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Project Management

April 2024
Lecture Overview:

Project life cycle

Project management
• Time
• Cost
• Quality
• People

Health and Safety

Project Life Cycle

“a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique

product, service, or result.”

PMBOK® Guide
(Project Management Institute)

“A project is a unique, transient endeavour, undertaken to achieve

planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs,
outcomes or benefits. A project is usually deemed to be a success
if it achieves the objectives according to their acceptance
criteria, within an agreed timescale and budget. Time, cost and
quality are the building blocks of every project.”

APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition

(Association for Project Management)
Project Characteristics

Unique set of coordinated activities

• Beginning (start)
• End (finish)

Undertaken to deliver specific objectives


• Time
• Cost
• Quality
Group Activity:

Identify the main stages of a Project?

5 minutes
Project Life Cycle
Predictive / Plan Driven
Project Life Cycle
Adaptive / Change Driven
Project Management
Group Activity: What are the main Project
Characteristics that Project Management deals

5 minutes
Project Management
Iron Triangle

Originally posted on Rocket Surgery

“Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills,

knowledge and experience to achieve specific
project objectives according to the project acceptance criteria within
agreed parameters. Project management has final deliverables that are
constrained to a finite timescale and budget.

Association for Project Management

Project manager's tasks: initiates, plans, executes, controls, closes and

evaluates. Overall organising resources and relations
Critical Path
Gantt Chart
Group Activity - 10 Minutes
What is the duration of the project defined by
the following activities

Activity Duration (days) Proceeding

A 5 Start
B 15 A
C 8 A
D 2 C
E 8 B, D
Time: How to fix schedules
1. Levelling resources
o smoothening of resource usage to increase project efficiency(using Gantt
o Ex: project scheduling using network diagrams would create the most
efficient schedule- distribute tasks among the teams, leaving no team
overwhelmed .
2. Fast-track/overlapping
o scheduling tasks that were originally scheduled to run one after the other
(consecutively) to instead run closer together or at the same time
o Ex: in construction projects, work on the wiring and plumping
simultaneously rather than waiting to complete one before starting on the
3. Crashing
o spending more money to get something done more quickly
o Ex: There are an infinite number ways to crash project tasks, from
assigning more staff or purchasing more equipment to contracting work

• Resource Planning - Determining

what resources and quantities of
each should be used Resource Cost
• Cost Estimating - Developing an Planning Estimation
approximation of the costs of the
• Cost Budgeting - allocating the Control
over cost estimate to individual
work items
• Cost Control - Controlling changes
to the project budget
Cost Estimation

Top-Down Estimating
• Parametric: Uses a statistical
relationship between historic
data and other variables.
• Analogous – Comparison with
similar historical projects to
determine the likely estimate.
Bottom-Up Approaches
• Analytical (Activity Based) –
Addition of detailed estimates for
labour and non-labour resources.
• Delphi – The generation of a cost
through team consensus.
APM Starting Out in Project Management (2018)
Cost – time – phased budget
Quality Management

Project Quality is a set of different

standards and objectives that are
embedded into complex success
criteria utilised by project customers
to accept the project results
People Management Problems

1. Lack of trust 6. No long-term thinking

2. Conflict and tension 7. Badly perceived, not delivering

3. Not sharing information 8. Poor change management

4. Low engagement 9. Working in silos

5. Lack of transparency 10. Not going in the same direction

People Management – good ptactices

Focus on the people and follow the RESPECT acronym:

• Relationships
• Empathy
• Sincerity
• Principles
• Empowerment
• Compassion
• Trust
People – Stakeholders

Parties or actors affected by a project or the

delivery of an infrastructure service:

• Users or customers who receive the service

• Employees or operators who use the assets
to provide the service
• Investors or funders who supply the

• Local affected communities

• Other interest groups, who may or may not
also be users/customers

• Regulators of all kind

Group Activity
What are the main challenges when
dealing with stakeholders?

5 minutes
Health and Safety
Health and Safety at Work
Act 1974 (HSW Act)

• It shall be the duty of • It shall be the duty of every employee

every employer to while at work
ensure, so far as is • (a) to take reasonable care for the health
reasonably practicable, and safety of themselves and of other
the health, safety and persons who may be affected by their acts
welfare at work of all or omissions at work; and
his employees • (b) as regards any duty or requirement
imposed on their employer or any other
person by or under any of the relevant
statutory provisions, to co-operate with
them so far as is necessary to enable that
duty or requirement to be performed or
complied with.
Hazard vs Risk

Hazard : Something that may cause Harm

Risk: Chance that a hazard could cause harm

Can you give an example of a hazard and discuss

its associated risk?
Risk Assessment Steps

Risk assessment evaluates the risks and decides whether

precautions are adequate or more should be done.

1. Identify the hazards

2. Decide who might be harmed and how
3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
4. Record your significant findings
5. Review your assessment and update if necessary
Risk Matrix
Identify the hazard and risk
Health and safety
Good practice: HSE risk assessment
What do we expect from you?

• Explain what a project is and describe the main characteristics

of a project

• Explain what project management is and what the main tasks of

a project manager

• Explain the steps of risk assessment

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