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I. Choose the best answer and write the option code and corresponding answer

1. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance is:

a). Always less than 1. b). Always equal to 1.
c). Always more than 1. d). Equal to or less than
2)If the displacement of a body is proportional to square of time then:
a) The body moves with uniform velocity. b) The body moves with uniform acceleration.
c) The body moves with increasing acceleration. d) The body moves with decreasing acceleration.
3) If the displacement of a body is proportional to cube of time , then
a) The body moves with uniform velocity. b) The body moves with uniform acceleration.
c) The body moves with decreasing acceleration. d) The body moves with increasing acceleration.
4) A body moves with uniform velocity , it’s acceleration is:
a) Zero b) Finite c) Infinite d) Negative
5) An automobile traveling with a speed of 60 km / hr can brake to stop within a distance of
20 m. If the car is going twice as fast, i.e., 120 km / hr, the stopping distance will be:
a) 20 b )40 c) 60 d)80
6) A body is thrown with speed 20m/s vertically upward , It will return to thrower’s hand after a time
of:(assume g=10m/s 2 )
a) 2 s b) 4 s c) 20 s d) never
7) A child playing on the roof of the building 10 m high accidently drops a stone a person standing on the
ground notices it how much time does he have to move away and save himself from being hurt:
a) 10.2 sec b) 20.1 sec c) 1.4 sec d) 1.7sec
8) The motion of a particle along a straightlineisdescribedby equation x = 8 + 12t – t 3 where, x is inmetre
andt in sec. The retardation of the particle when its velocity becomes zero, is
(a) 24 ms−2 (b) zero (c) 6 ms−2 (d) 12 ms−2
9. A body is thrown vertically upwards from the ground. It reaches a maximum height of 20 m in 5 s.
After what time it will reach the ground from its maximum height position ?
(a) 2.5 s (b) 5 s (c) 10 s (d) 25 s
10. Two vectors of the same physical quantity are equal if
a. they have same magnitude and the same direction
b. they have different magnitudes but same direction
c. they have same magnitude but different directions.
d. they have different magnitude and different directions.
11. In the given diagram. R is the resultant of A and B. Then R = B/√2, value of angle θ is
a. 30° b. 45° c. 60° d. 75°
12. Zero vector or null vector is a necessity because,
a. Zero as a number should be used
b. There are no such zero vectors, it is only a scalar.
c. When two vectors are equal, the resultant should be a vanishing vector with arbitrary direction.
d. It helps in the dot product of two scalars.
13. Four bombs of 5 kg, 15 kg, 25 kg and 45 kg are fired from cannon with the same velocity
in the same direction. Which of the following options is right ____? Note: Ignore air
a. All bombs will reach the ground at the same time.
b. The time taken will be in direct proportion to their masses.
c. The time taken will be inversely proportional to their masses.
d. The range will not be the same.
14. The motion of a train along a straight railway track is an example for
a. two dimensional motion b. one dimensional motion
c. three dimensional motion d. motion with uniform speed
15. If the magnitude of sum of two vectors is equal to magnitude of difference of two vectors,
the angle between these two vectors is
a. 90° b. 180° c. 360° d. 0°
16. A car starting from rest at a constant acceleration covers a distance ’s’ in time interval
’t’. It covers a distance s2 in the next time interval at the same acceleration. The statement
which is true is
a. S2 = S1 b. S2 = 2 S1 c. S2 = 3 S1 d. S2 = 4 S1
17. Vectors can be added, subtracted and multiplied by
a. ordinary laws of algebra b. graphical representation only c. laws of vectors
d. It is not possible to do mathematical operations on vectors
18. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular
to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a plane. This implies
that its ____?
a. acceleration is constant b. velocity is constant c. kinetic energy is variable
d. path of movement is circular
19. A boat moves from a point A (4î+5ĵ) to another point across the river. The new position
of the boat is given by B (−7î−9ĵ). The displacement vector is given by ___.
a. 11î +14ĵ b. -11î -14ĵ c. -11î +14ĵ d. 11î -14ĵ
20. A body is projected horizontally from a point above the ground. The motion of the body
is given by the equations x = 2t and y = 5t2 where x and y are horizontal and vertical
displacements in m at time t. The trajectory of the body is ____.
a. a straight line b. a circle c. an ellipsed. d. a parabola
21. Scalar is specified by number and units. Here the number represents its
a. Direction b. Magnitude c. Quantity d. Location.
22. Two trains 121m and 99m in length are running in opposite directions with velocities
40km/hr and 32km/hr. They will completely cross each other at
a. 11 seconds b. 21 seconds c. will not cross at all d. 3 seconds
23. If the quantity, position of a particle is represented using + and - signs then, the position
is being expressed in
a. one dimension b. two dimension c. three dimension d. first the integers are in use
24. A particle moves with a constant speed v along a circular path of radius r and
completes the circle in time T. The acceleration of the particle is ____.
a . 2πr/T b. 2πv/T c. 2π r 2/T d. 2π v2/ T
25. The magnitude of the resultant of two equal vectors is equal to the magnitude of either
vector. Then the angle between the two vectors is:
a. 150° b. 120° c. 90° d. 60°

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