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PSAT B ing kelas 8

1. Read this dialogue below and answer the questions number 1-5

Andre: Woah, I'm full.

Monita: Yeah, me too. Let's get back to our class.

Andre: Okay, but before that, let's put our trash in the trash can first.

Monita: you're right.

Andre: Oh, no. It is full already. The trash is all over the place.

Monita: Gosh, the one right there is full too.

Andre: Yeah. It it is full of plastic waste from snack wrappers and straws.

Monita: that's too bad. we should reduce the use of plastic from now on. it is bad for the

Andre: and it is not good for our health either. How about we bring our own container next time?

Monita: Good idea Andre! Let's do that.

how is the trash can at the canteen?

a. empty

b. half full

c. Almost full

d. full

2. What kind of trash makes the trash bin full?

a. paper waste

b. Trash cans

c. Plastic waste

d. Organic waste

3. What does Monita suggest that we do about plastic use?

a. reduce the use of plastic

b. Buy more plastics

c. increase the use of plastic

d. Ignore the use of plastics

4. What is Andre's response to Monica's suggestion he says that...

a. plastic is very expensive

b. Plastic is bad for the environment

c. Plastic is good for our health

d. plastic is not dangerous

5. What will they do next time?

a. Buy less food

b. Request to use plastic straw

c. Bring their own container

d. Bring their own trash can

6. Read the text below and answer questions number 6-8!

How to wash your hands

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others
from illnesses such as food poisoning and viruses. Here are the steps to wash
your hands.

1. wash hands with running water

2. Turn off the faucet

3. Apply hand soap

4. Rub hands together

5. Dry hands with a towel

what should you do before applying hand soap?

a. wash hands with running water

b. Rub hands together

c. Turn off the faucet

d. Dry hands with a towel

7. what is the similar meaning of apply?

a. use

b. Make

c. Take

d. Create

8. From the text above, what will happen if we do not wash our hands?

a. it will protect us from illness and viruses

b. it will make us get sick easily

c. it will make our immune strong

d. it will kill the bacteria

9. Read the text below and answer the questions from 9-11!

When you want to comment on social media, we have to think carefully. There are several things
to consider have a look at the following steps!

1. read and understand the content carefully.

2. Think about whether you have something necessary to offer about the content.

3. If you have, comment politely.

4. Don't use words that can offend others.

5. Avoid any quarrel in the common section.

What is the text mainly about?

a. How to stop quarrel in social media

b. How to understand the content in social media

c. How to offend others on social media

d. How to comment politely on social media

10. What does the word "consider" mean?

a. think

b. say

c. understand
d. follow

11. What should we do to avoid any quarrel in the comment section?

a. use harsh words

b. Comment politely

c. Send some pictures

d. Report the social media user

12. Read the text below and answer questions from 12-14!
What do you think the content is about?

a. How listening to music help to concentrate

b. How to be a better person

c. how to clear your mind

d. how to study using spotify

13. To concentrate better, we listen to music in .... Hz.

a. 20

b. 40

c. 10

d. 30

14. The content creator uses the music to...

a. warm up before studying

b. do research

c. clear his mind

d. be more disciplined

15. Read the poster below

What is the poster about?

a. education is for all

b. studying for kids

c. school for kids

d. kids should read books

16. Read the poster below and answer questions 16-18

What is the poster about?

a. how to make people read in the library

b. how to borrow books from the library

c. how to give old books to the library

d. how to identify different types of books in the library

17. Where do you usually find the poster?

a. school

b. hospital

c. home

d. theatre

18. What is the benefit of donating old books?

a. getting money

b. getting free ice cream coupon

c. getting more books

d. getting smarter

19. Read the text below and answer questions from 19-23!
When did Pak Rahmansyah like to come down to Sungai Lestari? When he ....

a. was a small boy

b. had time
c. came home

d. went fishing

20. Who used to swim in Sungai Lestari? It was Galang’s ..

a. Galang's best friend

b. Galang’s sisters

c. Galang’s father

d. Galang's mother

21. Why were there a lot of children swimming in the river?

a. There was no swimming pool.

b. Their parents used to swim there.

c. The river was clean.

d. It was free of charge

22. What happened to the river?

a. It became dirty.

b. Nothing happened

c. It became clean.

d. So many fish grew there.

23. Why is there a lot of plastic trash in the river? Because plastic ...

a. is everywhere in Galang’s hometown

b. decays easily

c. does not decay easily.

d. people throw it to the river.

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