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It’s said that wildlife tourist attractions, such as zoos, have a lot of benefits, but this isn’t true.

A large number of animals have died because they have been mistreated while being used to
entertain people in this kind of places. Besides, there is a study that proves that three out of
four wildlife tourist attractions involve some acts relates to animal abuse.
Firstly, I’m going to talk about how zoos and public tourist attractions can be detrimental to
animals’ physical health. It’s believed that animals in zoos have plenty of space to life, but this
isn’t true. Specially on poorer countries animals have to live in poor conditions, as they have
limited space, what makes that they cannot move in their natural way. Furthermore, this can
lead to the development of health issues. Moreover, in these places visitors and workers
usually abuse animals and, although many are reported in media, other ones are kept in
The second reason why zoos are harmful is that they can harm animals’ psychological health.
While they are in captivity animals have to do repetitive and obsessive actions every day of
their lifes. This, can lead to develop a disease called “zoochosis”, that involves behaviors like
vomiting or self-mutilation. Furthermore, they can also develop other problems that aren’t
usually seen in the wild. Some of them are anxiety, usually seen in giraffes, clinical depression
and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Finally, in the one hand, a lot of people think that zoos are educative for people, especially for
children. But this isn’t true, as, on the other hand, their main objective is not to educate
humans, is to entertain them. In addition, there is a study that cited this: ““there was no
overall change in understanding of ecological concepts seen” because visitors know a lot about
ecology before going to the zoo.”. So, it is clear, that there is no need to go to zoos in order to
learn and the entertainment that they provide doesn’t justify the price that animals pay for it.
In conclusion, after all the arguments that I’ve talked above, such as the physical and
psychological effects and that zoos are used to entertain people, it is clear that these public
animal attractions are harmful for animals. Furthermore, there are lots of studies that prove
that some animals have died or have been abused in this places. For all these reasons, it’s clear
that zoos or public animal attractions shouldn’t be active and legal

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