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Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting

~~~ Effective SY 2018 - 2019 ~~~

Course Course
Course Title Units Pre-requisites Course Title Units Pre-requisites
Number Number
GE 1210 Readings in Philippine History 3 None GE 1105 Understanding the Self 3 None
GE 1211 The Contemporary World 3 None GE 1106 Purposive Communication 3 None
GE 1213 Life and Works of Rizal 3 None GE 1107 Art Appreciation 3 None
GE 1212 Science, Technology and Society 3 None GE 1108 Mathematics in the Modern World 3 None
ASF 1101 Arrupe Social Formation 1 2 None GE 1109 Ethics 3 None
ACFAR 1130 Financial Accounting and Reporting 6 None ACFAR 1231 Conceptual Framework and 3 ACFAR 1130
ASF(NSTP)1102 National Service Training Program- 3 None Accounting Standards
Civic Welfare Training Service 1 ASF(NSTP)1203 National Service Training Program- 3 ASF(NSTP) 1102
PE 1114 PATH-FIT I 2 None Civic Welfare Training Service 2
Theo 1000 Theology 3 None PE 1215 PATH-FIT II 2 PE 1114
ASF 1000 Arrupe Social Formation 0 2 None Philo 1000 Philosophy 3 None
25 /28 ASF 1101 Arrupe Social Formation 1 2 ASF 1000
23 /28
Course Title Units Pre-requisites
GE 3118 Elective 1 3 None
GE 3219 Elective 2 3 None
GE 4120 Elective 3 3 None

Course Course
Course Title Units Pre-requisites Course Title Units Pre-requisites
Number Number
ACFAR 2132 Intermediate Accounting 1 6 ACFAR 1130 ACFAR 2233 Intermediate Accounting 2 6 ACFAR 2132
ACRF 2244 Law on Obligations and Contracts 3 None ACRF 3145 Business Laws and Regulations 3 ACRF 2244
ACMAS 2137 Cost Accounting and Control 3 None ACMAS 3139 Strategic Cost Management 3 ACMAS 2137
FIN 3153 Financial Markets 3 None ACMAS 2338 Financial Management Fundamentals 3 None
FIN 3154 Statistical Analysis with 3 None ACIT 3141 IT Application Tools in Business 3 None
Software Application FIN 3256 Applied Management Science 3 FIN 3154
FIN 3255 Economic Development 3 None PE 2217 PATH-FIT IV 2 PE 1114
PE 2116 PATH-FIT III 2 PE 1114 23

Course Course
Course Title Units Pre-requisites Course Title Units Pre-requisites
Number Number
FIN 4145 International Business and Trade 3 None ACAFA 3358 Accounting for Business Combinations 3 ACFAR 2233
ACIT 3242 Accounting Information System 3 ACIT 3141 HRM 4148 Performance Management System 3 HRM 2131
ACFAR 3134 Intermediate Accounting 3 6 ACFAR 2132 ACMAS 3240 Strategic Business Analysis 3 ACMAS 2137
MGT 3156 Operations Management and TQM 3 FIN 3256 ACTAX 3254 Business Taxation 3 ACFAR 2132
ACTAX 3153 Income Taxation 3 ACFAR 2132 FIN 3152 Managerial Economics 3 None
ACAUD 2348 Governance, Business Ethics, Risk 3 ACFAR 2132 ACRF 3246 Regulatory Framework and Legal 3 ACRF 2244
Management and Internal Control Issues in Business
HRM 2131 Human Behavior in Organizations 3 None MGT 3136 Project Management 3 MGT 3156
24 ACAUD 3166 Sustainability and Strategic Audit 3 ACAUD 2348

Course Course
Course Title Units Pre-requisites Course Title Units Pre-requisites
Number Number
ACFAR 3335 Valuation Concepts and Methods 3 ACFAR 3134 ACMAS 4270 Management Accounting Internship 6 ACTAX 3254
ACTAX 4167 Strategic Tax Management 3 ACTAX 3153, 3254 ACRES 4271 Management Accounting Research 3 ACRES 3255
MGT 4259 Strategic Management 3 MGT 3136 ASF 4204 Seniors' Integration Program 2 None
ACMAS 4168 Updates in Managerial Accounting 3 ACMAS 3240 11
ACAFA 4259 Accounting for Government and 3 ACFAR 3134
Non-profit Organizations
ACMAS 4169 Management Reporting 3 ACMAS 3240
ACRES 3255 Accounting Research and Methods 3 FIN 3154

1. HRM 2131 is transferred from 1st Semester of Second Year, to 1st Semester of Third Year.
2. ACAUD 2348 is transferred from 2nd Semester of Second Year, to 1st Semester of Third Year.
3. ACAUD 3166 is transferred from 1st Semester of Third Year, to 2nd Semester of Third Year.
4. All Filipino and Literature units have been removed.

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