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Gx-s Sansui AudioRack


Only hFf i, evcryfi iry hFli.

Sansu i Audio Europo N.V., Nodh Trad€ au lding, Noordedmn 1 33 bus 1 , 2030 Anlwerp e n , B6lgi um

Sansui Eledronics Corporation,55-1 1 Oueens Blvd., Woodside, NewYork. 1 1377 U.S.A

Sansui Electic Co. Lld., 14i lzumi 2rhome, Suginamlku, Tokyo 168, Japan
AU-317 Dc powered
Delinilion Series 50Wx2'
Qu te powedul (50 Wrchannel) and we I
wodh ts prce: frequency response 5 lo
AU-11000 A 70.000 Hz: DC power amplifler: Hum and
110Wx2' no se (aux ) 100 dB: THD and nleL
Top ol the
ine inlegraled amplilier De modulalion D stodion o 03 '. ldeal y
'-",.i4, )i' vering a so d 110 Wchanneli 0,05e; THD su ted for syslem en argemenl: raled
power outpul inlo 4 Ohms 72 W
over ranqe 5 to80 000 Hzi pre-amplifier
!r({9!i i 5 and power amplilierseparaled: ow Dim. 430 x 1 10 x 340 mm
disto(ron through phono equaliser
comprehensive controls to make besl
use of th s ampl i ers trusical capabil(y
Dim 460x176x407mm AU-217
This valueJotrmoney nteqraled
amp ifier olfers a power o!tput oi 30ll/
AU-9900 A
.po,aln' channe ; frequ€ncy response
l0 Bz-50 kHz THD 0 06 ". Erce e.l
. t., -- ,'r, denlica tothesuperb specilicqlionsof
th€ AUI 1000 A except for slight y
B Phono-equal zatonand h gh Prec s or
pre'amplifier confo s: damp ng r.ctor
reduced poweroutpul 85 W,channel al 1000 Hz 80 nlo 8 Ohns
Dim 460 x 176 x407 mm Dim 430 x 1 l0 x 340 mm

cA-2000 au-l't7
Stereo pre amplilier jor lhe purist who 15Wx2'
ll:ia )'au Ikes to be in conto r iul set ol contols
makes the most oi the musLcal qua ilies
Even lhrs moderalely prcec
showslhatSansu donotsacni.e
a.p 'er
of lhis pre-amplifierFlal responseover pedormance qual tylor power Icdest
10 Hzlo80 kHzwth less than 0 03 9; THD. l5 W channel bul THD over the fiequency

Dim 460x160x310mm rangeof 10 Hzto40 kHzon y l':'.
S N rat o 76 dB (phono). 94 dB iaux
Dim 430x110x340mm
Wx 2'
Power amplifier to complement CA-2000.
Torordal power traisformer dual transis-
lor dlllerenlia amp f er wllh constant AX-7
c!rrenl power supply 2 tans stor Moderale y pricedaud o mrx rg a-o 1 er
cLrrenl-m ror c rclt 0 03 o. THD over Ior record ng or direct ampmcal o. nput
2a Hz-2ok\z I l0 W channel irom4 microphones.2 electc gu tars
Dim 460x150x375mm and phono (source from your o$r.
amp f er or rece ver plus 3 tape mo. lor
c rcu ts and bui 1 in reverberator lcr
unlimiled eflects. THD 0 1'.: rreqJ...y
response 20 Hz-20 kHz Fack moL"t ng
lntegrated Amplifiers Dim 430x110x285mm

4r,,. S r,.L dapt.\tu < a. e.rao hdl otl. ano aoul' t tat t lA, a-1
tnanting The GX"5 our special audio-Gck. is equped with a t'lexible
nau.nno systen whrch allaws yau ta make any canbjnatian.

AU-717 Dc powered
This ampl f er ncorporates an advanced
design leaturewh ch has exlremely low TU Series
nherenl tansienl ntermodulalion d slo!
lion enabling negal ve feedback (neces f he AM F M sterea tunets in n aft bl ac k t nish are f ifred wlth h a nC ! e s a'.
sary in trad uonal amp ilier design but mauntsfor EIA rack maunting-
undeslrab e) lo be reduced to the abso- The GX 5. our special audrcrack. ls equpped with a llextble n.r.:,.! :,.tetr
u1e minimum Powerampl I er des gn
whrch allows yau to nake any combinatian.
loo shows a depa(!re from tadit on
resulling n lhe ellm nauon of DC dlil1. Tu.s900
Diflerenlial push'pull amplilier stage FM sensilivily 0,9 (DlN)
(Sansui Pal.oend ) e m nalesopen-loop 'rV
Tuner to malch lhe superb pedcrn.arce
drslonion Driver stage ls 3-stage
of the AU-9900 A and AUt tc00 A TND
Dar rngton connecled SEPP OCL
S5Wchannel wlh essthan O 025', THD:
damp nq faclor60i nsetime I 4 i, sec.
channel separal on 60 dB.
lllel@ffi stereo 0.08 ';: 3 d!al-qatec MOS FE i
switchable sens(iv Iy: srgnal ge.erelcr
ow pass Ii ter: FM sens I v ty 0 9 V I N)
Aulo Noise Cancel -or
D m 430 x 168 x 389 rnm
Dim. 460 x 160 x 310 mm

AU-5'17 Dc powered FM sensitivily 0.95 L,V (DlN)
65Wx2' AM,FM siereo tuner H gh techno ogy to
Lowetrpr ced. slighlly reduced power tune up wth the mosl soph st cated
oulput 65 Wchanne bulwilh lhe same ampl i er Sensilive lfonl end 0 95 V
dramalic pedormance as lhe AU_717 (DlN): dual-bandwidlh lF secl on with
Dim 430 x 168 x 389 mm selectorswilch tor eilher owest d slod on
(0.07 "i slereo) or highest seleclv ly
(80 dB) both operat ng al SN ral o ol
80 dB
Dim 430 x 168 x 402 mm
FM sensitivity 1,2 (V Speakers combined with ad-
vanced lechnology. THD 0.13 % in slereo
S/N raiio in stereo 6a dB excellenl
AM/FM slereo receplion. FM sensitivity
1.2|V (DrN).
Dim. 430 x I 10 x 307 mm
sP-x 8000
160 w maximum input powe( 4-way
Receivers 6-speakersystemi 406 mm (16") woofei
conetypei 25-23 000 Hz.
Dim.449 x 667 x 280 mm
Advanced technology in this stereo
AM/FM receiver: i25 Wchannel: with
Doiby. Noise Beduction full processors
for Dolbyised FM receplion and record/ sP-x 7000
playback FM sensilivity 0.9 trV (DlN)
130 W maximum nput power 4-way,
wilh no morethan 0.1';THDi dual-
gated Mos FETand PLL FMdemo- 5-speakersyslem;305mm (12") woofer;
du ator. kipletone contols,4 accurale
cone type: 30-23.000 Hz.
meters.400 Hz oscillatorfor Do by'
Dm 389x639!28Omm
Drm 540x182x397mm

8080'DB sP-x 6000

85Wx2" 100 W maximum inpul poweri 3-way.
A combinat on of powerand sophislica- 3'speaker syslemt 255 mm (10") woofer
Uon in lhis stereo AM/FM receiveri stable conetypei 30-23.000 Hz
poweroutput 85 Wchannel. wtrh bul[-in Dim.389 x 639 r 280 mm
Dolby'fu I processor FM sensilivity0.9 lU
(DlN); duaLgated MOS FET and PLL FIV
demodu{alot triple lone contols.
4 accurale melers.400 Hz oscillatorlor
Dolby' ca libralion.
Drm. 540 x 182 x 397 mm
300 W maximum input power; duaL
wooier lineatrresponse 30-20.000 Hz.
oRx-9001 Dim 460x910r392mm
60 Wx4"
Sim larspec to9090 DB pluslow'noise
4 channel,acililyfor4-channe broad-
casts and record ngsr'Synthesizer
Sound lo conved z-channel into
4-channeii 120 Wthannel (slereo)l
60 Wchannei (quadro). sP- L 700
Dim. 600 x 174 x 415 mm
200 W maximum input poweri dual
woofer linearresponse 30-25.000 Hz.
Dim.430x835 x360 mm
G-5000 Dc powered
Powedll AM/FM receiver:45 Wchanne r
THD 0.05 "b. frequency resPonse
5'50 000 Hzt DC poweramplilierseclion
(DC-200 kHz). FM sensluvily: 1.1 rN

(DlN) wth lessthan0.2 "b dislodion. E9207
D m. 464 x 181 x 408 mm 90 W maximum input powert 2 speakers
syslem with passive radialion

25-35.000 Hz
G-3000 Dim.282 x 593 x 281 mm
26W x2"'
Moderate y priced AM/FM receiver t
26 Wchannel equiped with very accu-
rate lunerand ulfa-stable amplifier sec- zi
tions FM senslt vity I 2 uV (DlN) wth less _ffi.
-r-F{t] ES-205

than 0.15 ":; distodion.
Drm.433 x 153 x 352 mm 50 W maximum nput poweri 2-way
2-speaker system acouslic air suspen,

G-2000 rl 1ffi sion.40 20.000 Hz.

D m.250x480x241 mm
High speci,icalion AM/FM receiver at
competitive price: 16 Wchanneli
push,bull oulpui c[cuityi FETlronl endi
PLL differential demodulatorfor FM
30 W maximum input power;2-way
FM sensilivity 1 2 rV (DlN) with less lhan
2-speaker system bass reilex
0.15 % dislonion.
Dim 433 x 153 x 352 mm 50-20.000 Hz
Din 245x475x2O2mm
' oatby,satadenatk atDalby Lab.tataties tnc

'Mtn RMs bath channets dtlven inta 3 ohns kam 2a 20kHz

Turntables Direct-O-Matic cassette decks

Common features: non-iam tont laading,4 Track ReclPlayback tape lead-in,

tape type selectaa Dalby : Auto-stop.
Quafr zlocked direcl-drive
Absolulely uncompromising. this
extemely accurate direcLdrive turntable sc.5100
achieves a planerspeed deviation oi less Wow-andJlutler 0.05 9. WRMSi
lhan + O 002 "/" with wow-and{uner al Irequency response 20i7.000 Hz
0.025 %i PLL quadz crystal. seruo- (Cr02)t S/N ralio 67 dB with Dolby:
Walnuri nished case
Dim. 490 x 167 x 390 mm Dim.496 x 205 x 325 mm

Wow and llulter0 06 e6 WBMS:
kequency response 2516.000 Hz
s8.636 (Cr02)i Si N raUo 67 dB wilh Dolbyl
PLL seruo direct-drive Wa nuflinished case.
PLL seruo contol unil regulales moloi
Dim.456r 198x322 mm
resulting in less than 0,028 ob wow and
llulter: SIN ralio 63 dB (lEC-B)i rumble
7l dB; supetrhardened plaller spindle sc-2100
and gold-plaledcontacts.
Dm 490x167x39Omm wow-andJlurer 0 08 "/. wBMS;
Irequency response 2516.000 Hz
(Cr02)i S/N ralio 67 dB with Dolby:
Walnul finished case.
Drm 456x19ax322mm

sR.535 sc-l100
Direcldrive Wow-andf lulter o 08'/. WBMS:
Direcldrive aulomalic lurntablet 20-pole frequency response 30J6.000 Hz
30-slolbrushless molor: wow-andJlulter (Cr02): S N rai o 64 dB with Doibyl
0.038 'o. S/N rat o 57 dB. rumble 67 dBl Walnut linished case.
rem ovable tansparent d u stcover with D m. 451 x 170 x 302 mm
lree-slop hinges.
Dm 460x166x370mm
Wow-andilltler 0 05 ". WRMS:
fequency response 20i7.000 Hz
(Cr02): S N ratio 67dB wth Dorbyl
Maltb acklinlsh
Dlm 496 x 205 x 325 mm
Drrectdrive manua turnlab e 20.pole

motorwilh h gh sran'uptorque seao
contol wow and llulter0.035'. S N sc.3110
rato60 dB heavy baseabsorbsvbra- Wow and iutler0.06 c"WRMSi
t on. dustcover on lree-stop h nges frequency response 25 l6 000 Hz
D m.460 x 153 x 373 mm (Cr02)i SIN ralio 67 dB wilh Dolby:
Wilh adaptor for rack-mounting
Mailblacklin sh
Dlm. 430 x l7l x 322 mm

Wow-andJlulter 0.08''6 WBMSI
s8.232 frequency response 2516.000 Hz
Belldrive (Crc2)i S/N rat o 67 dB with Do byl
Budgel price belldrive turnlable wth W th adaplor,or rack-mounling
aulomalic tonearm return: 4-po e molor: Matt black finish
wow-andiluter0 07 o;t slN ralio50dBl Dim 430 x 171 x 322 mm
rumb e 58 dB anti-howl cabinel and

Dim 430Yl4sr356mm

ffih sc-'l110
Wow-and{ utler 0 08 q; WRMS;
frequency response 30i6.000 Hz
(Cr02)t SIN ralio 64 dB with oolbyl
Wilh adaptor for rack-mounling.


D.tby ts a tadenatkat DatbrLabatatoties thc

Headphones Accessories

Dynamic type
Omnr-dynamic tor low drstodion (0.3 9.
at 94 dB SPL) accepls uplo 250 mWi
ftequency response 20-20.000 Hz, very
lighl. slim desrqn. exlremely comfodable

Dynamic type
2 3/8 dynamjc speakerc with exfa light
polyester lilm sub-cones, separale vo-
[,mp and IonE conlrolsforeach channe
heighl and angle oleach earpieceiully
adjuslable; sensilivityll2 d8/mW; fre-
quency range 20Hz-20kHz.

ss.60 GX-5 Audio-Rack

Dynamic type This special rack provides altaclive
For use wilh large and small amps, mounting facililies for your Sansui
accepts upto 5.000 milliwans; sensitivily amplif ien tuner cassete-deck, turntable
andlrequency as SS 80, and audio-mixerwnh EIA mounting


ffy Dynamic type

Polyester lllm f!liiange conesi
liequency response 20 Hz-20 kHzi
sensitivily 108 dB/mwi weight:450 gi
51 mm i:'dynamic iype drivers.

Dynamic type
Low-priced, ightweight stereo head.
phones; lrequency response 20 Hz-
20 kHz; sensilivily 108 dB4nW; inpul
up10 500 milliwans.

Only hi-fi, cvcrything hi-li.

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