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Trabalho de Inglês Aplicada 1º Ano

Tema: Redacção Sobre o Curso

Ernesta Ernesto José

Quelimane, Maio de 2022


Management is the act of working with and through people to accomplish the goals of both the
organization and its members.

The public administration's mission is to study, propose, plan, execute and evaluate public
policies in the fields of management, as well as develop its human resources, as well as ensure
the systems of public administration and the civil service.

The present work shows as a theme writing about the course. Therefore, saying that there is no
development of this will include the following aspects, a modality of the course, the content,
the duration and other important or relevant information. Describe your future plans, dreams
and aspirations by completing this course.

It should be noted that public administration is the set of bodies, services and State agents that
seek education such as education, culture, security, health, among other areas. In other words,
Public Administration is the management of public interests through the provision of public

Public Administration aims to work in favor of the public interest and the rights and interests
of the citizens it administers. That is, there are two different activities as the upper planning and
the lower execution. “To manage means to say only, until the service functions it as, equally,
to direct, until govern it, to exercise the useful will with the objective of obtaining a result and
that to say that it does not mean only in the vulgar sense, to administer means not to plan a
program of action and execute it” ( DI PIETRO, 2010, p. 44).
Writing about the course

The Degree in Public Administration is composed of a set of subjects whose main objective is
to promote a modern, rigorous and holistic training, capable of providing the student with the
necessary technical knowledge and skills around the legal arts of Public Administration and
contains a curricular formatting suitable for the training of staff for international organizations,
namely those in the SADC region and the African Union.

For this reason, the desire to train in Public Administration is limited by the fact that I am in
the job market and because of this it contributes in the area, mainly to contribute to the quality
of public service through the knowledge that I will bring to public institutions during training.
as well as private. And not only that, because it will be through this knowledge that I will start
to exercise the function of organizing, planning and coordinating sectors of public

The choice of the online modality is due to the fact that it manages time in relation to activities
during the week, studying time, studying interactively, keeping up-to-date content and
managing time at work while studying. It should also be noted that other reasons for choosing
the modality are.

Saving time and money: with distance learning, the student does not need to leave the house,
thus saving time and money when traveling.

Greater Time Control: Through online training, students can choose the time that suits them
best to coincide with the rest of their professional activity, or even for personal reasons.

Access to information, wherever and whenever you want: Just one click and you can access all
the content taught, review as many times as you want to solve a certain problem, and do the
research you want depending on the learning point you are going to.

Greater Interactivity: It is Through new technologies and the internet, you can access new
platforms for both teaching and research that allow greater interactivity and different content.

We can also enumerate some advantages aimed at teachers, such as, for example, they can reach
a greater number of students (an online class is not limited to the size of a room) and can create
various formats of educational content where only creativity is the limit.

As for the contents of the Public Administration course, the trainees have the competence to
demonstrate understanding of the nature and meaning of the evolution of the international
system and global changes as a phenomenon of human activity, reveal knowledge and
understanding of basic conceptual and analytical tools on Public Administration issues , apply
different concepts, theories and methods to the analysis of theoretical and practical issues
related to the history, structure and evolution of different areas of the international system and
global society and recognize limits to its application, develop logical and rational arguments,
supports its defense and develops critical thinking, develop skills that allow you to identify,
collect, evaluate and operationalize relevant information from primary and secondary sources
and proceed with its application in problem solving, using quantitative and qualitative analysis
methods and demonstrates initiative and organizational capacity.

These contents are of paramount importance in my person, but in the work environment since
the main objective of the content is to contribute to the quality of the public service through the
training of professionals. And it is these professionals who will start to exercise the function of
organizing, planning and coordinating sectors of public organizations. Regarding the duration
of training time, it is directed by the fact of learning about the main education methodologies,
having access to different types of knowledge both in early childhood education and in
elementary and secondary education.

As for my plans, first I hope to finish the course in a given time and with success in terms of
theoretical and practical knowledge for the job market in the areas, ministries, secretariats,
public service concessionaires and federal, state or municipal bodies, areas such as health,
culture, housing, education and social assistance.

Define my guidelines and values, develop strategies and plans for the academic level, define
performance indicators for my activities to monitor results, optimize people's performance and
their satisfaction, command main or support organizational processes.

With the present work, it became clear that writing in terms of training as well as future plans
is a very relevant topic in terms of its development because it makes students show what their
intentions in training are, their motivations training as well as their future postgraduate plans.
with this it facilitates the student in the best design of those that are their proposals in the training
to better have a vision of their plans.

Obviously, our trajectory is not always guided by a script, however, the person who defines
personal and professional goals and objectives increases the chances of finding the desired
result in the end. And for that to actually happen, it takes a lot of discipline and planning. In
this sense, aligning your goals makes them more realistic and allows you to work more
effectively to achieve them.

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