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Class: VII Sec:

Subject: English
Topic: Reading
Name: ComprehensRollion, No: Creative Writing, Nouns & Vocabulary

I. Read the passage Section A- Reading

given below andIanswer the questions that follow.
1. Until the cighteenth
were serious business century, few people travelled purely for fun. Most travel and exploration
for some scientific
people travelled for profit, or to win power, or to "do good,' to study, or
research. In the past, travel was difficult and dangerous. People would have
been prepared to risk
lives if they felt it was for a good reason. Pilgrims and wandering
scholars from many lands often only
enjoyed their travels; however, their journeys had an important
purpose too.

2. Today, in many countries, the tourist

trade is a major industry, employing millions of people.
How and why has this change taken place?
Since the carly twentieth century. n many
industrialised nations, ordinary working people have been eligible for scveral
week's holidays
every year. Many people make sure this kind of holiday is fixed as
part of their job contract itself.
Cheap airfares and well-organised travel agencies have
made easy to travel to places with
pleasant weather conditions and interesting spots to see.
3. Holiday resorts, hotels, campsites and theme parks all aim to provide
accommodation and
entertainment tosatisfy their visitors. Many people have been taught that taking avacation is good.
They hope to feel fit and work better on their return after resting their body and minds

1.Why do you think travel was labelled as difficult and dangerous until the 18h centuy?
2. Why were people willing to do something so risky?
3. 'Earlier, people usually travelled for a specific reason or with a particular intention.' How does
the passage illustrate this statement?
4. What is the main purpose of travel in present times?
5. What do you think is the best and worst part of travelling? Why?
6. Find the synonyn for the underlined word from the passage. (para 3)
There is a shortage of cheap housing in our area.
ACA.YEAR 2024-25

7. Find the antonym for the underlined word froim the passage. (para 2)
Idid not buy it because it was expensive.
9.ldentify the parts of specch for the given sentence.
Many people make sure this kind of holiday is fixed as part of their job contract itself.

Section B- Writing
Il. Imagine yourself as Swaminathan andwrite aparagraph of about 80 to 100 words.
What would be the name of your cricket club?
Whom would you choose as your team members to fom acricket team!?
What would you do to ensure that all team members get along and work well together?
What would be the team's motto or slogan, and why?
How would youmotivate your tcam before abig match?
If a newstudent wants to join your cricket team, what qualities would you look for?
What lessSons from cricket could you apply to your daily life and studies?

Section C-Grammar & Vocabulary


A determiner is a word that is used to modify or introduce the noun in a sentence. It

mostly acts like an adjective in that it refers to the noun.

Kinds of Determiners

Articles- a, an, the

Demonstratives - this, that, these, those
Possessives - my, our, your, his, her, its
Interrogatives - what, which, whose
Distributives - either, neither, each, every, both, any, all....
Quantifiers -some, any, much, several....


lI. Choose appropriate

their either
determiners from the box to complete the sentences.
which neither several many both my this

1.I willwrite
name on book.
2. The
children are walking with parents.
trees were uprooted in the storm.
teams won the game. It was a tie.
5.You can
wear it on hand.
animals are in danger of becoming extinct.
sisters lived in the same town after marriage.
activity would you like to do today?
9. Are you happy with new car?
10. Will you have
strawberry cake?

IV. Rewrite sentences after

correcting the errors.
1. Why is your favourite colour?
2. The bike of his met with an accident.
3. Take some of the two mangoes, both are ripe.
4. The party has already started. Much guests have come.
5. There is many sugar in a tea.

Countable and Uncountable nouns

V Write down at least three countable nouns that you can
associate with the uncountable
nouns listed below.

1. money

2. stationcry
3. food


VI. Classily the following nouns into

countable and uncountable nouns.
mud house room corner

chair jeans plates chapatt1

soap ice powder
ink Oven
depth pride

VII. Frame two sentences for the glven words. Use the word once as a
once as an
countable noun and
uncountable noun.
2. stone

VIII. Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks.

1. During the course of our trip, I became
with numerous wonderful
a. acquainted b. experienced C. encountered d. entwined
2. I went to the doctor and was
from taking any candy, pastries, or
sweets for a month.

a. prescribed b. prohibited C. persuaded d. proceeded

3.Ihad such high for myself that I gave my best to achieve them, not
realising Iwas torturing myself at the same time
a. inspirations b. aspirations C. conspirations d. modulations

4. You have agreed to the termsand conditions laid out by the institution.
and now there's nothing you can do about.

a. itself, yours b. itself, it c. yourself, yourself d. yourseli, it

S. It is I who
to be charged for the whole team's mealsince I lost ihe bet,
a. are b. was C. were d. is


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