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The Cherry Trees

In the quiet of spring, when the world awakens, Cherry trees bloom, as winter's hold slackens.
Their blossoms unfurl in a delicate array, A celebration of life, in the dawn of the day.

Petals like whispers, in hues soft and bright, Paint the world pink, in the morning's light. A
cascade of color, a sight to behold, A story of beauty, timeless and old.

Beneath the cherry trees, a carpet of blooms, A soft, fragrant bed, dispelling all gloom. The air is
imbued with a sweet, gentle scent, A moment of wonder, divinely sent.

Branches arch gracefully, in a dance with the breeze, Swaying and singing, with the rustling
leaves. Each blossom a promise, of fruit yet to come, A symbol of hope, in the heart of each one.

In the silence of twilight, when the sun bids adieu, Cherry trees glow, in a soft, rosy hue. The
petals fall gently, like whispers of snow, A fleeting reminder of life's gentle flow.

Under the moonlight, they stand tall and serene, Guardians of dreams, in a world so pristine.
Their shadows cast stories, in the silvery night, Of seasons and cycles, of life's pure delight.

In gardens and parks, and along quiet lanes, Cherry trees flourish, through sun and through rains.
They teach us of beauty, so fragile yet strong, A lesson in patience, a sweet, silent song.

As seasons advance, and blossoms give way, Leaves take their place, in a vibrant display. The
cherries will ripen, with a taste so divine, A gift from the trees, in nature's grand design.

So let us cherish the cherry trees' grace, Their fleeting blossoms, in a tender embrace. For in their
brief splendor, we find a truth clear, That life's most precious moments are those we hold dear.

In the heart of springtime, when cherry trees bloom, We find a reminder, dispelling all gloom.
That beauty and joy, though they may seem brief, Are woven through time, like the petals' soft

So when cherry trees blossom, let us pause and admire, Their delicate beauty, their silent, soft
fire. For in their brief blooming, a lifetime we see, A whisper of wonder, in each cherry tree.


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