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Chapter 4: Answers

Question 1
1. Blog
2. Wiki
3. Email
4. Wiki
Question 2

• This allows her to type/enter one email and send it to all her friends at the same
time by only typing/entering the name of the group
• There is no need to remember her friends email addresses
• Fewer errors in the addresses as they are in a list
• Saves time to enter the email addresses rather than typing them out
• Ensure she does not miss any of her friends out
Question 3
a) Wide area network
b) Local area network
Question 4
1. LAN
2. WAN
3. WAN
Question 5

• Audio-conferencing does not have time lag

• Lip sync errors cannot occur on audio-conferencing
• In video-conferencing sound quality can be poorer
• Videoconferencing needs expensive / extra hardware
• Videoconferencing requires the internet
• In videoconferencing there is a lack of stability of the system / communication as
there is more chance of it disconnecting / hanging
• In audio-conferencing only voice is sent / received in video-conferencing sounds and
vision is sent / received this can cause issues
Question 6
1. Both
2. Email
3. Electronic fax
4. Both
Question 7

• WLAN is wireless therefore devices can be easily added/changed

• WLAN is wireless so relatively easy to connect to portable devices
• WLAN uses radio signals/wireless technology/Wi-Fi
• WLAN uses (wireless) access points/wireless signal
• WLAN has a limited range
• WLAN signal strength can diminish the further away from the access point
• WLAN signals affected by walls/obstacles
• WLAN is more prone to hacking than cabled systems
• WLAN susceptible to interference from another radio signals
Question 8

• The router reads the data packet destination address

• Looks up the paths to get to that address
• Compares to its routing table to get to the destination address
• Checks how busy the paths are
• Sends the packet on the least congested/quickest path
Question 9
1. Intranet
2. Both
3. Internet
Question 10

• Social networking messages can be available to/seen by all

• Security settings can restrict who reads/makes the comments
• Communication can take place in a (private) chatroom
• Comments can be liked/disliked/shared
• Don’t need to learn email address
• Live video/audio calls can be made/streamed
• Emails tend to be one to one
• Can share live videos in social networking
• You know who’s online in social networking
• Social networking sites have larger upload size than email
• Emails are private between the sender and recipient and more secure
• Messages can be alerted as high priority in Email
• Attachments can be used in Email to send formal documents
• Emails tend to be more formal
• Auto reply / forward / reply can be used in Email
• In social networking makes a person more prone to cyber predators/trolls
Question 11
1. Router
2. Hub
3. Router
4. Switch
Question 12

• If site has excessive advertising, it could be unreliable

• If the advertising is related only to its own products it could be unreliable
• The final part of a URL can help to identify reliability Examples .ac«, .gov, .org, .edu
government / academic sites are usually fairly reliable
• Can compare information from other websites to see if it is reliable
• If site is endorsed by reliable/reputable people/organisations it could be accepted as
being reliable
• If it has links to other reliable sites/ sites which have testimonials it is usually reliable
• If it has testimonials that can be confirmed it is likely to be reliable If the author’s
credentials are good, it is likely to be reliable
• If information is comparable to information from reliable/authenticated textbooks
it is likely to be reliable
• If the date of the last update was a long time ago it is likely to be unreliable
• Sites which have grammatical/spelling mistakes are likely to be unreliable
• Compare information from textbooks/experts to see if the results are similar
• If it has been recommended by teachers, it is likely to be reliable
• If there is a contact page with a real postal address that can be confirmed, then it is
likely to be reliable
• URL contains https/padlock
Question 13
True; True; True; False
Question 14

• Using a search engine means that the data can be found quicker
• Internet has vast amounts/wide range of information
• Data tends to be up to date
• Students can research from home/on the move/anywhere
• Information is in digital form therefore easier to send/use in documents

• The internet is not regulated

• Danger of accessing inappropriate websites
• Can take a lot of time to find relevant information
• Need to have internet connectivity
• Searching techniques needed
• Copyright information could be plagiarised
• Data found on websites may be false
• Data found may be biased
• Viruses and malware could be uploaded
• Danger of students using the internet for other things not research
Question 15
False; True; False; True
Question 16

• Bluetooth is more useful when transferring data between two devices whereas Wi-
Fi is more suited to full scale networks
• Bluetooth does not buffer
• The devices connected via Bluetooth should be near to each other whereas Wi-Fi
has a larger range
• Less data tends to be transferred with Bluetooth
• Bluetooth uses a lower bandwidth E.g. sound data (phones) or file transfer
• Wi-Fi has better security than Bluetooth
• Cost of Bluetooth is cheaper than
• Wi-Fi Bluetooth has a shorter password
• Bluetooth devices are battery operated which needs to be replaced or recharged but
Wi-Fi do not necessarily use batteries
• To connect to the network, need a Bluetooth adapter but Wi-Fi needs a Wi-Fi
adapter, a wireless router and a wireless access point
• Bluetooth range is approx. 20m whereas Wi-Fi is approx. 100m
• Bluetooth is simple to use and setup, but Wi-Fi is more complex
• Bluetooth/Wi-Fi are both wireless can’t fall over the wires/move around the house
• Saves money (on cables) as both do not require wires
• Bluetooth is more energy efficient than Wi-Fi in some cases 3% of the energy
Question 17

• Private/confidential data stays within a company/organisation/school

• To store relevant/up to date information about the organisation available to
• To facilitate communication/collaboration between workers/students/teachers
• Make it easier to access company specific applications.
• Restrict access to certain sites of the internet/regulate access to the internet
• Restrict access for certain employees
Question 18

• Secure the wireless router/network with a strong password

• Do not broadcast the Wi-Fi security key/SSID
• Enable WPA encryption
• Disable remote administration to the router
• Enable user management
• Change from the default SSID
• Use MAC address filtering/change the router IP address
• Use wireless security software
Question 19
Benefits to smart technology

• Smart technology devices can be used to turn on devices remotely.... «if you are
coming home you can turn on cookers «you can come home to a warm house
by turning on central heating
• Smart fridges can analyse food taken out of fridge so you can get a healthy diet
...also re-orders stock automatically
• Smart washing machines stop washes if incorrect materials present in the wash
• New materials are produced then the washing machine can analyse the materials
and tell you the correct dose of powder
• If you want to watch up to date films then then TV can connect to the internet
Drawbacks to smart technology

• Over reliance on technology, if the device breaks down then it is difficult to use
• If the device breaks it is more difficult to repair
• Personal data can easily be hacked through internet connected devices «personal
data easily found «Wi-Fi key easily found
• If controller/smart phone lost/stolen the devices may not work in the home
• New technology is expensive
• Too many gadgets reliance on internet connection.
Question 20
a) A hub
b) A router
c) A bridge
d) A switch
Question 21

• The internet is a public network whereas an intranet is a private network/restricted

• An intranet is policed or managed whereas the internet has no rules
• The data on an intranet is moderated whereas the internet is not moderated
• An intranet is more secure than the internet
• Internet has greater amount of information than an intranet
Question 22
1. WAN
2. LAN
4. WAN
Question 23

• An intranet has restricted access/private network therefore public cannot gain

access/the internet is public access
• The intranet is protected by passwords/More chances of hacking on the internet
• The intranet has reduced unauthorised access to material
• The material may be sensitive on the intranet
• Intranet only used in the organisation/internet is worldwide
• An intranet will only contain relevant information for the company
• The company has more control of data on an intranet
• An intranet is policed, or managed/the internet has no rules
• The data on an intranet is moderated/the internet is not moderated
Question 24

• Inspects the data packets received

• Checks the destination IP address« «using the stored routing table
• It uses a routing table which lists all the different routes to other networks
• Uses the IP address to work out the best route« «sends the data packet to the next
Question 25

• A hub and a switch both are used to connect devices to form a LAN
• Both a hub and a switch use data packet
• A switch is a type of hub
• Both check/read the data packets

• In a hub a data packet is broadcast / sent to every computer or device on the LAN
whereas in a switch the data packet is sent to a specific computer
• Security is lower in a hub as all data is broadcast
• In the switch the destination address is determined/looked up before it is sent
whereas in a hub data packets are sent to all
• A switch uses MAC addresses to locate the destination of the device whereas is a
hub MAC addresses are not checked
• A switch uses a look up table to determine destination this is not required in a hub
• A switch is capable of more functionality / multiple VLANs but not in a hub
Question 26
1. LAN
2. WAN
3. WAN
Question 27
Intranet has restricted access/its private//Internet is world-wide/everywhere

• Intranet is used only within a company/organisation/school

• Intranet access has more control of data whereas the internet access is open/public
access//the internet anyone can add material
• Intranet is policed/moderated/managed
• The intranet has reduced unauthorised access to material whereas the internet has
content that is general
• Intranet can restrict access to some websites//internet has no restrictions on websites
• Data on the intranet is more reliable/relevant//anyone can add material to the
• Intranet sits behind a firewall
• Intranet is protected by passwords/has an extra layer of security/more secure//more
chances of hacking on the internet
• Intranet is used to give information relating to the company whereas the internet
gives general information
• Internet has more information
Question 28

• The devices automatically connect when they come into range

• Tablet sends radio signals to the printer / printer receives radio signals from the
• Tablet receives radio signals from the printer / printer responds using radio signals
• A handshake takes place
• Use of 4-digit code for access / default code / auto connection with code / some
devices don’t need code
• Uses a band of 79 radio frequencies / channels
• The tablet computer randomly chooses one of the radio frequencies / channels to
• If it is being used it chooses another at random until it finds a free one
• Uses spread-spectrum frequency hopping
Question 29

• Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use wireless communications

• Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use radio frequencies for communication/radio waves
• Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth allow several devices to be connected
• Both use security when sending data

• Wi-Fi has faster data transfer rate

• Wi-Fi has a greater range of transmission
• Wi-Fi uses key matching encryption
• Bluetooth uses WEP and WPA security together
• Wi-Fi can be broadcast
• Bluetooth has more channels
• Wi-Fi connects more devices

Question 30

• No danger of accessing inappropriate information

• Relevant information can be found quite quickly, if the information you need is
local to the area and held in the historical records at the library
• Don’t have to worry about having to have internet connectivity
• Less likely to be information overload compared to the internet
• Librarian can recommend what and how to search in the historical records
• Index makes searching more efficient

• Historical records have limited amounts of information

• Historical records only contain one type of information whereas the internet
contains records from other places
• Can be slower to find relevant information than using a search engine
• The census contains handwritten data that is scanned therefore could be difficult to
• Manual records don’t have multimedia to help explain information
• Data in the historical records is not in digital form therefore cannot be copied and
• More errors in transferring the data than from the internet
• Access is limited to library opening hours
• Historical records cannot find information from around the world quickly
• It can be slower to search for information compared to the internet

Question 31
• Public network/not policed
• International network of networks
• WAN/wide area network Worldwide/global/international Public
information system
• Internal restricted access network/secure network
• Uses same protocols as the internet
• Private network
• Used within an organisation e.g. school Limited resources
Question 32

• Intranet has restricted access/its private//Internet is world-wide/everywhere

• Intranet is used only within a company/organisation/school
• Intranet access has more control of data whereas the internet access is
open/public access//the internet anyone can add material
• Intranet is policed/moderated/managed
• The intranet has reduced unauthorised access to material whereas the internet
has content that is general
• Intranet can restrict access to some websites//internet has no restrictions on
• Data on the intranet is more reliable/relevant//anyone can add material to the
• Intranet sits behind a firewall Intranet is protected by passwords/has an extra
layer of security/more secure//more chances of hacking on the internet
• Intranet is used to give information relating to the company whereas the internet
gives general information
• Internet has more information
Question 33

• Vast amount of information available

• More up to date information is available as information in books may be
• Wider range of information from every level of society/scholarly to research
Information can be found quicker using specialist search engines
• Information can be researched at home rather than using research libraries
• Don't have to waste time going to the library
• Don't have to spend money going to the library
• Ability to discuss topics far easier with people from around the world
• Ability to get wider range of opinions.
• Allows emailing therefore sending/collecting information far quicker than
manual methods
• Data is digital therefore can be easier to transfer to documents
• Online conferencing can be carried out
Question 34
• Switched
• Has many computers connected to it
• Can learn/store addresses of each computer in that part of the network
• Can direct data to specific computers/devices through port

• Connects network/computers to the internet

• Uses IP addresses
• Transfers data between networks
• Connects LANs/networks together
Question 35
• Documents do not need to be taken to a central meeting; they would not be
lost in transit
• No need to transport heavy documents
• The conference can be held at short notice
• Reduces the cost of travelling to the meeting
• Reduces the cost of venue hire
• Reduces the cost of hotel accommodation
• Reduces the time lost in working due to travelling
• Safer than travelling
• Reduces the cost of paying workers whilst they are travelling

• There could be time lag in the responses

• Time lag in pictures producing jerky images
• Lip Sync can be an issue/matching sound and image
• Explanation of time zone differences
• Training of staff to use the new equipment can be costly/time consuming
• Requires good network connection/good strength of signal
• Power outages have a greater effect with two venues
• Additional hardware needed is expensive//cost of set up
• Difficult to sign documents/contracts
• Physical objects cannot be examined/handled
Question 36

• Internet is not regulated

• Danger of accessing inappropriate websites.
• Can take long time to find required information
• Must have internet connectivity/computer/phone line/modem
• Internet tends to be up to date
• Internet has vast amounts of information/wide range of information
• Can access biased/inaccurate/unreliable websites
• Lack of expertise can lead to inefficient searching
• Easy to plagiarise information
Question 37
a) I.
• LAN is a Local Area Network
• LAN covers a small area/one building
• A school network is a LAN
• WAN is a wide area network
• WAN covers a large geographical area/worldwide
• The Internet is a WAN
• A WAN consists of connected LANs
b) Router/modem/cable
Question 38
• Make their file/work read only
• Password encrypt their file/work
• Grant people access to their file/work without permission to edit
• Make their file/work hidden
b) Modem/router
Question 39
Bridge; Hub; Switch; Router; Proxy server; Network card
Question 40
• Fewer printers are needed
• Fewer scanners are needed
• Can access work from any computer
• Data can be shared between computers/data can be accessed by one
computer from another more easily
• Software can be shared/updated more easily
• All computers can access the internet /through one connection
• Greater risk of hackers
• Greater risk of viruses
• The significant cost of extra equipment
• When the network is down, cannot use network computers/can still use
• Print queues can be long
Question 41

• Laptops can be transported from room to room more easily

• Safer – won’t trip over loose cables
• Can use laptops outside the classroom if required
• Can be used even if there’s a power cut

• Laptops may be more expensive than network PCs.

• Display is smaller
• Laptops will need recharging periodically
• Must be in range of a network point
Question 42
True; True; False; False
Question 43
• Routers inspect/read the IP address of the data packets sent to it
• Sends the data packet to a switch with that IP address
• It may use the MAC address of the switch to do that by converting the IP to
a MAC using ARP… …until it finds the corresponding switch
• Wi-Fi: Can connect to the internet from any room in a house//No
cables//Can be used on multiple devices
• Satellite: This is broadband//Useful for general use of the internet (Connects
via satellites so) better coverage//Can be used almost anywhere in the world
• 3G/4G: Used in mobile devices laptops/tablets/smartphones//Connects
wireless through the 3G or 4G network//Allows access on the move//Allows
access even if no Wi-Fi available//Not affected by rain or snow as satellite
Question 44
Agree the date and time of the conference

• Contact an audio-conferencing provider … …for organiser’s PIN …for

participant’s PIN
• Give the PIN to each participant at the start of the conference
• Organiser types in his PIN
• Each participant dials the number and enters the PIN

• The organiser phones/contact the first participant

• The organiser phones/contact subsequent participants puts them on hold…
…until all participants have been contacted
• Joins the participants together/joins the conference
Question 45

• Use a spam filter/anti-spam software

• Do not reply to spam/suspicious messages
• Do not click on any links/attachments in a spam/suspicious message
• Use a disposable email address
• Use a complex email username
• Do not give out your email address online/do not register using email on
untrusted websites/opt out of marketing
• Read messages as text
• Do not use your email address as an online username
• Changing to an email provider who filter spam
Question 46
False; True; True; True
Question 47

• The network software in the original computer determines that the

destination computer is on a different network... ...using IP addresses
• Data is sent to the switch/hub and then passed to router the router then
passes it to the router of the other network that router passes it to the
switch/hub… …to the destination computer

• The computer sends the data to the bridge via the hub/switch… ...using MAC
• If the protocol/MAC address is same, bridge passes data to the other network
• Bridge passes it to the switch/hub… …to destination computer with correct
MAC address
Question 48
Internet; Intranet; Intranet; Intranet
Question 49
b) (i) A (Wireless) Access Point/wireless node
(ii) It is connected to a switch/hub
c) Can get interference from another radio signal/speed of data transmission//Can
be slower//Other valid answers like physical obstacles/walls
d) Voice over Internet Protocol//A set of rules that enable people to use
the//Internet to make telephone calls/talk each other//Sends voice data in
packets using IP
e) Microphone//Speakers/headphones//Headset
Question 50
• HyperText Transfer Protocol
• HTTP is a communication protocol used on the internet to allow
communication between two computers (devices)
• HTTP is an application protocol/set of rules
• HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web
• HTTP is not secure/HTTPS is secure… …uses SSL/HTTP does not use SSL
• HTTPS transmits data over the internet in an encrypted form/HTTP transmits
data over the internet in an unencrypted form
• HTTPS requires additional processing power in its servers which could result
in slowdown of responses
Question 51
a) Router/Broadband modem
b) A switch
c) A hub
d) A bridge
Question 52
- Devices can carry out instructions independently
- Automations relieves people to spend their time on something else
- Instructions can be carried out more efficiently and accurately as compare to
doing them manually
- There’s an over reliance on technology
- People will be deskilled in some simple tasks such as washing and cooking
- Devices can be easily tracked or hacked which might be a threaten to the owner
- Malfunction device might misguide people to do the right thing
Question 53
• Blog is website/Wiki is software or a website.
• Blog is a personal journal, or someone’s opinion/A wiki is usually objective.
• Blog has a single author/A wiki has many authors.
• Blog is based on the author’s personal observations.
• Both use links to websites.
• Blogs are written in reverse date order/Wiki has a structure determined by
content and users.
• Only an author can edit a blog or readers can only add comments to a blog/A
wiki can be edited by any member of the group.
• Internal restricted access network/secure network
• Uses same protocols as the internet
• Private network
• Used within an organisation e.g. school
• Limited resources
• Public network/not policed
• International network of networks WAN/wide area network
• Public information system
• Web/email/gophers/social networking/video conferencing is part of the
Question 54

• May make friends with inappropriate people

• Cannot be sure the person you are communicating with is the same as the images
you have seen.
• Can become preoccupied with sites and not do other tasks/perform poorly
• Can swap coursework/homework inappropriately
• Lose person to person social skills/spend less time with family/friends
• Prone to cyber bullying
• Continual use results in lack of exercise, causing health problems
Question 31

Question 32
Question 33

Question 34
Question 35

Question 36
Question 37

Question 38

Question 39
Question 40

Question 41
Question 42

Question 43
Question 44

Question 45
Question 46

Question 47

Question 48
Question 49
Question 50

Question 51
Question 52
Question 53
Question 54

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