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Do you know what is the language of the universe? Well, you guessed it is
mathematics. We live in a world where it involves mathematics in our lives. So, what are
the benefits of learning mathematics?

Before we dive deeper into the topic, first we should know where math exactly came
from. First, we should know that math wasn’t invented but rather discovered. The
concept of mathematics emerged independently in various ancient civilizations around
the world. Early humans used mathematical principles for counting, measuring,
calculating crop yields, measuring distances, and tracking time.
Well, math can be categorized into two main tributaries pure math and applied math.
First, pure math is concerned with exploring and developing Theories and abstract
concepts. Mostly, often focus on proving a theorem, and constructing a mathematical
framework. The benefits of pure math are having a fundamental understanding of
mathematics like proving a theorem and being able to comprehend abstract concepts
and intellectual inspiration like engaging with intellectual curiosity and creativity thinking
deeply, critical thinking, and approaching problems from different perspectives.
Lastly, applied math, on the other hand, involves the use of mathematical principles
to solve real-world problems and address practical matters in different fields. Examples
in software engineering which can contain a lot of types of codes like binary numbers,
etc., and game theory which uses mathematics to study strategic interaction between
rational decision-makers and analyze situations.
However, we should acknowledge that math isn't always about proven theorems or
solving problems but rather about beauty and creativity. Mathematicians often describe
their work as an art form with dignity.
In conclusion, mathematics is the most useful language for everything because
without mathematics technology such as phones wouldn't exist. So for those who think
we aren't going to use mathematics in real life, think again and be grateful that
everything we have today even games involves mathematics too

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