Beige Illustrated Writing and Literature Presentation

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1. Structure: Bones are composed of both organic
and inorganic materials. The organic component
includes collagen, a protein that provides
flexibility and strength, while the inorganic
component includes minerals such as calcium and
phosphate, which provide hardness and rigidity.
2.Functions: Bones serve several important
functions in the body, including providing
structural support, protecting vital organs,
facilitating movement through muscle
attachment, storing minerals (such as calcium
and phosphorus), and producing blood cells
through a process called hematopoiesis,
which occurs in the bone marrow.
2. Types of bones: There are five main types of
bones in the human body: long bones (e.g.,
femur, humerus), short bones (e.g., carpals,
tarsals), flat bones (e.g., skull bones, ribs),
irregular bones (e.g., vertebrae, facial bones),
and sesamoid bones (e.g., patella). Each type
has its own unique shape and function.

01. 02. 03.

Van Buchem disease: Van Buchem Osteopetrosis: Also known as Paget's disease of bone, also known as
disease is an extremely rare marble bone disease, osteitis deformans, is a chronic bone
genetic disorder characterized by osteopetrosis is a group of rare disorder characterized by abnormal

genetic disorders bone remodeling. In Paget's disease,

progressive thickening of the
bone tissue is broken down and
bones, particularly the long bones characterized by abnormally
reformed at an accelerated rate, leading
of the arms and legs. It is caused dense bones, which can lead to
to enlarged, weak, and deformed bones.
by mutations in the SOST gene, fractures, anemia, vision and
The condition can affect one or multiple
which encodes a protein that hearing impairments, and bones in the body, but it most
inhibits bone formation. other complications. commonly involves the pelvis, spine,
skull, and long bones of the legs

04. 05.
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP): Melorheostosis: Melorheostosis is a rare
FOP is an ultra-rare genetic disorder bone disorder characterized by
characterized by progressive heterotopic abnormal bone growth along the length
ossification, where soft tissues such as of the bones, giving them a "dripping
muscles, tendons, and ligaments gradually candle wax" appearance on imaging
turn into bone. It affects an estimated 1 in 2 studies. It is estimated to affect fewer
million people worldwide. than 1 in 1 million individuals.
Balanced diet: Consuming a diet rich in
calcium and vitamin D is essential for
Maintain a healthy body weight: Being
bone health. Calcium is a mineral that
underweight or overweight can
helps build and maintain bone density,
negatively affect bone health.
while vitamin D aids in calcium
Maintaining a healthy body weight
absorption. Good sources of calcium
through a balanced diet and regular
include dairy products, leafy greens,
exercise can help support bone density
almonds, and fortified foods. Vitamin D
and reduce the risk of fractures.
can be obtained from sunlight exposure
and fortified foods such as fortified
Get enough sleep: Adequate
dairy products, orange juice, and
sleep is important for
overall health, including
bone health. During sleep, the
body repairs and rebuilds
bone tissue. Aim for 7-9
hours of quality sleep each

02. night to support optimal

bone health.

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