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Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292

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Preventing overheating in offices through thermal inertial properties

of compressed earth bricks: A study on a real scale prototype
Arianna Brambilla a,b,∗ , Thomas Jusselme a
Building2050, EPFL Fribourg, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Fribourg. Switzerland
School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Buildings are increasingly required to be efficient not just in their operation, but from construction to
Received 6 March 2017 demolition. Thus, interest in natural construction materials with low embodied environmental impacts
Received in revised form 7 September 2017 has increased, (re)inventing materials and components from vernacular architecture. Compressed Earth
Accepted 25 September 2017
Bricks (CEBs) are an example of this kind of component. They are flexible in a wide range of applications
Available online 2 October 2017
and their natural features favour their usage as thermally massive elements to increase a building’s ther-
mal inertia (TI). The ability to store heat during the day and release it later helps buildings in dampening
thermal swings, making TI a good strategy for preventing overheating in offices usually characterized by
Compressed earth bricks
Thermal inertia
critical internal loads.
Overheating Previous studies highlighted the difference between the thermal behaviour results obtained with tests
Free cooling on the materials, like experiments in controlled climatic chambers and real-world applications. In this
Thermal comfort study, an application of CEBs is taken as a case-study to analyse the thermal behaviour of an earthen wall
and the potential of coupling night ventilation to stabilize temperatures and increase indoor comfort.
Comparing the results obtained in two different rooms, representative of lightweight and heavyweight
earthen construction, it was possible to quantify the contribution of CEBs walls to the passive cooling
strategy in office buildings, according to different ventilation profiles/scenarios.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Previous studies highlighted the difference between the ther- struction sector. This industry already accounts for up to 40% of
mal behaviour results obtained with tests on the materials, like the primary energy used in Europe [2] and almost one third of the
experiments in controlled climatic chambers and real-world appli- energy consumption in the world [3]. The impacts of energy use in
cations. In this study, an application of CEBs is taken as a case-study buildings has been tackled by the EU with a specific Directive [4],
to analyse the thermal behaviour of an earthen wall and the poten- which introduces the concept of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings [5].
tial of coupling night ventilation to stabilize temperatures and However, cooling demand in the commercial sector has increased
increase indoor comfort. Comparing the results obtained in two dramatically in the last decades [6] due to higher internal gains,
different rooms, representative of lightweight and heavyweight higher comfort expectations, and warmer summertime conditions
earthen construction, it was possible to quantify the contribution [7]. Moreover, lightweight and over-insulated constructions are
of CEBs walls to the passive cooling strategy in office buildings, unable to dissipate the high internal heat gains, resulting in the
according to different ventilation profiles/scenarios. accumulation of heat and overheating during the day [8]. This is
typically the situation of office, characterized by high-internal-load,
1. Introduction which concur with the low capacity of heat dissipation in increasing
the indoor temperatures.
The constant growth of world population [1] means more build- Thermal inertia (TI) has been studied as an effective method
ings and infrastructure, which will further increase the green-house to reduce cooling loads in the summertime [9,10] and preventing
gas emissions, energy demand and waste production from the con- overheating, thanks to its capacity to store the internal heat during
the day and release it during un-occupied hours [8]. It modifies
the way a building responds to changes in external and internal
conditions, especially in buildings with a recurrent use pattern [11].
∗ Corresponding author at: School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University
The effectiveness of TI is enhanced if coupled with night venti-
of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
E-mail address: (A. Brambilla).
lation, which improves the cooling potential by dissipating during
0378-7788/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
282 A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292

the un-occupied hours the heat stored in the building fabric dur- 1.1. Earth products and compressed earth bricks
ing the day [12–15]. However, due to the dynamic interactions
between TI, the context, and the building [16], the cooling potential Earth materials are, in many situations, good alternatives to
may significantly vary from case to case and the magnitude of its the traditional ones used in constructions [32,33]. They are often
effects become difficult to predict [17]. The strong dependency on cheaper [34,35] and using earth reduces the energy required
the interactions between several parameters [18] and the difficul- for construction and operation [36,37]. In addition, the embod-
ties in describing them properly introduce a gap between thermal ied impacts related to earth construction are almost half of a
simulations and reality [19,20], often overestimating TI effects [21]. traditional Portland cement building [38], mainly due to the
For this reason, real scale experiments are necessary to define the material-extraction process [32] that allows the extensive re-use of
specific potential of TI. From the literature review, a great poten- waste soil [39], and the abundance of suitable soil. Environmental
tial lies in TI application, especially when coupled with optimal benefits are not the only positive effects of earthen materials. Stud-
ventilation strategies [22]. The specificity of TI effects to each case ies have highlighted the pleasant indoor environment achieved
makes important to contextualize and understand its potential dur- in rammed earth buildings, especially because of the hygrother-
ing the early design phase to understand the possible benefits on mal comfort [40–44] and the relative absence of toxic substances
the building’s performance. [45]. In the case study TI effects are implemented through Com-
This paper aims to quantify by real scale experiment the cool- pressed Earth Bricks (CEBs), selected among all the possible earthen
ing potential of TI in the framework of the smart living building products available on the market [32]. The choice was driven by
research project [23], towards the definition of design solutions two factors: the thermal characteristic of the bricks and the easy
for a future low-carbon building. The research project goal is the implementation in the scale 1:1 prototype. CEBs thermal properties
definition of design guidelines useful for the future architectural are particularly indicated for implementing TI, as they have high
competition aimed at the design of an innovative building with specific heat capacity (approx. 1.1 kJ/kgK), which determines the
outstanding energy and environmental performances, placed in capacity of the materials to store heat, and relatively high thermal
Fribourg (Switzerland). In this framework, TI becomes essential as conductivity (approx. 0.79 W/mK), which indicates how rapidly the
passive strategy to have a better indoor control without mechanical heat stored will move inside the material allowing for higher stor-
cooling system, avoiding indoor temperature peaks. The objective age. Great heat capacity and appreciable heat conductivity are two
of the presented case study is to analyse the effects of TI applied to essential properties for a material that must be used to increase TI
the specific case of an office building, through the comparison of [46]. High conductivity without sufficient heat capacity defines a
the indoor temperatures achieved by two different rooms charac- material that cannot store enough heat; on the contrary, a material
terized by different TI levels. For this, an experimental campaign to with high heat capacity and low conductivity might have a slower
compare a lightweight and a massive construction was carried out store-and-release heat cycle, with negative impacts on the indoor
on a 1:1 scale prototype, due to the necessity of defining TI contri- environment. In fact, slow thermal cycles can mean that the heat is
bution to heat-peaks reduction in the specific case of smart living released during the following day, resulting in additional heat load
building. for the building during the heat-peaks. Instead, CEBs are character-
A previous analysis [24] investigated the role of TI in reduc- ized by the optimal mix between these two parameters. Moreover,
ing heating demand, highlighting the importance of using natural the system used in the analysis is a complete dry system: the blocks
materials for an environmentally efficient design solution. The are pre-formed with a special male-female joint visible in Fig. 5 and
results demonstrated that TI has slight benefits on heating energy don’t need the use of mortar. This feature results in less time for the
demand consumption, yet negligible due to the low percentage implementation in the prototype and the possibility to demount the
of reduction, which is less than 6% for very heavy constructions. additional walls without compromising the material.
Rather, another interesting conclusion was found: TI is an inter- The CEB technique is a perfect example of innovation from archi-
esting strategy on life cycle optimization only when low-carbon tectural tradition: CEB system is the evolution of the ancient adobe
materials are used to increase the building’s thermal behaviour: bricks technique, usually used in vernacular architecture. In this
concrete, fired bricks and concrete-based materials have higher process, blocks of soil are manually or mechanically compressed
embodied impacts that can’t be balance by the savings induced on inside a mold to obtain heavy and resistant blocks, enhancing their
the operative energy use [24]. New innovative building standards structural properties [32]. Recent studies on earth buildings have
are pushing the industry towards the concept of zero operational focused mostly on the seismic and structural issue [32] or on the
energy, reducing the impacts related to the operative life and, moisture buffering potential of earth as porous material [46–49,53].
consequently, increasing the role of construction materials in the However, the contribution of CEBs to building TI has not been
building’s overall environmental performance [25–27]. Choosing extensively researched [50,46,52], even though their high thermal
appropriate materials can reduce the building’s energy use up to capacity makes CEB a perfect material for TI purpose. Studies are
17% [28] and cut almost 30% of the carbon emissions [29]. For often conducted either in a steady-state condition [46] overlook-
this reason, we have witnessed an upsurge in interest in natu- ing the dynamic response of thermal inertia or on bricks as singular
ral or new materials [30] that promise a lower embodied energy product [53].
demand [31]. One such material is earth, or soil, a vernacular solu- The lack of information about CEB potential in thermal inertia
tion re-discovered as an answer to the new challenge of finding application [21,46,51], the necessity of transient analysis [16,17],
low-carbon resources for sustainable architecture. In the analysis the difficulties encountered by virtual simulations in describing TI
presented unfired earth bricks are used to implement TI. Smart liv- phenomenon [19,20] and the relevance of these issue in the smart
ing building research frames the analysis towards the optimization living lab framework [23,24] contribute to highlight the relevance
of the envelope performances on a life cycle perspectives, introduc- of an in-situ experimental campaign aimed at the quantification
ing a strict requirement to the materials choice: natural materials of the potential of CEB, TI and ventilation as low-carbon cooling
for TI have benefits on LCA due to their low embodied impacts and, strategy in continental climate.
therefore, they could play a key-role in the whole building life cycle
A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292 283

Fig. 1. Architectural plan (right) and section (left) of the prototype with the two identical double-office rooms. The room on the right has a second internal layer of earth-bricks
and it is the experimental High inertial room. The other is representative of a wooden lightweight construction, typical of high efficiency Swiss buildings.

2. Experimental set-up thermal accumulation are the internal heat gains. Under these con-
ditions, it is possible to consider negligible the accumulation in the
The test facility consisted of two rooms characterized by dif- two walls with opposite orientations.
ferent levels of TI: light inertia (LI) and heavy inertia (HI). The During the experimental campaign, every heat source was con-
rooms are placed side-by-side facing south. The LI room is a trolled: windows were completely shaded and internal gains were
wooden lightweight construction, insulated on the external side artificially reproduced following the same daily pattern. Various
with 180 mm of polyurethane (0.15 W/m2 K). The HI room has an ventilation scenarios were used to create a variability of test condi-
additional CEB layer on the internal side, with a total of approx- tions for enhancing the ‘flywheel’ effect of TI.1 Monitoring lasted for
imately 10 tons of earthen bricks. The high thermal resistance of 21 days during August 2016, i.e., summer conditions. During this
the envelope minimizes the thermal exchange with the external
environment, either thermal loss and thermal storage form solar
radiation. Therefore, the only heat sources that participates to the 1
A flywheel stores electrical charge, analogously a CEB wall stores thermal charge.
284 A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292

Fig. 2. Pictures of the prototype. On the right: the prototype during the experiment phase. The windows were obscured completely with insulated wooden panels (6 mm)
and a dark plastic sheet, to prevent uncontrolled heat gains from solar radiation.

Fig. 3. Internal gains profile used. The discretization of the internal gains curve into
5 steps makes it easier to reproduce with an artificial internal gain source.

period no heat waves were recorded and no significant variation

from the average climatic conditions was seen. Performance was
evaluated with temperature profiles of the room air temperatures
and overheating degree hours, according to the (Swiss) SIA180
standard [54].

2.1. Description of the experimental facilities

The model used as case study is a small prototype built in Fri-

bourg, Switzerland. It is composed of two rooms of 18 m2 each,
which reflect the dimensions of a typical double office per SIA
2024 [55]. The two rooms are placed side by side and divided by Fig. 4. The timed light garlands used in the experiment to reproduce internal gains.
a buffer zone that serves as anteroom and technical space. Each
room has two windows on opposite façades, oriented on the SW/NE
axis. Fig. 1 shows the architectural dimensions of the prototype, in radiation (visible in Fig. 2). The internal gains profile (IGp) used
Fig. 2, instead, it is possible to see the building during the experi- is the sum of standard occupational, lighting, electrical profiles
ment. −taken from SIA 2024 [55] − and solar radiation contribution. The
latter have been evaluated thanks to thermal dynamic simulations,
2.2. Internal gains model done with trnsys-software. The prototype has been recreated in the
virtual environment with an automatic shading system assumed
The analysis aims at the comparison of different Ti and ven- optimized on the comfort threshold defined by the norms [56]. The
tilation strategies under the same conditions of a standard-use part of solar heat gains produced in the room during the worst
scenario. External heat sources were removed with a highly- summer day were added to IGp. In this way the daily discretised
insulated shell and IGp pattern have been defined, Fig. 3.
an optimal window shading system. The windows were A lighting system made of garlands of incandescent bulbs
obscured completely with insulated wooden panels (6 mm) and a (power 15W each, of which 95% is assumed to be converted to sen-
dark plastic sheet, to prevent uncontrolled heat gains from solar sible heat gain) was used to reproduce IGp. During the monitoring
A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292 285

Fig. 5. Pictures of the compressed earth bricks wall. CEB has been used to implement TI due to their high thermal capacity and the low embodied impacts. On a life cycle
perspective, unfired earth is a very interesting material, which can optimize its benefits on the operative use of energy without impacting negatively on the grey energy

Table 1
Description of the principal parameters used to describe TI.


Admittance factor ratio of heat flux variation in relation to temperature variation over a 24-h cycle [58]
Diurnal heat capacity ability of a material to store heat during a continuous 24-h cycle [59]
Heat capacity expression of the heat storage ability of building enclosures [60]
M factor transient correction of the steady state U value for building enclosures [61]
Thermal capacity ratio between heat storage changes to the resulting change in temperature [60]
Thermal effusivity expression of the response in surface temperature to a change of heat flow density [62]
Capacitance ability of a material to store heat [63]

Table 2
TI classification of building enclosure base on the thermal capacity and the equivalent effective exchange surface.


Am/Ah 80–109 110–164 165–219 220–259 260–309 310–329 330–349 350–369 370–499 >500
1.0–1.4 Very light Very light Very light Very light Light Light Light Light Light Light
1.5–1.9 Very light Very light Light Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
2.0–2.4 Very light Light Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy
2.5–2.9 Very light Light Medium Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Very heavy
3.0–3.9 Very light Light Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Very heavy Very heavy
4.0–4.4 Very light Light Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Very heavy Very heavy Very heavy
4.5–4.9 Very light Light Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Very heavy Very heavy Very heavy Very heavy
>5.0 Very light Light Medium Heavy Heavy Very heavy Very heavy Very heavy Very heavy Very heavy

phase, the garlands were uniformly distributed over the volume.
Am = ( Ai · xi ) / Ai · xi2 (2)
To achieve the internal load indicated in each time-step of the dis-
crete profile (Fig. 3), the garlands were divided into three switching
groups linked to a timer, programmed to switch the lamps on and Where Ai is the floor area of ith -wall of the zone expressed in m2 ,
off according to IGp. An example of the garlands is shown in Fig. 4. Ah is the heated surface (m2 ) and xi is the heat capacity of the ith -
wall calculated as in ISO 13786. Given 1) and 2), it is possible to
determine the TI level for the given thermal zone according to the
2.3. Thermal inertia levels reference table given by the norm [66], reported in Table 2.
In the analysis, the TI levels has been calculated for the
TI effectiveness derives from the interactions among different lightweight construction, resulting as light (Cm = 187088 kJ/K
parameters related to the building mass, materiality and design and Am = 3751 m2 ). The amount of CEB has been calculated to
features. There isn’t an agreed methodology on how to quantify and achieve instead a very heavy classification (Cm = 315844 kJ/K and
describe the phenomenon of heating storage and several methods Am = 4418 m2 ) (Table 3).
can be found in literature, as well as several parameters that can be
used to describe the TI concept [57]. The most used and accredited
by normative are reported in Table 1. 2.4. Ventilation models
The analysis uses the French thermal regulation [64], since that
regulation allows the consideration of transient phenomena. In The prototype is equipped with a dual-flow ventilation unit
this definition, TI is estimated on the basis of the relationship (Stiebel Eltron), which serves both rooms.
between the heat capacity of the thermal zone considered, assum- Different ventilation scenarios were used to test several usage
ing a sinusoidal temperature swing with a period of 24 h (Cm ), and situations and set up a reliable comparison between the two TI
the equivalent effective exchange surface (Am ). levels in relation to different boundary conditions. Mechanical ven-
These two parameters are defined as: tilation air flow was planned according to the recommendations of
the SIA 2024 standard for the ventilation profiles for offices [55].
 Natural ventilation was used as a passive cooling strategy, as sug-
Cm = Ai · xi + 20Ah (1)
gested in the literature review.
286 A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292

Table 3
Description of the wall layers with thermal properties of the used materials, taken from the products??? technical sheets. An exception is the heat capacity of the earth
bricks, which is an average value provided by the literature review. The bricks used are manually manufactured with local earth and it was not possible to obtain the specific
characterization from a testing laboratory.

COMPONENTS MATERIALS Thickness [mm] Conductivity ␭ [W/m K] Density ␦ [kg/m3 ] Heat capacity C [kJ/kg K]

ROOF Bitumen elastomeric membrane 4 0.2 875 4.5

Insulation polyurethane 180 0.031 15 1.116
Vapour barrier 0.22 0.4 500 1.8
OSB panels 25 0.13 600 2.15

FLOOR Linoleum 3 0.17 1200 1.47

Cement screed (fiber reinforced) 50 0.8 1400 1
Acoustic insulation 9 0.15 556 1.7
OSB panels 25 0.13 600 2.15
Insulation glass wool 350 0.032 28 1.03
Wooden panels 60 0.047 250 2.1

WALLS (Low Inertia) Wooden structure 140 0.13 471 1.6

Vapour barrier 0.22 0.4 500 1.8
Insulation polyurethane 180 0.031 15 1.116
Permeable membrane 0.45 0.17 900 1.8
Ventilation chamber 50 – – –
Wooden cladding 24 0.15 450 1.8

WALLS (High Inertia) Compressed earth bricks 140 0.79 1900 1.1
Wooden structure 140 0.13 471 1.6
Vapour barrier 0.22 0.4 500 1.8
Insulation polyurethane 180 0.031 15 1.116
Permeable membrane 0.45 0.17 900 1.8
Ventilation chamber 50 – – –
Wooden cladding 24 0.15 450 1.8

Table 4 2.6. Sensors and monitoring phase

Description of the ventilation strategy adopted in each scenario.

SCENARIO DAY ventilation NIGHT ventilation HEAT GAINS A main Vaisala GMW93R transmitter was mounted in the mid-
dle of the inner walls of each room. This module contains a digital
08.00/20.00 20.00/08.00
temperature sensor, a humidity sensor (Humicap 180R) and a car-
bon dioxide detector (Carbocap GM10), which was not used for the
2 SIA natural IGp
3 SIA – IGp experimental campaign. All of them were calibrated individually
4 – SIA IGp by the producer and tested before the experiment. For the experi-
5 – natural IGp ments, several additional thermocouples (type K) were installed to
6 – – IGp check the homogeneity of the temperature distribution. A series of
sensors placed in the longitudinal external walls were used to mon-
itor the temperature variation in the envelope. In the LI room three
surface measurements were taken: on the outside, on the internal
Night ventilation (08:00 p.m.–08:00 a.m.) and day ventilation side of the wooden structure, and in the indoor air ‘layer’ close to
profiles (08:00 a.m.–08:00 p.m.) were defined separately and then the wall. In the HI room two sensors were added: in the middle
combined to create 6 ventilation scenarios. Daytime ventilation had of the CEBs layer and on the internal surface of the bricks. Data
two options, mechanical ventilation turned on with a flow rate of were collected with a time step of 5 min and synchronized with
50 m3 /h or completely switched off, with the latter representing the external temperature and humidity probes installed outside;
the worst case for over-heating, since heat is continuously accu- collected instant maximum and minimum data are used to under-
mulated during the occupied hours. The night-time operation had stand the extreme conditions achievable in the two rooms, while
three different ventilation profiles: mechanical (50 m3 /h), natural, the calculated hourly averages give the idea of the temperature
and none. The latter was reproduced by opening the hopper (or swing through the days in the different scenarios.
tilt-turn) windows placed on the south-east façade with an open- The two rooms have the same arrangement of sensors.
ing angle of 5◦ . The profiles were then combined to create scenarios
ranging from standard utilization (based on the SIA norms) to very 3. Results
critical (no ventilation).
3.1. Weather conditions

2.5. Scenarios External temperatures were logged with a temperature probe

and compared with data from the Swiss Climate Agency [65] to
The six ventilation scenarios used are listed in Table 4: Descrip- exclude any anomaly of the sensors network (Fig. 6) . The summer of
tion of the ventilation strategy adopted in each scenario. Each 2016 consistently showed large day-night temperature differences
scenario lasted two days, starting from 08:00 p.m. The first night (up to 20?? C). On the one hand, this did not allow us to test TI
was used to calibrate the system, letting the two rooms adapt strategy under heat wave conditions, on the other hand, it enabled
and start the regime described by the scenario. Doors were kept us to test the rooms under inconstant thermal input.
closed for the duration of the experiment, except for the regular Minimum outdoor temperatures ranged between 6.8 ◦ C and
checks on equipment and sensors, which lasted no more than 3 min 15.2 ◦ C, while maximum temperatures were between 17.5 ◦ C and
each. No significant influence of these visits is noticeable on the 27.6 ◦ C. Recorded data show that the summer was cooler than the
results. typical year data would indicate, as shown in Fig. 7. That the aver-
A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292 287

Fig. 6. Disposition of the sensors inside one room. In the other they are placed identically. For the experiment campaign only the temperature probes were used. Humidity
data were used as control-parameter, to check that relative humidity didn’t have significant variation between scenarios. The CO2 detectors were installed for the future use
of the prototype as a real office, data for these sensors were not collected as no source of CO2 were present in the room during the experiments.

Fig. 7. Outside dry-bulb temperatures during the experiment, from a typical year, and future scenarios in 2050 (A1 B − A1–B2). The comparison between the recorded data,
the TMY and the future IPCC scenarios is set only on the summer period.

age is in the first quartile suggests an unusually cool season but not in Fig. 7, the IPCC projections for 2050 generally indicate warmer
an extreme one. A comparison with the climatic projections sug- average future summers or high temperature variability (both in
gested by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [66] has the case of scenario A2), underlining the importance of prevent-
been done to understand the future temperature trends. As shown
288 A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292

Fig. 8. External temperature and Indoor temperatures for the high and low inertia rooms, plotted against time.

Table 5 of the LI-room curve shows a wider temperature drift, i.e., the
Maximum and Minimum external temperatures recorded during the experiment.
higher temperature instability associated with low TI levels. The
Date Minimum temperature [◦ C] Maximum temperature [◦ C] daily temperatures in the LI room increase from day 1 to day 2 in
10-08-2016 9.6 17.5 each scenario, indicating that the heat stored during the day in the
11-08-2016 6.8 18.2 building fabric might not be discharged completely due to an insuf-
12-08-2016 12.5 21.7 ficient air flow rate. Looking at the worst scenarios (scenario2 and
13-08-2016 11 26.1 scenario3, where no night ventilation is used), the TI level achieved
14-08-2016 13.6 27.6
with CEBs directly in contact with indoor air is demonstrated to be
15-08-2016 14.6 27.5
16-08-2016 15.2 27 enough to serve as heat storage for several days before losing its
17-08-2016 13.9 26 ability to reduce internal overheating.
18-08-2016 15.1 20.7 Table 6 shows that the temperature in the HI room is more sta-
19-08-2016 14.1 23.7
ble, with a smaller daily excursion (from the mean) than the LI
20-08-2016 15.7 19.1
21-08-2016 13.6 18.5 room. The daily temperature shift inside the LI room can rise up
to 4.4 ◦ C, while that of the HI room is a maximum 3.1 ◦ C. TI influ-
ences the thermal behaviour most during the heat stress period,
ing overheating for those buildings which will still be operative in where the temperatures are up to 3 ◦ C less than in the LI room. The
2050. TI enhances the resilience of the indoor environment to increasing
temperatures, smoothing heat peaks and contributing to thermal
3.2. Effects of thermal inertia on indoor temperatures stability. Avoiding large temperature drifts is essential to keeping
indoor users comfortable and, therefore, TI can be a good strategy
Fig. 8 shows the internal and external temperatures recorded to assure thermal comfort and decrease thermal stress in offices.
during the experiment, while Table 5 shows the daily maximum Fig. 9 shows hourly indoor-outdoor temperature pairs. The
and minimum temperature logged for each room. Plotted values are wider vertical dispersion of points in the LI plot, in all scenarios,
hourly averages. The LI room is warmer in each scenario and shows indicates its sensitivity to outdoor temperatures. That is, the same
a higher daily variation. The temperature difference between the range of outdoor temperatures as is seen in the HI plot causes a
two rooms increases during the day and decreases during the night. higher range of variability in the LI plot. The variability of indoor
Considering the different scenarios, the LI room is more sensitive temperature for each scenario in the LI room is always at least 2 ◦ C.
when no night ventilation strategy is applied, i.e., scenario 3. Scenario6, with no ventilation at all, and scenario4, with mechanical
When night natural ventilation is used (scenario2 and scenario5), ventilation always on, are the most critical.
the low external temperature and the high air change rate allow
a consistent decrease in indoor temperatures in both the rooms,
reducing the differences between the two. The visibly higher slope
A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292 289

Table 6
Indoor temperatures recorded during each scenario: maximum, minimum, daily temperature drift and difference between the two rooms.

Scenario/day max Tindoor (maxTLI -maxTHI ) min Tindoor (minTLI -minTHI ) (maxTLI -minTLI ) (maxTHI -minTHI )

1 10-08-16 24.5 23.4 1.1 23.0 22.0 1.0 1.5 1.4
11-08-16 24.3 23.1 1.2 22.0 21.6 0.4 2.3 1.5
2 12-08-16 24.4 23.1 1.3 20.6 20.3 0.3 3.8 2.8
13-08-16 25.0 23.6 1.4 20.6 20.5 0.3 4.4 3.1
3 14-08-16 26.9 24.8 2.1 23.9 22.7 1.2 3.0 2.1
15-08-16 28.3 25.9 2.4 25.6 24.0 1.6 2.7 1.9
4 16-08-16 29.6 26.6 3.0 26.4 24.8 1.6 3.1 2.0
17-08-16 29.6 27.2 2.4 26.9 25.4 1.5 2.7 1.8
5 18-08-16 28.0 26.5 1.5 24.8 24.2 0.6 3.2 2.3
19-08-16 27.5 26.2 1.3 23.6 23.4 0.2 3.9 2.8
6 20-08-16 26.9 25.8 1.1 24.4 23.9 0.5 2.5 1.9
21-08-16 28.7 26.9 1.8 24.6 24.3 0.3 4.1 2.6

Bold value indicates highest value.

Fig. 9. Indoor temperatures in the high [left] and low [right] inertia rooms against external temperatures.

3.3. Effects of thermal inertia on surface temperatures of it at night, to significantly dampen external temperature swings.
A similar effect is achieved by insulation if the internal heat gains
During construction, sensors were placed on the interfaces of are consistent and always on (i.e., HVAC).
material layers comprising the walls. This enables us to monitor
the interface temperatures through the walls thermal to better 3.4. Effects of thermal inertia on thermal comfort
delineate the contribution of CEBs to the stability of indoor temper-
atures. Results show the importance of the massive layer directly in Local thermal comfort has been assessed per SIA 180:2014 [54].
contact with the indoor air in smoothing the temperatures peaks. The norm gives specific boundaries to evaluate thermal comfort:
Fig. 10 shows the maximum and minimum temperatures operative temperatures, calculated by 3), of every occupied hour
reached for each layer in the six scenarios. Scenario1 and scenario2 should fall into the confidential interval identified by the running
have high temperature at the interfaces A and G, due to the over- mean of external temperatures. The running outdoor mean tem-
heating effects of dark claddings. At the beginning the sensors were perature [56] is defined as the 48-h average external temperature:
placed in direct contact with the external surface. However, after
the first few days, they were detached and repositioned to measure
rm (t) = · e (t − j) (3)
the temperature of the first air layer close to the external surface N
(distance approx. 10 mm) to avoid the overheating of the sensors
during the experimental campaign. where, rm (t) is the moving average temperature at time t = H,
Considering instead the overall results of the two rooms, there e (t − j) is the external temperature during the hour (t − j), and
is a clear difference between the thermal profiles of the two types N is the number of hours considered (48).
of envelope. LI room has broader differences between external and In European Norms [67,56], there is a difference in the accept-
internal temperatures, up to 6 ◦ C, showing its higher sensitivity to ability threshold for naturally or mechanically cooled buildings,
external temperatures influence. represented in Fig. 11 by the grey and the red boundaries respec-
Scenarios where natural ventilation was applied register higher tively. In our case study, the scenarios are distinguished by the type
thermal variability, due to increased airflow. The relatively smaller of ventilation applied during the occupied hours, so night strate-
variation in temperatures on the interfaces of the CEBs wall (points gies do not influence the categorization. Scenario1, scenario2, and
B and C) shows that having thermal mass in contact with the indoor scenario3 are mechanically ventilated and should fall into the grey
air helps maintain a stable indoor temperature. That is, the CEBs boundaries; Scenario4, scenario5, and scenario6 are not ventilated
store enough heat during the day, and discharge a sufficient portion during the day and should fall inside the red boundaries.
290 A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292

Fig. 10. Maximum and minimum surface temperatures recorded for each scenario. Values from the High Inertia room are in light blue and from Low Inertia room in grey.
Description of the layers: A-external surface HI, B-interface wooden structure and CEB, C-CEB surface, D-first indoor air layer HI; E-first indoor air layer LI, F-wooden structure
surface (indoor side), G-external surface. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 11. Indoor temperature plotted against external moving average, High Inertia room (left) and Low Inertia room (right). Comfort boundaries are in grey for the
mechanically-ventilated scenario, and in red for the naturally-ventilated scenario. The lower bound of the naturally ventilated range (red) is coincident with the lower
bound of the mechanically ventilated range (grey). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 11 shows the results for the comfort assessment of the LI 4. Discussion and conclusions
and HI rooms. Comfort graphs validate the results highlighted from
the thermal assessments: TI improves the building’s reactions to The main objective of the research was to define the TI cooling
critical situations. For the HI room, all of the occupied hours are potential of a Compressed Earth Bricks (CEBs) wall, responding to
inside the appropriate comfort domain. Considering all scenarios, the lack of information on in-situ experiment aimed at the quan-
only 10 h are outside the grey boundaries. Using the mechanically- tification of CEB contribution in preventing overheating in offices
ventilated limits implies not considering the possibility of adaptive in regard to different ventilative strategies. The results confirm the
behaviour [68], though in scenarios 1–3 this is theoretically possi- importance of coupling TI in direct contact with the indoor envi-
ble. The upshot is that only 3.4% of the hours in the high TI room ronment and natural ventilation, defining the thermal behaviour
are outside the more restrictive comfort domain, but 100% of them of compressed earth bricks and their potential as mean to reduce
fall into the comfort zone. The LI room, predictably, shows more overheating in offices. The novelty of the work lies in the quantifi-
variability, with 7% occupied hours outside the comfort range (not cation of this potential when compared to lightweight construction
acceptable by SIA 180:2014 [54]). Scenario4 is the most critical, in continental climate. CEBs walls can reduce internal temperatures
with all the hours outside the comfort zone. Scenario5 has 48% up to almost 3 ◦ C degrees, maintaining comfortable indoor ambient
of discomfort hours, scenario6 almost 32% and scenario3 29%. The temperatures. Night (natural) ventilation is the most appropri-
most critical scenarios are those without any day ventilation, which ate strategy to enhance the discharging of heat stored from high
means that the room is overheated by the internal gains and the low (daytime) internal gains, e.g., in offices. High TI level can help to
TI level cannot smooth the temperatures peaks. This is a particular significantly reduce the overheating risk even in critical situations,
concern for office and commercial buildings, characterized by high when ventilation is inadequate or even non-existent. Lightweight
internal gains and lightweight construction styles. constructions with insufficient TI level, in fact, have 7–12 times
A. Brambilla, T. Jusselme / Energy and Buildings 156 (2017) 281–292 291

more hours outside the comfort range, with internal heat peaks ature and assuring a more stabilized indoor environment. Fig. 7
of almost 29.6 ◦ C (Fig. 11). In conclusion, thermal inertia provided shows the external temperature average compared to the typi-
by CEB and night natural ventilation are the most suitable cooling cal meteorological year and the future climate projections. The
strategies for passively keeping comfortable thermal environment; temperature measured was slightly cooler than the TMY and signif-
their application helps to prevent overheating reducing the carbon icantly cooler respect the IPCC scenarios. However, the lightweight
footprint of the building. room presented overheating conditions. This result highlights the
The analysis is done in the framework of the smart living lab importance of a holistic design approach that could encompass
research program [22]), which aims at the definition of design a great context variability, assuring resilience to increasing or
guidelines for a future low-carbon building. The high potential in decreasing temperatures. The experiment underlines an important
reducing overheating has been evaluated comparing a lightweight parameter that must be considered while designing the passive bio-
and a heavyweight construction. The latter is represented by a climatic strategy for a building: climate conditions might change
wooden-structure, as this typology is gaining importance in the consistently from the standard typical weather file commonly used
last years due to the low-carbon policies promoted by the Swiss for energy analysis during the design stage. Climate projections (i.e.,
Government [69]. The analysis compared two rooms characterized model forecasts) for 2050 emphasizes the importance of designing
by different TI levels, but with the same level of insulation (from buildings capable of preventing overheating and TI is one mean
the outside 180 mm of polyurethane) resulting in a high thermal to reduce the risk and stabilize the indoor temperature. Consider-
resistant envelope. Envelopes with maximized resistance act as ing this and the ambitious reductions in carbon dioxide emissions
thermal shield for the indoor environment, minimizing the ther- promised by the Swiss government, materials with low environ-
mal exchange with the outdoor. However, in high internal heat mental impacts become important. The research presented tries
load buildings, such as offices, this feature can easily bring to over- to address both these issues by characterizing the potential of
heating during summer. The heat produced indoor, in fact, can’t be CEB, thermal inertia, and ventilation strategies in the case of Fri-
released to the outside, increasing the internal temperatures up to bourg. The study raises new questions on the applicability of this
the discomfort zone. For this reason, highly insulated envelope in strategy in a real office: on-going research is trying to enlarge the
continental climates (such as Switzerland), should always encom- analysis by considering performance over an entire year and bal-
pass a dynamic thermal assessment to optimize the TI properties ancing heating and cooling energy with the embodied implication
of the envelope and assure the heat storage capacity to prevent of TI.
overheating issue.
Accordingly, defining the possible benefits of TI is essential to Acknowledgments
meet the comfort and energy efficiency goals. The relevance of CEBs
in the smart living lab framework has been already demonstrated The work presented in this paper has been funded by the State
from the life cycle point of view [24]. In the analysis CEBs have been of Fribourg and EPFL. We thank Cecile Nyffeler for her help and for
integrated as an additional internal layer, rather than a structural the valuable inputs in the discussion.
element. In this way it is possible to avoid the structural limita-
tions of the material in relation to the seismic regulations [32].
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