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Tender Preparation

Electronic Government Procurement System – eGP System

Provider: Joint Venture of Tenece Professionals and Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd.

The information contained in this document is private and confidential and intended only for the use of eGP System of PRAZ. The
contents of this documents should not be used before prior authorization of PRAZ.
Table of Contents
Getting Started ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Part I. Accessing e-GPS. ...................................................................................................................... 4
A. Landing Page and Login........................................................................................................ 4
Part II. Tender Preparation. ............................................................................................................... 5
A. CREATE TENDER .............................................................................................................................. 5
Part III. Tender Approval. ................................................................................................................. 16
CREATE BID ADDENDUM ...................................................................................................................... 18

This document serves as a manual for procuring entity users, providing step-by-step instructions for
each function within the Electronic Government Procurement System (e-GPS) – Tender preparation
The function of Tender Approval describes the process of approval of a tender when sent for approval
from the competent authority in the PE. Once the authority goes through the tender details and
checked for the authenticity for publishing, the tender can be published. Published tender can be
available for public/suppliers invited (for limited tender) to view, download and participate (for
registered supplier).

User Access Rights:

Procuring Entity user is entitled to perform the following access or commands:

Stakeholders Name Roles

Tender Creator • Tender Creation

• Tender Addendum Creation
• Recall a tender
• Edit Tender
• Initiation of tender Cancellation
• Postponement of Schedule
• Delete In-draft tender

Tender Approver • Tender Approval

• Tender Supplement or addendum approval
• Postponement Approval
• Cancellation of tender approval
• Send back
• Reject tender

View Tender • Approved Tender Notice View.

Getting Started

This section will illustrate the step- by- step walkthrough of tender creation process. The logical
arrangement of the information shall enable the Procuring Entity to fully understand the flow and
functionality of the system.

Part I. Accessing e-GPS.

A. Landing Page and Login

Visit to access the portal and click on Login from the menus available.

Step 3: In first box of drop-down field, choose Log in type. Select Login as Procuring Entity. In the second box,
put username and in the third box put password and hit enter of click on login. System will verify and if correct
allows to login.
Part II. Tender Preparation.

Step 1: Tender Creator, Login into system and the System redirects to the dashboard.

Step 2: Click “Menu” and then “Tender” sub menu.

Step 3: The System responds with Tender Submenu with Create Tender, Draft Tenders, Pending
Tenders, Approved/Published Tenders, Closed Tenders and Failed Tenders.

Step 1: Click on “Create Tender” sub menu. The system responds with the list of available
procurement requests from where the tender can be created.

Step 2: Select “Create Tender” option from the action column against the procurement request
which status is “Available”.
Step 3: Clicking on Create Tender option, system responds with the page for Tender Creation as
shown below.

There are total 5(Five) number of steps that needs to be followed. Follow the steps given below to
complete tender preparation process.
Step 1 of 5:

Step 3.1: The Tender Creator has to fill all required basic details as per requirement on the upper part
such as tender reference number, project title etc.

On the description box showing below, Tender Creator has to put tender description.

Step 3.2: Tender Creator has to fill in the Bid Validity Period, Cost of Bidding Documents if Applicable
with the amount (Default is not applicable). Bid Security, establishment fee & SPOC fee are auto
calculated based as per SI. However, bid security fee can be editable and can be adjusted as per
requirement. Select participation either domestic or International and then select the Bid Evaluation
method (QBS, QCBS, LCS) to be implemented. However, some methods cannot be changed as it is
associated with procurement method.
Step 3.3: Once all done, upload supporting document and tender document for the supplier to

Step 3.4: Click “Save and Continue” to proceed to the Step 2 .

Step 2 o 5:

Step 4: In step 2, creator has to create bidding templates as per SBD’s and as required for different
type of procurement methods.
Step 4.1: Tender Creator have to add an Eligibility Criteria envelope (If required). If there are scores
user have to put the Minimum overall score out of total score 100(Hundred) and Criteria Name, Criteria
Score with Minimum Score. The creator can select either Document Template to upload documents,
can select Create Template to create own template or can select a template from Master Template.
Template selected from master is editable.

Step 4.2: Once done, click “Save” to save the Criteria. The System responds with a message “Criteria
Save Successfully”.
Step 4.3: Click on “Create Template” under technical envelope to create a new next sheet template
or click master template to add technical bidding template from the master. These documents are
more of user input when bidding. Click on document template to add document type template.

NB: Master Template is created by the PE Coordinator account.

Create Template:

i) Click on “Create Template”. A pop up page will display. Put template name and click on

ii) Click on either “Choose File” if wants to upload and create template or click ‘Create” to
create by adding rows ad columns.

Create Option: Insert number of rows and column required and click “Save”

After inserting the number of rows and columns system will display table as given below.

Click on filter option from where user can set rules for the columns.

Once edited, click on “Save” to complete the creation.

Choose File: Click on choose file for which system will ask the user to choose file to be
uploaded as shown below. Select the file and click open. System will
After uploading the file the number of rows and columns along with the data will display
as given below.

Click on filter option from where user can set rules for the columns.

Once edited, click on “Save” to complete the creation.

Step 4.4: Once done click on “Back” and then “Save and Continue”. System will take user to step 3.

Step 3 of 5:

Step 5: In Step 3 under Tender preparation, Tender Creator has to prepare the financial bid form by
filling all fields required. Tender creator will get a master template with the item added in procurement
request. User can also add or create a new template if required from Create Template or Master

Click on edit to edit the template if required from the action column.

Step 6: Click “Save & Continue”, System redirects to Step 4 of tender preparation.
Step 4 of 5:

Step 7: In Step 4, Tender Creator needs to Create or Select the Bid Opening Team (BOT) and also Select
Supplier (For restricted tender).

Click Select Bid Opening Team(BOT). System will display the previously created bid opening team.

Step 8: Click on Select dropdown and then select “Add committee”.

The system will ask to confirm as “Do you want to add Bid Opening Team” with Yes or No. Click Yes to
Clicking Yes, the System responds with the list of bid opening team members.

Step 9: After the BOT Committee added, the creator has to click “Back to Step invitation” as shown
above. The System redirects back to the form with the list of BOT users provided.

Step 10: If applicable, tender Creator has to select Supplier (If required).

Click on “Select Supplier” system will redirect to the supplier search page from where user needs to
select the supplier or search the supplier.

Step 11: To Add Suppliers, click “Add” from the action column.

The system will ask for confirmation as “Do you want to Add Supplier” with yes or no options.

Step 12: Click Yes to add the supplier to the list. The Selected Supplier will be shown by the list. Click
“Back to Step invitations”. The System redirects to the form.
Step 13: Click Save & Continue to proceed to step 5 of tender preparation.

Step 5 of 5:

In Step 5 Tender Creator has to fill the Tender Schedule form. Fill on the Pre-bid meeting (Online,
Offline and Not Required), Tender Published Date, Tender Closing and opening date need to be filled.

Step 14: Once schedule is done, click on “Approver” and Select Approver. System will open the user
Step 15: Once approver is selected, click on “Send for Approval”.

System will ask for confirmation. Click on Yes to confirm.

Tender status will be shown as “Pending for Approval”.

Part III. Tender Approval.
Step 1: Tender Approver, Login into system and the System redirects to the dashboard. User will be able to
view the count of pending for approval tenders. Click on “Click here” or click on “Tender” from the Menu then
“Pending Approval” sub menu.

Step 2: Click Pending Tenders and the system display the list of tenders pending for approval.

Step 3: Select the “Tender Notice for Approval” option from action column.

The System redirects to the tender notice details page for approval.
Step 4: Tender Approver put a Comment to Approve and Publish the Tender. Then click on “Approve
& Publish” button.
Step 8: Click Approve and publish. The System responds with a message “Do you want to Approve &
Publish the Tender?

Click YES. The System responds with a message “Tender Approved & Published successfully”.


Step 1: Tender Creator Click on Approved/Published Tenders. The System respond with the page for
the tenders approved.

Step 2: Click Create Bid Addendum.

Step 3: Select the new Contact person and click Save. The new Contact person saved successfully.

Step 4: Choose file for the new addendum document file and upload to the system.

Step 5: Add Comment and select approve. Click Save for approval.
Click Send for approval. The System responds with a message “Do You want to send Bid notice
Addendum for Approval?”

System responds with a message “Tender Addendum sent for approval successfully”.

== End of the Document==

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