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The Road Through Kryptgarden ~1~

TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix: Creatures 24
Serafina Tanerathen 25
Table of Contents 2
Blighted Treant 26
Credits 3 Gnawbones Druid 27
Map of the Sword Coast 4 Guardian Statue 28
Introduction 5 Half-Ogre (Ogrillon) 29
Background 5 Needle Blight 29
Location Overview 5 Orc 29
Ogre 30
Part 1:Into Kryptgarden Forest 5
Phase Spider 30
Travelling through Kryptgarden Forest 5

Twisted Dryad 31
Becoming Lost 6
Venomfang 32
Encounters in Kryptgarden Forest 7
Venom Troll 33
Part 2: The Standing Stones 10

Wereboar 34
Dreams In the Night 10 Wood Woad 35
Reality Vs. Dreams 11
Appendix: Magic Items 36
Journeying to the Standing Stones 12
Cormandar 37
The Standing Stones Locations 13
Flute of Phalorm 37
Aftermath 14
Mithral Splint Mail +1 38
Awarding Experience Points 14
Part 3: The Puzzle Crypt 14
An Ancient Message
The Tomb Locations
Awarding Experience 20
Part 4: A Fort In The Woods 20
The Prison Camp 20
The Truth of the Situation 20
Arrival At The Prison Camp 21

Prison Camp Locations 21

Aftermath 23
Awarding Experience Points 23

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Carl Vandal and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~2~


Some maps copyright Michael C. LaBossiere

(used with permission)




The Road Through Kryptgarden ~3~


Map of the Sword Coast—created by Christian Zeuch (www.czrpg.com)

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~4~

pronounced impact on the environment of Kryptgarden
Forest. A perpetual fog hangs in the air throughout the
This adventure is for five to six 8th-9th level Dungeons & wood, carrying with it a strong acrid smell, reminiscent of
Dragons 5th Editions characters. The material contained in the breath of the dragon. The moss-covered trees that
this document can serve as a one-shot adventure, or a quick form the forest, grow much closer together, and the few
side adventure for your established game. This adventure is paths that exist wind their way through the forest like a
set in the Forgotten Realms and can act as a follow on to the maze. The light that reaches the forest floor carries an
“Lost Mines of Phandelver” or “Dragon of Icespire Peak”. emerald green cast, and every sound in the forest seems
The adventure is a follow-on from “Halls of the Goblin King” muffled.
but can be played on its own.
The creatures of the forest have likewise been warped by
BACKGROUND the magical presence of the ancient dragon. The rare
dryad or treant to be found within Kryptgarden Forest

Following an elaborate banquet at Wave Echo Cave, to have been twisted into distorted parodies of the peaceful,
celebrate the opening of a new mining seam, the adventurers friendly creatures that most would expect them to be. A
were invited to a meeting with Gundren Rockseeker, Sildar large colony of phase spiders has made its residence in
Hallwinter and Linene Graywind. the southern part of the forest but can be found hunting

throughout, except near the dragon’s lair. Trolls within
At the meeting, the adventurers were tasked with surveying
the forest have been warped by the poison that permeates
an old route through the Sword Mountains, leading past
the ground, becoming Venom Trolls and Dire Trolls.
Southkrypt, through Kryptgarden Forest, and on to
Westbridge. The numerous ruins to be found throughout Kryptgarden
have also suffered from the influence of the dragon’s
As Linene explained, though, the old dwarven settlement had
presence. Greater levels of decay are more common, and
become home to a tribe of goblins, and the party were
the forest has encroached into the ruins to a much greater
instructed to deal with the goblins.
The adventurers journeyed to Southkrypt, facing all the
dangers that the Sword Mountains could throw at them.
Upon arriving at Southkrypt, they gained entry to the fortress
and faced the self-styled “Goblin King”.
It is through this that the adventurers must make there
way, and survey a route to Westbridge.

Having dealt with the situation at Southkrypt, the
adventurers are now ready to continue the task of surveying
the route to Westbridge.
The dwarfs of Southkrypt cultivated an area near their
LOCATION OVERVIEW stronghold that they named Southkrypt Gardens. It was
from these gardens that Kryptgarden Forest grew.

Claugiyliamatar took up residence in the forest around

about 1285 DR, and over time the forest changed due to
her magic.

The adventurers will be familiar with the legends

regarding Kryptgarden Forest, and that it is the home to
an ancient green dragon.


Westbridge is more than 100 miles due east of
Southkrypt, requiring the adventurers to travel straight
Kryptgarden is a small wooden region near Westbridge. It
through the northern edge of Kryptgarden Forest. Given
hides many old dwarven ruins and the extensive underground
that the adventurers need to survey the route for Linene
city known as Southkrypt. For centuries, Kryptgarden Forest
Graywind, it will take at least eight days travel to reach
has been the home and haunting ground of the ancient,
the town.
female green dragon, Claugiyliamatar, better know as “Old
Gnawbones”. She earned her nickname from her habit of Traveling through Kryptgarden Forest requires ability
gnawing on old kills, and is often seen with a mangled corpse checks to avoid hazards and threats. Any time the party
hanging from her mouth. Other dragons rarely remain in fails at one of these ability checks, roll on the
Kryptgarden Forest for long because Claugiyliamatar drives Kryptgarden Forest Encounters table.
them out.
For every three hours of travel the adventurers need to
The prolonged presence of Claugiyliamatar has had a make a DC18 Wisdom (Survival) check. Additionally, when

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~5~


they set up camp for the night they need to make two DC15
Wisdom (Survival) checks. If any adventurer has Forest as a
Becoming Lost
favored terrain, they make these rolls with Advantage. Travelling beneath the canopy of Kryptgarden Forest can
When the party enters the forest read the following to be very confusing for the adventurers. While attempting
them: to survey a route through the forest, it is entirely possible
that the adventurers may find themselves becoming lost

As you descend from the mountains, the trees become more amongst the trees.
frequent around you. Ahead you can see them stretching to
The party navigator must make two DC15 Wisdom
the horizon. Kryptgarden Forest beckons you to enter.
(Survival) checks per day of travel. Even though the
As you pass the border of the forest, there is a marked adventurers are travelling slowly, there is no bonus to this
change. The dim light that penetrates the canopy takes on a check due to the conditions present within Kryptgarden
pale shade of green, an acrid smell permeates the air, and
there is an unnatural quiet that pervades the forest. If both Wisdom (Survival) checks succeed, the party
travels in the desired direction without becoming lost. If
A slight breeze moves through the trees, briefly rustling the either of the checks fails, the party inadvertently travels
branches before dissipating suddenly. For such a large forest, in the wrong direction and becomes lost. If one check
it appears entirely devoid of signs of animals or birds. fails, the adventures spend two hours travelling in the
wrong direction before they can make another check to
Finding your bearings before continuing, you set off east
get back on course. If both checks fail, the adventures
through the trees, moving slowly to allow you time to spend four hours travelling in the wrong direction before
properly survey the route you are taking. Westbridge and the they can make another check to get back on course.
Long Road await.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~6~

Kryptgarden Forest Encounters failed save (or half as much damage on a successful one.

1d20 Event (see below for details) Any adventurer that ends their turn in the cloud must
make another saving throw.
1-2 Lightning Storm
Gnawbones Druid
3 Blighted Treant
As the party make there way through the trees, ahead of
4-5 Venom Trolls them they spot a small clearing. Sat cross-legged on a
6 Insect Swarm rock in the center of the clearing is a young woman. The
party will recognise that she is communing with nature,
7-8 River Crossing and is therefore likely to be a druid, if they succeed on a
9 Twisted Dryad DC12 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion)

10-11 Mysterious Corpse
If the party approach the young woman, she will initially
12 Poison Cloud and Spores
be surprised to see them in the forest. She will ask them
13-14 Gnawbones Druid about their plans and why they are in Kryptgarden. If

15 Terrified Ogre questioned about her own intentions in the forest, she
will be evasive and vague. If any of the adventurers
16-17 Spiders in the Wood succeed on a DC12 Wisdom (Insight) check, they will
18 Elemental Cloud (Acid) recognise the signs that she is trying to deceive them
about her intentions.
19-20 Venomfang

If the party attack her, the young woman turns out to be
quite capable of defending herself. She is a member of the

FOREST e Gnawbones Druidic Circle. They worship the ancient

green dragon, Claugiyliamatar, and draw power from her
The adventurers might have the following encounters as they and the forest.
travel through Kryptgarden Forest while heading to As she is outnumbered, the druid will try to escape. To
Westbridge. assist her in doing this she will use the following spells:
Blighted Treant • Earth Tremor
The trees in the area that the party are traversing are
• Entangle
exceptionally old. Any of the adventurers will realize this if
they succeed in a DC15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom • Spike Growth
(Survival) check. Unfortunately, they also show signs of
suffering from tree blight. • Erupting Earth

As the adventurers proceed through the area they each need • Plant Growth,
to make a DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If more than half
• Maelstrom.
of them fail this check then they are surprised by the sudden
awakening of the blighted treant as it attacks the interlopers If forced to fight the party, she will summon as much help
in his home. If more than half of them succeed in this check, as she can by casting
they are not taken by surprise.
• Summon Beast

Additionally, there is one needle blight plus a needle blight

per two members of the party that will appear from tree • Summon Elemental
canopy to assist the blighted treant.
• Summon Fey.
The blighted treant will fight to the death. It has been
She will use her ability to wild shape to turn herself into a
corrupted by both blight and the draconic influence that
brown bear, dire wolf or giant owl. She is limited to only
pervades Kryptgarden Forest.
two shapes.

Elemental Cloud (Acid) As a last ditch attempt to escape she will cast Meld with
This area has been touched by elemental essence. A light Stone, and enter the rock in the center of the clearing.
green fog appears to hang in the air, and is unaffected by the
wind. This will be evident to adventurers if they succeed in a Insect Swarm
DC15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check. A This area is the where a swarm of insects have chosen to
Detect Magic spell will reveal the presence of faint magic in rest. This will be evident to adventurers if they succeed in
the area. a DC15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check.

If an adventurer enters the cloud they must make a DC12 Finding a path around the swarm’s resting spot requires
Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) acid damage on a a DC12 Wisdom (Survival) check, and adds two hours to

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~7~

the journey time. Failing this check adds four hours to the are wearing heavy armour this increases to 45 (8d8)
journey time. lightning damage. Healing potions and spells can be used
between rolls to reduce the damage taken.
Should the adventurers choose to proceed through the area,
they must each make a DC12 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If Mysterious Corpse
more than half of them fail this check they disturb the
As the adventurers turn a corner, any of them that
insect swarm. The swarm engulfs the adventurers, and will
succeed on a DC12 Wisdom (Perception) check spot a
pursue them as they try to get away from it.
shape lying in the undergrowth ahead of them.
A cloud of swarming insects surrounds the adventures,
As they approach, they will realize that the shape is a
filling a 30-foot-radius sphere, and the swarm can move 20
body. A success on a DC12 Intelligence (Investigation) or
-feet each round.
Wisdom (Survival) check will find evidence that there was
Adventurers in the same area as the insect swarm must a fight and that the body was dragged into the

make a DC12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, undergrowth.
they take 11 (2d10) piercing damage (or half as much on a
The body is of a young, female half-elf, dressed in leather
successful save).
armor. A longbow lies discarded near the body. A success
An adventurer that ends their turn within the insect storm on DC12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom

must make another saving throw. An adventurer cannot be (Perception) check will find marks on the body that
damaged by the insect swarm if it is wielding a torch or is indicate she died from wounds caused by arrows to her
within 5-feet of a fire. torso.

Once the adventurers are more than 40-feet away from the If the adventurers search the area, a success in a DC15
swarm, it will stop pursuing them. Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception)
check will find a discarded messenger satchel which has
been emptied.

The body is that of a harper messenger who was carrying

missives from a contact in Westbridge to Sister Garaele
in Phandalin. She was ambushed by a Zhentarim party
and her messages were taken to Halia Thornton. This can
lead to further adventurers at a later point.

Poison Cloud and Spores

This forest floor in this area is covered with fungal

growth.. This will be evident to adventurers if they

succeed in a DC15 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom
Lightning Storm (Survival) check.
The weather starts changing, initially with a heavy
Finding a path around the fungus requires a DC12 Wisdom
downpour but then turns into a fierce lighting storm. This
(Survival) check, and adds two hours to the journey time.
will be evident to adventurers if they succeed in a DC15
Failing this check adds four hours to the journey time.
Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check. The

adventurers can then choose to seek suitable shelter or to Should the adventurers choose to proceed they must each
continue with their journey. make a DC12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Dexterity (Stealth)
check. If more than half of them fail this check they
If the adventurers choose to find somewhere to wait out the
disturb the spore residue in the area, and a spore cloud
weather, they need to all make a DC12 Wisdom (Perception)
fills a 60-foot-radius sphere around the party.
check to find a suitable location to wait out the weather. If
they fail this check, they are unable to find suitable cover Adventurers in the same area as the cloud must make a
and have to continue their journey. If they find cover, they DC12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they
need to wait for three hours for the lightning storm to take 11 (2d10) poison damage (or half as much on a
reduce in intensity, at which point they are able to resume successful save), and suffers from the condition of being
their journey. Poisoned for one hour.

If the adventurers continue with their journey, then they An adventurer that ends their turn within the cloud must
each need to make six DC15 Wisdom (Survival) checks. Each make another saving throw to try to resist the poison
failed check results in the adventurer suffering injury due to damage.
the inclement weather. They take 9 (2d8) damage. A
River Crossing
critical fail results in the adventurer being struck by
The route that the adventurers have chosen to follow has
lightning. They take 27 (6d8) lightning damage, and if they

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~8~

led them to river crossing, spanning a 30-foot wide river. Twisted Dryad
The party will realize that the crossing is unsafe if they
From just ahead of them on the trail that the adventurers
succeed in a DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check. Finding an
are following, they hear the sound of some female voices
alternate route, avoiding the crossing, requires two DC15
singing pleasantly.
Wisdom (Survival) checks, and adds six hours to the journey
time. Failing these checks adds three additional hours to the If they choose to investigate, each member of the party
journey time for each failure. must make a DC12 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If more than
half of the party succeed in this they approach the area
Attempting to cross the river counts as if crossing difficult
ahead of them without being detected. If more than half of
terrain and requires that each adventurer make two DC15
the party fail this check, then the are detected as they
Strength (Athletics) or a DC15 Wisdom (Survival) checks. If
approach the area ahead.
either of these checks is failed, the adventurer is caught up
by the flow of the river and is swept away.. They travel 30 As the adventures approach, they see two dryads sitting at

feet downstream and take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage. the center of a copse of trees, singing. If the party
approached without being detected, the dryads continue
Once per turn, the adventurers caught in the river can make
singing until the party make their presence known. If the
a DC15 Strength (Athletics) check. On a success, the
party were detected, the dryads stop their singing as the
adventurer moves 15 feet towards the shore. Two successes

party approaches and turn to face the adventurers.
are required to exit the river. If the adventurer fails this roll,
they suffer the same effect as before, taken 30 feet Anyone who succeeds on a DC15 Intelligence (Nature) or
downstream and take 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage. Wisdom (Perception) check, notices that the dryads do not
appear like any dryad they have every heard of previously.
Spiders in the Woods The dryads foliage like bodies are dark green in coloration,
The area that the adventurers are travelling through is an tending towards black in some areas.
very dense section of the forest. The trees are much closer
If the party move closer to the dryads and attempt to start
together and it becomes more difficult for the party to
talking with them, the creatures reveal their true nature
proceed. The area is a prime location for an ambush, which
will be clear to any adventurer that succeeds on a DC15
Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check.

Finding a path around the densely packed area requires a

e and attack.
DC12 Wisdom (Survival) check, and adds two hours to the
journey time. Failing this check adds four hours to the
journey time.

If the party chooses to proceed through the area, they need

to each make a DC12 Wisdom (Perception) check. If more
than half the party fail this check, they are surprised by the
attack that materializes.

As the adventurers make their way through the dense

woodland they are set upon by a foraging party from the
phase spider colony that has been established in the
southern area of Kryptgarden Forest. There is one phase
spider per member of the party.

Terrified Ogre

As the adventurers come around a turn in the path, they spot

ahead of them an ogre desperately digging in the ground.
The creature is oblivious to the party’s presence and
continues to be so as they approach.

As they get closer, they will notice that the ogre’s hands are
covered in its own blood and it is repeating only one word,

The ogre had the misfortune of witnessing two of its

brethren being eaten by Claugiyliamatar. It managed to
escape but was so traumatized by the encounter that it is Venomfang
trying to dig itself a hole to hide in. The ground in the area is As the adventures enter a large clearing in the forest they
very tough and this has caused the injuries to its hands. become aware that there is a large shadow in the sky
overhead. The creature alights in the clearing, a young
The ogre will only fight if forced to as it would rather escape
green dragon called Venomfang.
from the forest as quickly as it can.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~9~

Venomfang was driven out of his lair in Thundertree by a
group of adventures (if the characters were that group he

will recognise them), and has been seeking a new lair every
since. He knows that settling in Kryptgarden is not an
option, Claugiyliamatar is his grandmother but that would
Kryptgarden Forest holds lots of secrets, and has been home
not stop her from killing him for intruding in her territory.
over the centuries to many different individuals and groups.
Venomfang will claim that he is here as an emissary of
At one time, a circle of druids resided in the forest, allied to
Claugiyliamatar, and will attempt to persuade the
the dwarfs of Southkrypt. When Claugiyliamatar arrived in
adventurers to explore a ruined tower that lays ahead of
the forest, the circle attempted to fight the dragon but she
them. He will claim that they will receive a reward from
proved too powerful for them, and the circle was almost
Claugiyliamatar if they clear the tower of its current
wiped out.
residents. (This leads to Part 4: A Fort In The Woods.)

The last surviving druid retreated to the haven of the druidic
Any adventurer that succeeds on a DC15 Wisdom (Insight)
circle, a small circle of standing stones with a mythal stone
check will realize that Venomfang is not being entirely
at its center, and a portal to a small area of the Feywild.
honest with them.
No matter how Claugiyliamatar tried, she could not enter the

If the party attacks Venomfang, he will fight back but will
area of the stones, nor could her servants cross the boundary.
attempt to flee if he is reduced to half hit points.
In the end, she decided that the single druid was of no
(If Venomfang was slain during your playthrough of “Lost further consequence and she forgot about the standing
Mines of Phandelver”, then this young green dragon will stones.
be called Terrorwing).
Then the Spellplague hit, and the power of the mythal at the
Venom Trolls heart of the stone circle was disrupted. The protection that
While making their way through the forest, the party the stones had weakened. Claugiyliamatar did not become
comes across some venom trolls fighting over the remains
e aware of this change at the time. However, recently, when
of a deer. The venom trolls claw and bite each other, trying the affects of the Spellplague started to dissipate, the power
to take possession of the tasty remains. of the mythal started to return.

When the adventurers find the venom trolls, they are at Claugiyliamatar's attention was once more drawn to this
half their starting hit points. If the adventurers can remain aberration within her forest, when she sensed the power of
quiet, the venom trolls beat each other up even more, until the circles retuning. She is determined to prevent this
they are all down to a quarter of their starting hit points. happening but is unwilling to risk herself to deal with such
powerful magic..
To avoid being spotted by the venom trolls each member of
the party must make a DC12 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If It is with this in mind that she approaches the party to coerce
more than half the party succeed, the venom trolls them into investigating the stones.


continue fighting without becoming aware of the


There is one venom troll plus an addition venom troll per When the party takes stops to rest for the night, read the
three members of the party. The adventurers represent the following to them:
biggest potential meal that the venom trolls have seen in
months, so they will fight to the death.
The night passes quietly but not uneventfully.

As you sleep, you become aware that you seem to be


sharing your dreams. You are still within Kryptgarden

Forest but it appears much younger, and the light in the
forest is brighter. The strange, acrid smell that permeates
the forest is not present.

As you look around you realise that there is a robed figure

standing at the edge of your camp, leaning on a wooden
staff. The figure steps forward and pushes back the hood of
their robe, to reveal an elderly female with silvery hair,
with a touch of green running through it.

“Well met my friends,” she starts, with an accent that you

cannot place. “I have need of your assistance.”

The female in the dream is Claugiyliamatar, using her crystal

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~10~


balls to manipulate the dreams of the adventurers.

Claugiyliamatar will explain that she will ensure that the

She will converse with them for as long as she feels it is reward is delivered to them once they have dealt with the
necessary, to persuade them to investigate the standing circle.
stones. To this end, she will share the following information
with the party: If the party seems reluctant to travel to the stone circle, then
Claugiyliamatar will cast suggestion on them, through the
• The standing stones are located about half a days travel crystal ball. Each member of the party must succeed on a
southward. DC17 Wisdom saving throw to resist the suggestion to

investigate the standing stones. If more than half the party

• The stones were once the grove to a powerful circle of
fail this save, then they all succumb to the suggestion.

• The circle provides protection to those within it, from Reality vs. Dreams
dragons, fiends and other creatures.
Claugiyliamatar has told the party what she believes they
• There is a link between the circle and the Feywild. will need to hear to make them want to investigate the
standing stones.
• There are further, powerful magic that may be found
However, she has left out a vast amount of information:
within the circle.

Claugiyliamatar will attempt to convince the party that it is • The standing stones have stood in Kryptgarden Forest
essential that they deal with potential threat that a portal to for over one thousand years.
the Feywild represents to the region. She will tell the party
• They formed the center point of a Druid Grove of a
that they may keep any magical items they find, and will offer
powerful Circle of the Forest.
them a reward of 500gp and gems worth 200gp.
• The central stone altar is a mythal stone but lost most
Should the party ask how they can collect this reward,

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~11~

e the next events. They can either head directly towards the
of its power during the Spellplague.
Standing Stones or they can continue towards Westbridge,
• The mythal stone has acted as a mitigating force on the choosing to ignore the dreams.
influence Claugiyliamatar has had on Kryptgarden
In either case, read the following to them:
As you make your way along the paths winding their way
• The mythal stone, although now much weaker, is still
through Kryptgarden Forest, a heavy fog descends. For a brief
able to protect the druid grove by influencing nearby

moment, you pause to avoid becoming lost in the sudden

shroud of darkness, and then it dissipates.
• The standing stones act as a portal to a part of the
Feywild. It is almost as if the clearing fog has transported you to a
different forest. The dimness you have become accustomed
• The archdruid of the circle survived the battle with
to has gone, and you can hear the sounds of birds in the trees.
Claugiyliamatar but was forced to flee into the Feywild

to heal. Continuing eastward, as you turn a corner in the path, you

suddenly find yourself entering a less dense area of the forest,
• Unfortunately, having spent four hundred years in the
Feywild, the archdruid has been driven insane. and ahead of you there is a circle of eight stones placed
around a large, grey altar-like stone.
Journeying to the Standing A wave of familiarity washes over you, as you “recognise” the
Stones Standing Stones mentioned to you in your dreams.

As the party awaken from their dreams and start talking,

they will realize that they all shared the same dream, Sensing the nearby presence of the party, and the influence
including the party member that had been on watch at the of Claugiyliamatar, the mythal has chosen to intervene as
time. They will also be aware that each of them has a strong well. Using its limited ability to manipulate the forest, it
feeling that seems to be pointing them towards a certain created the fog and has transported the party to the Druid
direction of travel, southward towards the location that Grove.
their dreams indicated was where they would find the
Standing Stones.

The choice that the party now takes will, in fact, not alter
The Road Through Kryptgarden ~12~
The Standing Stones Locations wind. The trees around the Standing Stones appear larger
than they were, and more vibrant in color. Birdsong fills the
S1. The Druid Grove air.

The Druid Grove is a small sphere of Kryptgarden Forest The red marks on the altar stone have disappeared, and there
(about 300 feet in diameter) that remains as the forest is now a small circular indentation in the center of the stone.
originally stood in the days before Claugiyliamatar arrived.
Birds sing in the trees, the animals move around the area
normally, there is no acrid smell, and the light is normal, Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC12 Intelligence (Arcana)
with no tinge of green. check will realize that they have been transported into the
Druid and Ranger spells cast within the grove have the
Metamagic feats of “Empowered”, “Extended” and Dropping fresh blood onto the altar stone has no affect on

“Heightened” applied to them automatically. this side of the portal.

S2. The Standing Stones As the adventurers start to investigate the area, any of them
that succeed on a DC12 Intelligence (Investigation) or
At the center of the druid grove is the circle of stones. Eight Wisdom (Survival) check will find footprints in the grass that

of them, spaced evenly around an altar stone. indicate someone has recently visited the Standing Stones.

Any adventurer that touches the stones will have a sudden Following the trail requires a successful DC12 Wisdom
sense of “age” and “sadness” wash over them. A success on (Survival) check. The trail meanders around the area but
a DC12 Wisdom saving throw will allow them to control their eventually leads to a small clearing nearby.
feelings. Failing this roll results in the adventurer suffering
In the clearing is a small camp and sat, initially with her back
one level of exhaustion which will remain until they leave
to the adventurers as they approach, is a robed figure. The
the Druid Grove.
adventurers will instantly recognise the robes as those worn
Any attempt to damage the stones, although futile due to by the woman in their dreams.

wood woad, plus an additional wood woad per two members

of the party, to defend the circle. The wood woad will
immediately attack the party.
their magical nature, results in the mythal summoning one
As they watch, the figure will start singing. The song is
compete nonsense and at the end of it, the figure starts
If the party approach the figure read the following to them:
S3. The Mythal Stone
As you enter the clearing and move towards the robed figure,
The grey altar stone at the center of the Standing Stones is
it starts to speak. The voice confirms that the figure is female
the mythal stone. The stone is stained with ancient blood
and radiates magic.
but it is not the same voice as from your dreams

Any adventurer standing within the circle of stones will be “What do you want? Have you come to torture me further for

able to sense the magic coming from the altar. Any my failure?”
adventurer that places their hands on the altar stone must
The figure rises and turns to face you, the hood of her robe
succeed on a Dc15 Wisdom saving through or suffer a level of
exhaustion as a sense of dread and despair washes over sliding back as she does so, revealing her raven-black hair and
them. youthful complexion. She looks at you all and an inane grin
starts to form on her face.
The mythal stone is ancient, and once was as powerful as its

sister stones in Silverymoon and Waterdeep. During the “Well, no more I say.”
period of the Spellplague, the mythal lost a considerable
amount of its power. And with that she slams the end of the staff she is holding into
the ground, which instantly starts to shake.
If any adventurer drops fresh blood onto the altar, this will
activate the portal to the Feywild and all members of the
party standing within the circle will find themselves The party have found the archdruid. Unfortunately, four
transported to that location. hundred years of self-imposed exile in the Feywild have
taken there toll on her sanity.
S4. The Feywild
She attacks the party but only to subdue them. If any attack
When the adventurers enter the Feywild read the following she makes results in any member of the party suffering an
to them: injury that would kill them, reduce this to them only being
Although your surrounds appear to be the same, you sense
that something has changed. If she is reduced to half her hit points, the shock of the
wounds temporarily restores her sanity and she will try to
The sky has turned from the azure-blue of day to golden surrender. Anyone casting calm emotions on her, or any
shades of sunset, and you can smell the autumn leaves on the similar spell, with the aim being to restore her to some

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~13~

semblance of sanity, will immediately cause her to cease they do so.
attacking. A success on a DC20 Charisma (Persuasion) check
Treasure. Just before the last member of the party passes
will have the same result.
through the portal, Serafina will present them with a small
If she succeeds in subduing the whole party then they will gift, in gratitude for visiting her. The items include a Cloak of
awaken a short while later to find that the archdruid has Elvenkind and a Ring of Animal Influence.
temporarily regained her sanity.

If she surrenders or has her sanity restored in some other

fashion, then events will follow a similar path as for her Returning through the portal only solves part of the problem
subduing the party. now facing the party. They are now aware that
In all cases, read the following to them: Claugiyliamatar has taken an interest in their actions within
Kryptgarden Forest.

The woman collapses onto the ground, head in her hands and
The power of the mythal stone within the Druid Grove
tears running down her face.
remains weakened but is of sufficient strength that the grove
“Forgive me. I am sorry.” will remain outside the influence of Claugiyliamatar.

The portal to the Feywild will remain closed but can be

She lefts her head and looks at you all. There is a soft light
reopened in the future. Possibly the adventurers may find a
behind her pale green eyes that was not there while she was
way to help Serafina return to from the Feywild.
fighting you.
Claugiyliamatar is frustrated that the Druid Grove remains
“Please, tell me of events in Kryptgarden?” outside of her area of influence. However, she is a dragon
The archdruid will sit and talk with the party. During their that honors her deals. The next time that the party stops to
conversation she may reveal the following information to rest, when they awaken, they will find a small package has
them: mysteriously found its way into their camp. The package
e contains the reward that Claugiyliamatar promised them for
• Her name is Serafina Tanerathen. investigating the Standing Stones. The dragon used her
ability to pass without trace and invisibility to enter the camp
• She was the leader of the Circle of the Forest in
undetected, and left the package for the adventurers. The
ease with which Claugiyliamatar did this may unsettle the
• Her circle of druids fought against Claugiyliamatar and party.
• She barely survived the battle herself. Completing the quest for Claugiyliamatar, and discovering
the location of Serafina Tanerathen is worth 6000XP to be
• She retreated in to the Feywild to heal.
shared equally between the characters.
• Overwhelmed by her guilt and failure, she exiled herself

to the Feywild.

• She has resided in this area of the Feywild for four
hundred years.

• Staying in the Feywild for that length of time has With numerous empires having risen and fallen over the
affected her, physically and mentally. She cannot now millennia, the area of Kryptgarden Forest has been used by a
variety of people as the final resting place of their heroes and

leave the Feywild without suffering severe

consequences. villains.

Unfortunately for the party, one such burial site rests

• She is able to open the portal between the Feywild and
immediately in their path to Westbridge., the tomb of an
the Druid Grove.
ancient king, Javilarhh “the Dark” Snowsword of the Realm
If the party mention their shared dream to Serafina, she will of Three Crowns. When he died, his allies hide his body in
inform them that it was most likely caused by this location, and placed a variety of traps and guardians
Claugiyliamatar. However, she is very appreciative of the within, to prevent the desecration of his tomb. Spells were
information that the party provide her with regarding the cast to hide and protect the tomb, and to prevent people
current state of Kryptgarden Forest and the North. raiding it for Javilarhh’s treasures.

Once the party have exhausted their conversation with The Realm of Three Crowns, also called Phalorm, collapsed in
Serafina, she will return with them to the Standing Stones 615Dr and Javilarhh died in 528DR. In the intervening nine
within the Feywild. When they arrive, she will once again hundred years, most of the history passed into legends and
thank them and will place her staff in the small indentation then even the legends faded.
on the altar stone. As she does so, a portal will open leading
In time, the few that remembered realized that the treasures
directly to the stone circle in the Druid Grove. She will
within the tomb might be needed one day, and so they
encourage the party to pass through, wishing them well as

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~14~


returned to Kryptgarden Forest. Once there they placed clues

Above the door, engraved into the lintel, are three
and instructions to assist the adventurers that they had intertwined crowns.

foreseen would find the tomb.

Several runes have been drawn upon the door, and there

AN ANCIENT MESSAGE appears to be a message writing on the wall beside the

entrance. As you stare at the message, trying to decipher
The adventures have travelled for four days through what it says, it seems to warp and change. Suddenly the
Kryptgarden Forest when they enter a clearing along their writing becomes clear.
“Here is the final resting place of King Javilarhh “the Dark”.
As the party enters the clearing read the following to them:
Long ago he fell in battle against the Howltusks.
The trees ahead start to thin out. As you continue you enter a
Within this tomb rests his bones and his treasures. Guardians
large clearing. In the middle of the clearing stands a large,
abound and the unwary will suffer. But for those strong of
irregular stone edifice.
arm, fleet of foot, and keen of sight, a bountiful harvest
There are no signs of animals or others in the area. As you awaits.”
approach the structure you notice a large set of sealed doors
on the western side of the stone barrow. There are no other Any adventurer that succeeds on a Dc18 Intelligence
entrances to the place. (History) check will be able to recall some of the legends that

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~15~

surround King Javilarhh: Five races formed the Three-Crowned Realm,
• He was the human king of the Realm of the Three Oldest first, stone next, the upstarts then appear,
The pebbles next, and then the feet arrive.
• He ruled from 523DR to 528Dr.
Each in turn must you find, err feel the wrath from those left
• He died in battle against the Howltusks orc horde. behind.
• He was also named Snowsword.
The adventurers need to press the runes for the following
Any adventurer succeeding on a DC15 Intelligence races in order:
(History) check will be able to recall the following details
regarding the Realm of Three Crowns: • Elf (the oldest race of the Realms)

• The Realm of Three Crowns was formed in 523DR. • Dwarf (the race born from stone)

• It was an alliance between the elves of Ardeep, the • Human (the upstart race of Man)
dwarves of Dardath, and the other settlements of the
• Gnomes (the second earth-born race)
North (humans, gnomes and halflings).

• Halflings (the “feet”)
• It was also known as Phalorm.
If they press any of the runes in the wrong order, or press any
• The Realm of the Three Crowns collapsed in 615DR. of the other runes, then all members of the party standing
The adventurers are now faced with a choice—they can within 15ft of the door suffers 18 (4d8) lightning damage
either attempt to explore the tomb or leave it alone. each time this occurs.

The Tomb Locations

Once the adventurers have managed to open the door, they
see a ten foot by ten foot room, with irregular walls. The exit
from the room is a solid wooden door. There are two levers at
Tomb Level 1
T1. The Entrance
The large set of sealed doors form a barricade to entering
the side of the door.

If they check the area before entering it, any adventurer

succeeding on a DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check will find
that the floor conceals a twenty-foot deep pit trap. Any
the tomb. The lintel above the door is engraved with three adventurer walking into the room needs to make a Dc15
interwoven crowns, representing the Realm of the Three Dexterity save. For each adventurer after the first that enters
Crowns. the room, the DC increases by 3. Failure results in them
The door itself has a circle of runes engraved upon it, falling twenty-feet onto the spikes at the bottom of the pit.
twelve in total. Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC12 Any adventurer that falls into the pit takes 11 (2d10) piercing
Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (History) check will damage and must make a DC15 Constitution save. Failure

recognise the runes as being from an ancient language, and results in the adventurer being poisoned.
that they represent different races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC12 Strength (Athletics)
Gnome, Halfling, Orc, Hobgoblin, Yuan-ti, Goliath, or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check can safely get across the pit
Lizardfolk, Kobold, and Bugbear). and reach the levers. Only one of the elvers will move
There is no lock on the door, and anyone who succeeds on a initially. This lever locks the pit trap and allows the
DC10 Intelligence (Arcana) check can sense the magic adventurers to safely enter the tomb entrance space.

energy emanating from the door. If any of the adventurers The second lever will move only once the pit trap has been
touch any of the runes, the rune touched will illuminate. disabled. Pulling it opens the door to the second chamber,
Any attempts to damage the door will result in all members and also closes the outer door of the tomb at the same time.
of the party standing within 15ft of the door taking 18 (4d8)
lightning damage on the first attack, 27 (6d8) lightning TOMB FEATURES
damage on the second attack, and 54 (12d8) lightning The tomb was created through the use of magic over eighteen hundred
damage on the third and any subsequent attacks. years previously. The walls are irregular in shape but are otherwise
smooth to the touch. It is a solid structure, no damp or natural mold has
To open the sealed doors, the adventurers need to find the entered the tomb.
correct combination of runes to press, and the correct
Ceilings. Ceilings throughout are ten feet high and irregular in texture
order to press them in. Any adventurer succeeding on a
unless the text says otherwise.
Dc12 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Investigation)
check will realize that the runes are connected with Doors. All doors are made of solid elven wood and emanate magic. They
opening the door. cannot be harmed by physical means.

Light. The walls are lined with torch sconces, but are empty.
After five minutes of staring at the door, the message on
Adventurers require darkvision or their own light sources to see inside,
the wall of the entrance starts to change. unless otherwise stated in the room description.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~16~

Returning it to its start position closes the door to the level.
second chamber and reopens the door to the exterior.
Tomb Level 2
T2. Stairs Chamber
T1. Lower Stairs Chamber
This chamber is a thirty-by-twenty-five foot space with
irregular walls. The chamber stretches over 60ft eastward, beyond the
distance of most with darkvision. The adventurers will be
If the adventurers have some form of light to see by then
able to see that there is an empty chamber to the north, one
they will find that the walls of this chamber depict the life
to the south, one to the southeast and one to the northeast.
of a mighty human warrior of the North. If they are using
The ceiling is ten feet high and clearly vaulted, so does not
darkvision to see, then the mural appears only in shades of
need to be supported by pillars.
grey and they will be unable to make out the details.
T2. Stone Pillars

The only other item of interest in the room are the stairs
that descend into the lower level of the tomb. Looking There are two stone pillars located in the main thoroughfare
down the stairs, the adventurers will be able to see very of the tomb. Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC15
little even with a light source, as the lower level appears to Intelligence (Investigation) check will realize the pillars are
be in darkness. Any adventurer who attempts to listen for

unnecessary to support the ceiling.
any sounds in the lower level can make a DC12 Wisdom
(Perception) check. Success on this check will reveal that The stone pillars depict a large humanoid warrior wielding a
there are no discernible sounds coming from the lower greatsword. They are very intricately carved, and appear to


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~17~

be in excellent condition. T4. Southern Chamber
The pillars are guardian statues, placed in the tomb to guard
In the limited illumination provided by the light from the
against any intruders. Once the last adventurer has cleared
entrance to the chamber, the adventurers will be able to see
the stairs, the two in the Lower Stairs Chamber will both
that the walls of this chamber are decorated with an
animate and attack. They cannot be negotiated with and will
extensive mural.
fight until they are destroyed.
It depicts the formation of the alliance that became the
The guardian statue in Javilarhh's Resting Chamber will
Realm of the Three Crowns, Phalorm. It shows the rulers of
animate only if the adventurers remove any contents from
the three separate nations signing the treaty between the
Javilarhh’s sarcophagus.
races of elves, dwarves, men, gnomes and halflings.

Amongst the details that are shown in the mural is the date
when Phalorm was founded, 523DR. This date is the

combination to the puzzle door to the Treasure Chamber. If
they are using darkvision to see, then the mural appears only
in shades of grey and they will be unable to make out the
detail of the date.

T5. Treasure Chamber
The door to the chamber has a ring of runic numbers,
representing the numbers 0 to 9, engraved upon it.

As with the entrance door and the door to the Javilarhh’s

Resting Chamber, there is no lock on the door, and anyone
who succeeds on a DC10 Intelligence (Arcana) check can
e sense the magic energy emanating from the door. If any of
the adventurers touch any of the runes, the rune touched will

Any attempts to damage the door will result in all members

of the party standing within 15ft of the door taking 18 (4d8)
lightning damage on the first attack, 27 (6d8) lightning
damage on the second attack, and 54 (12d8) lightning
damage on the third and any subsequent attacks.

To open the sealed doors, the adventurers need to find the

correct combination of runes to press, and the correct order
to press them in.

After five minutes of staring at the door, a message will

appear on the wall of the tomb beside the door. The message
glows in the dark if no other light source is available.

The treasures of Javilarhh, First King of Phalorm, lie within.

Javilarhh was one of three, though last that comes,


T3. Magical Illumination Of races, five he did rule, and that is first you see,

These two points provide illumination in the otherwise dark

And of his sons, two of them there were, and in the middle be.
of the lower level of the tomb. The light from these two
The adventurers need to press the runes for the following
points is not visible from the Stairs Chamber on Level One
numbers in order:
of the tomb.

The light in the north chamber illuminates the whole area, • 5 (the number of races that formed Phalorm)
allowing anyone descending the stairs to see that the • 2 (the number of sons Javilarhh had)
chamber is empty.
• 3 (the number of crowns that ruled Phalorm)
The light at the entrance to the Southern Chamber only
casts light over a ten foot radius, which is enough for the • This gives the date 523DR, the date of the founding of
adventurers to be able to clearly see the stone pillar that Phalorm.
stands next to it. It also casts shadows into the Southern
If they press any of the runes in the wrong order, or press any
of the other runes, then all members of the party standing

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~18~

within 15ft of the door suffers 18 (4d8) lightning damage T7. Javilarhh's Resting Chamber
each time this occurs.
This chamber is the resting place of King Javilarhh. The
Once the adventurers have managed to open the door, they
entrance to the chamber is guarded by another puzzle door.
see a forty-five foot by fifty-five foot room, with irregular
walls. The room is filled with chests and piles of coins. The door to the chamber has a ring of runic numbers,
However, on closer inspection these will turn out to be representing the numbers 0 to 9, engraved upon it.
illusionary. As with the entrance door and the door to the Treasure
If any of the adventurers continues to check the room, and Chamber, there is no lock on the door, and anyone who
walks through the illusionary treasure, they will find the succeeds on a DC10 Intelligence (Arcana) check can sense the
true treasure. In the north-eastern corner of the room. magic energy emanating from the door. If any of the
adventurers touch any of the runes, the rune touched will
Treasure. Hidden behind the illusionary treasure is a large,

crystalline gemstone worth 1800gp. Additionally, there is a
single chest that contains a belt of frost giant strength, Any attempts to damage the door will result in all members
boots of the winterland, and a periapt of proof against of the party standing within 15ft of the door taking 18 (4d8)
poison. Opening the chest requires an adventurer succeed on lightning damage on the first attack, 27 (6d8) lightning
damage on the second attack, and 54 (12d8) lightning

a DC15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.
damage on the third and any subsequent attacks.
T6. South-Eastern Chamber
To open the sealed doors, the adventurers need to find the
The entrance to the South-Eastern Chamber appears to be correct combination of runes to press, and the correct order
perfectly ordinary. However, any adventurer succeeding on to press them in.
a DC12 Wisdom (Perception) check will spot a familiar level
After five minutes of staring at the door, a message will
located on the wall of the chamber ten feet into it.
appear on the wall of the tomb beside the door. The message
If they check the area before entering it, any adventurer
e glows in the dark if no other light source is available.
succeeding on a DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check will find
Here rests Javilarhh, First King of Phalorm.
that the floor conceals a twenty-foot deep pit trap. Any
adventurer walking into the room needs to make a Dc15 His wounds were many,
Dexterity save. For each adventurer after the first that enters
the room, the DC increases by 3. Failure results in them His friends were few,
falling twenty-feet onto the spikes at the bottom of the pit. And foes surrounded all.
Any adventurer that falls into the pit takes 11 (2d10) piercing
damage and must make a DC15 Constitution save. Failure
results in the adventurer being poisoned. The adventurers need to press the runes for the following
numbers in order:
Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC12 Strength (Athletics)
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check can safely get across the pit • 5 (the number of wounds Javilarhh suffered)

and reach the lever. The lever locks the pit trap and allows
• 2 (the number of allies Javilarhh fought beside)
the adventurers to safely enter the South-Eastern Chamber.

Once the adventurers enter the South-Eastern Chamber

• 8 (the number of orcs that overwhelmed Javilarhh)

they will be able to see that the walls of this chamber are • This gives the date 528DR, the year that Javilarhh died in
decorated with an extensive mural, in a similar manner to the battle against the Howltusks..
the murals in the Stairs Chamber and the Southern

Chamber. If they press any of the runes in the wrong order, or press
any of the other runes, then all members of the party
It depicts the battle of the House of Stone, where the armies standing within 15ft of the door suffers 18 (4d8) lightning
of Phalorm slaughtered the Howltusk orc horde, and where damage each time this occurs.
King Javilarhh was slain.
Once the adventurers have managed to open the door, they
The mural shows Javilarhh standing alongside the two other see a forty-five foot by seventy foot room, with irregular
rulers, facing off against eight orcs. The mural also shows walls. Twenty-five feet into the room stands a stone pillar,
the numerous wounds that Javilarhh suffered, three arrows which is actually a guardian statue.
sticking from his left shoulder, a spear driven through his
stomach, and a sword gashing his right shoulder. A stone sarcophagus sits against the eastern wall of the
chamber. The sarcophagus is inscribed with King Javilarhh’s
Amongst the details that are shown in the mural is the date name and with a depiction of the three crowns of the Realm
of the battle, 528DR. This date is the combination to the of the Three Crowns (a silver circlet, an adamantine crown,
puzzle door to Javilarhh’s Resting Chamber. If they are and a golden crown). Removing the lid of the sarcophagus
using darkvision to see, then the mural appears only in requires that an adventurer succeed on a DC15 Strength
shades of grey and they will be unable to make out the detail (Athletics) check. Additional help reduces the DC by 2 for
of the date. each extra adventurer involved.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~19~

Opening the sarcophagus reveals the desiccated remains on
King Javilarhh. Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC12
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Medicine) check On the eighth day of travel through Kryptgarden, the
will recognise that the body has gone through some form of adventurers spot smoke rising from the forest to the south.
mummification process. A success on a DC12 Wisdom (Survival) check will let the
Treasure. In the sarcophagus, placed on the mummified adventurers know that the smoke is coming from a large
corpse, is the longsword Cormandar, a powerful frostbrand campfire.
sword. As they party continues on their way, read the following to
Removing the sword from the sarcophagus activated the them:
guardian statue and plunges the chamber into darkness. The
You continue east towards Westbridge, taking care to note
darkness stops if the guardian statue is defeated or if the
details of the route on your survey map for Linene Graywind.
sword is returned to the sarcophagus.

Suddenly, from the forest to the south, a figure bursts out of
T8. King Javilarhh’s Statue
the treeline. The young woman running towards you looks
In the corner of the burial chamber is an intricately carved worse for wear, her bare feet are bleeding, and she keeps
statue of King Javilarhh striding across the heads of his

glancing back into the forest. As she spots you ahead of her,
defeated foes.
she stops and collapses to the ground.
He wields a battle axe in his right hand and a longsword in
“Please, please tell me your not with them?” she cries in
his left, and upon his head is the golden crown of the Realm
of the Three Crowns. Around the base of the statue, terror. Her hands cover her face as she starts sobbing and
Javilarhh’s name has been inscribed. you notice the dried blood on her wrists.

Any adventurer succeeding on a DC15 Intelligence

(Investigation) check will notice that the “I” in Javilarhh’s The woman has only recently escaped from a camp which
can be found to the south of the party’s location. She, and
compartment in the base of the statue.
name is actually a button. Pressing this releases a hidden

Treasure. In the hidden compartment are a collection of

gemstones worth 750gp, and an ornately carved flute, the
several others were captured during a raid on a caravan on
the Long Road.

Once the adventurers have managed to calm woman down

Flute of Phalorm. they can manage to get the following information from her:

• Her name is Mara Helder, from Longsaddle.

• She, and her parents were travelling to Red Larch.

If the adventurers fully explore the tomb they will have
gained some knowledge about the ancient realm of Phalorm, • Her parents were killed in the ambush on their caravan.
and will have recovered two of the treasure of Phalorm,
• There are at least another six people from the caravan

Javilarhh’s sword and his flute .

that are being held captive, thought here may be more.
Any scholar that the adventurers encounter in the future
• Her captors were Orcs, although they appeared to be
might recognise these treasures, and this could potentially
following the orders of a few larger individuals.
lead to the party being asked to hunt for other relics of
Phalorm. • They have a camp in the ruins of an old fort somewhere in
the forest.
The adventurers might even encounter a descendant of

Javilarhh who could lay claim to Javilarhh’s property. • She has been held captive for at least a ten-day but she
AWARDING EXPERIENCE POINTS has lost track of time.

Exploring the tomb, solving the puzzles, and overcoming • She escaped by forcing her wrists out of the manacles that
the guardian stature, is worth 6000XP to be shared equally she was held in (she has broken her left wrist in the
between the characters. process).

PART 4: A FORT IN THE • Once her wrists were free, she waited for an opportunity
to make a break for it, and ran into the woods when she

had her chance.

Any adventurer who succeeds on a DC12 Wisdom (Insight)

Kryptgarden Forest has swallowed numerous locations over check will recognise the signs that Mara is being truthful,
time as it has expanded. One such location was a small fort and that she is traumatized.
that was built by a group of adventurers in the distant past.

Unfortunately, their tales were lost in the annals of time and

The Truth of the Situation
they have been long forgotten by the peoples of the Sword Everything that Mara has told the adventurers is accurate, to
Coast North.
The Road Through Kryptgarden ~20~
the best of her knowledge. However, there is more to the
situation than she is aware of.
The Prison Camp Locations
The orcs are working under the supervision of two P1. Northwestern Tower
wereboars. The wereboars had them target caravans on the
Long Road in the hope of capturing individuals that they One of three towers that formed the corners of the original
could then infect with lycanthropy, allowing them to add to fortification. Gaps in the wall allow adventurers to gain
their pack. access to the interior.

Any adventurer who examines Mara, and succeeds on a DC15 There is little evidence remaining of the original use for
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Medicine) check, will this tower. The stone, spiral staircase ascends the wall to
notice that she has deep scratches on her arms that are in the the height of nine feet but leads to nowhere, as the upper
process of healing. Mara cannot recall when, or how, she floors have completely crumbled away.
received this injury. A success on a DC15 Intelligence (Nature)

A gap in the wall, where a door would likely have stood,
check will identify the scratches as most likely to have come would lead to the courtyard if it were not blocked by rubble.
from a boar’s tusk. Mara is unable to recall seeing any boars
A single tree has grown in the southern half of the empty
in the camp, nor can she remember any being present during
tower, and some bushes line the eastern wall of the
the attack on the caravan.

Mara has already been infected with the curse of lycanthropy.
Buried beneath the roots of the tree is a small, well-made,
She will not change until the next full moon, in three days.
wooden box. An adventurer who succeeds on a DC15
Initially, Mara will try to resist the change and so will be
Wisdom (Perception) check will notice that the roots
unaware that she transforms into a wereboar during the full
appear to be mis-formed. An adventurer that makes a
moons. This may lead to further complications in the future
second successful Intelligence (Investigation) or DC12
for the adventurers to deal with.
Wisdom (Perception) will unearth the box.

Arrival at the Prison Camp e At some point in the past, this location was used by a
ranger as a base to explore Kryptgarden Forest.
If the adventurers decide to investigate the situation, they
Unfortunately, she died but she left behind some of the
can follow Mara’s trail back to the ruins with a success on a
items she found in the forest.
Dc10 Wisdom (Survival) check. The journey takes them about
an hour to complete. Treasure. The box contains 60gp, 87sp, and a small bag of
mixed gems worth 150gp. There is also a ring of spell
As they approach the ruins, read the following text to them:
storing, containing the spells Chromatic Orb, Fog Cloud
From ahead of you, you can see the smoke rising from the and Ice Knife.

campfire within the ruined structure. P2. Northeastern Tower

The remains of three stone towers form the vertices of a One of three towers that formed the corners of the original

triangle, joined by the remnants of stone wall that would fortification. Gaps in the wall allow adventurers to gain
have once stood as a defense for this fortification. access to the interior.

The forest has encroached upon the structure, with trees The stone, spiral staircase ascends the wall to the height of
dotted around the ruins, and ivy and moss covering the nine feet and leads to the remnants of a wooden second
floor. The wood has long since rotted from exposure to the
elements, and anyone attempting to stand on it will fall the

Although the edifice is crumbling in places, and being nine feet to the ground below, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
consumed by the forest in others, the walls still stand nine damage from the fall. The noise of someone falling will
attract the attention of everyone in area P3.
feet tall, preventing you from getting a clear view of the
interior. Bushes line the western wall of the tower, and a gap in the
wall, where the door would likely have been, leads to the
Of the three towers, the two northern ones both have gaps in courtyard. The gap is strewn with rubble from the collapsed
their outer walls where the stone have collapsed. The main walls and so counts as difficult terrain.
wall connecting them has a large gap where the main gates
would likely have once been. A makeshift gate has replaced P3. Courtyard
the original structure, and two orcs stand watch at it, The orcs have set up their camp in the remnants of the fort
frequently staring over their shoulders into what would courtyard. There are guards posted at each of the gaps in
probably have been a courtyard. From beyond the makeshift the walls, with a makeshift gate covering the main entrance
at the north of the courtyard. Guards also watch over the
gate, you can hear the sounds of cheering and hollering.
entrance to the southern tower, where the prisoners are
There are loud shout, in Orcish, emanating from beyond the being kept.
makeshift gate. “Come on, fight if you want to live.” There is a large campfire in the center of the courtyard, and

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~21~


is the smoke from this that the party initially saw from corner of the courtyard, the party will find 217gp, 436sp and
afar. gems with a value of 327gp. Darget wears Studded Leather

Armor+2, and there is a set of Mithral Splint Mail+1

An arena, of sorts, has been created in the shade of the tree.
amongst the chests (this belongs to Finellen Balderk).
Two orcs are in the middle of a bout, and several of the
others are watching the fight. P4. Southern Tower
The wereboars have established their area by the rubble-
One of three towers that formed the corners of the original
filled gap in the south-eastern wall.
fortification. This tower has suffered far less damage from
There are two orcs per adventurer in the party. the elements over the years, and its walls remain intact.
Additionally, there is one wereboar plus an additional Although the door to the courtyard has rotted away, the gap
wereboar per three members of the party, The leader of the now has a makeshift barrier covering it instead.
wereboars and, by that right, the orcs, is Darget Kerdran.
The survivors of the caravan attack are kept inside this
The orcs and wereboars will fight to the death. The were tower. The survivors include the following:
boars will also try to infect as many of the adventurers with
• Evendur Brakmun (male, Chondathan from
lycanthropy as they can.
Longsaddle), he was one of the guards on the caravan
Treasure. Each of the orcs carry a leather pouch with (1d6
gold and 2d8 silver). Amongst chests in the southeastern
• Kethra Ternivver (female, Illuskan from Longsaddle),
she was one of the guards on the caravan

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~22~

• Zora Artemel— (female, Tethyrian from Waterdeep),
her family are one of the noble families of Waterdeep
and she was returning from visiting family in Mirabar

• Peren Meliamne (male, half-elf from Triboar),

travelling to Waterdeep to ply his trade as a minstrel

• Finellen Balderk (female, dwarf from Mirabar),

travelling to Red Larch in search of her brother

All have been infected with lycanthropy by the wereboars,

although none of them are aware of their predicament.

They are all dressed in ragged clothing, and their hands and

feet are manacled. The key for the manacles is in the
possession of Darget. A success on a DC12 Dexterity
(Thieves’ Tools) check will open the manacles.

None of the prisoners are in any state to become involved in

a fight with the orcs or wereboars.

If freed, and escorted to Westbridge, Zora Artemel will

arrange for a reward of 1000gp to be given to the party,
Peren Meliamne will spread tales of the adventurers at
every stop down the Long Road, and they will have the
gratitude of Finellen Balderk, and a promise of aid in the

There is very little option here but to fight the orcs and
If the adventurers are all incapacitated, they will wake up in
the southern tower with the rest of the prisoners. Each
adventurer will need to succeed on a DC14 Constitution
save to avoid becoming infected with lycanthropy.

If the adventurers defeat the wereboars and the orcs, they

can fee the prisoners. Zora and Finellen will both request
that they be escorted to Westbridge. Once in Westbridge,

the ex-prisoners and Mara will all go their separate ways

quite quickly. Unfortunately, they have all been cursed with
wereboar lycanthropy.

Zora, Mara, Peren and Finellen will attempt to resist the

curse. Evendur and Kethra will both relish the change the
undergo, and will disappear at the first opportunity after

the next full moon. (This will occur one night after the
adventurers arrive in Westbridge).


Defeating the wereboars and the orcs is worth 4200XP to be
shared equally between the characters. Rescuing the
prisoners and dealing with their issues is worth 1200XP to
be shared equally between the characters.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~23~


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~24~


Serafina Tanerathen was the leader of the Kryptgarden Forest Circle of the Forest. An incredibly powerful druid, she was well
known throughout the Sword Coast in 1090DR.

When Claugiyliamatar descended upon Kryptgarden Forest and made it her home, Serafina led her circle of druids into battle
against the ancient green dragon. Unfortunately, they were no match for the strength and cunning of the dragon. Serafina
was severely wounded during the battle and fled. She made her way to the druid grove and used the portal there to enter the

It was assumed that she had perished alongside the others of her circle, and she was lost to memory. Overcome with guilt
and despairing from her failure, Serafina remained in exile in the Feywild. Her four centuries of self-imposed solitary exile
in that realm has, unfortunately, led to her losing her sanity.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~25~


Treants are awakened trees that dwell in ancient forests. Although treants prefer to while away the days, months, and years
in quiet contemplation, they fiercely protect their woodland demesnes from outside threats. Blighted treants,
unfortunately, have been corrupted by environmental impacts on their forest. Warped by magical influences, and poisoned
by toxins, their desire to protect the forest has been twisted.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~26~


Gnawbones druids reside within Kryptgarden Forest. They worship the ancient green dragon, Claugiyliamatar, treating the
dragon like a god. In exchange for their devotion, Claugiyliamatar teaches the druids and allows them to live in her lair.

The druids patrol Kryptgarden Forest, watching for any potential threat to Claugiyliamatar.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~27~

Guardian statues are magical constructs cut and chiseled from
stone to appear as impressive statues, and then animated by an
earth elemental magically bound to the statue.

They are used to guard tombs and shrines throughout the lands.

Guardian statues can remain in an inanimate state for


millennia, much like their grotesque cousins, gargoyles.

They remain bound to their duty long after their creators have
died, turned to dust, and been forgotten to history.

Elemental Nature. A guardian statue doesn’t require air, food,

drink, or sleep.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~28~


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~29~


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~30~


Travelers entering a forest might catch a glimpse of a feminine form flitting through the trees. Cold laughter hangs on the
air, drawing those who hear it deeper into the emerald shadows.

Treebound. Powerful fey will sometimes bind lesser fey spirits to trees, transforming them into dryads. This is sometimes
done as a punishment when the fey spirit falls in love with a mortal and that love is forbidden.

A dryad can emerge from the tree and travel the lands around it, but the tree remains her home and roots her to the world.
As long as the tree remains healthy and unharmed, the dryad stays forever youthful and alluring. If the tree is harmed, she
suffers. If the tree is ever destroyed, the dryad descends into madness.

The dryads of Kryptgarden Forest have been transformed over the centuries by the magical influence of Claugiyliamatar.
Transformed into twisted versions of their formal selves, the creatures prey on travelers passing through the forest.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~31~

The most cunning and treacherous of true dragons, green dragons use misdirection and trickery to get the upper hand
against their enemies. A green dragon is recognized by the crest that begins near its eyes and continues down its spine,
reaching full height just behind the skull.

Venomfang is searching for a safe location to establish his new lair after being chased out of Thundertree. Although he
knows that Kryptgarden Forest is not a suitable location, he is currently residing there, and is careful to avoid being

discovered by Claugiyliamatar or her servants.


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~32~


This troll has been ravaged by massive doses of poison causing it to mutate into a venom troll. Lingering poison infuses its
blood and tissue, and poison leaks from its pores to coat its fangs and claws. These creatures are especially dangerous in
close combat, because poison drips off their flesh and sprays out from every wound they receive.

The trolls have been transformed by living within the boundary of Kryptgarden Forest. They avoid the area around
Claugiyliamatar’s lair, and do their best to avoid the ancient green dragon when she is hunting for food. Many a venom troll
has found itself a light meal for Old Gnawbone.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~33~


Wereboars are ill-tempered and vulgar brutes. As humanoids, they are stocky and muscular, with short, stiff hair. In their
humanoid and hybrid forms, they use heavy weapons, while in hybrid or animal form, they gain a devastating goring
attack through which their curse is spread. A wereboar infects other creatures indiscriminately, relishing the fact that the
more its victims resist the curse, the more savage and bestial they become.

Wereboars live in small family groups in remote forest areas, building ramshackle huts or dwelling in caves. They are

suspicious of strangers but sometimes ally themselves with orcs.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~34~

A wood woad is a powerful plant in humanoid form invested with the soul of someone who gave up life to become an
eternal guardian.

Born of Sacrifice. The ritual to create a wood woad is a primeval secret passed down through generations of savage societies
and dark druid circles. Performing the ritual isn’t necessarily an act of evil, if the victim-to-be has entered into a bargain
that requires it to be a willing sacrifice.

In the ritual a living person’s chest is pierced and the heart removed. A seed is then pushed into the heart, and it is placed
in a tree. Any hollow or crook will do, but often a special cavity is carved out of the trunk. The tree is then bathed and
watered with the blood of the sacrificed victim, and the body is buried among the tree’s roots. After three days, a sprout
emerges from the ground at the base of the tree and swiftly grows into a humanoid form.

This new body, armored in tough bark and bearing a gnarled club and shield, is at once ready to perform its duty. The one
who performed the ritual sets the wood woad to its task, and the creature follows those orders unceasingly.

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~35~


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~36~


Flute of Phalorm

The Road Through Kryptgarden ~37~

Mithral Splint Mail +1


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~38~


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~39~


The Road Through Kryptgarden ~40~

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