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Unit 4 English and EAL

#08 Outcome 2: Point of View on a
Contemporary Issue
Notification of Outcome 2 and Conditions
Date: Term 2 Week 6 (week beginning Monday, 20th May, 2024)
Duration: English (4 – 6 minutes)
English as an Additional Language (3 – 6 minutes)
Task: To construct and present in oral form a sustained and reasoned point of view on an issue
currently being debated in the media.
Your presentation must feature a sound argument and persuasive language. Choose an issue that you
can objectively research in order for you to demonstrate an understanding of the complexities in the
chosen issue.
The point of view must relate to an issue that has appeared in the media since 1st September 2023.

Marks allocated: 20 marks
Approval of topic: Your topic must be approved by your teacher before you begin your research. See
the next page for some ideas if you are unsure.
● The oral will be presented to the class individually under teacher supervision.
● The SAC will be assessed against published VCAA Performance Descriptors. A copy and
explanation of these criteria will be given to students prior to the commencement of the SAC.

For your teacher to verify the authenticity of your work, you need to demonstrate the stages involved in
your thinking to reach your contention and write your speech.

You are required to submit the following in your research folder to your teacher AT THE
BEGINNING OF the FIRST English class in Week 6:
1. A typed written copy of your speech. Your speech transcript must be placed at the FRONT of
your folder for your teacher to follow during your speech.
2. A research folio containing a minimum of FIVE articles published in the media SINCE
September 1st, 2023. (Articles sourced from the Internet must be downloaded and the date that the
website was published needs to be included.)
NOTE: Every one of the articles must be annotated. You are required to:
A) identify the arguments used by the writer and,
B) identify at least 3 language techniques which are evident in the article
● Underneath each article draw 2 columns with the headings, ‘Supporting arguments’ and
‘Opposing arguments.’ Fill in the columns. Note that in some articles there will be no rebuttal
or discussion of opposing arguments.
● You may include and refer to supplementary articles on top of the minimum of FIVE, which
must also be printed and included in your folio. Any supplementary articles you use may be
published before the specified date range.
3. ALL your planning notes and drafts (evidence of the drafting process).
NOTE: A plagiarised speech will be awarded a zero grade.
VCAA authenticity rules.
Students will observe the following VCAA rules regarding the authenticity of work.
The VCAA sets down seven rules which a student must observe when preparing work for assessment by the
school. These rules apply to School-assessed Coursework. They are:
1) A student must ensure that all unacknowledged work submitted for assessment is genuinely his/her
own. Students may not submit any unacknowledged work written by anyone else, including other
students, even with the consent of the author.
2) A student must acknowledge all resources used, including:
a) texts, websites and source material
b) the name/s and status of any person/s who provided assistance and the type of assistance
3) A student must not receive undue assistance from any other person in the preparation and submission
of work.
Acceptable levels of assistance include:
1. the incorporation of ideas or material derived from other sources (for example, by reading, viewing
or note taking), but which has been transformed by the student and used in a new context
2. prompting and general advice from another person or source which leads to refinements and/or self-
Unacceptable forms of assistance include:
1. use of, or copying of, another person’s work or other resources without acknowledgment
2. corrections or improvements made or dictated by another person.
Authenticity Guidelines:
➔ A student must not submit the same piece of work for assessment in more than one study.
➔ A student who knowingly assists other students in a breach of rules may be penalised.
➔ A student must sign an authentication record for work done outside class at the time of submitting
the completed task. This declaration states that all unacknowledged work is the student’s own.
➔ A student must sign a general declaration that he/she will obey the rules and instructions for the VCE
and accept its disciplinary provisions.

Possible Topics
The topic you choose must have been raised and debated in the media since September 1st, 2023.
This is not an exhaustive list of possible topics. If you have an idea which you would like to propose,
discuss it with your teacher. You MUST have your topic approved by your teacher PRIOR to
commencing your research.
Some possible topics include which fit this description include:
● The humanitarian crisis threatening the developing world

● Teenage vaping addiction

● The impact of AI programs such as ChatGPT in educational settings.

● Marketing of tanning products in Australia

● The rise of homelessness in Australia

● Equity for women in sport

● The rise in mental health issues in Australia

● Cyber security threats and data breaches

● The exposure of personal information, data and finances

● Reforms to political donation laws

VCE English
Performance descriptors

DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range

Very low Low Medium High Very high

Recounts an Uses argument(s) Provides a clear Presents a Creates a contention

experience of the that support a contention and contention and that addresses the
selected issue. contention. argument(s) creates a complexity of the
connected to the presentation with issue and composes
contention, creates a sequenced and an engaging
sequence. supported presentation to
arguments, position an intended
including appeals to audience, employing
connect with an a complex set of
audience. sequenced
arguments linked
clearly to the

Refers to evidence Provides evidence Embeds selected Incorporates Integrates relevant

with some with relevance to evidence into relevant evidence and compelling
relationship to the the selected issue. supporting into supporting evidence into all
selected issue. argument(s) in order arguments to create supporting
Unit 4 to persuade. a persuasive effect. arguments with a
Outcome 2 clear intention to
(Task 2) create a persuasive
Develop and
present an oral
point of view Uses vocabulary Uses appropriate Uses relevant and Employs appropriate Employs appropriate
text. that refers to the vocabulary to refer persuasive and persuasive and persuasive
selected issue. to the selected issue. vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary,
language features to language features to including the use of
position an craft a presentation specialist language,
audience. that positions the and creative
audience. language features to
create a presentation
that positions the

Attempts to Uses a generic voice Constructs a distinct Creates and sustains Creates an apt,
construct a voice and identifies a voice for a stated a credible voice with sustained and
within a context. context. context. a connected to a individual voice
context. connected
appropriately with a
clear context.

Attempts to use Uses a structure and Uses structures and Uses structures and Uses structures and
structures and features appropriate features in a features of a spoken features seamlessly
features of a spoken to a spoken point of deliberate manner to point of view text to to create a spoken
point of view text. view text. engage the intentionally point of view text
audience. position the that position the
audience. audience in nuanced
and subtle ways.
KEY to marking scale based on the outcome contributing 20 marks

Very low 1–4 Low 5–8 Medium 9–12 High 13–16 Very high 17–20

VCE English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Performance descriptors

DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range

Very low Low Medium High Very high

Recounts an Uses Provides a clear Presents a Creates a contention that

experience of the argument(s) that contention and contention and addresses the complexity
selected issue. support a argument(s) creates a of the issue and composes
contention. connected to the presentation with an engaging presentation to
contention, sequenced and position the intended
creates a supported audience, employing a
sequence. arguments, complex set of sequenced
including appeals arguments linked clearly to
to connect with the contention.
an audience.

Refers to Provides Embeds selected Incorporates Integrates relevant and

Unit 4 evidence with evidence with evidence into relevant evidence compelling evidence into
Outcome 2 some relevance to the supporting into supporting all supporting arguments,
(Task 2) relationship to selected issue. argument(s). arguments,
Develop and the selected
present an issue.
oral point of
view text. Uses vocabulary Uses appropriate Uses relevant and Employs Employs appropriate and
that refers to the vocabulary to persuasive appropriate and persuasive vocabulary,
selected issue. refer to the vocabulary and persuasive including the use of
selected issue. language features vocabulary and specialist language, and
to position an language features creative language features
audience. to craft a to create a presentation that
presentation that positions the audience.
positions the

Attempts to use Uses a structure Uses structures Uses structures Uses structures and
structures and and features and features in a and features of a features seamlessly to
features of a appropriate to a deliberate spoken point of create a spoken point of
spoken point of spoken point of manner to view text to view text that position the
view text. view text. engage the intentionally audience in nuanced and
audience. position the subtle ways.

KEY to marking scale based on the outcome contributing 20 marks

Very low 1–4 Low 5–8 Medium 9–12 High 13–16 Very high 17–20

Approximate alphabetical grades.

A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D E+ E UG

20-19 18-17 16-15 14-13 12-11 10-9 8-7 6-5 4 3 2-0

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