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Metax Payments
Syncom Technology Ltd
innovation one, DIFC
United Arab Emirates

Details Google Ads

Account ID 783-554-2113 Summary for Jun 1, 2024–Jun 30, 2024
Payments account ID 3902-1559-8558-8874
Payments profile ID 9605-4577-2840 Starting balance AED 703.26
Statement issue date Jun 30, 2024 Total new activity AED 3,035.85
Total fees * AED 2.72
Total payments received -AED 2,703.26

Ending balance in AED AED 1,038.57

*Additional fees (e.g. Regulatory Operating Costs, Digital Services Tax (DST) Fee, Operating Charges etc.) are applicable to your business
when ads are acquired and/or displayed in certain countries. Learn more about fees and charges:

This is not a bill.

This is a summary of billing activity for the time period stated above.

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Account ID: 783-554-2113
Jun 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024

Description Quantity Units Amount(AED)

New Serch 15511 Clicks 3,039.98

Invalid activity - Original Month of Service: Mar 2024, Campaign Name: Awareness and consideration-Display-1 -0.02

Invalid activity - Original Month of Service: May 2024, Campaign Name: New Serch -4.11

Subtotal in AED AED 3,035.85

VAT (0%) AED 0.00

Total in AED AED 3,035.85

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Account ID: 783-554-2113
Jun 30, 2024

Description Amount(AED)

India Regulatory Operating Cost 0.66

UK DST Fee 0.59

Spain Regulatory Operating Cost 0.56

Italy Regulatory Operating Cost 0.40

France Regulatory Operating Cost 0.21

Turkey Regulatory Operating Cost 0.20

Austria DST Fee 0.10

Subtotal in AED AED 2.72

VAT (0%) AED 0.00

Total in AED AED 2.72


Date Description Amount(AED)

Jun 1 Monthly charge: Visa • • • • 1518. V41557642884 -703.26

Jun 20 Threshold charge: Visa • • • • 1518. V45592406686 -2,000.00

Total payments received in AED -AED 2,703.26

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