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Selection Phase

Problem Statement
Exploring the Synergy of AI, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain for Morocco's


Morocco is facing some tough digital challenges, but we're here to tackle them head-on! In this

hackathon, we're using AI, cybersecurity, and Blockchain to find innovative solutions. Your mission?

Create AI tools for Web3 that apply Blockchain's unique abilities to address Morocco's real-world

issues. Remember, part of what we're looking for is how well you choose your domain and identify

the needs.

Challenge Overview:

Synergy Exploration: Participants are encouraged to explore the intersection of AI,

cybersecurity, and Blockchain technologies. How can these fields complement each other to

create robust solutions

Web3 Innovation: With the emergence of Web3, there's a need for AI-powered tools that can

navigate its complexities. How can AI be leveraged to enhance the capabilities of Blockchain

technology within the context of Morocco's challenges

Morocco's Challenges: Identify and prioritize the key challenges that Morocco faces in areas

such as healthcare, finance, education, infrastructure, and governance. How can AI,

cybersecurity, and Blockchain be applied to address these challenges effectively

Impact and Sustainability: Solutions should not only demonstrate technical prowess but also

consider their potential impact and sustainability in the Moroccan context. How can these

innovations be implemented and scaled to make a meaningful difference?

Submission Guidelines

GitHub Repository:

Teams must submit a GitHub repository containing all the code used for the project

Ensure the repository includes a "good" README file providing an overview of the project,

instructions for running the code, and any other relevant information.


Teams are required to submit a document outlining the entire process from ideation to


The document should include details on the problem statement, proposed solution,

technical approach, challenges faced, and lessons learned. SURPRISE SURPRISE WE WISH YOU


Demo Video:

Teams must provide a demo video showcasing the final solution

The video should be no longer than 3 minutes and should effectively demonstrate the

functionality and effectiveness of the solution.

Note: Even if your solution is not fully completed, it's important to submit the current state of


Submission Form

Submit :)
Evaluation Criteria
Innovation and Creativity

Originality of the Idea: How unique is the proposed solution compared to existing


Creativity of the Solution: To what extent does the solution demonstrate creative thinking in

addressing the problem?

Technical Excellence

Technologies Choice: Are the chosen technologies appropriate and effectively utilized for the


Robustness of AI Model: How well-developed and reliable is the AI model or algorithm used

Implementation of AI, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain: How effectively are AI, cybersecurity,

and Blockchain technologies implemented within the solution? Evaluate the integration and

utilization of these technologies. SU


Relevance to Morocco's Challenges

Problem Solving: Does the final product effectively address a specific problem faced by


Practicality vs. Complexity: Is the solution focused on solving real-world issues, or does it

prioritize technical complexity over practicality?

Feasibility of Implementation in the Real World

Scalability: How scalable is the solution to meet the needs of a larger user base or broader


Resource Requirements: Are the resources (financial, technological, human) required for

implementation feasible and attainable

Adaptability: Can the solution be easily adapted and integrated into existing systems or

workflows in Morocco?


We understand that 48 hours is a tight timeframe to address all of these criteria. That's why we

encourage you to work smart and aim to score as many points as possible in each criterion.

You got this!

Key Dates:

This Qualification phase start on Friday 10th May at 8 PM and ends on Sunday 12th May at 8 PM.

This phase is dedicated to selecting the top 10-15 teams each consisting of 2 to 3 members, who

will participate onsite at ENSET Mohammedia.

Process :

Problem Distribution: On Friday, May 10th, the competition theme of this phase will be sent to

all registered teams.

Duration : 48h

Submission Deadline: Solutions must be submitted by 8 PM on Sunday 12th May

The selected teams will be announced before the onsite Hackathon phase, that will take place

on May 16th.

To all participants: It takes courage to step into the unknown and take part in a

hackathon. We applaud your bravery and commitment to making a difference.

Remember, your creativity and determination can lead to remarkable solutions. Best

of luck, and may your journey be filled with discovery and success!

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