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Week 1 - Introduction

International Organization and Global


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Last Edited @July 15, 2024 8:18 PM

States are recognized as actors (In international law and international


International organizations are an organization with an international

membership, scope or presence. International organizations are created by
agreement among nations rather than private individuals. Members can
include state and non-state actors, depending on the type of organization.
Its purpose was too connect members, bridging gaps, encourage peace
and security, economic, development, etc.

International organization (IOs), are the bureaucracies result from

governments working together to solve their problems (Schechter, 2010).

Between IOs and global governance : they are different in scale and level,
but similar in the sense of structure and order of things

Global governance refers to ways (formal and informal) on how the world is
being governed and organized. Global governance are dynamic that have
and will continue to change, including how issues, actors involved and
evolved. Global governance explores the way that the world is governed
and managed. Currently, we do not have a single global governance but all
sets of rules that contribute to the dynamic

International organizations :
It covers formal cooperation which has structure and headquarters. It can
be defined broadly (include IGO, INGO, MNG) and narrowly (similar with
Note that not all IGOs have these characteristics (headquarters, treaties)

Week 1 - Introduction 1
Usually they would differ regional organizations and international
Even tho it is very important, ironically it became less important since 1990

International Institutions :
It’s much more broader while having institutionalized rules which covers
formal and non-formal that governs organizations.

International Regime
Refers to informal principles, rules, norms, and decision-making procedures
that are codified in charters, treaties, and international law (e.g. international
protocols, conventions, systems, etc). It exist to regulate a set of activities
that were the result of international organizations.

Week 1 - Introduction 2

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