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Name of Post: Officer under Information, Public Relations, srPRo/rPR/23

Printing & Stationery Department, Assam
1 8 12023 dated 03.0 6.2023


TlmcAllowed:2 Hours
Full Marks : 1OO

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The capital of Bangladesh is
(A) Chennai
(B) London
(C) Dhaka
(D) Dhubri
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122-C I No. of Questtons 3 loo I

1. Match the Authors (List-I) with (iii) Dadabhai Naoroji presided over
their Books (List-II) and select the the 1906 Calcutta Session of
correct answer using the codes given the Indian National Congress,
below :
List-I (iv) The Bengal National College
List-II was founded with Aurobindo as
Sumit Sarkar 1. Subaltem the Principal.
Shldies, I-N
b. o Codes :
Ranajit Guha Priuate
Inuestment (A) (i) only
in India,
(B) (i) and (ii)
c. A. K. Bagchi 3. Gandhi and (C) (iii) only
His Cnftcs (D) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
d. B. R. Nanda 4. Modem India,
1885-1947 4. Choose the correct option from the
Codes :
(A) a b c d (A) He needs a car for his everyday
t234 business.
(B) a b c d
4123 (B) He needs a car for his every day
(C) a b c d business.
4321 (C) In his every day he needs a car
(D) a b c d for business.
(D) In his every day business day
2. Who among the following organized he need a car,
Abhinav Bharat as a secret society of
revolutionaries? Choose the correct option from the
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai following.
(B) V, D. Savarkar (A) A sit is beside me.
(C) Bhagat Singh (B) Sit besides me.
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (C) You can seat beside me.
3. With respect to India's struggle for (D) Sit beside me.
Independence, consider the following
statements and select the correct Choose the correct option from the
one(s) using tl:e codes given below:
(i) Ashwini Kumar Dutta set up
the Swadbsh Bandhab Samiti, (A) Is the box enough big?
(ii) The Benaras Session of the 1. (B) Is the box big enough?
Indian National Congress in (C) Enough big is the box?
1905 was presided over by
G. K. Gokhale. (D) Is big enough the box?

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 2
7. Choose the correct option from the 11. Choose the correct option from the
following. following.
(A) t€t us give the help by hand, (A) Tourism has been considered
(B) tet us give a helping hand. one of the most important
factors in the country's
(C) Let us give a help with hand. development.
(D) Let us help the hand. (B) Tourism haye been considered
one of the most important
8. .I did the work', he said. (Direct factor in the country's
Speech) development.

Choose the correct Indirect Speech (C) Tourism have been considered
from thi following. one of the most important
factors in the country's
(A) He eaid he did tl:e work. development,
(B) He said he would do the work. (D) Tourism . is having been
(C) He said tfiat he had done the considered one of the most
work. important factors in the
(D) country's development.
He said that the work was done.
Choose the correct option from the
9. Who is calling you? (Active Voice) following.
Choose the correct Passive Voice (A) He mastered courage for the
from the following. climh.
(A) You are being called by who? (B) Mustering courage he began the
(B) By whom are you being called? climb.

(C) By whom you are being called? (C) He mustered courage for the
(D) Whose call you are being
called? (D) Having muater courage he
began the climb.
10. Choose the correct option from the Choose the correct option from the
following. following.
(A) No sooner had I sat down than (A) The thief took to his heels on
they were leaving the place. seeing a policeman.
(B) No sooner did I sit down then (B) The thief was taking to his
they left the place. heels on seeing a policeman.
(C) No sooner I had sat they begin (C) The thief was taken on his heels
to leave the place. by the policeman.
(D) No sooner did I sit down than (D) The thief ran to his heels on
they left the place. seeing a policeman.

srPRo/ rPR/ 23l22-C 3 I P.T.o.

14. Choose the correct option having the 18. Which of the following statements is
synonym of the word tonspicuous'. not true about the Sponar Apon
(A) He was notorious in his Ghar' Home Loan Subsidy Scheme,
reputation. 2023 of the Govemment of Assam?
(B) He concealed his identity. (A) The applicant must be a regular
govemment employee.
(C) He was a prominent personalit5r.
(B) The applicant must be a
(D) He had a hidden agenda in his permanent resident of Assam.
(C) The loan is provided with an
interest subsidy of 5%o.
Choose tJ:e correct option having the (D) The total family income of the
antonym of the word 'nimble'. applicant from all sources must
(A) He took a brisk walk. not exceed ? 20 lakhs.
(B) Sloth is a sluggish animal. 19. Consider the following statements:
(C) The goat perched sure-footed on The core belief of NULM is that
the mountainside,
(D) He quickly skipped over
(i) the poors are entrepreneurial
the and have innate desire to come
out of poverty
(ii) urbanization needs to be
16. Choose the correct option from the encouraged
following. (iii) urban India is the real growth
(A) The well-known artist has centre of Indian economy
acclaimed a cultural cache. (iv) urban poors have been lagging
(B) The browser stores a cachet of behind rural poors
frequent accessed web sites to Find the correct statement(s) from
improve performances. above using the codes given below.
(C) The police discovered a large Codes :
cachet of arms. (A) (i) only
(D) A cache of drugs was discovered (B) (i) and (ii)
in a truck carrying essential (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i9 only
t7, Choose the correct option from the 20. Fill in the blank with the correct
following. option :
(A) Chandrayaan-3 made a historic The Government of India has
landing on t1le Moon. decided to rename the Ayushman
(B) Chandrayaan-3 made a Bharat-Health and Wellness
historical landing on the Moon. Centres as _ with the tagline
(C) Chandrayaan-3 made a Arogram Paramam Dhanam.
momentous historical landing (A) Ayushman India
on the Mooo. (B) Ayrrshman Arorya Mandir
(D) Chandrayaan-3 was historic in (C) Ayushman Mandir
landing on the Moon. (D) Ayrrshman Care

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 4
21, The Kisan Credit Card Yojana seeks In this question, there are two
. to mitigate financial shorlcomings statements labelled as Assertion (A)
experienced by farmers during three and Reason (R) :
stages of cropping activity. Point out Assertion (A) :
which one is not included from the Every journalist should follow
options given below. journalistic ethic.
(A) Reason (R) :
During cultivation
It aids in the reliable, accurate
(B) During hawesting and balanced reporting of news by
(C) During maintenance
In the context of the two statements,
(D) During marketing which one of the following options is
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and
22, Which of the following is not an (R) is the correct explanation
expected impact of the UDAY of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true,
(A) Increased capital investment but (R) is not the correct
explanation of (A)
(Bl Free power supply to the under- (C) (A) is false,but (R) is true
(D) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(C) Development of renewable
ener$/ sector What is cherry-picking in
(D) Availability of 24x7 power to all
at affordable price (A) The artistic skill or technique
with which an author put
together narrative and other
Which of 'the following is not an elements in order to convey
eligibility criterion for tfie Sarothi meaning and produce effect
Start-up Scheme? (B) Selective presentation of facts
and quotes in support of certain
(A) Innovative start-up industrial
(C) The spreading of ideas,
(B) New Micro, Small and Medium information or rumor for the
Enterprises in Assam purpose of helping or injuring
an institution, a cause or a
(C) Provenentrepreneurial person
(D) Advertising intended to create
(D) The applicant must not be a I demand for a specific brand
defaulter of any bank or rather than for the whole
Iinancial institution product category or class

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 5 I P.r.o.
Cloze' is a method of 32. In PR, the people you have to do
(A) editing (B) captioning business with like employees,
investors, suppliers, customers, etc.,
(C) readability (D) ending are called
27. Hard news is mostly
' (A) community (B) public
(A) spot news (C) peers (D) subordinates
(B) society news are people who work for
(C) entertainment news the organization from the top
management to the workers.
(D) filler news (A) Employees
28. Mistake in news reading is known as (B) Consumers
(A) Iluff (C) Opinion leaders
(B) foot in the door (D) Suppliers
(C) ident The Right to Information Act, 2005
(D) lift came into force on which of the
following dates?
29, The cost to carry out a PR plan is (A) 22nd June, 20Os
' determined irt which step of PR (B) 12th October, 2005
planning model? (C) 15th June, 2005
(A) Appreciation of the situation (D) 15th August, 2005
(B) Delinition of objective 35. The Right to Information Act, 2005
(C) Selection of media and replaced which Act?
techniques (A) The Information Technologr
(D) Planning of a budget Act, 2000
(B) The Freedom of Information
30. reach the people with news Act, 2OO2
and opinions and work as a link, (C) The Delimitation Act, 2OO2
-(A) Suppliers (D) None of the above
(B) Opinion leaders
What is the age criterion to Iile an
(C) Executives RTI application?
(D) Media (A) 18 years and above
31. Which of the following tips should
(B) 45 years and above
a PR practitioner not take (C) 16 years and above
into consideration while giving (D) No age bar
interviews? 37. The National Sports Day (NSD) is
(A) Participate in Q & A session celebrated on which date in India?
(B) Arrive early (A) August 28
(C) Be appropriately dressed (B) August.29
(D) Always lead answers to more (C) September 4
questions (D) October 4

srPRo/rPR/23l22-c 6
38. InWhich of the following sports/ 45. Consider the following statements
games is the term tnterference' and select the correct one(s) using
used? the codes given below :
(A) colf (B) Chess (i) In computer terminologr, a
(C) Squash (D) Table Tennis honeypot is a cybersecurif
39, Which among the following is played
on a synthetic hard court? (ii) In computer terminolos/, a
(A) French Open honeypot is a dating site.
(B) Wimbledon (iii) In computer terminologr, a
(C) US Open honeypot is a marriage
(D) Australian Open counselling site.
(iv) In computer terminolory, a
What is the last day or seventh day sugarcane is a type of honeypot,
of Bihu (Bohag/ Rangali) called?
Codes :
(A) Sera Bihu
(B) Kutum Bihu (A) (i) only
(C) Manuh Bihu (B) (ii) only
(D) Chot Bihu (c) (iii). only
(D) (i) and (iv)
41. Which is the first film of Dr. Bhupen
Hazarika as a playback singer?
Consider the following statements
(Al Jogmoti and select the correct one(s) using
lBl Era Bdtor Sur the codes given below :
(c) slmj (i) Marsh gas is also known
lDl Indrandati as BOG.
Which was the first Assamese color (ii) Marsh gas is produced by
film? anaerobic decomposition of
(Al Bhaitg plant and animal matter under
lBl PLberun water.
(Cl Ronga Police (iii) Marsh gas is mainly methane
lDl Dodor Bezbarua with smaller amounts of
hydrogen sulphide, carbon
49. Which of the following dramas was/ dioxide and traces of phosphine.
were written by Madhavdev?
(Al Arjun Blnnjan (iv) Marsh gas is mainly phosphine
with smaller amounts of
lBl Chor-Dlaru methane, hydrogen sulphide
(Cl Pimpara &rclw1pa and traces of carbon dioxide.
(D) All of the above
Codes :
Which company has recenfly (A) (i) only
announced to launch 'AMBER Alerts'
to find missing children?
(B) (i) and (ii)
(A) Microsoft (B) Google (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) Meta (D) Apple (P) (i), (ii) and (i9

stPF.o lrPR/23122-C 7 lP.T.O.

47. Match the Assamese Books (List-l) 49. &Lamalata, a historical novel, was -
with the Writers (List-II) and select written by
using the codes (A) Jogesh Das
:ffffi*i""wer (B) Dhrubajyoti Bora
List-I List_.[
a. Moro Eta l. Kalita
Mrinal (C) Troilokya Bhattacharlya
Sapon Ase (D) Tilottoma Misra
b. Mokam 2. Rita Chowdhurv
c. Barotr phurar 3. Dr. Rubur Mout 5o' 'chiro chenehi Mor Bhasa Janani'is
Dore a patriotic song written by
d,. Maharathi 4. chandra prasad (A) Dr' Bhupen Hazarika
Saikia (B) Parvati Prasad Baruah
Codes: (C) Bishnu Prasad Rabha
(A) a b c d (D) Mitradev Mahanta
3 2 I 4 51. who has written the book, The Road.
(B) a b c d Ahead?
| 2 3 4 (A) Elon Musk
(C) a b c d 1Bl Steve Jobs
4 3 2 1 (c) B I Gates
(D) a b c 9 rDr shakuntala Devi
52. Which country has recently shut
48, With respect to the Assam Valley down its embassy in India?
Literary Award, consider the {A) Sri Lanka
following statements and select the :^:
correct ones using the giu"r, (B) Nepal
below: "oa." (C) Afghanistan
(i) Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia was (D) Laos
the first recipient of the award
s3. who is the onry Assamese who
(ii) The award is sponsored by represented India in the Round
Tata Tea Limited. Table Conference held at London
(iii) The trophy has been designed in 1930?
by sobha Brahma, (A) Tarun Ram phukan
(iv) Mrs. Nirupama Bgrgohain was (B) Gopinath Bordoloi
the first lady recipient of this .^.
award. (C) Krishna Nath Sarmah (D) Chandradhar Barua
(A) (i) and (ii) 54. Choose the correct determiner :
(B) (i) and (iii) of the students pass this exam.
(C) (i), (iii) and (iv) (A) Enough (B) Fewer
(D) All of the above -(C) Either (D) Most

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 8
55. What is the primary objective of 59. How much subsidy is the Assam
the Vision lndia 2047? Government providing on home loan
(A) To make India a $10 trillion under the 'Aponar Apon Ghar' Home
economy by 2O47 Loan Subsidy Scheme, 2023?
(B) To ensure India's development (A) r 3.5 lakhs
into a developed nation by 2047 (B) I 2 lakhs
and avoid the middle income
trap, which has affected several (C) ? 2.5 lakhs
countries at several stages of (D) ? 4 lakhs
(C) To establish India as the 6O. When was the Tocklai Tea Research
world's largest agricultural Institute established?
exporter (A) (B) ta74
(D) To increase India's share of the
global GDP to lOo/o by 2047 (c) lei1 (D) 1es0
Which Union Ministry set up Zonal 61. The name of the River Manas is
Cultural Centres (ZCCs) to conserve derived from the
art, culture and crafts? (A) Lake Mansarovar
(A) The Ministry of Education (B) Serpent Goddess Manasa
(B) The Ministry of Skill Develop-
ment and Entrepreneurship
(C) Sanskrit word Manas' or mind
(C) The Ministry of Culture (D) None of the above
(D) The Ministry of Tourism
62. Which is the smallest Tiger Reserve
57. The Union Budget, 2023-2024 has . in Assam?
allocated 12,516 crores for the (A) Nameri (B) Manas
computerization of which unit over
the next live years?
(C) Kaziranga (D) Orang
(A) State Cooperative Banks 63. Which strait separates the European
(B) District Central Cooperative and Asian parts of Turkey?
(A) Bosporus Strait
(C) Primary Agricultural Credit
(B) Dardanelles Strait
(D) Multistate Cooperative Banks
(C) Gibraltar Strait
(D) Malacca Strait
58, Which Ministry announced to create
"Integrated Pensioners' Portal"? 64. Who is the author of the book,
(A) The Ministry of Defence The Broken Wng?
(B) The Ministry of Personnel (A) Khushwant Singh
(C) The Ministry of Finance . (B) Sarojini Naidu
(D) The Ministry of Labour and (C) Shashi Tharoor
Employment (D) Robia Sharma

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 9 I P.T.O.
65. Consider the following statements Codes :

and select the correct ones using the

codes given below : (A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(i) The Creeper virus is the world's
first computer virus. (B) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(ii) The Creeper virus was created
in 1967 .
(c) (i) and (ii)
(iii) Bob Thomas, who created the
Creeper virus, is widely regarded
(D) (i) and (iii)
as the father of cybersecurity.
(i9 The Creeper virus is a ma-licious
Codes : 67, Consider the following statements
(A) (i) and (ii) and select the correct one(s) using
the codes given below :
(B) (i) and (iii)
The term tookie' was coined
(C) (i) and (iv) by Lou Montulli, an American
(D) (i), (iii) and (i9 web browser programmer.

(ii) The term 'cookie' was coined

66. Consider the following statements by Lou Montulli, a French
and select the corect ones using the web browser programmer,
codes given below :
(iii) Cookies are placed on the user's
(i) The primary legislation dealing computer by the user's we!
with cybersecurity in India browser.
is the Informatiqn Technolog/
(IT) Act, 2ooo. (iv) The term 'cookie' is derived
(ii) The Information Technolory from an earlier programming
(IT) Act, 2OO0 was amended term tnagic cookie'.
in 2008.
(iii) India uses the Information Codes :

Technologr (lT) Act, 2000 and

its amendments and also the (A) (i) only
Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860 to
deal with cybercrimes. (B) (ii) only
(iv) India uses the Information
Technologr (IT) Act, 2000 and (C) (i), (iii) and (iv)
its amendments and not tlre
Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860
to deal with cybercrimes. (D) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 10
68. Consider the following statements Codes :
and select the correct one(s) using (A) (i) and (iii)
t}re codes given below :
(s) (i) and (i9
(i) In network communication,
404 error code is a hypertext (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
transfer protocol standard (D) (i); (ii) and (iv)
response code,
(ii) In network communication,
404 error code means that the Which of the following statements is
web sener could not find the correct?
user-requested web page, (A) In computer parlance, URL
(iii) In network communication, stands for Uniform Resource
404 brror code means that the Locator.
requested web page may be
(B) in computer parlance, URL
stands for Unilied Resource
(iv| In network communication, Locator.
404 error code means that the
visit to the user-requested web (C) In computer parlance, URL
page has been debarred by the stands for Unique Resource
local authorities. Locator.
(D) .None of the above
Codes :

(A) (i) only

7L. Consider the following statementg
(B) (i) and (ii)
and select the correct one(s) using
(c) (i) and (iii) the codes given below :
(D) (iv) only (i) LiDAR technologr is a remote
sensing technologl.
(ii) LiDAR technolory uses pulsed
69. Consider the following statements laser.
and select the correct ones using the
codes given below : (iii) LiDAR technologr can be used
(0 A virtual private network (VPN) for watershed and river surveys.
encrypts users' private data,
Codes :
(i0 VPN allows users to sidetrack
firewalls in the intemet, 0) ontY

(iiil VPNg are legal to use in India. (B) (iii) only

(iv) VPNs are not legal to use in

(c) (i) and (ii)
India. (D) (r), (ii) and (iii)

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 11 I P.T.O.
Consider the following statements 74. Consider the following statements
and select the correct ones using the and select the correct one(s) using
codes given below : the codes given below :
(i) The full form of the tuel gas (i) Radiocarbon dating is a
CNG is Compressed Natural technique to determine the
age of fossils of once living
(ii) CNG is mainly composed of (ir) Radiocarbon dating is a
butane. technique to determine the age
(iii) CNG is mainly composed of of sedimentary rocks.
methane. (iii) Radiocarbon dating technique
(iv) CNG is compressed to less than is based on the decay of radio-
17o of its volume at 76 cm of Hg active carbon- 14 isotope.
pressure. (iv) Radiocarbon dating technique
Codes :
was lirst developed by Willard
(A) (i) and (iii) Codes :

(B) (ii) and (iii) (A) (i) and (iii)

(c) (i) and (i9
(a) (!, (ii! ana (iv)
(c) (ii) only
(o) (i), (iii) ana (iv) (D) (ii) and (M

Consider the following statements With reference to the Dadasaheb

and select tJ:e coriect ones using the Phalke Award, consider the following
codes given below
statements :
(i) (i) The award is given for
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
"outstanding contribution to
was born in Lahore, Punjab. the growth and development of
(ii) He won the 1983 Nobel Prize Indian cinema".
for Physics for his theoretical (ii) The award was first given in the
studies of the physical processes year 1975.
of importance to tlxe structure (iii) The award comprises a Swarna
and evolution of the stars. Kamal (Golden Lotus) medallion,
(iii) He shared the 1983 Nobel a shawl and a cash prize
Prize for Physics with William of ? 20 lakhs.
A. Fowler. (rq Dr, Bhupen Hazarika was
conferred with the Dadasaheb
(iv) He took his B.Sc degree from Phalke Award for the year 2000.
the University of Madras.
Which of the statements given above
Codes :
is/are correct?
(A) (i) and (ii) Codes :
(B) (ii) and (iii) (A) (i) only
(B) (i) and (ii)
(c) (i) and (iv) (c) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (iii) and (iv) (D) All of the above

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C L2
76. In which of the following places has 80. Consider the following :
India's Iirst fully solar village been (0 The National Cur.r'iculum
recenfly set up?
Framework, 2023
(A) Jodhpur, Rajasthan (ii) The National Translation Mission
(B) Muttur, Karnataka (iii) The NIPUN Bharat Mission
(C) Modhera, Gujarat Which of the initiatives given above
(D) Chinchodi, Maharashtra is/are working for the promotion of
education in mother tongue?
77. The theme of India's G2O Presidency Codes :
is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'. It has
been drawn from (A) (i) only
(Al Aitarega Upanistad (B) (ii) only
(Bl Maha Upanishad (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) None of the above
lCl Chandogga Upanishad.
(Dl Mandukga Upanishad.
81. Consider the following statements
The Toll, Operate and Transfer (TOT) and select the correct ones using the
model is sometime talked about with codes given below :
reference to which of tJ:e following? (i) The Multi-Modal Logistica Park
(MMLP) in Assam is tJre
(A) Aviation country's first international
(B) Defence sector MultlModal Lagistics Park
(C) Medical sector under the Bharatmala
(D) National Highways
(ii) It is being constructed in
79, With reference to the Places in News Dhubri district of Assam.
and their locations, consider the (iii) The MMLP $,ill serve as a hub
following pairs : for cross-border trade ,udth
Plrles in Neuts Incatbns Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and
(i) Kharkiv Myanmar,
(ii) Fukushfuna South Korea (iv) The PM Gati Shakti-National
Master Plan is a key component
(iii) Gaza Strip Jordan of this vision, which aims to
Which of the pairs given above receive and rejuvenate the
is/are correctly matched? transportation system.
Codes ; Codes :

(A) (i) only (A) (ii) and (iv)

(B) (ii) only (B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii) (c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) (iii) only (o) (i), (iii) and (iv)

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 13 lP.r.o.
82, Films
Which of the following pairs of 84. Which of the following States do not
and Directors is/are correctly have a Ramsar Site yet?
matched? (i) Sikkim
Films Arectors
Jaicheng Jai (ii) Telangana
lil Boomba Ride
Dohutia (iii) Tripura
liil Haanduk Biswaieet Bora
(iv) Arunachal Pradesh
(iii) Tora's Husband Rima Das
(v) Jharkhand
livl Halodhia claraye Jahnu Barua
Baodhan Khai Select the correct answer using the
Select the corect answer using the codes given below'
codes given below. Codes:
Codes :
(A) (i) only (A) (ii)' (iii) and (iv)
(B) (ii) only (B) (i) and (v)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i) and (ii) (c) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)

83. With reference to the successful (D) (i), (iil, (iv) and (v)
accomplishment of Chandrayaan-3
Moon Mission of India, consider the
following statements : 85. Consider the following statements
(i) India is the first country to land and select the correct one(s) using
on the Moon's South Pole. the codes given below:
(ii) Sagar Dutta, a scientist (i) Neeraj Chopra is a 3000 m
Assam, was a member of-from the steeplechase specialist'
team chandrayaan-3 Moon
Mission. (ii) Avinash Sable is a javelin
(iii) India is the 3rd country to thrower.
achieve a soft landing on the (iii) Mirabai chanu is an olympic
Moon' medallist wrestler.
(iv) 23rd August wjll be celebrated
as the National Space Day to (iv) Umran Malik is a fast bowler
commemorate the landing of with a speed of 150 kmph'
Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon. Codes:
Which of the statements -siven above
is/are correct? (A) (i) onlY
codes : (B) (iv) only
(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (iv) (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) (ii) only
(D) (iii) only (D) (i) and (ii)

srPRo/ rPR/ 23l22-C l4

86. Which of the following pairs of Titles 88. The Assamese novel, Abfujatn is
and Poets are correctly matched? based on the life and works of
Titles Poets
(i) Papori Kavi Ganesh Gogoi (A) Nalini Bala Devi
(ii) Nijarar Kavi Sailadhar
Rajkhowa (B) Aideu Handique
(iii) Geeti Kavi Rudra Baruah
(iv) Sewali Kavi Ratnakanta (C) Chandraprabha Saikiani
Select the correct answer using the (D) Kanaklata Barua
codes given below.
Codes ',

(A) (i) and (iii)

89, With reference to Vande Bharat
(B) (ii) and (iv) Express' train, consider the following
(C) (i), (ii) and (iv) statements and select the correct
one(s) using the codes given below :
(D) All of the above
(i) Assam's first Vande Bharat
Express' train was inaugurated
87. Mut"h the following and select the by the prime Minister on 29th
correct answer using the codes given May, 2023.
below :
List-I List- (ii) The train connects Guwahati
a. Uma Chetry 1' Boxing with New Jalpaiguri'
b. Lovlina Borgohain 2. cricket (iii) The travel time between
c. Nayanmoni Saikia 3. Swimming Guwahati and New Jalpaiguri is
d. Mithu Baruah 4. Lawn Bowls 3 hours 30 minutes.
codes : codes:
(A) a b c d
I 2 3 4 (A) (i) and (iii)
(B) a b c d
s 4 2 | (B) (i) and (ii)
(C) a b c d
2 | 3 4 (C) (ii) onlY
(D) a b c d
2 t 4 3 (D) (ii) and (iii)

srPRo/rPR/2sl22-C 15 I P.T.O.
90. Match the Articles of the Indian 91. With respect to the Indian
Constitution (List-I) with the Constitution, consider the following
Subjects (List-II) and select the statements and select the correct
correct answer using the codes given one(s) using the codes given below :
below :

List-I List-II (il The Indian Constitution adopted

a judicial system vrith a
a. Article 123 1. Power vested in single Supreme Court for the
the President to
promulgate entire nation and High
an ordinance Court at the apex at the State
during recess level.
of the
Parliament (i0 Under Article 141, "the law
b. Article 75(3) The Council of declared by the Supreme Court
Ministers 'shall shall be binding on all courts
be collectively within the territory of India".
responsible to
the House of (iii) As per Article 145(3), any case
the People" ninvolving a substantial question
c. hrticle 74{21 The President of law as to the interpretation
'shall, in the of [the] Constitution' shall be
exercise of his
functions, act decided by a bench of at least five
in accordance judges.
with the advice
rendered by the (i") It is io the President of India
Council of that the power to appoint
Ministers" judges to the Supreme Court is
d. Article 103 4. Disqualifications vested-
and advice by
the Election
Codes '.

Codes :

(A) a bcd (A) (i) only

2 341
(B) a bcd (B) (iv) only
I 234
(c) a bcd
4 321 (c) (i), (iil, (iii) and (iv)

(D) a bcd
3 t24 (D) (ii) only

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C t6
With respect to the Indian (ii) According to the Indian
Constitution, consider the following Constitution, the States are
statements and select the correct responsible for issues such as
one(s) using the codes given below: education.
(i) Matters enumerated under (iii) According to the Indian
List I of the Seventh Schedule Constitution, the Union
to the Constitution are within Government is responsible for
the exclusive legislative power issues such as agriculture.
of tl:e States. (iv) According to the Indian
(ii) Matters enumerated under Constitution, the States are
List II of the Seventh Schedule responsible for issues such as
to the Constitution are within internal security.
the exclusive legislative power :
of the Union.
(iii) The Constitution does not (A) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
envision shared competence, (B) (i) only
through List III, of the Union
and States, (c) (i) and (ii)
(iv) Article 248 anid Entry 97 of (D) None of the above
List I give the States residuary
powers to legislate on a subject
that may be absent from all Garibi Hatao (poverty eradication)
three Lists- is associated with which Prime
Codes :

(A) (i) and (ii)

(A) Narendra Modi
(B) (iii) and (iv)
(B) Manmohan Singh
(C) All of the above (C) Narasimha Rao
(D) None of the above (D) indira Gandhi

93. With respect to the Indian The AFSPA has been described as a
Constitution, consider the following legacy of 'colonial constitutionalism'
statements and select the correct by whom among the following?
one(s) using the codes given below :
. Steven Wilkinson
(i) According to the Indian
Constitution, the Union
(B) John McGarry
Govemment is reeponsible for (C) Sanjib Baruah
issues that affect India such
as war. (D) Brendan O'Leary

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C L7 I P.T.O.
96. Match the Himalayan Regions 98, The Fortaleza Declaration is -
(List-l) with the Altitudes of associated with which of the
Snowline (List-II) and select the following?
correct answer using the codes given (A) MERCOSUR
below : (B) BRICS
List-I List-II (C) ASEAN
a. North-Eastern 1. 4400 m
Himalayas 99. According to whom among the
(Arunachal Pradesh) following was there no per capita
growth in India from 1600 to 1870?
b. Karakoram 2. 5200 m to
Himalayas 5800 m (A) Angus Maddison
(B) Bipan Chandra
c. Kumaun Himalayas 3. 5500 m (C) Mike Davis
ano aoove
(D) B. R, Tomlinson
d. Kashmir Himalayas 4. 5100 m to
5500 m 1OO. Match the Authors (List-I) with
their Books (List-ll) and select the
Codes : correct answer using the codes given
(A) a b c o
(B) a b c d
(C) a b c 6 b' Sekhar 2' From Plasseg
4 3 2 | Bandyopadhyay to Partition

(D) a b c d c A R Desai 3' Peasant

234rstruggles in India
d. Mridula 4. Peasants in
Mukherjee India's Non-
97. In October 2023, which of the Violent
following organizations launched Reuolution:
its 'One Nation, One Registration Practice and
Platform' for doctors across the Theory
country? Codes:
(A) a b c d
(A) UNEsCo 4321
(B) The Medical Council of India (B) b c d
(C) wHo (c) a b c d
(D) The National Medical (D) a b c d

srPRo/rPR/23l22-C 18



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