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:- , , \ ,tf'"I of ~ov,' nmPnt m which powe1 Is dIv1ded between two or more levels of governrn
, , c 1 -~11 'th.Jr r<.t:ib
sher, a fPderal system with some unitary features It Is called as

u s ~c1 r. systPm 1s II ctmtums elemen1s of both federal and unitary system.

2.1 ■ Sources of revenue for each l_evel of go,ernrneni ~

,.,, " , ,,·,1, Ill ,,t g,,wrnmt'lll m \I hich the powe1 i~ clearly mentioned lo ensure its financial autor. Ill
, \ ,,, '.'\\SO.\t,nlr.1l.rntho1it, .md,.inou~conslltuent ■ The federal system has dual objectives I e, to
, ,, ·: 1: ,,,untn \ k,k1.1tio11 h.1~ 11,0 levels of safeguard and promote unity of the country II cl]
accommodates regional diversily. An ideal federal
, 'l"n.'rn'1Wl'I t.,1 lh<' ,'nitre u111nlr\' that 1s usually system of government has both aspects mutual ,r•.
and agreement to live together.
;,",'",1bl: till .1 I,'\\ ,ubJ,\ b tl u1mmon n,11ional mterest.
,' ,\'h''11m.-i1l JI tht• lt·1,·l ,1t prnvmte~ or states lhat look Balance of Power between Central and
1 .- , ,\\ t,)•,l.11 .1dm111i$tr.1tu111 uf their state.
State Government

8 ,t, ',c,,· k, d, ,,t 8,0I ,•rnnwnts cnio) their power The exacl balance of power between the Central and the
,,i_, ,.-nd:r.t o ,.1, h other Stale Government varies from one federation to anotht".
Federal ions are formed in two ways
Ke) Features of Federalism
11~ (i) Coming Together Federations In this type, state~
• t.: ,, ,,,o or '111irr k1l'b or tiers of government.
come together on their own lo form a bigger umt anrl
■ !11l,,•r;nt 11,·r, ,,1 g,1, anmt'nt rule O\'l'r same citizem but
Ihey have equal power and are equally strong ns-a-1 .
t, , , th,·1r ,n, n ' 1 rl'~,mlmg legisl.111on, lhe Federal Government.
J\Jt ,w and aJm11m1rat1on.
They come together to main lain 2
• Th,· 1 r ,d1d1on of t'.1,h k,el of govrrnmrnl an•
identity and increase their secunty CSA, Switzerland
nw•llhmrd m the C'on,t1tut1on So. the existence ,rnd
and Australia are examples oJ coming toge1her federalJM<
.iuthont) 01 eKh tier ol gorcrnnwnt 1, .-on,titutmnally
gt .u.rnlr,•d (ii) Holding Together Federations In this type, a large
■ r,e , 1.mgt·, 111 1lw tund.111wnt,1I pnw1swns of the counll)' decides lo divide its power between the
C,m,11tut10n reqt'JTt' th<' ,on,,·nt of bolh lhe levels constituent states and lhe Nattonal Government
o g\,, anment India, Spain and Belgium are examples of holding
■ l,,:irt, h.1\\' po1,er 10 mlcrpret the Constilutwn and lhe together Jedrrations.
pt'\H'r ol d11l.'.'rent le, els of go\'rrnmcnl Thus. Supremr In thi~ category, the Central c;O\ ernment has more
l \'urt pLn, the role of ,111 umpire if disp111c, arise between power than lhe State Government The differenl um1,
J 1ercnl k,eb ot go,ernmrnt tn 1hr exercise oflheir of the federations have unequal powers and some umL1
,,r:-. n r po11 ,'r, are granlcd special power~

ar area over wI11c,~ som eonc has legal ,authority. The area may he def111cd 111 ter:"1s 01 grogr , t>, l)oun, ...
d, of sub1er s
r· to I c 1uthor11v .:,fa stal to govern 1t~elf.

,, \. llnll,11 \ S, ~km
..1 1
,. '• , t ,,\, 11111" 111, n11011,.,~ IIll
' ' " ' '' ,1,, '•'llh 1h11w ,.,,c
C, 11 11 ...

h \\\ l I, ' 1 1' h• ' l1 II l , not


lllll Ill

,,, ' ,, . "' th. th,1eh,1nh onrlr,dof

Special Provisions for S ~
,. ,ul' i t, .1 • ,111',,1,lm.11< to thr C<'nhal
I l ,.,, ,. 11 l,' ll "'" l'i1'~ an (\fdt·r to
,, 1.,. I.,,,• 1\111, llh gl'lh th, federal Jnd
• •• ~· ' , , • ' , i-11 i' .,blc> lo th, plop'c>

e I Country
. , ,_. " .,, .m ·, , p, 1,h nt n.111011 .,fin till'
,,,.,. , • i ,.I, 1•,·11. 'th'. ,,., ,·r-.11 Pnn, th State~

,, I l, .. 11 Ill I
,pec1Jl pro\ o
'• ' ,, , • ,. ' •.I n,li.1 .i- ,, l n11m of ~late,. J ht> as ,, ell
, r ,.. , 11 t '· 'lllldl'k~ ,,, lee, rahsm,
•• , ,,,,,, ,,1!i.'n ,h,I 1 ,11 11-, tlw ,,,,,d lederauon
, er} l11tle po tr
,, ., 11' I',,, ,i1d .11110-1,a ~H t'rn◄ ot
bernme an md p n
\ '• \\ \ \ !,,,, :,.
\, th an} ol the s1 ~
. , • \ ,,,. n 1.111,,1 l\n1r, I C101trnment Chandigarh Lak,h
li,m 11,1, .1dd, J m 1hr
, •• t •
The,e terntone do nP
P • i- h.11 11, ,rnd Mtmi-1paht1t•~ CemrJI Gm,mm,
,, itlt·,I I lhrt'l 1,,ld ,listnbution the)e area\
, ,.. ,,,,,, , .,, ,, , , 11 1h1 l 1111,n G01, rnmenl and
,,111. 111, thr,e h~b
Power Sharing Between U o and S
, • 1 ,,. 1
The bas , ~true u ,
, 1, , , ,11bj1•rt, of national importance
shanng bet\H' n C
,, l '. r , t. 1, ,.m!..111g. commun1ca11on~
Parl.ament one • 1
" ••, • , \1,· n:..t 1m1lt1r n poh111•~ ,in thl'~t·
,hanng arrang 'll n
,, !, ,,u, th. , 11\ll\l \ J ht t_: rnon
, m ,,. a11 ~ rt'l,11mg to for am
Ill 1lw t.: 1110n h,t House~ o
fhrn II
' !, 11,t ,,mt.1 n, ~uhJt'd~ oi ~1,11e and lo,,11
halt of the otal ., alt.,
l''IIJlh "-• r,1h, . I .,d.-.
lClnlnlt'f,('. agnruJturr
,, 1 I h, :st.\!, G,,, t rnnwnt .1h1111 ,an make The •udlC ar, p
. ,, th,· ~ub1,·, h n1< nll,)llt'd 111 the ~late hst 1mplementa c
,umnt l bt It 11, udc, ~ubjects of common
,, 11 l' l pu1n J 1d thr S1.11t Go,·ernmrnt In ca,e of .:.n, d s
I 'lk llnt<'lh, nJrn,1ge adop11on High Court, nd

d t c '-t, tc· Ge,, (.'mment r,m make law~ raher ~our t,b,le;u•6
h 1 ':11,, , ,n lid "1th eJch other. gm ernment nd th
lll nn1t'nl , tll pre, 11 of them

Besides Hindi, there are 21 other languages recog 1.
IDidMi e ·
'<.iH,li 'cc ,,n:,11•:J·~ bytheindianConMitutinn
n Sed
1 In federalism, different tiers of government have their own I
examination conducted by Central Government · nar1
Jurisdiction. Mention one area regarding which they have
their own Jurisdiction. candidates may take the examination in any of these
2 Name one subject of Concurrent list. languages.
3 Which level of Government In India has the power to States too have their own official language~. The Illa>;
legislate on the residuary subjects? work of the government takes place in the official 1 lllu,.
4 What are areas called that are too small to become of that concerned state. &
Independent states and could not be merged with existing
The use of English as official language was proposed
stopped in 1965. However, many non-Hindi ~peakin lobe
states fear that this was the attempt to impose Hindi g
2.3 Practise of Federalism in India them. So, they demanded to continue th_e use of En~~s:
In Tamil Nadu, this movement took a VIOient forrn.
Constitutional provisions are necessary for the success of
federalism, but these arc not sufficient. So Central Government withdrew the proposal and
' . . . agre~
to continue the use of English alongw1th Hindi for offiICI~
The real success of federalism in India can be attributed to
the nature of democratic politics 111 our country. purposes.

To follow the true spirit of federalism, respect for diversity

and desire for living together in harmony should become Census of India, 2011 recorded more than 1300 distinct
shared ideals in our counll y. languages which people mentioned as their mother tdngue
These languages were grouped together under some ma)Or
Linguistic States languages, e.g. languages like Bhojpuri, Magadlu,
The creation of lingui,dc ~ ates5 was the first and a major Bundelkhandi, Chhattisgarhi, Rajasthani and many others
test for democratic politics in our country. were grouped together under 'Hindi'.
In J947, the boundaries of several old states were changed in Even after this grouping, the Census found 121 major
order to create new states. This was done to ensure that the languages. Out of these, 22 languages are now included m
people who spoke the same language lived in the same state, the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and are
Some states were not created on the basis of language. They therefore called Scheduled Languages. Others are called
were recognised by differences based on culture, ethnicity Non-Scheduled Languages
and geography. These include states like Nagaland, Scheduled Languages of India
Uttarakhand and Jharkhand.
Proportion of Proportion oi
Language Language
Some national leaders resisted the demand of new states on Speakers(%) Speakm(%)
the basis of language as they thought this would lead to the Assamese 1.26 Manipuri 0.15
disintegration of the country. But later, the formation of Bengali 8.03 Marathi 6,86
linguistic states actually made the country more united and Bodo 0.12 Nepali 0.24
administration becomes more easier. 3.10
DoJ?ri 0.21 Odia
Language Policy GuJarati 4.58 Punjabi 2.74

The second test for the Indian federation is the language Hindi 43.63 Sanskrit N
policy. The Indian Constitution did not give the status of Kannada 3.61 Santhali 0,61
national language to any of the languages. Ka&hmiri 0.56 Sindhi 0.23
Konkani 0.19 Tamil 5.70
Hindi was identified as the official language but
it is mother tongue of only 40 per cent of Indians, The Maithili 1.12 Telugu 6.70
Central Government has not imposed Hindi on states
where people speak a different language.
~alayala_m 2,88 Urdu

5 Langu stic States These are the states created on the basis of the languages people spoke. ,
6 Sc edu ed Languages 22 languages are included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and these are known as ·Scheduled Language,

282 All ,, one Social Science Class 10

e pela~ions Local Governm,;ri'
Cf,it(e-'5ta r_:er:tre ', d r: Tt a ·r,n•,
,l-f' <m<· rr.,,ri• . y In ·r h, idea,,( J,•,tn 1 ra11·.~t1r,n led to (r,rmatir,n <,f third tier
•.,...~~,.,-,~fll'lg r,f w,-vernm<-nt It 1<, c.aJie, lucal ,,u,wcrnment. 'J his Jr,cal
al m na ,_,.e reng · 11'- "n<-d
'" -
p r.vt o·
. ,~r s g,,v£•rnm,.n' mdude Panchayat~ in village<, and
tituti<,:t h~ derr:arca•t:' e p< o< t~ c
Munkipalitic'> rn urhan ~n a'
,,r- &s ,M G
Q:lfl J'J ·e rr: m,-n · ' it d ':P n d ·, 'J <1 l:irgt
Vval gr,vernrm:r1t ;:;llr,•11', the people tr, be dm:ctly involved
' :iaJl ther--Hmi·p~r1e :.ind ,.~der.f,,J,, the.c
f. ,() in <lec1•,H,n making and prr,mr,tt denv,c.ratic. participation .
.en· · l:J<·ctir,n', tr, the Jr,cal ,,,,vernment were not held regularly
-":~,~ l c ercise their ngh . a· C)

and hr al gr,vernmr•nl'. did m,t have any power or resource

.... n ~ e ame party ruled
r c,f their ,,wn.
a e P,1., en different partie
a l 1 J '.l'./L, a maJrir '>lep tr,ward', decentralisation was taken.
e c.en re ned to ur dermme
·1 ,,. 0 ,n', 1tut1,,n wa.e, amended tc, make the third tier of
ta e democrac.y mr,re pc, 11erful and effective. The provisions
,, a C.1r, em en n I uc.ed 1h,- made in the con'>titutic,n for effective local government are
(.Ju ·c rim that \\tre ruled • It i, crin~tilutir,nally mandatr,ry to hold regular
ed tt ,. pml of federalism. electi,,n to J,, g<1vernment b0dies.
I'l)O Thi ,,., a, the • Seats are re,erved in the elected bodies and the
,1l the centre. executive head, of these institutions for the Scheduled
Ca,tes (V,c,, Scheduled Tribes <STs) and Other
-:mt m the Lok Sabha,
er m o an alliance with Backward Classes (OBCs).
• At least ,,ne-thtrd of a:J yosit10ns are reserved for women.
reg r,na parties to form a
"' o a ne • culture of power • The State Election Commission (SEC) has been
,f Sta e created in each s·,ate to conduct Panchayat and
Y!unicipal elect10ns.
• The state governments are required to share some
a ma:or, udgement of the
powers and revenue with local government bodies.
dff:.:_, :or heCentral The nature of sharing varies from state to state.
te gu "~rr,en .,thout any reasons.
Panchayati Raj System
2.4 Decentra isation in India In India, rural local government is popularly kno\-.:n as
Panchayati Raj Each village or a group of villages in some
states has a Gram Pancbayat. This is a council consisting
of several ward members called a Panch and a President
The members of Panchayat are directly elected by the adult
e Sta e (., ernments, populatt0n of that ward or village. Panchayat wr,rks under
• fa arashtra have
erna.. en dt erse. the supervision of Gram Sabha.
Gram Sabha meets at least twice or thrice in a year to
er a:,ng 1thin each state approve annual budget and review the performance of
r m Qr.tral and State
ernrr.en · is called the Gram Panchayat
A few Gram Panchayats are grouped together to form a
tralisauoa panchayat Samif 9 or block or mandal. The members of
here are a panchavat Samtti are elected b} all the Panchayat members
rl . s--~ are bes! settled
in that area .

a, a _e'"..a - ,e?~ '.l.,,~'"C ,,.,r,.-<::e

"'· s - - - · u f
I Y partners in a coaht1on orm a po It·
~, •r '<'- ,_,,., '.l' ,c C '.)' n-o•e 0v t.C8 I)<!!'! es sua
- -
-.&. • .: ,,-- ~- J. -~ C-0...,... 0 ...... 6-- ... nK !),;tween Gran- Panchayat and Zilla P
~"' a t.Ka e e- ,,. .-.,:: a " r- sa

, . 1l. l l )nstitutional status of local govern 11\ent

hdpl'd strengthen democracy in our cou h~
\Ith,' l',llh h,\\ .,t :-..un , ,; 111 ., , 1:-tiid h'!-\''th,•r ,,,11~\itul<' tl\l' 1 ,ncrl',,sed won1L n's representation and ro\e~~I). lt
11.i \,i1,;tri.·1) l'.111,;h,h :\ ,,,;, ,, th,· n,•111b,•r,; ,,t 1\.1 P: •i~h,,, 1
ll l•moLrncy 11owever, there are many diffilCU\tie, 0\1
,\ ,·,·1th,r ,·k,t,•.I l\h'tllh•:-•' 1111· 1,,1;.:-..,bh,1. \\\ \,-ot lh,it
, 1,;l , t ,,r ,;,,llh' ,,th,-r ,, 'i, ,.,b .I\ ,hs\ td k, .-\ t,,,lht'S rh,· s\lth as
• Elections are held regularly here but Grail\ S
Ch.1irp,'rlillll ,,t 1l.1 I', ,,; 1,hl 1:- 1\:- 1,,,\it1c,\l h,•,lll.
arc not beld regularly. abri;.
Municipalities • Most state governments have not transferred
l ,,, .ll ,.,,, ,·1 nnwnt t,,,, 11.':- '" urb,111 ,n,•,1s ,ll'l' k.1wwn ,,s th
.significant powers to e local governm ~~
:\hm1,~r-tl1t1,'$ In 1-i~ ,· 11cs ,h,·, kn,,wn as (I have not given adequate resources to the ij
1..\,q•,,r.1t1<u1 ~,, :, 11~,-s,· 1.,,.1I g,,,,•n1ml'nt hodks .:in' controlled Thus, we have sti11 not achieved the ideal~[
t,, ,•k,t<-''1- hi.~,·:- ,,,ns•,;t·ng ,,t p,·,,pk's rq>rl'Sl't1l,1tiYL'S, self government.
Th,· Ch,1iq.'t' "'' I ,,: ., :\ .1L1Klp,,h1, IS Ilw politil ,,l he,,d or Ihat features o
~1tmK1r,1lit,. nw r,,liti,·,11 h,,.Hl ,,t \ hmi,tp,,l Corporation is iiDiitMI 'f.eY roore ti
• w1oor
1 Which incident was regarded as a majortestl01 I 0 -ieroroent..
the MaH,r democratic politics in our country after \ '\11e jurisd1ct10
f Governroen
independence? ~n tlie constit
?. How many scheduled languages are recognised In \
.\ ,1t\ , .,ll,·,i p,,rto Alq, in Rr,,211 h,,s . -: ,,rril'd out an
t''\"tr:iorJm.,n ,·:1.reriment in ,,1mbming decl'ntralisation India?
3 Which language is identified as the official Ian•~Ua&•
\\'tth r.trt1,ip,ltl\ t' denll>Cf:1-') .
The ot, h,1, set up a p,u.1llel ,wg.1111sation operating alongside of India? ·
L How many seats are reserved tor women in local
the .\[u111dp,tl Coun, il. enJ.bling. k1<:,11 inhabitants to take real
Government? N1ea
de.:-1mms tor their ._ity. c: What constitutes the Zila Parishad in a district'? \ f>_syste
fhe ._·1t, is divided into ma.i1Y ~ecwrs or "~,uds. Each sector has a '5 Porto Alegre is a city of which country? I which t

mt>enng (hl,..e thJt of the Gr.un Sabha) 111 which anyone living in bet.We
that ,u;a ,--an pmiopate. Am dtiun of the ci1' can participate of the

m tho,e mt>eungs.

In Fede
\ Under
R Centre-State Reial Panch~atl Raj System
eto~•uctil"- tt, ons
138 anc~alld state Govc-mment
re a• ors 5 a 6 e Certre-State
has ~n stre~:n: ch federatJsrn

Language Polley
lrd a has
ang ;,ge as
__J Local Government

Practice of federalism
In Indra

- ............ .. ~

Decent1al sa1ion n 1~1 a

- .

Ind a as a Federal Country

p,,.,,-e, Shar ng between Un:on and

State GO'ternment
r a,
0 uoWlflg pairs that give the level
,e ,:.e ~•t 1_0 India and the kPowers of the Cooes
;, •· ~e-i•; trial level to ma e laws on
,~nt a entioned against each. Which of
r .., gpa1 rT1 ·rs rs not correcUy matched?
3 4
-5",;,r:n rn!Ilent - State L
(r" .- ,·ei•
0 . Ans.
c-0,·ern--ne.nt - L: nion L
Q,U Consid
...,, ''-".l d State Governments - Concun-en, 11st er the following stateme
~~'e1'flllle::it - Residuary p0 '1\t>r; A. ~· a federator, the power o~ the fede;•a a"d
einment - Residuary Power rov 'l'::\al gove;•nrrerts are c:ear 1 def'la'ca!.e<1
B. Ind.a .. ,. ,,, .. ____ eca;
,st I with List II and select the
I: . od . rru••"ents a!e s
&- t."e er using the c es given below r ard they have eJ.: JS,ve sJbjects
.~an~ C. Sri Lar,l<.a 1s a federation oecause the co;,;n~:-; "
div•dect into prov :ices
D. r:d,a 1s no larger a federaM:. so""le
POV;ers of the states nave oeen oe·1clvec to the
t.oca1 Governriem oodies.
Which of the statements given abo,.e are correct?
..., :>arcnayat 4. Uayor a) A Band C (b) A, C a.-id D
s.-a . - --- --- c)AanciB (dlBandC
-- Ans. (c\ A and B

REVIEW EXERCISE 1'1C'Jd:rg Cornpete'lcv Base


Part I
01ce Questions (MCQs
5. In Unitary form of go,·emment.
!lt,e of government does the Belgium have? al a: the power is cl.hided l,er,, een the .:e:::rre •=on a.::d
• b, Cc-mmuni, . the ;tate rrO\ gownuT.enL
d) Central b) aTI the rower i, \,itn the .:itizens
.... countries follow the unitary system of ,I State Government has J.ll the po,,e~.
,?IIUT1ent? dl power is conccn'Jate'C -dth Ule Centd Go,~rr....:nent
S~andln6a 6. Identify the correct feature of Unitary form of
ran and Belgium government from the following options. cese Temi 12021
t\rab E.nuntes, China and Sri l..ankz a "'liere are two or n:ore levels of gowrrur.e:::,
Gtw.:any and lnd1a bl Different tier; of government govern the ;.i.•1ie .:itizecs
cl Each t'er of government h:i.s its O\\il iurtsdi-::io;::.
•ll";:em o! government in which power is d,. 1ded
di The ,i:b-umts are sut--ordinate to tl:e Cen:::-al
i:nreen a central authority and various const'tuent GO\emme:i.L
cHhe country Is called
Communa::;m 7. Which one of the following countries is the e\ample
di Democrac of 'Holding together federatior,? case T•nn 12021
,a} Au,traLa lb) India .: ,:S.\ _;· S\\iturlan~
..... ~ntry is an example of coming together
8. Which one of the following subjects s included In the
Union list? CBSE Tum I 2021
a· Coml!'um.:at.on b'Trade
di I.ndia
.:\Commer1..e dl lrrigau.:tn

Chapter 2 Fece•af:sm 289

, when laws regarding Concurrent .
pPens tween the Union and State List
0 11
:1191fl~ 11 fflCl :entlfy the appropriate reason • Residuary subJects with centre
1~111c_.,e11t? 1
,,. r11 "" 1 s l'
,,met \\ith ~Jch other, then th " Ill. Equal subjects with centre and states
f I d" ill c 1.l\\ IV C
Go.,c ~,eir 1:1,1tic premknl• .o n HI w pr('vail ' . · urrency and railways with centre
1 11lf t,\ sLl)nflic t ~"1th each other, then th Codes
1 1
~1th''' J.11 e L n1on Gm ernment will pre, ail. {a) I, Ill and]\" (b) I, 11 and I\'
, ff 1 e1'} th nflict \\ 1th eac.h other, then th k) II, III and I\'
~ I 11 ,~ . e 1aw (d) I, II and 111
~ J tJIC go, crnmcnt will prevail. 26.
., 111••J, b1 rhe s·ontlict w1 th eac h oth er, then th Which of the following statements accurately
IJ'' s 1.
(oLal governments "
ill e 1aw describes decentralisation of powers In India?
pre, ail
Jl 1ft bf the :. It helps to address several problems and issues
111aJe tern of Indian Go~ernment from th at the local level itself.
thcsY5 e
~entlfY rf11atlon. Competency Based II, It is autocratic in nature.
f ,ven 11110 tern powers are divided between the Ill. It has made the third tier of democracy more
inth'ss~overnment and the Regional powerful and effective.
' orial
Nau 111ents. I\.. It has deteriorated the functioning of democratic
Govern th centre and State Government enjo governments.
in this bO r ,ndependent of each other. Y Codes
' irPowe .
tne m
of Government which the power is divided ,a) Only l
(c) Both I and Ill
(b) On!) II
~d) Only IV
5 ystern 8 central authority and various constit
' ,ween uent 27. Identify the primary reason responsible for the
oe f the country.
units o success of federalism in India. Choose from
opuonsral ~ptenl (b) L'mt,11: Sht('ll) the appropriate statements among the following
1 rede •ntar) S)'tem (d) None of tlwse options
, 1.:hann . I. Constitutic:,al provisions are the only one
1• In sequence according to the occurrence of
Arrange necessary for the success of federalism.
~ events II. The ,eai success of federa'ism ,n India can be
thestates on the basis of language
created. attributed to · he 'lature of democratic politics m
' of regional poht1cal parties leading to our country.
Ill Rise
coalitions Ill. India follows the true spmt of federa11sri
~ n d,a'sJourney as a democracy begins, • IV. The formation of linguistic states made India
v eentra, Government agrees to continue the use of more united and administration becomes easier.
Engl1sti. Codes
Co(le~ a. <;tatemenb II and IV are appropriate.
,11 (11), I l, (I\ (b) (iii), (1), (1v), (i1) (b' Statemenb I, II and III are appropriate.
. '
1111\ (1' ). (u) (d) (h ), (1), (m), (ii)
It Identify the correct statement/s about the theory of
(c) All the statements are appropriate.
(d) Onh $latement I\ 1~ appropriate.
lederahsm In the Indian Constitution. cssE SQP Term 12021 Answer5
Pie Const1tJt1on declared India as a Union of 1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d)
States 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. ' a) 9. (b) 10. (d)
Shanrg of power between the Union Government 11. (b) 12. (a) 13. b) 14. (b) 15. (b)
and the State Governments 1s basic to the 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. 1a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
structi. e of the Const1tut1on. 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (b)
s easy to make changes to this power sharing 26. (c) 27. (a)
c ange11ert.
'lie Par a'llent can on rts own change this ----
• ra,geMe t. c1tch the Following
Cedes 1. List I List II
and b u) and (111)
' anJ I d 11 and 1v A. Ma1th1li 1. Meghalaya
c, Yi hc one of the following options prove that India ls 8. Bodo 2. Ja'l\mu and Kashmir
aQuasi-tederal state? C Dogn 3. 81har
e Powers w th centre

Chapter 2 Federa ism 291


\h) 11,,1h \ 111.I I{ .11, 11111• h111 HI~ llul 1hr

1 ·~1'1.lll 111<111 111 •\ lhtit(
\ \
(,) \ h 11111· 1t111 Ith l.1lw
I t,I\ , ,~"•• h111 R 1~.11111
4, A!,!-ol'ttlo11 (A) llnlil 111< 1 U11lu11 .it; Wc•li d:-, I
llat I 11,t II l~t1Vc'IIIIIH'l1I~ c.11111i.1IH 1 1.iw• nn 11i 1, lil'\1 11
,~, ,' ,,'t l .:,t II t "' \~11t1l1 '('1\ 11 1(\11111111,•11111::1. 'i lec1,,',,,&
,,, I\\\' ):;t 1\1! ,'I'\ "•~~!..
Hi',l!.Oll (ll) i\cc•111dl11r: to m11 co11!-.tllt1ilo,
\ ' I,) I \ s\
l,e1w11111H 1111 ll,P, Ille• powo, lo logl:,l,llo~lhcs1,1~
l' ~l.\h' 11..-.t 11 1sltl11,11y •a11>/1•ri'i. 11 lhl••,u
' t1,1nhlll~\
1' 1\' \\ n' 11 I .st l\1lk1• Cndos
,c'$ , , ,\ \ l :~I -I ll\tl'lll1'I \,1) II.1th \ ,111d H ,111' l111e· ,111d ills Ila,, .
\ '"" l'( I ~~ill
l',,d1'$ •111111
Cl1Sl 2024 (h) 11i11h A ,\lid I{ ,1,c 11111, h11t H ,s 11111 ilw 10
\ \~ \' 1) \ I\ I I) opl,111;1l1u11 111 1\ 11,•q
\,\) " \h) ' I (,) ,\ 1s 1111,· h111 I{ Is lnls1
I,\ l -4 \1\) \ : I 1 (d) A 1s t.1IM', li111 ll is I1'111'
An~. 1. tb' '. \l, \ 5. Assorllon (A) 1lw Cu11lrnl Govon11non1 has
I llnd1 on slt1l<'s wlwro poople spoa11 n dill no11h1Po,
Ronson (ll) I ll11tli wns ltlenllflod ns lho official an,~
~~ ' t O 1 Rt'dsOn ll is ,1 11101IH1 1 lonl',lH' of only '10 % or 111 ,, languia,
u1un~. "'·
1. AssNtlon \A\ ,\ltm1c1p,,litit~ ,1!1'Sl't up in town::; Codes
R1'.1son \Rl In ,1 t\lunk1p.1l l\,1r1111,1ti@, (,1) llolh t\ ,111d ll ,11,• l1u1 and R ls IIH' ccir ,
rc1 I cxpl
,' 1d Pt'rS('II) i:.- hll1\\\ I) ,lS th11 t\l,\\01. A '
Codes (h) llolh A ,rnd R ,Ill' lrnc, h111 R 1s 11111 ilw
1•xpl,1n,llio11 111 A
i-\) H11th \ ,l hi R ,\, 1' 11111' ,\nd R 1:; till'"'' I ,·d
(,) A 1s lru,·, lrnl R ts fats\'
,·:-.i1l.m,1t111n 1'1 111 \
(d) /\ is l,1ls1•, h111 R is 11 u1•
\l,) l~1,1h \ .mil R ,ll<' tnw, but R 1~ 11111 till' ,nrt\'1 t
,·,1 1.m.111,,n ,,1
1 \ 6. Assertlo~ (A) Cou, ts play a key role in lnterpretln lh
1,' .\ ~, uc, hut R 1s 1.1b1 Cons\1tut1on and the power of different levels of g e
\'!) \ , .1h,· hH R ,~ t: 111• Gove, 11mr11l.
2 . .\ssert1011 1A) Pm,t'. 110111 Cent1al ,rnd State Reason (R) Tl1e Supreme Court plays the role of an
GO\emments 1s given to Local Gove111111cnt <1nd 1t 1s umpire 1f disputes arise between different levelsol
hno\\ n as dect>ntrnl1sation. Government 111 the exercise of their respective power 1
Re,1son (R\ Large number of problems and issues Codes ~
are best settled at the local level and it is the basic (a) Both A and R arl' tl'lll' and R 1s the wmcl cxplanaoo
ide.:i behind decentral1sat1on.
(b) Both A and R an• It Ill', but R 1.~ nol the correcl
l'X(ll,rnation of A
\,\) n,,th A .md R .\rt' lnll' ,ltld H i~ lhL' LOrtTll
(r) A is lrnc, b11t R is false
,· ,11 ot \
(d) A as false, hut R is true
(bl R\\th A .md R .irr tru,-, hut R as 1101 till' rn1-r1•11
e,pLm.ilion of \ Ans. I. (b) Both A an<l R arc 1tue, but R 1s not the correct
(,)Ats true, hut R 1s fals,• explanation of A
t,n '\ 1, fahe. hut R 1$ ti Ul' 2. (a) Both A and R arc true, but R is not thrcorrect
3. Assertion(<\) Besides Hindi there are 21 other cxplanalion of A
languages recognised as scheduled languages 3. (h) Both A and Rare true, but R is not the correct
b~ the constitution cxplanallun of A
Reason (Rl Restructuring the center-state relations •I. (c) A is true, but R is fabe
is one more way in which federalism has beer 5. {a) Both A and Rare true and R is the correct
strengthened in practice. explanation of A
Codes 6. (a) Both A and Rare true and I{ is the correct
\a Both A and R .\re true and R •~ the c,1rrnt
e,planation of A explanation of A

292 Social Science Class 10

·d {)lit 11011 'ii 11• r• 1111 11,111111t I11 pr,111r ,,f
I• 1111
I 111 'I/I I 11,1, It 1 II 11 I 1
11111•11(,Ji/l ,,111111(,, / I ,
II 11 p1111plt 1111111 nt 111 ,,,., 1,1,

(I) ihlrih ,,t tho l11ll11wtr1~ I

t1lts11y r,ovonm11 nt?
• 111 I
I II I'11 I
( I) I,1111 ,I II I,, I y ''" I,,, I' ''
1111 • Ill 1d,q1' 1111 ,1, I•
CilJ\'I I 11111' 111
(l,J 1111 1 , II 1J,I I C rl•Vf I 11111• 111
111, 1'1 ,,•111 If,, I r ,,,v, r11u, 111 ,, I
,t ,,
(,) A ',1.,1, ',11v• 111111• r,1 ,
I ,11Vt 1111111111
,,, I 11 •1
(cl) )1111 ('IIIV' I 111 'I1 I I
,y Iii• I llll 11)11111 JI

(II) ~hl1,h of 111" r<>ilnw;nf( ,, ·P' <,I MW 1h

mlt,,ry fo11tur11•, ot tho Union''
1 (,1) l·1111J1,IIIIIII "' Jil w 1.,1
w11,1l dill'~ till' d1,1h 11H1Ctc• up o1 bomb (h) I >1',IIJH 111111 I,, 1w,, 11 111, J'l•li• JI
u,,. pi,·t ,,,.•., ' "'1'" "'"' In (,) 1Jnlon I, v, I g11v1·1111111 111 1 It 1,,, 1 1

11t t t\l 111 \ 11

) \ , , \,\ Ji l ,, 111!\, l\ t' I I\ 1\ ll •11 l .
1 ,\\ 1 l' \I'\ I, Illt'llk (dJ llnth (.1) ,1 11 d (II)
1 I"""' ,1,,,. I" , ,,,,111, 1, ' Y
111 )'l' p111 ty (Ill) What urn tho b11'>lc objoc.tlve:./• of
11 l S 1ll ,I
1,111,h,1\\, sll\'I''"' ,11111,lll) st\\,tlkr 1,, li, . I fotlornt .,yc,tom?
•' I\ pPW!'I ,II 1111'
1, l ,h""' '-'•" "' ,,,,..ll,·•
l'"' '«'' 1•·1111 i" ' . (.,) To ·,.tlt·1•,11,11 ,I 11ul ,.,,,1111111 ,111
ty ,,f
1 l 1111111 I,., !' I (I,) l'o .11r11111111od.111 JL"11111 ii cl1v r it
'1 • t !'I llVl'I t1)l' ( )'I' 't,lft'
I 1,
p wr1 ,11u1111V, ildlc 11 n•
' 01
(,ll ll ~1i,,11s till', 11 t,11) Ill .1, h,,nsll\ ti, ll"I I . 11 11
(d) tlolh (,1) ,111cl (hJ
111111 I h,11 ,~111,1t 1l,
01 (Iv) Can the provisions of the
~m , \ \ , ,1,il 1t i1111 gin ,·1111111·11 t 1,111 ex plndc hn•,ik ,,t an constitution be unllatewliY changed by one level
11 t"" 111 .tu,· t,, , ""th, t,. Y of government In federalism?
(a) Yr~, 11 < all hl" d1 111~1 d
C,i~P sased Question (h) No, 11 l ,111'1 bl', h,111gnl
(c) May bl' 111 ~pl'l 1,d p1 ov1,1<J11\
1 Re,1cl the source glvon below and answer the
(d) Bnth (a) anJ (L)
questions that follows Ans. (i) (d} The powc1, of "il,1ll' <,ovl ri11111:nh .ire
11nde1 tlw un1t,1I y sys\l'lll, either t11cre is only one level
by till' Con~tilltl1011
01 Goven111wnt, or tl1e sub-units are subordinate LO the
Cf'nt1al Govern111cnt. T11c Central Government can (ii) (a) 1-<,1 inc1t1on of Ill w ,1,1tc,
pass on 01ders to t11e p1ovincial or the Local (tii) (d) Huth (,1) and (b)
Government But in a federal system, 1hc central (iv) (bl No, 1l can't be d1,1ngld
Go,ernmenl cannot Older the state Government to do

part II
3, Name two countries, besides India. which are
federations. 100
Ans. Th< USA .,,,d sw,,,,,,t,n»I h,1>< t«i<, l ", "'
Short Answer Type Questions st
I, What are the basic objectives of a federal10sy em? 4. wnat d• you mean by 'holding together tederatlon••
'6 Tb,'·"''
and objectives of, feJetal systcin l ,re· 0 safeguard
11odatc Ans, II JS ,, 1,,I" •'""" ,vhc re ·' i,rgc «111nlfY decodes to d,v,dc
Ihe poW", \,ctW< "' I he <., ol'•I f ,u,·crnmcnt and !he
promolr uml) of the cuunllY '"' lO '" '"'
13 s1atr (,ovcrnlllCl1lS_C g India
regional d1\'Crsil\'
l, Is Ind'ta a ·coming together federation · •?· cssE2•
ns. ~o I d . I 1·,dention'. ll is a
. · n 1,11~ nol ,1 'corn111g toge! 1er11 t '
kiuli of hold mg t1)gether frJer,1tio '· Chapter 2 : Federahsm 293

,_ ' '-
,, '
" '

'\.' '-
---.. -

' .




s.:illS •Class
,.,J1thd\\llh,.11h11th11 111
I• I•111 lll ltl ti 1
., I l 111 tlr1111ll (11 111•111111,•111111II 1
• 1' (\ 111

l 111 11'·'' I 111,kd lll IIll' l 11111 Ill 11'11( 11 l
(' 111' ' ,ltt Ir I j
,111••··· ,d1111(11lll. -11, 11 S\1\111 Cit •l
l \,U'', t
11111 •
, • ,.; f princh,w,,ti R,tJ do you like th
r ,111rt 11 e most
hI C
I ' JIY7 ISE 2014
,ii'' Ii• 1,i-.,t 111 .ibk1n, .-111·, I111·1 h .ind • 'l)lJIJon of
S. Which ls the h gh ,
, ,,1 l' ~1<\J\ 111,1k111:~,11• lll'l\\01mpoit,llll
..,. 1 1 ,,,, 1 1 I 111 l,IIUr{, Explain its compos I on
', l1 R-'l ~, ,1,·111 \\ lH 1 1 ,,, mo~,
• I h,1,,111 Ans
' 11' ••, ,1,1111t•,\ 111 the f,ilhm 111g ''•'},
\ 1 \l '- 1
, , ,\I ]',II" ,1 ,, ,t,·lll ,ii g111·,·rnnn.- 111 1 h h
, 1i,,.111 , . ' ic Gram
11o ' . ,. th,' b.1~1, u111I nl .1dm1111str:u,o (
1i ,.1t• ·11 . • n ,ram
J'. 111 •1 , ,1 1 1,u1i. ti , on~1sl 111g ot sn n ,ti 11 ard
, , h•" ·11 1• > ,• members
I 11 , , I,, ,ind ,1 l 11 s1d,·nt or Snrp 1111 Ir
l\ ,l' 1t 111 C
, ,,,,,
., , , ,
. hr•·• th ,·!,, ti:d• h) .11l 1h,, .,duJt popul at10n III mg
•1' 11 ,i iH, 11l,1g1'. Sn. this k,1tu1,· of Gram 1, h
h,11 ,,.11 • anc a)Jl
1 ,1~11111, ,111 l.
,,"n , ,, ·t1, ul,u nll,1g,· l'ii:ll lhe1r own rt'pr'1
,,1,I,. 11 1•11 11 • • • . _• ,entat1ve~
, • 11 1u,h .1,qu,1111tui lit t.umh,u ,,ith ti I
h•' .u, 11 11 ll' o,al • 7 11.i 1',m, J,i Ch
,,,,\ll' rhu~. thc1,' ,,in. snl\l' tlw problem ol neopl. I
l ~,l~I \ Z1ll.i PJ.n,h •,i
- t
. wh. ~•'· I hkl' this il',1ture ot PandlJ) Jl. R 9. "Local Governments hdve made s1gnlf1cant ,mp~ct
11 t II 1 ' 11 I JJ In
J on Indian democracy. At the snrne time there ore
,ul ,,ll11ltl \
. Grani Sabha? Describe any four functions f many diff1cult1es Explnln cesE 013 .t.2
Wf1,JII5 O a
Gran! sabh 3 • CBSE 2012 Or Evaluate the strengths and limit trons of Local
,ill thl' ,1dult dl1zen voters ol the Yillage., self-Government in a democracy. cesE 2oi
l Oh,.,t,h,i 1ndud,•s
·,.. ,rtn"·rcd w suppo1 l thl' G1 am Pan..:h.n ,11 body. ' Ans. l.0,.1I ,di l,oH rnm nth 1, l m ,it ,1 •11111,. 1
1 1m !11d1.111 dlmo, r,1,, h It , h1t,, m, 11, ,, 1 , 1
,eh'ur tun<tions ot G1,1m Sahh,1 ,llt'
It dn:l~ tlw nw111h,•1 sol the Gr,1m Panch,n·Jt. • fh, ,01•,t11u1 o al ,1a1u
h, Ip J 10 d,, pt r d, m .i, m ou ~
It ~ur•'I\ 1s1·s the 11·ork 11f tlw Gr,1111 P,111( h,l) ,II
• I ,1t.1l t,m,rnm 'll h , m , ~d, ,,
. It .ip!'n'Y<'S th<' .mnn,11 budgt'I of the P.111d1.1, ,ll. r.-pr," nta110n n<l , ull m ur dt n H .h..
It r,•news tl11· 11erh1rni.uKl' 1)f the G1~1111 P,ui.:hJ} ,11, r-\t th<' same 1111w the I o,al ,, It Go, t 1 nt
! Describe any three features of 'Unitary Government'. mJn) diffi, u)tJt', he, an
CBSE 2020
• \\ hilt ele, twns J held r, t .u ,
(thr,•,•lt',1tures of l'nit.u}' Glwernment .m' not held r<'gul.irh 10 "'' , ,, t 1- p
In u111t,u'\' sYst,'111, .ill po11 ers ,Ill' (t'ntr,11i:-ed m the l,ram Pan,h ,at
hJnd, 11Jthe Ceutr.11 GnYe1 nment and onh ,entre is • \l0st :,tJk (,1,, t.'rnmenh \ , <' I'll
tl1e r,,en oir ni .111 st,11<? po11 as. ~,gmfi,ant pc111, r, an,i adt',Jt a <'
c la11, ,,funitar} :,,,•stem. unlikt' frller.111011, .ire Go, Nnm<'nb
mtMm be,aust' l.1ws ,ire m,1Je onh b, ,1 sm••le Central 10. In Panchayatl Raj S}stem. one-third of the seats ha,e
i\lmment for tlw ,, ho!,• stall'. , ~ been reserved for women. Do you feel that the same
r bt·,,1me ckspcitK "hen the ruler:,, .ire not t,11thtul should be done tor State Legislature and the
'thu, 1, no d1e,k upon the ,•xer.. ise of these Parliament? Support }our answer with arguments
CBS£ 2014
mut,·d p,m ers.
nt on the dual objectives of the federal system. Ans. ln Panl h.11 .1t1 R.1i :w~t.'111, ,1th ,
rc~t'r\l'd t,,r th,· 1111111,·n l'h1~
b e,t'I <'~ oi f,d,•r,11 s, ,tem an· h,· ,h,ne l,n ::-1.11, I, ~1,l.1tur
eguard ,md prom11tt' umt} ol th,• ,nuntr) .u1d JI \\ tllllt'll R1'Sl t \ ,\ll<Hl 8 II ,,
~n l' 1me a,, ornmod.1te reg1on.u di,, r~1r. 11h1,h prnp1i-,, to ,lllll 1d 1
t her, ot GO\ ernmt'nt ,ire madt· th,1t g,1, e1 n th< n.'M'r"' '\ r•· ~ <'nt ,1 lll ~<.1
en~ but tach tier h,1, its ll\\ n un,d1< l1t'll 111 ,111 -.1,11< l t•~1,l.111,, \", nl>h t.1 "'' ,w 1
eg1~ llln, tJ.Xl 1011 nd adm1m,tr.1t1on.

C"hapte ede ahsm 295

hdl l1111dcl h1 p I ccl 1111 11t, lc1ll11wli11•
I ltl LIIV• 11 111 the• h.111cl\ 111 th, I ·,·ntr.,I < ,uvc
nwhilc ~11h1e·, I e1f IIle I11, .1 I 111111!1 11111 'll•11eru
• I II llli le I I \~11111111 p,11 Iii Ip 1111111 Ill p11lll11 ,111cl \Ill 1c I) l l 01 ti
,1,1 111 1111,11,1!11111 ,Ile i:iv11110 th1 I II<\, Jyli
• I ti 1111 It I ll1'jllllll111lly 111.I II J'l'1 I Ill .ill 1111 \1'111111 II
( Ii) lle1lh I e·11t11· ,111cl Sl.ilt' (,ov,·1nn1r 111 ,
11. I h, 1•)( 11th 1lni1u of 1111wl'1 hntw1•t11I lho r.-11111111111!1 1u1w,•1 111ckpl'11e Ie•11l ctl ,•.1, II utlw1 S11d1u c111oy th 11
lh1 St ,1, Govi rn111011t v 111t,,, Iron, 0110 le dor.tllon to 1 ~i·h in 111cl1.1, llSA rl, Y 11"1
1110th1 , .. Suh~, 111ll11l1} th, 1L1t1•t11C'lll with ·,11ll11hlt1
OX11111plo ,
(iii) l'he• 1i111d,11111·11l.1I p1nvisio11-. of lhl llliht11u1
1'u1111111tanuy llnucl I II )'' I1.1ngl'dhy 011 1,
l , 1111111 1 hr 11111,1tr1a 11'Vel Ion
A11s, l'lic , ~ 111 h,1l.111< c 111 1'111\'c, 1lc-p1·11cls 1111 1h,· h,~1,111, ,ii •llVt'I
l' 1 1111rlll ",111 he h.111gl's l'l'<)llill' th, cit
!,11th till lrwls 111 ( cOVll lllllt'lll.
, ,111li•J<l l1111ltl, h 1111 I, de 1,1111111 W,I\ l111111nl I ht'lt .111 ltota
lwc, k1111b 111111111<•, 11111111,•h whh h lrcl,•1,1111111, h,1v1• hc•,·n (iv) l'hr kd,•i ,ii syst, 111 h,h du,11 oh!t't tiVcs I e
1011111•d ~.,fq~ 11 ,11d ,rnd p111111oll' 11111ty of the count 10
(1) I ltc 111,11111111 1111111\'t'S 111d1•p1·111lt'11I s1,11t·~ 111111111g 11, 1, ~. 1111, 11111t ,ll t 11111 mod all' ll'gHl!t,il divry, wh
l111,dl11·1 1111 tlwii ,11111 1u 1111111 ,1 higg1·1 111111. 'I 111, l)'Pt' . I I rr111l
(,·) •Soun 1·~ of n•v1·1111l' . . I'
m t·at 1 l'Vl'I of Gov,
,,I \11111111g 1c,g,·1h1·1 tc•cl1•111111m i111 l11d1• tlw IJS,\, Ill I ll'arl} S]ll'l illl'l Ill CllSIIIC it~ 11nan,i I ,,,
Sw1l11•1 l,111cl ,111d \11,11,111,1. 111 llws,• !rdc 1,111u11s, ,di 1111' · a au1 0
, 1111\11111< 111 sl.111·, 11s11,dl) h,1v1• 1· l'IIWt'I ,111d ,lit' 2 • How ore the powers divided between the statesno
tho centre? c anu
Slitlllf' 1•1., ,, l'IS tilt' h·d,•1,11 ( ;ll\'1'1111111'111
Or Describe tho division of powers divided betwe~1lt·
( 11) t\ 11111 h,·1 10111t· 1s wh1•1<' ,I l,11 gl' , 11111111 y d1•1 ldc•s Ill State nnd Central Governments In India. cesn
1hv1dl' 1h puw1•1 lwlwn·11 Ilic ,1111sl1l111•11I SL1l1's.'111<I 1
Or How arc the leglslatlve powers distributed betw
1lw N,1li1111,1I c,ov,·1111111•111 lndi,1, Sp.1111 ,rnd lklg1111n the Union Government and the State Govern ee,
111r n.1111pl1·s Ill 1hb kind ul 'huld111g 111g1•th1•1
lrdi·, .11 lllllS I Jl'1 t', Ihc• l 'cnl 1,ii ( ;11v1•1111111·11I lt'nds 111
the Constitution? Explain with example. ::nt
Ill' 111111 c• p1nw1'11l 1•1., ,, 1•1, 1hr S1.11,·s Ans. Tht• divisl()n of power bclwccn tlw Central and Slat
lio\'l rnmcnts 1s done in a three fold distribution e
13. Discuss tho most lll\cfy lmp.ict If India operated I
kgislative powers betwt·cn llw Union Governme:t
without ,1 fcdcr.if system. Compotency Bnsod
the Sta It' c.;owrnnwnt There arc th1ee lists ,.e Un,o~
Build the answer around these points Sta fl' list and Concurrent list These are discussed belo~
• lfrgcc111,1I ,llllOlllllll) (i) Union Ust It includes subjects of national
• I· ft,•, 11vl'111•ss in i:ow111,111, c importance, e.g. defence of the country, foreign
• I>rt ISlllll 111,1k111g Jl!Oll'SS affairs, banking, communication and currency.
Ans. 1'111· 1110,t likl'I)' 1111p,lCls that tan lw v1s1bk 1f India The Central Government alone can make deC1siolh
op<'l ,tll'd w1lhnul ,l frdt•1 al sysl<'lll 1s disrnsst•d bl'low on these mallers. The arm of including these malltn
(1) Rt•gional Autonomy The lkgwnal <.,owr'.1mcnts in Union List 1s to ensure uniformity in the polig 01
would h.1vc lit1lc nr no JH>w1•1 to makt• dcuswns. these areas throughout the counlr)'.
Jfrg1nn,1I .isp11 .11 wns may lw supp11•sst'd, (i1) St, le List It includrs s11bJects of state and local
(ii) f.lfrrtivc:ncss in Govern.met· Local issues may not importance such as police, trade, commerce,
1c1c1w .1d1·qu,1tt• at1l'nfio11, n·sult111g in a disconnect ag11culture and irrigation. The Slate Government
h1•t1H'1'11 gr,1ssrooh n'.tlil)' ,111cl gow1 nanlC. alone can make laws and dee isions on these arm
(in) lkdsion-making Process rill' <ll'tiswn m,1ki11g (iii) Concurrent List l t includes those subiects which
pro.::1•ss might lwumw undemocratic ,ind less of common interest to both the Central as well ai S
111dusiw. It 1s likely to nl'glcct regional aspi1al10ns. Governments. lt includes matters likt• education,
forests, marriage and trade unions. Both theStati
n and Central Government can make decision on
1hesc matters.
1. Explain any four/five key features of federalism
which have been incorporated in the Indian 3. Why has federalism succeeded in India? Which
Constitution. case 2012, 11,10 policies adopted by India have ensured this succeSI
Or Mention any five main features which make India a
federal country. case 201s Ans. The policies adopted by Indian Government hm
ensured the success of federalism in India.
Ans. Five mam features oflndran Con~titutron, which make
Policies adopted by India to ensure this sucW' are
India a frdc.•ral country are given below
(1) Adm1ruslrat10n of subJects which are of national (i) Centre-State Relations Federalism has been
importance and require wlifonnit)' m administration are strengthened by restructurmg of centre-state rda

296 Social Science Class 10

In India, power has been
pecell1 15. ed to the Local Government Tl L
[iil Je'entral nt includes panchayats and mu~: . oca] • Linguistic states made adn11nistration ea~1er for the
ver11rne . . ic1palities. local people. People feel comfortable to work 111 their
GO . States 1 he policy of creating ling . .
·stt' h d
, ;ngt1 also strengt ene iederalism De U1st1c
1 r mother tongue. It fulfils their expectation~ from
,) V
111 131es
nasth·s . dh . spite of democracy
policy umte t e nation
s ·on, i 6· Read the following excerpt about the
Ji1'!S' policy Indian federation did not
oage I gave statu relations In India and answer the question that
.,) J;lllg. al language to any anguage. This t1lth s follows. competency Sa1ed
I'' of JJ 3110J1 h ed federalism. nately
strengt en In the coalition era of Indian politics, though the
h35 advantages of decentralisation regional parties have acquired prominence in the
the ·
~pl3111 r is taken from Central and State centre as well as in their respective states this has led
~ 'lten powe and given to Loca I Government
to increase in bargaining power of some state which
... \1 nrnen15 . . '
,.. 60~er d decentrahsallon. are in power at the centre over those who are not
itis'alle ges of decentralisation are This has emerged as constant tension between the
advanta . . . union and the states.
rhe . idea behmd decentrahsat1on is that th
ebasic . ere are Source :
, Th mber of p1oblems and issues which are b
1ge~ ~ Critically analyse the centre-state relations pnor to
,ar -~ 31the local level. People have bette, kno, d
1 tdru . • v 1
e ge of 1990 and after.
1 blem• of their own locality fhey havt' bett . 'd
thepro e, 1 ea Ans. Prior to 1990, except for once, the Congress ruled at the
e ~pend money and how to manage th'i
on wher 10 ngs Centre for about 40 years. These were the years when
110,,ently. . . the single party formed the Government
ntrali,ation make~ 1I poss1hle for the people lo
The Government at the Centre ruled the states with
' vec;II)' participate in derision- making. This helps the
Jue h b. .. biased views. lt supported those states which had a
eopk 10 deYelop a a 11 to part1~1pate 111 democratic Government formed by the same party. The
~cn111ies Thus LoLal Government 1s the best way 10 realise Government on many occasions dismissed the State
the ,ignifkance of local self, Government in democracy Governments formed by other parties in the name of
, pe.entralisation reduces the burden of Central and State law-and order situations. In other words, the Centre
Goierornents. It helps to concentrate on matters of dictated the states and the states had no alternative except
nauonal of ~tdte importance in a better way. to follow the center.
, De,entralisation leads to women empowerment as it The I ise of regional politics in many states has changed
proilde, that at least one-third of all positions are reserved centre slate relations significantly after 1990. This was
•or women in all the local bodie, also the beginning of the era of coalition Governments
at the centre. Since no single party got a clear majority
~ ·Jhecreation of a linguistic state was the first and
in the Lok Sabha, major national parties had to enter an
maJor test for democratic politics in our country." alliance with many small regional parties. Hence,
Mtify the statement. cesE 2019 regional parties do take care of their states. This led to a
ll Toweauon of a linguistic state was the first and major new culture of power sharing and respect for the
:tst ordemocratIC politics in our country This can be autonomy of State Government. It became difficult for
.,nned in the followmg ways the Central Government to dismiss State Governments
in an arbitrary manner
• In liJ.r the boundaries of several old states were
Jwiged in order to create new state,. It was done
,urdmg to the language that people speak. But many
n.uonal leader, feared that the formation of stale 1. Read the source given below and answer the
ording to language would lead to the disintegration of questions that follows.
·e uuntrv. Source A need of third tier of Government
countI) some states were created not on the basis States in India are as large as many independent
~Mge but on the basis of culture, ethnicity and countries of Europe. In terms of population, Uttar
~- pt These ;nclude Nagaland. Uttarakhand and Pradesh is bigger than Russia, Maharashtra is about
..!Klland. as big as Germany. Many of these states are internally
• "'-' • states has n:.ide the country more umted. !t very diverse. There 1s thus a need for power sharing
within these States.
Fed to mamtall' our tederal structure

Chapter 2 Federalism 297

iMtt 3 •• w

a e f1;:r,
(11 To what extent do you think that dec.i:ntral sat1on
s applied in India?
Source C Steps towards decentral sation
A rra;or s•r:: J o ards ljr;:r,,;,.., a -:.a 0 1as a,e' ,..
1992 Th1:: r,ors ;ton 11as 8'1"erdr.d 0 r a,.e '<:
rd e cf de~ 0Grar,y rr: ore vJ11er+, a r rJ effer .e.
0, t sconstt1.: 0nallyrr,:1r,;Ja•0r1 r,r01 e:, ar
e ec ors o L.OCa Go err r'e b-:.d e:. Sea!:. ;,rf::
•eser ed n tree e-:•Bd b0d es ar:d e e1ec.t ,r:
eads of 111ese nst tut ors fo• tte Sr:.. E:d., E:d Ca~es
Sr,hedu ed r, bes ard Otne' Bacv.-1a'd C asses At
eas one third of a. p0s tors arr:: reservi::d fc,r 110--·r;ri.
(1ii) To what extent constitution amendment made
the third tier of democracy more effective and
powerful? Explain it by giving examples.
Jnd1an ates arc en large and d · er n nat c1re o
admm ter the state proper! · om> Lntr and <i a e
Go ernment are no• enough Another er of
go emment be1ow the ~tale Go ernment . need d tu
f o_ ~1 a oc - .a
sohe the local problem, and sue Th i:ountr a ~o d tr-:e k "'d 'J's• "a .,
rd-t er o.
GO\ ernment 1 needed m India itSe f n.
u) Our constitution has rccogmsed the ne d for (1) Why our constitution d d notg· e the sta
decentrahsat10n. L n10n, late and a thud t e. ol national language to any one language
Government 1e. Local Self-(Jovernment be o (ii) Infer the importance of continu ng Engl sh as
the State Go ·ernment. HoYtt'\er, 111, not apphed official language of India.
proper!. a!> Local Gmemment do not ha e am po er (iii) How our country differs from Sn Lanka ~
or resource of therr O\ ·n The · are und r the direct of language?
control of State Go,emment l here ore
Ans. 1 There are man} ma or anguag~
decentralisation 1s not applied proper > m India
per cent people speak in Hind t
11111 To make the thud Iler of democrae: more effecti,e
the status of national angu.1g
and pov.erful our con:.t1tutton \1as amended se,eral language Thus our cons~ 1tut n
time. First of all la" \1as made for regular elections !>tatus of national lang ag.: t an

298 Social Science Class 10

1 ' -~ ,:; ,'<: ,:·er r nc a
> ~P..,: (: > ;:;1~ ..> ,;.

,e• weer a fede'a forrT' o·

~ .·air -r.~ ~P-('3 -;.r, er~narrg r. rd1ahasbeccrr<::

-~r~ ~' ~ r: a r ~r, . ea•s after ~e Cons· u• o"
r✓,r.-e r r. r,r:c:
e;:::r ,y es ~ower?

7 ,: <: er-e-a11s oract sec r nd a?

~ ;: )a' ·e a g,._age policy of ~d a.
G .L?- r: er c acr1everr erts ar.d any two ;iroo ems o•tne
~- ;-a a. =-a ~ s,e n rdia.

cnap•er 2 Federal sm 299

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