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Acids and Bases

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which is not a typical property of an acid?

A. They react with alkalis producing water.
B. They react with all metals producing hydrogen.
C. They react with carbonates producing carbon dioxide.
D. They turn litmus paper red.

2. Which solution has the lowest pH?

A. 0.1 mol/dm3 ammonia solution C. 0.1 mol/dm3 lithium hydroxide
B. 0.1 mol/dm3 ethanoic acid D. 0.1 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid

3. Which reaction will result in a decrease in pH?

A. adding calcium hydroxide to acid soil
B. adding citric acid to sodium hydrogen carbonate solution
C. adding sodium chloride to silver nitrate solution
D. adding sodium hydroxide to hydrochloric acid


The graph shows how the pH of soil in a field changes over time. At which point was
the soil neutral?
A. A C. C
B. B D. D
5. The diagram beside shows an experiment.
What happens to the pieces of litmus paper?

blue litmus paper red litmus paper

A. changes colour changes colour
B. changes colour no colour change
C. no colour change changes colour
D. no colour change no colour change

6. Which statement about oxides is correct?

A. A solution of magnesium oxide has a pH less than pH 7.
B. A solution of sulfur dioxide has a pH greater than pH 7.
C. Magnesium oxide reacts with nitric acid to make a salt.
D. Sulfur dioxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to make a salt.

7. A gas is escaping from a pipe in a chemical plant. A chemist tests this gas and finds that
it is alkaline. What is this gas?
A. Ammonia C. Hydrogen
B. Chlorine D. Sulfur dioxide

8. Hydrochloric acid is used to clean metals. The acid reacts with the oxide layer on the
surface of the metal, forming a salt and water. Which word describes the metal oxide?
A. alloy C. element
B. base D. indicator

9. Chloric(I) acid, HClO, is formed when chlorine dissolves in water. It is a weak acid.
What is meant by the term weak acid?
A. It contains fewer hydrogen atoms than a strong acid.
B. It is easily neutralised by a strong alkali.
C. It is less concentrated than a strong acid.
D. It is only partially ionised in solution.
10. Part of the Periodic Table is shown.

Which element forms an acidic oxide?

A. A C. C
B. B D. D

11. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a solid, S. A flammable gas, G, is formed. Gas G is
less dense than air. What are S and G?

Solid S Gas G
A. copper hydrogen
B. copper carbonate carbon dioxide
C. zinc hydrogen
D. zinc carbonate carbon dioxide

12. An aqueous solution of the organic compound methylamine has a pH greater than 7.
Which statement about methylamine is correct?
A. It neutralises an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide.
B. It reacts with copper(II) carbonate to give carbon dioxide.
C. It reacts with hydrochloric acid to form a salt.
D. It turns blue litmus red.

13. Dari daftar berikut yang merupakan senyawa basa adalah nomor . . . .
(1) CH3COOH (4) H2SO4
(2) NaCl (5) KOH
(3) NaOH

A. (1) dan (3) C. (2) dan (4)

B. (1) dan (4) D. (3) dan (5)
14. Suatu larutan setelah diidentifikasi menghasilkan data sebagai berikut: rasanya pahit,
dapat menghantarkan listrik, dan membirukan lakmus merah. Larutan tersebut dapat
diprediksikan sebagai larutan . . . .
A. asam C. garam
B. basa D. oksida

15. Ciri–ciri senyawa asam dan basa antara lain:

(1) Bereaksi dengan sebagian logam
(2) Memerahkan kertas lakmus biru
(3) Membirukan kertas lakmus merah
(4) Terasa licin di kulit

Yang termasuk ciri–ciri larutan asam adalah . . . .

A. (1) dan (2) C. (2) dan (4)
B. (1) dan (3) D. (3) dan (4)

B. Answer the following questions.

16. Aqueous sodium hydroxide is an alkali.

(a) What is meant by alkali?

(b) Ethanoic acid reacts with calcium to yield a salt called calcium carbonate.
Suggest the name of the salt when sodium hydroxide reacts with ethanoic acid.

(c) Aqueous sodium hydroxide is gradually added to dilute hydrochloric acid until the
solution is neutral. Suggest a way to determine if the solution is neutral.
17. This question is concerned with the following oxides.

Aluminium oxide Sodium oxide

Carbon monoxide Sulfur dioxide
Copper(II) oxide Zinc oxide

Choose one oxide from the above list to match each of the following descriptions. An
oxide may be used once, more than once or not at all.
(a) This oxide does not react with acid or alkali.

(b) This oxide reacts with water to give a strong alkali solution.

(c) This oxide is amphoteric.

(d) This oxide is soluble in water and it is acidic.

18. The table below shows the colours of two indicators, methyl orange and methyl red,
commonly used in the laboratory at different pH values.

pH 2 3 4 5 6
Methyl orange Red Yellow
Methyl red Red Yellow

Four solutions of different pH values are given below.

Solution P Q R S
pH 2 3 5 6

In which solution(s) will both indicators be red?

19. (a) Define acids.

(b) Give three properties of acids.

(c) Sodium hydroxide reacts with dilute nitric acid to produce salt and water.
(i) Name the type of reaction.

(ii) Write the ionic equation for this reaction.

20. Acids can react with metals to produce salt and hydrogen gas.
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reactions.
(i) Zinc and hydrochloric acid solution to form zinc chloride solution

(ii) Iron and sulfuric acid solution to form iron(II) sulfate solution

(b) Describe how you would test for the presence of hydrogen gas.

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