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Full marks : 50


1. Choose the correct options: 1x10=10

(i) Which of the following is not a non-living part of the biosphere
(a) Atmosphere
(b) Biosphere
(c) Lithosphere
(d) Amphisphere
(ii) Source of energy of life in our biosphere
(a) Food
(b) Sun
(c) Water
(d) None of these
(iii) Which of the following is not an example of Lotic ecosystem
(a) Lake
(b) River
(c) Streams
(d) Springs
(iv) Organisms that produce their own food using the process of photosynthesis
(a) Heterotrophs
(b) Autotrophs
(c) Sapotrophs
(d) Herbivores
(v) Which of the following combinations is correct
(a) Decomposers, nourishing on others.
(b) Omnivores, both plant and animal eating
(c) Autrotrophs, herbivores and omnivores
(d) None of these
(vi) The correct sequence of trophic level is
(a) producer→ carnivore→ herbivore
(b) carnivore→ producer → herbivore
(c) producer→ herbivore → carnivore
(d) herbivore → carnivore → producer
(vii) The factors responsible of degradation of ecosystem is
(a) war
(b) mining
(c) urbanisation
(d) all of these
(viii) The food chain: phytoplankton→ zooplankton→ small fish→ big fish exists in
(a) pond ecosystem
(b) terrestrial ecosystem
(c) desert ecosystem
(d) all of these
(ix) ants and termites are examples of
(a) carnivores
(b) omnivores
(c) decomposers
(d) herbivores
(x) A desert ecosystem exist where there is rainfall of less than
(a) 20cm
(b) 15cm
(c) 25cm
(d) 10cm
2. Match the following: 1x10=10
Column A Column B
a) Plankton i) bottom dwelling organism
b) Edaphic ii) minute organisms of aquatic ecosystems
c) Continental shelf iii) pertaining to soil
d) Nekton iv) constitute the animal part of planktons
e) Littoral zone v) proteins, carbohydrates
f) Benthos vi) organisms found in surface or deep waters
g) Organic compounds vii) sloping area of the seashore
h) Decomposers viii) extends from the shoreline to innermost zone
i) Food chain ix) sapotrophs
j) Zooplanktons x) a process of eating and being eaten
3. State whether the statements are True or False 1x10=10
i. Overgrazing of cattle does not cause desertification and soil erosion.
ii. Transfer of energy takes place in an ecosystem through the living organisms.
iii. Ten per cent law shows gradual increase in the energy.
iv. The animal plankton is called phytoplankton.
v. Oceans cover about 90% of the earth’s surface.
vi. Humans have degraded the ecosystem in order to use it for their won comfort.
vii. Flora and fauna are poorly represented in a desert ecosystem.
viii. Freshwater are represented by oceans.
ix. The movement of minerals in an ecosystem is acyclic.
x. There is no interaction between biotic and abiotic components.
4. Answer the following questions in short (10 marks)
i. What do understand by the term population explosion? 1
Define food chain?
ii. Define energy flow? 1
iii. Give two examples of Decomposers?1
iv. Name the two major types of ecosystem? 1
v. What are the biotic components of an ecosystem? 2
vi. What does a pyramid of energy show? 2
vii. How have change in land use affected the ecosystem?2
What are the factors that lead to degradation of ecosystem?
5. Answer the following questions briefly (Any 2) 5x2=10
i. How many components are there in an ecosystem? Explain them?
ii. Explain pond ecosystem with the help of pond ecosystem?
iii. Explain the ten per cent law with examples?
iv. Explain in brief
a) Forest ecosystem b) lentic ecosystem
c) Bio magnification d)Bio geochemical cycle


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