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TOPIC 2: La comunicación en la clase de lengua extranjera: comunicación verbal y no verbal.

Estrategias extra-
lingüísticas: reacciones no verbales a mensajes en diferentes contextos.


1. Introduction.
2. Communication theories.
3. Verbal communication in the English classroom: the Communicative approach.
4. Non-verbal strategies for communication: the Total Physical Response method.
5. Conclusion.
6. Bibliography.

dominant role like they used to do in the traditional methods. Teachers must adapt their role depending on the
necessities, and instead of being always a controller, they also play the role of an organizer, a resource, a monitor, a
prompter or a mere participant.
As regards materials, I can highlight that they must be varied (written, audio-visual, computer-based, task-based),
motivating and they should be connected to the real world. Following Candlin and Edelhoff, teachers can
incorporate some authenticity to the materials through the goal of the activities, the task to accomplish, the
environment or the text.
Regarding procedure, we must bear in mind that we need to set up a balance between meaningful input, structured
output and communicative output. This can be realized following Brewster's order.
 s, like flashcards, posters, sounds and realia, normally used as a help for comprehension.

It is necessary to understand that all these elements are not universal. On the contrary, most of them are culturally
related. Consequently, learners of a second language should be aware of the meanings of certain signs and gestures
depending on the country. That is one of the reasons why socio-cultural aspects of the target countries must be
included in the curriculum.

In a similar way, non-verbal communication must be used by teachers in the dynamics of the lessons in order to
incorporate visual clues that may facilitate comprehension. Furthermore, they should also encourage the students
to use it, as it will make pupils' speech richer and more understandable.

A very clear example of the use of non-verbal communication for the instruction of English is the Total Physical
Response method, devised by Asher.
Two of its main premises are that oral language precedes written one, and comprehension is achieved before
It draws on some studies about language acquisition at an early age (children respond physically to their parents'
commands), and on brain lateralization (the activities from the left hemisphere of the brain, such as movement, are
developed before the ones from the right side, such as language).

Under this light, teachers use simple sentences, mostly in the imperative form, and students have to respond
kinesthetically following the instructions. This way, language and physical movement are joined to make students
assimilate the linguistic structures and vocabulary faster and more deeply. After some practice concerning
comprehension, the students are given the opportunity to change the roles, giving the instructions to other

Within this method, grammar is taught inductively and meaning is valued over form.

Although it is not suitable to develop a teaching plan totally based on Total Physical Response principles, this
method has influenced modern approaches, and teachers have incorporated its procedures when presenting new
vocabulary; when addressing reading following a phonic approach and in activities such as games, songs or role-

Following all these guidelines, we can mention some specific and frequent techniques that involve non-verbal
responses. They are: responding physically to commands and songs; drawing what you hear; following instructions
to build something; pointing what you hear; miming or sequencing a story.


Three major questions have been posed through this paper. First, the concept of communication theory, and types
of communication have been explained. Second, I have explained the Communicative Approach. Finally, the Total
Physical Response method has been explained.

To conclude, the limits of my language are the limits of my world. This aphorism by the philosopher Ludwig
Wittgenstein holds great truth. With our forms of expression, we not only say things but we relate to the world and
to others. As educators, our mission is to cultivate creativity and mastery of communication in our students. By
doing so we give them the power to influence the world and express their feeling in deep and meaningful ways. Let
´s continue to inspire future generations.


The bibliography I have used to develop this essay is:

ASHER, J. (1982) Learning Another Language Through Actions: The Complete Teacher's Guide Book

 HADFIELD, J. (1992): Classroom Dynamics. Oxford University Press.

 LITTLEWOOD, W. (1981): Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

 KNAPP. Marc L. (1992): La comunicación verbal y no verbal. Paidós Educación.



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