTT~!?r fr '.Tf4- ~ c.f.T/Enclose Copy of Individual Orders . ~-19

I (2

,·~R 'Xl11'JT ,t,-nr q';7 I ~ 'llTTUT * 3f'mcf i f ~ ~ <TT; 3Tcp ~ ~

--:rrrrir /
En closed copy of the above. In the absence of the above
proof, the above rnarks will not be qiven.
I i·· I•)';:! rfl;l' ~co r )I tl1is ~rictio.1 - 04

~l 2. "FH ,Jfl -r 'ff' r-T f;,i-Srrr TJ1+TT'T/'f1Tof.1T/~A,,.z/ fi'l-m ~? (cficlT-r ~ ~ / No

I f-:f -1 l•T ·..r ;1, r-n '1 ~,, r 'tT7.11..PT i'r)/' Whether Any Special Award/
I /\cco l:-ides/Sh i~ld rern1ved du ring IJ1 e yea r? (By OL Dept. & TOLIC to
omc~ r)ll l~{ )- .. _ .

93 TJ, r ,:rr•n ''f7T J.- r, 7n ;fTr.-.r,p:r ~ i:r,:r~fr 'XITT'IT -'lr:Rl?. rf.71/ Enclose the
cop y o f Rc1 jbllas l 1a Award or TOLIC Awa rel Proof. (2
-- -
•~rri 1-r, >f •~rn~ I i j.,nr ' f,: i I i,-r,-[rfi ,;rr17 1rr •f, ~ -·l{R ·if T.Trr ·!7.r~ 1'f1; <IN, .=rc,..f-r ·fiti:!:
-:il-rrni /En clo secJ copy th e above . In the absence of the above proof, the

1fB / Page 9 of 11
- ~qfefi ( ~ ) U<il"'ITTTT ~ t;J1'f?f / Director (Mark eting) Rajbh as ha Trophy Form at

above marks will not be iven.


office brough t out an a-maga zine or mc1gailn 0 lhi fl yem? ,·

I 'n i11I!,
95 .t-~/ 1Tf¾"'Tir ;-17l· '.:lfil ri •Hr ,1/ 1/ l: nclos0 d copy 11f n cr1fJ1/ rJ f 1·..
Magaz ine/Ma gazine .
*~ mJ )!1:rrrni,;11x ";J7 1l"'Ti\ 1r, ~I Ii I'll ,r; ;f'ilM 11· "1,11•r f;n~ ,, I ~ ~ -,I , ,T}r kr~
~ I Enclosed copy of th o abov e. In l11ci sbnnnco af th e ;:1bo110
roof, the above marl<s will nol l:io ulvon.
~::. 'ctio1 21 11 ,1 ~-,I r,', , 1 •·1 1, ,,, 1f , 1

96 . Cf<TT ih lllt~i.l/ <i1c1'i~r,,· r;:-rq •IJIJ 11,1·,w1T •l,IJ:ll r'~'Ff Jlf,,rf-'r

(~ff•1·-T, ) ·f, ,1) 1 / rJ c,
~ U R if ~ 1~ · <lil' ::1rr1rt'l], f ·\,prr rrrr? ,:rf-; M', ;=iT m-nrr ~., , /
Wheth er Semin ar/Con ference wc:1 s or9nnlzod under th e aegi
s of t\J r:1ga r
Rajbhasha Implementation Committee (TOLIC) by Office/ Locatio
n? If
yes, give details.
PrJlnts )
97.Cf<TT 6fillltw ~/~9R to -----
~ ITTn ~ TJsr'mrTT ~..p.:r ,:r Tffqf-;.r ;::r#r / r,Jo
~ 61 1<-1~1Rl a fcRn- ~ if ~ tJTTr :m t? m
if , ~ ITT7TlT ~, I 9
Wheth er any officer has received any award in any com
organized by Town Official Language Im plementation Comm
ittee ? If
yes , give details.
Poi nts)
~ ~ %.'TI i;r.:fTUf tfmr ~ I ~ >f1TT1Tf ;t, 3f'~ Tf T,"CIT -~ 1fl1: ~ ;;fr
Rn: ~- / Enclosed copy for both of above. In the absenc e of the
above roof, the above marks will not be iven .

*Section 22
r ~ , i::,, ,-.
..._. ..._
98. ~1,~1,:i-1-
,1~<-1 / ~!?R ~ R 11 illlcf,I
~ ,-..
~ '1 '-ll• ~:P-c'f<1i=fi"ll -
r - ,
-.f,1'~1•1 '~ / 7fTT.!iR
-;_ft R9flST ~m -qz '<j,Jlcf,<. 0
/Office /Prese nta tion pre pared fo r

judges by location - Presentation on special ach ievements of

Office/location .
Points )
99. ~ -td'll·1' l ~ ~ m
~ 3f<f./Marks awarded by Regional
Offic e~~ if 4 dof. 0fm 1, ,,~1,1,ii :rm ~ ffi t. -f,1 ,~1-1,Xi/-
-!1 -t ,:Jr.:fr iT
~ ~ i:,fp" '.H·j;l -.f,, 11 t, ?,ffm'" 117 1
RTT ~I 'TT;T ~ ~-i:n-., TFR ;f.f
~ ~ fcr. ~ F r 0fm -=t,1.11 i,n ~ ~ri1fr it fct.:fT n;'-1~~-:r1 ,-i1 1.:., r,=r ·r:i :fr
·w..P-fli1J:f 4 3Mi ;fir1 ~rr.r 1,1,~l•Fii/;fr,pr,:rr ;f.r 3 7.fT 1-.:rir ;:_r,i:r ~ f r f~n:
~I/U nder this head 4 marks will be awarded by the Region
al Offices
to the offices /locatio ns of each category based on th eir entries
submis sions . Here it is necess ary to keep in mind that the
concern ed
Region al Office will award only 4 marl<s to any one office/l
oc,-1ti o11 in
m~fifi (~) ~ :r¥.A- .
------ 1 1
x -n ~/Director (Marketing) Rajbhasha Trophy Format
1 each ca tegory. Re1nain ing ff /I
marks. II' o ices ocations wi ll be given 3 or less

OO. i:f1-_rr,,-~ ;;:m ~ ~ -cf1ir 3ffi / Marks awarded by Head Office
~ T-P. rt 6 :ri"=r, 11'\ffi ~'911· r.rm ~ 3 m-P.fnr 'fITTrRr mn ~ ~}oft i
sf, j).1i',1 ,~Tl#!ir,,i if m~·~ 3ft-r ~~ cf. 3lmrr TfT ·~ ~ I I
Under this head 6 marks wi ll be awa rd ed by a 3 mem ber committee
constituted by th e Head Office to the Offices/Loca tions of each
categ ory based on th eir entries and submissions .
\L__ _ _ _ __ _ ______.1___~-~,------~
* ~ "41-TR t1 ~~ ~~ .f;)- 'mtm.rr ~'IR arifi~ fu;~I . ~ · ,
• For any item where proof/sample Is required
. but not enc Ios ed ' no "~«--
t\ w,ill jCI
_ marks
~s IC"iel 10 ~~ ~C ,\t;J
, ,.-, ~,~,o ~ii ~~
~...!"'"~0 ~~ 0 G~u~
~ n 7-
P.9~ 0~1sP..~-v\s oO" ~ ~1/
~ ~~~\)~.-\ A 0
~ / Date ~~-- - 5"~
~ ~<fi~ .~w~
Signatu~e of Location-In-charge with Rubber Stamp

1r'8 1 Page 11 of 11

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