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1. It is the most reliable method used in personal identification.

A. Fingerprint Identification
B. Fingerprint Scanner
C. Fingerprint Printer
D. Fingerprint Swap

2. Major features of a fingerprint.

A. Minutiae C. Diorama
B. Miniature D. Minute

3. A short ridge that runs between two parallel ridges.

A. Bridge C. Roadway
B. Railway D. Bottleneck

4. It refers to the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits.

A. Fingerprint C. Biology
B. Biochemical D. Biometrics

5. A bifurcation with a short ridge branching off a longer ridge.

A. Spur C. Ridge cage
B. Ridge Bifurcation D. Ridge Enclosure

6. A ridge that commences, travels a short distance and then ends.

A. Short Ridge C. Short Distance
B. Short Pattern D. Short Fingerprint

7. Short ridge is also known as.

A. Short Ridge C. Independent Ridge
B. Dependent Ridge D. Long Ridge

8. Fingerprint never change.

A. Individuality C. Infallibility
B. Permanency D. No Answer

9. A single small ridge inside a short ridges or ridge ending that is not connected to all
other ridges.
A. Island C. Seashore
B. Beach D. Trench

10. This is when fingerprint ridges formed.

A. First to second month of fetal development
B. Second to third month of fetal development
C. Third to fourth month of fetal development
D. Fourth to fifth month of fetal development

11. No two fingerprints are alike.

A. Individuality C. Infallibility
B. Permanency D. No Answer

12. It refers to fingers and palms.

A. Plantar B. Podo
C. Poro D. Palmar

13. It refers to the feet and toes

A. Plantar
B. Podo
C. Poro
D. Palmar
14. It refers to the latest way to determine personal identification.
A. Blood Sample C. DNA
B. Semen D. Saliva

15. It is considered as the pioneer of Personal Identification.

A. Anthropology C. Thermology
B. Anthropometry D. Thermometry

16. The total finger of a person.

A. 10 fingers C. 8 fingers and 2 little
B. 20 fingers fingers
D. 8 fingers and 2 thumbs

17. It is the abrupt ending of a ridge.

A. Spur C. Island
B. Ending D. Ridge Ending

18. It is a single ridge that is divided into two ridges.

A. Spur C. Ridge Bifurcation
B. Island D. Delta

19. A U-turn shape of a ridge pattern.

A. Delta C. Crust
B. Core D. Mantle

20. A Y-shape ridge meeting.

A. Delta C. Crust
B. Core D. Mantle

MODERATE (30 items)

21. Annie, after reading about fingerprint’s fundamentals, she believed that no two
fingerprints are alike. This is known to be as?
A. Permanency C. Individuality
B. Infallibility D. Reliability

22. Aside from what mentioned in number 21, Annie also confirmed that fingerprint is,
for sure, will never change. This is known to be the?
A. Reliability C. Individuality
B. Permanency D. Infallibility
23. Karl was amused when he observed that his fingers and palms has cool patterns. His
fingers and palms is also known as?
A. Plantar C. Exemplar
B. Palmar D. Ridge Pattern
24. Hansel left his fingerprint on a piece of paper and as look closely, he saw a Y-shaped
pattern which it split of one ridge into two. This Y-shaped pattern is known as?
A. Trifurcation C. Quadfurcation
B. Bifurcation D. Pentafurcation

25. After seeing the Y-shaped, Alis’s groupmate named Henie also noticed that his
fingerprint has a point at which the ridge terminates. This is called as?
A. Ridge Beginning C. Ridge Ending
B. Ridge Midway D. Ridge Climax

26. While examining his fingerprints, Baldo noticed that these ridges enter from one side
of a finger, form a curve and then exit on the same side. This is called as?
A. Loop C. Arch
B. Whorl D. Dot
27. Aside from number 29, he also noticed this kind of fingerprint that has circularly
around a central point on the finger. This is known as?
A. Loop C. Arch
B. Whorl D. Delta
28. Through this process, Kyle automatically matched one of many unknown fingerprints
against a database of known and unknown prints. This process is called?
A. Minutiae
B. Exemplar
C. Plantar
D. Automated Fingerprint Identification System

29. While studying for their upcoming post-test, Diego learned that fingerprint ridges
formed when it is?
A. First to second month of fetal development
B. Second to third month of fetal development
C. Third to fourth month of fetal development
D. Fourth to fifth month of fetal development

30. Cynthy examines her classmate’s fingerprint and observed ridges that enter from one
side of the finger, rise in the center forming an arch and then exit the other side of the
A. Arch C. Whorl
B. Loop D. Island

31. Kimmy saw a point at which a single ridge split in two ridges.
A. Monofurcation C. Trifurcation
B. Bifurcation D. Quadfurcation

32. Kimmy also saw a point at which a ridge terminates.

A. Crust C. Ridge Ending
B. Core D. Island

33. While studying, Anna observed in a picture that it has significantly shorter than the
average ridge length on the fingerprint.
A. Delta C. Spur
B. Core D. Dot

34. Dave use this as comparison as one print with another can be made and also the major
features of a fingerprint.
A. Miniature C. Minutiae
B. Minutemen D. Minute

35. While doing an activity in Personal Identification, Kiah saw an impression left by the
friction ridge of a human finger on a glass tube. This is known to be as?
A. Fingerprint
B. Latent Print
C. Patent Print
D. Printer
36. Thalia recently knew that a bridge in fingerprint is also known as the?
A. Spur C. Dependent Ridge
B. Island D. Cross-over

37. Yannah also found out that short ridge is known for the other term as?
A. Spur C. Island
B. Bridge D. Independent Ridge

38. Jish saw a small ridge inside a short ridge ending that is not connected to all other
ridges and found out that it is?
A. Ridge Ending
B. Ridge Start
C. Island
D. Islet

39. Fred, while looking his fingerprint, saw a single ridge that bifurcates and reunites
shortly afterwards to continue a single ridge. This ridge is called?
A. Spur C. Ridge Exit
B. Ridge Entrance D. Ridge Enclosure

40. Friena, a new criminology student, noticed the canal like impression found between
the elevated lines on his fingers. What he observed is called as?
A. Canal C. Grooves
B. Furrows D. Lands

41. Takieta recently learned that fingerprint can never be forged. What he knew is called
A. Individuality C. Liability
B. Permanency D. Infallibility

42. Warren was curious why there is fingerprint and found out that it is because of the
small opening found anywhere across the ridge. It is called as?
A. Sweat Duct C. Sweat Pores
B. Sweat Glands D. Sweat Ridge

43. Jackson saw a ridge that curves back in the direction in which it started and is called
A. Recurving C. Diverging
B. Converging D. Diving

44. While having a lecture with one of the best lecturer in Philippines, Greg learned that
the total fingers a human have are?
A. 10 fingers D. 8 fingers and 2 little
B. 8 fingers and 2 thumbs fingers
C. 20 fingers
45. Justine wants to determine the identity of this perpetrator using the latest way of
personal identification. This method is known as?
A. Fingerprint C. Urinalysis
B. DNA D. Blood Typing

46. Deavin studies different kinds of fingerprint as a means of personal identification.

This is called as?
A. Dactylography C. Dactylogram
B. Dactyloscopy D. Dactylometric

47. Yanluna also study fingerprints as a method of personal identification. This is known
A. Dactylography C. Dactylogram
B. Dactyloscopy D. Dactylometric

48. Kyle Rampo was born with an extra finger on her right thumb, Dixie is a?
A. Polygamus C. Left handed
B. Ambidextrous D. Polydactyl

49. Dalina used a scientific method of examination which focuses on the palm of the
hand of a subject.
A. Podoscopy C. Poroscopy
B. Chiroscopy D. Ambidextrous

50. Aside from hands, Dalina also examines the sole of the foot of her subject using
scientific method and this is known to be as?
A. Podoscopy C. Poroscopy
B. Chiroscopy D. Ambidextrous

DIFFICULT (50 items)

51. In fingerprint identification, one that recurve as well as have the so-called U-pattern-
like structure and then flows back out the same side of the print is known by the
fingerprint examiner as?
A. Divergence C. Incergence
B. Convergence D. Recurving
52. The uniqueness of the friction ridge structures makes each individual easier to
identify and this study, as a criminologist, is known as the?
A. Dactyloscopy C. Ridgeology
B. Dactylography D. Chiroscopy
53. There are no two fingerprints in the world that are exactly alike. This statement wants
to explain that out of all the people here on earth, examining through their
fingerprints is what?
A. Are not unique
B. Can change
C. Have ever been found to be alike
D. Similar to their parents
54. Nature never duplicates anything in all its content and nature also provide similar
things but not in?
A. The same things C. Repeated things
B. Identical things D. Skipped things
55. Forensic use fingerprints spread rapidly during 20th century and in 1971, the FBI
produced how many fingerprint cards on file? It also became the database for the
Automated Fingerprint Identification System.
A. 200 million B. 400 million
C. 600 million D. 800 million.
56. When fingerprint ridges formed?
A. 4th to 5th month during fetal development
B. 3rd to 4th month during fetal development
C. 1st to 2nd month after fetal development
D. 2nd to 3rd month after fetal development
57. It is the process of automatically matching one of many unknown fingerprints against
a database of known and unknown prints.
A. Automated Finger Identification System
C. American Federation Identification System
D. American Fingerprint Identification System
58. A French term referring to an image of a suspect both front and profile view and led
to the modernization so-called “mug shot” of the latter.
A. Portrait Parle C. Tattoo
B. Portrait Image D. Scarring
59. One of the practices of a living person where damaging of tissue to leave permanent
marks is so-called?
A. Tattooing C. Charring
B. Scarring D. Alligatoring
60. A fingerprint is the arrangement of skin ridges and furrows on the tips of the finger
which this mentioned part develops during the stage of what?
A. Fetal Development C. Childhood Stage
B. After Birth D. Adolescence
61. Every single person’s fingerprint is _________ no matter which way you collect
fingerprint evidence. Even your wife is different from yours because it is?
A. Flawless C. Unique
B. Precise D. Accurate
62. In examining a fingerprint, it is important that, as a fingerprint examiner, this part
must be located where it is near to the center of the divergence of the type lines.
A. Core C. Mantle
B. Crust D. Delta
63. As a criminology student, after locating the outer terminus, the next part that must be
known is what?
A. Delta
B. Center
C. Core
D. Mantle
64. Fingerprinting offers an 95% accuracy and infallible means of personal identification
and also helps to identify person from a mere fingerprint as a powerful tool in the
light against crime. The statement is incorrect.
A. Yes, the statement is incorrect
B. No, this statement is correct
C. Maybe
D. I don’t know
65. It starts on one side of the finger and the ridge then slightly cascades upward.
A. Ulnar loops C. Plain arch
B. Radial loops D. Plain whorl
66. From birth to death, we humans knew that a person have 10 fingers in total, 5 fingers
each hand. How many standard fingerprint pattern are there?
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8
67. When does absent of character means?
A. When a character or character combination is present two or more body of
B. When a character or character combination is absent
C. When a character or character combination is present in one body of writing
D. When a character or character combination is partially present or absent in
one body of writing
68. What do you call when a single occurrence of a characteristics which is outside the
range of the variation of the writer?
A. Accidental handwriting C. Characteristics of writer
B. Accidental characteristics D. Writer’s negligence
69. An unknown friction ridge structure latent prints recovered in a crime scene must be
examined through what?
A. Analysis C. CT scan
B. Biopsy D. Diagnosis
70. An arm that is supported by the hand and arm that produced the movement in writing
is called as what in personal identification techniques?
A. Arm movement C. Palm movement
B. Hand movement D. Finger movement
71. Producing an eye-catch writing in any form of handwriting that will everyone will be
amazed of is known as?
A. Cacography C. Calligraphy
B. Calisthenics D. Polygraphy
72. When a person used his/her foot and is raised high as well as forward and suddenly
dropped down, then the latter have this so-called as?
A. Gait C. Ataxic gait
B. Atavistic gait D. Atlas gait
73. Discovering the inner terminus as well as outer terminus is called as?
A. Pattern C. Focal point
B. Checkpoint D. Pattern point
74. Breaking down the so-called whorl patterns into tiny sub-groupings and is called as
tracking. Is the statement incorrect?
A. Yes, because it is the right method in enumerating the whorl pattern
B. No, because the right term for it is the so-called tracing
C. I don’t know
D. Maybe because it sounds like it is right
75. The configuration as well as the details of an individual ridges remain constant and
unchanging and these can be proved in what principle?
A. Permanency C. Individuality
B. Legitimacy D. Consistency
76. As a criminologist, we all know that fingerprint is the most reliable evidence in an
investigation but aside from this, there is this method or the scientific examination of
the so-called sole of the foot and is called as?
A. Poroscopy C. Solescopy
B. Footoscopy D. Podoscopy
77. When there is no same ridges in each individual, meaning there is this principle of?
A. Permanency C. Individuality
B. Adaptability D. Happiness
78. A pattern that possesses the requirements for 2 or more different types, with 2 or
more delta’s, with the exception of the plain arch. This is called as Accidental Arch.
A. True, because the statement precisely explain the characteristics of a
Accidental Arch
B. False, because the Accidental Whorl is what the characteristics is being
describe here in the statement
C. I don’t know since I have no interest in the said subject
D. Maybe
79. The plastic prints are indentions left in soft pliable surfaces, such as clay, wax, paint,
etc. While impressed prints are invisible in any surface.
A. Both statement is true
B. The 1st statement is true while the 2nd is not
C. Neither both statement is true
D. Absolutely true
80. A type of impression that can be seen at the 1st column or top row on the card
produced by an individual using rolling technique.
A. Rolled impression C. Spiral impression
B. Round impression D. Wheel impression
81. One of the cardinal rule in taking of fingerprints of the subject is that fingers must be
dry. It must be oily in order to have clear pattern of the friction ridge.
A. Statement no. 1 and 2 is correct
B. Statement no. 1 and 2 is incorrect
C. Statement no. 1 is correct while statement no. 2 is incorrect
D. Statement no. 1 is incorrect while statement no. 2 is correct
82. Fingerprint card is a material wherein rolled impression as well as flat impression
cam be seen. The fingerprint used in recording the subject had a size of?
A. 8 ½ x 8 ½ C. 9 ½ x 9 ½
B. 8 x 8 D. 9 x 9
83. The configuration as well as the details of an individual ridges remain constant and
unchanging and these can be proved in what principle?
A. Permanency C. Individuality
B. Legitimacy D. Consistency
84. A standard system of classifying a persons denture according to distribution,
displacement, and their appearance together with any gaps or evidence of remedial
work; useful for identifying bodies because of the indestructibility of the denture.
A. Dental structure C. Dental documents
B. Dental records D. Dental information
85. It is the stage whereby bodies which have been burned or subjected to sever heat and
the skin becomes hard and crispy.
A. Desiccation C. Decomposition
B. Dermabrasion D. Degeneration
86. Fingerprint gives you the precise result because of its uniqueness in each individual.
It is the biological equivalent of fingerprint.
A. Blood typing C. Measurements
B. Genes D. DNA
87. The ink that is permanent when applied in the skin of a person by means of
puncturing and a needle as a tool to put temporary dyed design.
A. Scarring C. Charring
B. Tattooing D. Burning
88. The part of the finger wherein papillary ridges or frictional ridges are formed is refers
to Distal Phalanx. What is Nova Scotia?
A. A part of a finger where patterns can be seen
B. A prehistoric Indian picture writing of a hand with crudely marked ridge
pattern is found
C. A part of palm wherein creases can be seen and identify by examining the
D. An Asian prehistoric type of picture writing of a hand where pattern can be
89. In fingerprint examination, it is important that latent fingerprints must be visual to
naked eye. This method must be use in order to see fingerprints.
A. Cyanoacrylate fuming
B. Cyanideacrylate fuming
C. Cyaminicide fuming
D. Cyamonoxide fuming
90. Is it correct that a fingerprint of a person never change?
A. Yes, because it is what it is
B. No, because according to study, fingerprint changes its pattern when entering
C. Yes, because according to study as well as in the basic fundamentals of
fingerprints, fingerprint do not change until death
D. No, because it is correct, in my opinion
91. There is no room for error, no mistakes will be made because this means of
identification is precise as it should be.
A. DNA profiling C. DNA fingerprinting
B. DNA sample D. DNA
92. Burning of human body will turn its flesh into ashes and it is hard to get any
fingerprints at all but there is this so-called denture and its study is called as?
A. Dentistry C. Ophthalmology
B. Odontology D. Criminology
93. Damaging the dermis will cause scars and it is?
A. Temporary C. Slow
B. Fast D. Permanent
94. Up to what deep a cut or injury will constitute permanent scar in a normal friction
A. Less than 1cm C. Less than 1mm
B. More than 1mm D. More than 1mm
95. Fingerprint card is a material wherein rolled impression as well as flat impression
cam be seen. The fingerprint used in recording the subject had a size of?
A. 8 ½ x 8 ½ C. 9 ½ x 9 ½
B. 8 x 8 D. 9 x 9
96. A type of impression that can be seen at the 1st column or top row on the card
produced by an individual using rolling technique.
A. Rolled impression C. Spiral impression
B. Round impression D. Wheel impression
97. Before the rolling impression, this will be the guide of the former.
A. Plain impression C. Rolled impression
B. Flat impression D. Wheel impression
98. One of the cardinal rule in taking B. Statement no. 1 and 2 is
of fingerprints of the subject is incorrect
that fingers must be dry. It must C. Statement no. 1 is correct
be oily in order to have clear while statement no. 2 is
pattern of the friction ridge. incorrect
A. Statement no. 1 and 2 is D. Statement no. 1 is
correct incorrect while statement
no. 2 is correct
99. A standard system of classifying a persons denture according to distribution,
displacement, and their appearance together with any gaps or evidence of remedial
work; useful for identifying bodies because of the indestructibility of the denture.
A. Dental structure C. Dental documents
B. Dental records D. Dental information
100. It is the largest bone of a human being wherein it is the basis in measuring
and guide to the height of a person to whom it belong. This bone is called as?
A. Femur C. Fiemur
B. Fimur D. Femor

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