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Department of Management

Course Name Information Systems & Computer

Course Code & Section No: MIS 107 – Section 6, 11, 12

Semester 2024 Summer (242)

Instructor & Department Information

Instructor Adeyl Khan

Office Room NAC851

Office Hours

01:30 PM - 03:00 PM 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM

05:45 PM - 06:15 PM 05:45 PM - 06:15 PM 05:45 PM - 06:15 PM 05:45 PM - 06:15 PM

And by appointment

Office Phone NSU Extension. 1780; 016 111 69269 through WhatsApp

Email Address (use office hours for faster response)

Department Management

Google Meet Google Meet link-

Facebook Group

Course & Section Information

Course None

Course Credit 3

Course This course introduces the fundamentals of information systems and the components of computer-based information
Description systems. The course begins with an overview of computer applications and the functions of the components of a
computer and proceeds to provide a functional orientation toward applications that improve personal productivity. It
also provides an overview of different types of information systems, the phases of system development and
implementation, database management systems, communication networks, internet and e-commerce, artificial
intelligence, knowledge management, and examples of strategic application of IT in an organization.

Course ● Discuss the functionality of computer systems, computer applications, and databases.
Objectives ● Provide the students a good understanding of the design of management information systems and specific
aspects of management control.
● Teach and practically instruct students how they can apply technology in real business situations.

Students ● Demonstrate the understanding of application software and practically use those in solving specific problems.
Learning ● Describe the various types of information systems used in the business environment to support business
Outcomes processes, decision making, and strategy.
● Recognize the value of data and database management systems and practical work on database-related
● Demonstrate the understanding of telecommunication in enhancing the capability of business organizations.
● Explain the security concepts and effective measures for those to reduce the negative impact on information
systems resources
Author Title Edition & Year Publisher ISBN

O’Brien, James A., Introduction to Information Systems 16th Edition McGraw-Hill 13: 978-9814599801
Marakas, George M.

Laudon, Kenneth C., Management Information Systems: 14th Edition Pearson Education 13: 978-0-273-78997-0
Laudon, Jane P Managing the Digital Firm

Extensive lectures will be given on every topic followed by real-life examples. Summary of the lectures will be available through lecture
modules. Students are highly encouraged to take notes carefully. The lectures will be highly interactive. Cases will be analyzed in class
discussions encouraging students to participate and share their ideas regarding case problems. Lab sessions will be conducted to apply
some of the theories learned in the classroom. There are hands-on exercises using computers for the students to learn how to operate
certain software during these lab sessions.

Course Contents
Classroom Lecture Series
Lecture Series 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

Lecture Series 2 Applications Software: End User Applications

Lecture Series 3 Functional Business Systems

Lecture Series 4 Telecommunications and Networks

Lecture Series 5 Security, Ethical, and Societal Challenges in IS

Lecture Series 6 Security Management of IT

Lecture Series 7 E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods

Lecture Series 8 Data Resource Management

Lecture Series 9 Enterprise Applications

Lecture Series 10 Building Information Systems

Laboratory Practical Sessions

Lab Session 1 Google Docs: Referencing and Table of Contents

Lab Session 2 Google Sheet: Formatting, Basic Functions

Lab Session 3 Google Sheet: Conditional and Lookup Functions

Lab Session 4 LibreOffice Base: Introduction

Lab Session 5 LibreOffice Base: SQL commands

Assessment Strategy, Format, and Grading Scheme
Grading tool Point

Midterm Exam 1 20%

Midterm Exam 2 20%

Final Exam 25%

Quiz 5%

Group Assignment 10%

Lab 10%

Class participation 10%

Total 100%

Course Related Requirement

● Personal Computers & a stable internet connection
● Special Software- Mind Mapping (Freeplane- mm files), Screencasting (e.g., free- VokoScreenNG)

System Resource

NSU Provided Canvas Class Materials, Quiz, Digital Session, Assignment Submission, Communication,

NSU RDS Check and verify attendance records.

Facebook Group Get support from other students and CR.

NSU Provided Google Suite Online meeting and email for simple communication

Lecture Resources
● Slides, Videos, Notes, and other documents are available
● Other Reference Materials: The instructor will provide in class as needed.

Class Performance and Attendance

Every student is expected to attend every class. However, just attending the class will not earn class performance points. Students have
to actively participate during discussion sessions to earn participation points. Students are also required to finish all in-class assignments
to earn class performance points.
Exam Formalities
Students will be notified about the exam date in advance and points break down. It could be straight short and broad questions or it can
be multiple choice questions or a combination of both. Instructors will make those decisions in duly fashion and notify the students.
Students must take the exam on the due date. There is NO opportunity for a makeup exam except for very serious causes for which the
student has to provide solid proof. In addition, special permission will be required from the Program Department signed by the Chair of the
Management program verifying the cause of the makeup exam.

Due Date Policy

Every individual assignment, report, term paper is due on the exact due date. Failure will cause you to lose significant points.

Grading Scale
NSU standard grading scale will be followed.

Digital Class Rules of Conduct

● Classroom rules
○ Be ready to learn. Watch the required videos before class.
○ Create a quiet workspace.
○ Keep a notebook and a pen ready. Keep other devices off during class time.
○ Don't eat or drink near your computer
○ If you have to go anywhere during class, don’t move your computer
○ Be respectful of others
● Assignment
○ Pay attention in class, all assignments will be announced in class.
○ Check-in daily and turn in assignments on time
○ Copying from any source (including Textbook) and other methods of cheating in any form will result in a “Fail”

Students with Special Needs

North South University will provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate, and reasonable accommodation to students
who have disabilities/special needs that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or meet course requirements. Students
with disabilities are encouraged to contact their instructors to ensure that their needs are met. The University through its Special Need
section will exert all efforts to accommodate special needs.

Final Comments
Please understand that your instructor is here to help you, to be with you, and to walk you through the difficult steps as long as you
cooperate. Instructors of this course will be available for all of you. Feel free to stop by when something bothers you and we will try our
level best to help you out. You may contact me through email, SMS, or by making an appointment in addition to the office hours
mentioned in this outline.

Good Luck!

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