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Pre-writing a Documented Essay on a Concept

Ten Research Article Sources

Midterm Assignment #1

Group #: 3 Date: April 3, 2024


Alberto, Phrenstien Paredes, Micka Jane

Gayon, Loraine Joy Razon, Jamaica Mae

Juele, Kenneth Ivan Serico, John Robin

Montoya, Gerald

Research #1

Title: Public awareness and regulatory systems for food safety in the Philippines
Author/s: Mario V. Perilla, University of the Philippines Los Banos
APA 7th Citation: Perilla, M. V. (n.d.). Public awareness and regulatory systems for food safety in the
Philippines. University Knowledge Digital Repository.
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. The Philippine regulatory agencies adopt the Codex Alimentarius. The codex standards contain
requirements for food aimed at ensuring for the consumer wholesome food products free from
adulteration and correctly labeled.
2. Millions of people die from diarrheal illnesses, which are mainly due to the ingestion of
contaminated food or water.
3. Uses of biotechnology to prevent food contamination or poison

Research #2

Title: Food Contaminants and Their Pathways Within Food Processing Facilities Using Open Food
Processing Equipment
Author/s: Mohidus Samad Khan, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Mohammad Shafiur Rahman, Department of Food
Science and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat,
APA 7th Citation: Due to the heightened consumer awareness, food safety is increasingly becoming
important for the reason of increased consumption of minimally processed foods as well as the use of
preservatives, (Khan M.S. and Rahman, S. 2021, p.1). Retrieved from
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. The consumption of unsafe food is responsible for approximately 600 million cases of food‐borne
disease and 420,000 deaths annually (WHO, 2022, p1).
2. According to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), and European Hygienic Engineering
Design Group (EHEDG) (EHEDG, 2023, p1), food-borne diseases continue to persist worldwide
Research #3

Title: Studying Cross-Contamination in Dry Produce Packinghouse Environments

Author/s: Nitin Nitin, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
APA 7th Citation: One researcher is looking to fill knowledge gaps about the potential for microbial
cross-contamination in dry produce packinghouse environments (Nitin, 2023). Form
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. A Center for Produce Safety funded project aims to address information gaps regarding about the
potential for microbial cross-contamination in dry produce products. Ensuring more safer food to
prevent cross-contamination in all dry food products.
2. One of the main preliminary findings is that the transfer rate in a dry environment is significantly
lower than in a wet environment, from what is reported in the literature.
3. These on-going research use under a range of conditions and durations to measure bacterial die-off.
The time period was selected to reflect the 2- to 3-month-long onion packing season. This aims to
improve the quality of dry-food products as well as make it safer, long lasting and avoid

Research #4

Title: Contamination of Food-Borne parasites from green-leafy vegetables sold in public markets of San
Jose City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Author/s: Khryst Celine C. Vizon, Diane Sheila C. Castillo and Zomiso G. Battad
APA 7th Citation: Vizon, K. C. Castillo, D. C & Battad II, Z. G. (2019). Contamination of Food-Borne
parasites from green-leafed vegetables sold in public markets of San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. Vegetables from open-air markets have more contamination than in supermarkets, but they can also
be contaminated during post-harvest operations such as packing and presentation of fresh produce,
transit of food from farm to market.
2. Water in irrigation and soil can also contribute to contamination.
3. Before consuming green-leafy vegetables, remove any damaged or spoiling parts and wash them
under running tap water to help avoid contamination.

Research #5

Title: Food aid linked to illness in the Philippines

Author/s: Bill Marler, Food safety attorney and News Desk
APA 7th Citation: News Desk. (2024, February 23). Food aid linked to illness in the Philippines | Food
Safety News. Food Safety News.
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. In Agusan del Sur health officials said 216 people had been treated in the hospital February 2024
with symptoms such as vomiting and stomach aches. Based on the symptoms of the people who are
affected this incident is most likely caused by food poisoning. Patients were taken to different types
of medical centers and the majority of the people have now been discharged, and none of them are
believed to be fatal. The Suspected food came from the Philippine Red Cross (PRC). Philippine Red
Cross is an agency who has been helping thousands of people across the country of the Philippine.
The Locals reported that the meals given to them by PRC were not properly prepared. The food
given is chicken liver, egg, and rice.
Research #6

Title: The importance of Food Safety and Sanitation

Author/s: Webfx Developer
APA 7th Citation: Developer, W. (2022, April 27). The importance of food safety and sanitation. American
Dining Creations.
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. Food is your source of nourishment. A good meal has the power to provide necessary energy and
nutrients throughout your day. When your food is made well, you savor every bite. When your food
is handled, prepared or cooked incorrectly, the results can be dangerous.
2. When food carries microorganisms like harmful bacteria, it can wreak havoc on a person’s bodily
systems. The most common of these bacteria are E. coli, salmonella and listeria. When certain people
experience food poisoning, they suffer nausea, headaches, fever or worse. Though most cases are
short-lived, some people can develop chronic issues from one bad meal.
3. 5 keys to food safety is to keep clean, separate raw food, cook thoroughly, keep food at safe
temperatures and use clean water and raw materials.

Research #7

Title: Impact of food safety training on the knowledge, practice, and attitudes of food handlers working in
fast-food restaurants.
Author/s: Tahra Elobeid, Vijay Ganji, Ioannis Savvaidis
APA 7th Citation: Elobeid, T., Savvaidis, I., & Ganji, V. (2019). Impact of food safety training on the
knowledge, practice, and attitudes of food handlers working in fast-food restaurants. British Food Journal,
121(4), 937-949.
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. Despite fast food handlers reporting high confidence (93.9%) in their overall food safety knowledge,
the study revealed deficiencies in crucial areas. These included proper equipment cleaning,
preventing cross-contamination, understanding foodborne illnesses, managing food within the danger
zone, and thawing frozen food safely. (Elobeid et al., 2019)
2. Based on their findings, the authors emphasize the importance of ongoing food safety and hygiene
training programs in all food service establishments, particularly fast food restaurants in Qatar. They
argue that such programs are essential to equip food handlers with the necessary knowledge and
skills to ensure food safety. (Elobeid et al., 2019)

Research #8

Title: Diarrhea outbreak kills 3 people, downs several dozen villagers on Albay island
Author/s: Rhaydz Barcia
APA 7th Citation: Barcia R. (2023), Reported albay, Philippines – An outbreak of diarrhea in the island
town of Rapu-Rapu in Albay province,
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. According to the officials from the Albay Provincial Health Office (PHO) there are findings where
the water sources from Rapu-Rapu were unsafe for drinking. Water samples were submitted and
tested by the Bicol South Luzon-Sub National Reference Laboratory-Molecular Lab (BSL-SNRL)
for examination, and confirmed that the water sources were unsafe to drink. The Research Institute
for Tropical Medicine (RITM) in Manila for a thorough examination. A week after conducting the
rectal swab examination on 11 patients, one of them tested positive for Vibrio cholerae, which causes
2. The common causes of vibrio cholerae are viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites and it can
contaminate through food or water and through bug bites. To prevent vibrio cholerae be sure you
drink and use safe water, wash and prepare food.

Research #9

Title: Restaurant Food Safety: The 4 C’s

Author/s: Tracy, Food Hygiene company
APA 7th Citation: Tracy. (2022, May 13). Restaurant Food Safety: The 4 C’s. Food Hygiene Company.
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. Cross-contamination is defined as the transfer of bacteria or other harmful microorganisms from an
infected area to a non-infected area. The problem for restaurateurs and their staff is that, in a
restaurant, the potential for cross-contamination is common.
2. Never wash raw meat but you should always wash vegetables to rid them of bacteria. Empty your
bins properly, regularly and never leave them overnight. Kitchen staff have control over the
preparation of food, so if you’re suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea and/or think you might have
norovirus, don’t come into work until you are symptom-free for 48 hours. This involves both
scheduled cleans and immediate cleans. This ensures that the restaurant food safety is optimal before,
during and after a shift.
3. Adhere to food dates, Keep suitable refrigeration options and Fridge organization.

Research #10

Title: Factors associated with food safety practices among food handlers: facility-based cross-sectional study
Author/s: Jember Azanaw, Mulat Gebrehiwot & Henok Dagne
APA 7th Citation: Azanaw, J., Gebrehiwot, M., & Dagne, H. (2019b). Factors associated with food safety
practices among food handlers: facility-based cross-sectional study. BMC Research Notes, 12(1).
Evidence/s from the research that may be used for the documented essay:
1. Good personal hygiene and food handling practices are important for preventing the transmission of
pathogens from food handlers to the consumers. Studies revealed that lack of basic sanitary
facilities/infrastructures, poor knowledge and practice of hygiene and sanitation among food handlers
in food service establishments, and negligence in safe food handling are major reasons of poor food
safety practice in food establishments
2. Training programs are important for improving the knowledge of food handlers. Food safety practice
was also positively associated with the level of knowledge.
3. This might be due to supervisors giving advice for food handlers, the owners and to the managers. A
routine medical checkup was also another factor significantly associated with good food handling

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