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Grade 6: BIOLOGY

Food and it’s components

Scientific Vocabulary:
1. Nutrients
2. Deficiency.
3. Malnutrition
4. Kwashiorkor
5. Marasmus
6. Appetite.
7. Hemorrhage
8. Inflammation
9. Retardation
10. Susceptibility

Answer the following questions:

Short Questions:
1. Define nutrients list the nutrients present in the food

Ans. Nutrients are the substances that are needed by your body for proper growth and
healthy functioning of the body.

There are 6 main nutrients present in our food for eg:. Carbohydrates, Protein, fats, vitamins
, minerals. Roughage and water.

2. Why do we need carbohydrates? Name three sources of carbohydrate in our food.

Ans. Carbohydrate provides energy to our body which helps to do all kinds of function
throughout the day. The three sources of carbohydrate rice, wheat and fruits.

3. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fat.


Saturated Fats Unsaturated Fats

1. They are normally solid at room 1. They are normally liquid at room
temperature. temperature.
2. This can cause fatty deposits in blood 2. These are liquid fats so less likely to clog
vessels causing the clogging of arteries. the arteries.
Eg: Butter, ghee Eg: Vegetable oil

4. What is a balanced diet? why it is important to have a balanced diet

Ans. A diet that contains adequate amount of different nutrients in right proportions along
with roughage and water is called balanced diet.
It is important to have a balanced diet for the healthy functioning of the body.

5. What are deficiency diseases? Name any two deficiency diseases and their causes.

Ans. Diseases that are caused due to the lack of nutrients in the diet over a long period of
time are called deficiency disease.

Night blindness : Deficiency of Vitamin A

Scurvy: Vitamin C

Long Questions:

1. What is a balanced diet? Discuss the different food groups that should be included in a
balanced diet.

Ans. A diet that contains adequate amount of different types of nutrients in right proportion
along with roughage and water for the healthy functioning of the body is called as balanced diet.

A balanced diet must contain different food items from the following four food groups.

Dairy Group: milk and milk products.
Protein group: includes meat (chicken, fish and lamb etc.) and meat substitute (beans,
peas, nuts and seeds)
iii. fruits and vegetables group: include fruits and vegetables
iv. Grains group: Include grains and cereals
2. Why are minerals important for the body? Discuss the two groups of minerals.

Ans. Minerals perform many important functions of the body, such as formation of bone, teeth
and blood cells and helps in maintaining a normal heartbeat.

There are two groups of minerals, macro minerals and trace minerals.

 Macro minerals: These are needed by our body in larger amounts. Calcium, potassium,
sodium and magnesium are examples of macro minerals.
 Trace minerals: these are needed by our body in smaller amounts. Iron, zinc, copper
and iodine are examples of trace minerals.

3. Write a short note on roughage.

Ans. The undigested part of the plant that provides bulk to our food is called roughage or dietary
fibres. Roughage helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Dietary fibers or roughage is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibers are soluble in
water, whereas insoluble fibers are not. Apple, strawberry, Peach, and rice are examples of food
items rich in soluble fibres. Whole grain, carrot, cabbage, turnip, and cauliflower are examples of
food items rich in insoluble fibers. Lack of insoluble fibers in the diet causes the stool to become
hard and difficult to pass. This condition is called constipation.

4. What is PEM? list the common symptoms of PEM in children.

Ans. Deficiency of proteins along with carbohydrate deficiency is called protein energy
malnutrition or PEM. It's also called as marasmus.
Marasmus is more common among infants and children under five years of age. A child suffering
from marasmus becomes very thin, shows slow body growth, lack of energy, loss of appetite,
weak legs, mental retardation and poor muscle development.

5. Explain the causes and symptoms of each of the following deficiency diseases.
a. Rickets b. Beriberi c. Anaemia d. Goitre

Disease Deficiency/Cause Symptoms

Rickets Vitamin D Weakening of bones, poor
development of bones and
nervous system, mental
retardation, retarded growth
and loss of weight
Beriberi Vitamin B1 Inflammation of nerves,
digestive problems, and heart
Anaemia Iron Pale skin, lack of stamina and
appetite, and frequent
Goitre Iodine Enlargement of thyroid gland,
mental retardation and
retarded growth


1. Prateek added a drop of iodine solution in a bowl of water rice have been boiled. What do
you think will happen to the iodine solution and why?

Ans. The color of the solution will turn into bluish black. This change of colour indicates the
presence of starch in rice.

2. Samarjit is very prone to fracture. Which nutrients do you think are lacking in his diet?
List 5 food items that he should include in his diet.

Ans. Somebody should take care of his bone health. He should consume calcium and
phosphorus rich food along with vitamin D.

Calcium Milk and green leafy vegetables

Phosphorus Cereals, pulses, dal
Vitamin D Fish, eggs


2) Evaluate which of the above foodstuff when taken in excess is most likely to cause a heart
disease. Justify your answer with a reason.

Ans. Cooking oil is most likely to cause a heart disease when taken in excess. Cooking oil or
vegetable oil is a type of saturated fat but when heated repeatedly, it changes its chemical
composition and increases the risk for heart.
Difference between kwashiorkor and Marismas.

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