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1. Strategies
In the exam you will need to answer multiple-choice questions about a recording.
There is one correct answer and two wrong answers. The wrong answers are
called distractors which are designed to seem correct. For example, they use the
same words as the recording, but with a different meaning. You have to make
sure that the correct answer has the same meaning as the recording.

Remember that you need to focus on the meaning of the distractors. To arrive at
the correct answer, listen for synonyms and similar expressions, or for the same
ideas expressed in a different way to the recording.

In a multiple-choice question, where you are required to choose more than one
correct answer you will be given a longer list of possible answers and told that
you have to choose more than one answer.

Multiple-choice questions are used to test a wide range of skills. You may be
required to have a detailed understanding of specific points or an overall
understanding of the main points of the listening text.

2. Tips
1. In multiple-choice tasks in the Listening portion you will hear the answers
in the same order as the questions.
It is important not to listen for words which are in the question. You must
listen and understand the idea that the speaker is expressing and choose
the answer which means the same.


Example 1: The lecturer is talking about the benefits of fracking. Listen to

the first part of the lecture, look at the question below and choose the
correct answer, A, B, or C. Why is this answer correct? - Track 1
Those who are in favor of fracking say that the main benefit is ___________
A. better energy supply.
B. lower energy bills.
C. increased electricity generation.
Listen again and make a note of the words and phrases in the recording
which paraphrase the main part of the question and the correct answer.

Then state why you think the other options are wrong.
2. Focus on the important parts of the question by looking at it carefully and
underlining the words and phrases you think are key. Then listen and choose
an answer. Make sure you listen to the end before making your final choice.
Example 2: Underline the important words and phrases of the question
below, then listen and choose the correct answer, A, B, or C. - Track 2
When fracking starts in a new location ______________________________
A. local businesses lose many of their employees.
B. companies bring in most of the workers needed.
C. it creates more opportunities for businesses in the area.
Did any of your underlined words and phrases help you choose the correct
response rather than the distractors? Why? / Why not?


3. Focus on the ideas that the questions and options express, not the words
Example 3.1: Look at the two questions below and underline the words
and phrases you think are significant. Then listen to the next part of the
lecture and choose the correct answer, A, B, or C. - Track 3
1. Although burning gas produces carbon dioxide, ____________________
A. it does not produce chemicals which are harmful to the body.
B. the amount produced is slightly less than from coal and oil.
C. it produces much less water than coal and oil burning produces.
2. Some people think that using more gas from fracking to produce energy
means that __________________________
A. 50% less electricity will be produced than now.
B. more water can be used in the production of coal and oil.
C. there will be more time to work on environmentally friendly
sources of energy.
Example 3.2: The lecturer is talking about people’s concerns about fracking.
Before you listen, underline the words and phrases in the statements that
you think are important, so that you can recognize words and phrases which
express the same ideas in the recording. Then listen and choose the correct
answer, A, B, or C. - Track 4
1. One of the environmental concerns is that ________________________
A. increased use of shale gas will significantly raise carbon dioxide levels.
B. using shale gas in some areas will not benefit the environment overall.
C. countries that use shale gas will still use high levels of oil and natural gas.
2. Fracking may not be economically beneficial because _______________
A. it can reduce the value of homes in the areas where it takes place.
B. after five years of fracking, production can fall significantly.
C. the levels of gas in the ground are unlikely to be sustainable.
3. One medical concern related to fracking is that ____________________
A. the quality of the water supply in some areas can be badly affected.
B. poor air quality causes breathing problems in healthy people.
C. workers are passing on illnesses to local people.


4. Fracking has not been able to take place in some places because _______
A. local people have managed to prevent it.
B. the authorities are waiting for better information about its effects.
C. some countries want to follow the example of France.
Check your answers, then think about why the other options are wrong.

Exercise 1: Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer. Specify
your response by stating the evidence from the recording. - Track 5
The en-suite bathroom will be useful because ___________________
A. it has a shower unit.
B. it has a big bath.
C. it helps everyone in the mornings.
Evidence from the recording:
Exercise 2: Listen to the conversation and choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
Specify your response by stating the evidence from the recording. - Track 6
1. At the moment, Caroline lives in _________________
A. Prendergast Road.
B. Lanchester Road.
C. Riverside Road.
Evidence from the recording:


2. Caroline wants to make the first offer of ______________

A. £300,000.
B. £350,000.
C. £340,000.
Evidence from the recording:
3. Caroline and her family _____________________
A. have sold their house.
B. are selling their house now.
C. will sell their house in two months’ time.
Evidence from the recording:
4. It may take longer to sell the house if ______________________________
A. the bank does not check the house quickly.
B. there are plans to do some building near the house.
C. her husband has problems at work.
Evidence from the recording:
5. If the sellers do not accept her first offer, Caroline will need to ___________
A. increase her offer.
B. come to an agreement in a week.
C. contact her bank and ask for more money.
Evidence from the recording:


Exercise 3: Listen to Jane and Bill, who are discussing the results of a survey
about changes to their town, Ashtown, over the last 25 years, and choose the
correct answer, A, B, or C. Specify your response by stating the evidence from
the recording. - Track 7
1. In Bill’s opinion, why are there fewer buses in Ashtown?
A. The buses are old and uncomfortable.
B. Fares have gone up too much.
C. There are not so many routes.
Evidence from the recording:
2. What change does Bill think has benefited the town centre the most?
A. the construction of a bypass
B. the development of cycle paths
C. the banning of cars from certain areas
Evidence from the recording:

3. Which area does Bill think most people are employed in?
A. manufacturing
B. services
C. education
Evidence from the recording:


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