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Six from:

• Blog is public/anyone can see it

• Blog is online diary/personal opinions
• Viewers can only add comments on blogs/authors can reply to comments
• Only author can edit blog
• Social networking sites might only be available to friends of user
• Social networking site enable users to send messages to small group of ‘friends’ to
arrange meetings
• Friends can respond more quickly to messages within the group to confirm availability
• Easier to share photographs with others
• Social networking sites can lead to seclusion from society
• Social networking sites can lead to cyber bullying
Four from:

• Weblog
• Usually one author
• Personal opinions on a number of topics/personal thoughts
• Can be an electronic diary
• Others can comment
• Only author can edit entries
Five from:

• A moderated forum is checked/maintained by a moderator/administrator

• Moderated forums can reduce freedom of speech/can be biased/Unmoderated forum
allows people to post what they like
• The moderated forum does not allow inappropriate comments to be posted on the site
Examples of inappropriate language: racist, offensive, swear words, phishing attempts, spam,
abusive, unrelated comments – Minimum of 2 examples gains a mark

• In a moderated forum those who continually break the rules are banned
• Un-moderated tend to be used for spam attacks or phishing attacks
• Moderated may be more expensive as they have to appoint a moderator
• Posting of moderated comments are delayed as they have to be checked
• One from:
• Both are interactive websites
• Both are discussions
• Both require networked computers
To gain full marks at least one comparison/similarity is required
Four from:

• Blog is website/Wiki is software or a website.

• Blog is a personal journal, or someone’s opinion/A wiki is usually objective.
• Blog has a single author/A wiki has many authors.
• Blog is based on the author’s personal observations.
• Both use links to websites.
• Blogs are written in reverse date order/Wiki has a structure determined by content and
• Only an author can edit a blog or readers can only add comments to a blog/A wiki can
be edited by any member of the group.

(a)(i) Any two from:

• Regularly updated
• Website or web page
• Run by an individual or small group/owner can only edit it
• Written in an informal or conversational style
• Online journal/diary/personal opinions =
(a)(ii) Any two from:

• A website or database
• Collaboration by a community of users/members of a group
• Allowing any member to add and edit content.
(a)(iii) Any two from:

• Voice Over Internet Protocol

• Method for the delivery of voice communications over Internet /Internet Protocol/ IP
Examples: IP/internet/broadband telephone/broadband phone service.
Examples for advantages of social networking:

• Increase the number of friends worldwide Send and receive live images instantaneously
• Real time information sharing
• Common groups can be formed more easily i.e. friends or social grouping, and these
keep in contact easier to advertise …to a larger number of people easier to publicise
events/activities…music videos
• Speed of news increases
• Similar interests can contact each other
Examples for disadvantages of social networking:

• Reduces face to face communication/relationships

• Problem with sarcasm increases as it appears as rudeness
• Cyber-bullying increases
• Grooming increases
• Harder to ignore people
• Risks of fraud increases
• Risks of identity theft increases
• Risks of burglary as holiday reporting increases
• Time wasting increases
• Invasion of privacy increases
• Addiction to social networking
• Needs the internet
• Needs computer/device

(a) Any two from:

• Both involve you being assigned a fax (phone) number

• Both can involve use of a hard copy original
• Both require the use of a phone line
(b) Any three from:

• Physical faxing requires purchase of a fax machine/electronic faxing requires

use/purchase of a computer/scanner
• Physical faxes can be picked up by anyone/electronic faxing goes straight to your email
• Physical faxes – phone-line could be busy/engaged – electronic faxes – phone line never
registers as busy/engaged
• Physical faxes – must have paper and can get paper jams
• Electronic fax is quicker to arrive than physical

Four from:

• Easy to keep in immediate contact with friends/make new friends

• Easy to communicate to more than one friend/to communicate with people overseas
• Can search for people who you’ve fallen out of touch with
• Easy to arrange meetings/visits to cinemas/theatre
• Can share photographs/videos/images/opinions/views
Three from:

• Allows users to keep in contact/communication/connect with friends

• Allows user to send messages to more than one friend/to people overseas
• Can search for people who you’ve fallen out of touch with/people with similar interests
• Can arrange meetings/events/visits to cinemas/theatre with whole group
• Can show photographs to whole group/share photographs/music/videos
• Can create and share personal profile
• You can follow actions/thoughts of others
• Can write comments on other’s posts
• Can have privacy controls
• Can lead to cyber bullying
Six from:
Advantages of email:

• Fax the document needs to be printed therefore if the receiving fax is out of paper this
cannot happen / An email does not need to be printed
• The document can be more easily lost if sent by fax as it is sent to a device in a library
• The fax machine must be switched on to receive the fax / Emails are received even if
the computer is turned off
• The quality of the fax may be poor depending on the print quality
• The fax will print even if no ink is in the machine
• To use a fax in other documents it needs to be manually entered …this could lead to
• If the line is busy there could be a delay in sending the fax
• Each sheet has to be transmitted separately in a fax
• No need to buy a fax machine if sending an email
• An email is sent directly to the inbox/a person / more private
• The email’s data is digital therefore it can be directly used in other software
• It is faster to send an email than a fax
• The email could be sent to a number of different places at once
• The email could be sent to numerous devices at once
• The email can have the book order as an attachment
Disadvantages of email:

• Emails can be spam

• The content of the email can be changed electronically whereas the fax is permanent
• Emails can contain viruses
To gain full marks both advantages and disadvantages are require

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