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Exercise 1.

Background, in relation to computers, on the screen, the color on which

characters are displayed. (1) _______, a white background may be used for black
characters. In a windowing environment in which more than one program or
document can be available to the user, open but currently inactive (2) _______ are
said to be in the background. In the context of operating systems and program
execution, background refers to a process, or task, assigned a lower priority in the
microprocessor's share of time to tasks other than the task running in the (3) _______.
A background process thus often performs its work, such as printing or checking for
arriving messages on an electronic mail network, invisibly unless the user requests an
update or brings the task to the foreground. (4) _______, only multitasking operating
systems are able to support background processing. However, some operating systems
that do not support multitasking may be able to perform one or more types of
background tasks. For example, in the Apple Macintosh operating system running in
Single-Launch Mode (with multitasking (5) _______), the Background Printing option
can be used to print documents while the user is doing other work.

Question 1: A. For sure B. In fact C. For example D. In general

Question 2: A. windows B. systems C. tasks D. characters

Question 3: A. background B. foreground C. computer D. program

Question 4: A. Really B. Similarly C. Generally D. Hopefully

Question 5: A. turned on B. turned off C. turned down D. turned up

Exercise 2: Special Education, specially designed instruction to (1) _______ the

unique needs and abilities of disabled or gifted children. Disabled children have
conditions (2) _______ adversely affect their progress in conventional education
programs. Gifted children, who demonstrate high capacity in intellectual, (3) _______,
or artistic areas, may also fare poorly in regular education programs. Special education
services can help both disabled and (4) _______ children make progress in education
programs. Most children served by special education programs are (5) _______ the
ages of 6 and 17.

Question 1: A. meet B. see C. have D. find

Question 2: A. what B. that C. whom D. this

Question 3:A. create B. creation C. creative D. creature

Question 4: A. poor B. rich C. learned D. gifted

Question 5: A. among B. between C. in D. inside

Exercise 3: In the United States, federal law requires states to identify and serve all
children (1) _______ disabilities. Public education and health officials in the United
States identified approximately 5.4 million infants, toddlers, (2) _______, and youth
as disabled in 1994. That same year, the U.S. Department of Education reported that
12.2 percent of all children (3) _______ the age of 21 received some form of special
education. The most frequently reported disabilities are speech or language
impairments; mental retardation and (4) _______ developmental disorders; serious
emotional disturbance; and specific learning disorders, (5) _______ memory

Question 1: A. with B. by C. for D. of

Question 2: A. men B. women C. children D. adults

Question 3: A. below B. above C. under D. over

Question 4: A. another B. other C. each other D. together

Question 5: A. as B. like C. for instance D. such as

Exercise 4: Other disabilities include hearing, visual, or orthopedic impairments;

autism; (1) _______ traumatic brain injury. An increasing number of children in the
United States are identified as having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
and (2) _______ special education services. Many schools in the United States
provide special education services (3) _______ gifted children, although federal law
does not mandate these services. Gifted children demonstrate (4) _______ high
abilities in intellectual, creative, academic, leadership, or artistic areas. Estimates of
the gifted (5) _______ in the United States range from 3 to 5 percent of all

Question 1: A. and B. but C. or D. so

Question 2: A. have B. give C. throw D. receive

Question 3: A. for B. with C. by D. to

Question 4: A. except B. exception C. exceptional D. exceptionally

Question 5: A. people B. peoples C. population D. communities

Exercise 5: Technology, general term for the processes by (1) _______ human beings
fashion tools and machines to increase (2) _______ control and understanding of the
material (3) _______. The term is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers
to an art or craft, and logia, (4) _______ an area of study; thus, technology means,
literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only
that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (5)
_______ also that the rate of technological change has developed its own momentum
in recent centuries.

Question 1: A. that B. which C. whom D. what

Question 2: A. the B. its C. their D. his

Question 3: A. air B. atmosphere C. surroundings D. environment

Question 4: A. meaning B. saying C. telling D. reading

Question 5: A. and B. but C. or D. so

Exercise 6: About six and a half hours after Eagle landed, its hatch (1) _______ and
the Apollo 1 commander backed slowly out to its little porch. On the (2) _______ he
paused, pulled a lanyard, and thus deployed the MESA, or modularized equipment
stowage assembly, just to the left of the ladder. As the MESA lowered into (3)
_______ with its load of equipment for lunar prospecting, a seven-pound
Westinghouse TV camera mounted atop the load began shooting black-and-white (4)
_______. Fuzzy and scored with lines, the pictures nonetheless held earthlings
spellbound. No one who sat that July night welded to his TV screen will ever forget
the (5) _______ of that ghostly foot groping slowly past the ladder to Eagle's footpad,
and then stepping tentatively into the virgin soil. Man had made his first footprint on
the moon.

Question 1: A. ended B. started C. opened D. closed

Question 2: A. ladder B. lift C. elevator D. top

Question 3: A. place B. position C. order D. line

Question 4: A. painting B. drawing C. posters D. pictures

Question 5: A. sight B. scene C. view D. look

Exercise 7: Neil Armstrong (1) _______ into his microphone. And in less than two
seconds the message that will live in the annals of exploration flew with the (2)
_______ of radio to the huge telescope dish at Honeysuckle Creek, near Canberra,
Australia, thence to the Comsat (3) _______ over the Pacific, then to the switching
center at the Goddard Space Flight Center outside WashinGiải thíchon, D.C., and
finally to Houston and the (4) _______ of the world: “That's one small step for a man,
one giant leap for mankind.”

Question 1: A. said B. talked C. told D. spoke

Question 2: A. hands B. wings C. legs D. feet

Question 3: A. plane B. ship C. satellite D. car

Question 4: A. rest B. remain C. last D. others

Exercise 8: World Wide Web (WWW), computer-based (1) _______ of information

resources that combines text and multimedia. The information on the World Wide
Web can be accessed and searched through the (2) _______, a global computer
network. The World Wide Web is often (3) _______ to simply as “the Web.” The
Web started to become a (4) _______ resource after 1993 when the first widely
distributed browser provided a convenient way to (5) _______ a variety of
information on the Internet

Question 1: A. system B. source C. network D. resource

Question 2: A. Computer B. Radio C. Television D. Internet

Question 3: A. said B. referred C. told D. considered

Question 4: A. popular B. normal C. ordinary D. favorite

Question 5: A. enter B. get access to C. come into D. arrive at

Exercise 9: The Web uses (1) _______, which means that information can be
displayed in a wide variety of formats. (2) _______ can read text, view pictures, watch
animation, listen to sounds, and even explore interactive virtual environments on the
Web. A user can (3) _______ seamlessly from a document or Web page stored on the
computer to a document or Web page (4) _______ on another computer. The Web
offers a place where companies, universities and (5) _______ institutions, and
individuals can display information about their products, services, facilities, or
research, or their private lives.

Question 1: A. yahoo B. Media Player C. information D. multimedia

Question 2: A. Users B. People C. Customers D. Shop keepers

Question 3: A. go B. move C. fly D. run

Question 4: A. placed B. put C. installed D. stored

Question 5: A. another B. others C. other D. one another

Exercise 10: One of the most important (1) _______ of a standardized test is time.
You'll only be allowed a certain number of minutes for each section, so it is very
important that you use your time (2) _______. The most important time strategy is
pacing yourself. Before you begin, take just a few seconds to survey the test, noting
the number of questions and the sections that looks easier than the rest. Then, make a
rough time schedule based on the amount of time (3) _______ to you. Mark the
halfway point on your test and make a note beside that mark of the time when the
testing period is half over. Once you begin the test, keep moving. If you work slowly
in an attempt to make fewer mistakes, your mind will become bored and begin to
wander. You'll end up making far more mistakes if you're not concentrating. If you
take too long to answer questions that stump you, you may end up (4) _______ out of
time before you finish. So don't stop for difficult questions. Skip them and move on.
You can come back to them later if you have time. A that takes you five seconds to
answer counts as much as one that takes you several minutes, so pick up the easy
points first. (5) _______, answering the easier questions first helps build your
confidence and gets you in the testing groove. If you're a little ahead, you know you're
on track and may even have a little time left to check your work. If you're a little
behind, you have several choices. You can pick up the pace a little, but do this only if
you can do it comfortably.

Question 1: A. factors B. issue C. concern D. information

Question 2: A. quickly B. fast C. wisely D. hardly

Question 3: A. close B. similar C. available D. suitable

Question 4: A. short B. running C. moving D. cutting

Question 5: A. Therefore B. However C. So D. Besides

Exercise 11: Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to
read when they are (1)________ more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a
real interest but forcing a child could be counter-productive if she isn't ready. Wise
parents will have a (2) ________attitude and take the lead from their child. What they
should provide is a selection of stimulating toys, books and other activities. Nowadays
there is plenty of good (3) ________available for young children, and of course,
seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also (4) ________them to read. Of
course, books are no longer the only source of stories and information. There is also a
huge range (5)_______ videos, which can reinforce and extend the pleasure a child
finds in a book and are equally valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and
concentration. Television gets a bad review as far as children are concerned, mainly
because too many spend too much time watching programmes not intended for their
age group.

Question 1: A. scarcely B. rarely C. slightly D. really

Question 2: A. cheerful B. contented C. relaxed D. hopeful

Question 3: A. material B. sense C. produce D. amusement

Question 4: A. provoke B. encourage C. provide D. attract

Question 5: A. in B. on C. among D. of

Exercise 12: Only a small percentage of information on the (1) _______ is restricted
to subscribers or other authorized users. The majority of Web pages are available to
(2) _______ who can access a computer that connects to the Internet. The Web has
become a (3) _______ for many companies selling products or services, (4)_________
a forum for people to exchange opinions and information. Museums, libraries,
government agencies, and schools post information on the Web to make it (5)
_______ to others.

Question 1: A. Computer B. Network C. System D. Web

Question 2: A. no one B. everyone C. someone D. anyone

Question 3: A. school B. hospital C. marketplace D. company

Question 4: A. and B. but C. for D. yet

Question 5:A. good B. available C. free D. valuable

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