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PART 1 (Topics)

1. Tell me something about a TV programme you watched recently

You should answer the following questions
1. What TV programmes do you like watching?
2. What was the TV programme you watched recently?
3. Did you watch it with your family?
4. What was it about?
5. Did you enjoy it?

2. Tell me something about your favourite TV programme

You should answer the following questions
1. What TV programmes do you like watching?
2. What is your favourite TV programme?
3. What time is it on?
4. What is your favourite TV programme about?
5. Who do you like watching it with?
6. Why do you like watching it?

3. Tell me something about the film you watched recently

1. Do you like watching films?
2. What kind of film do you like watching?
3. When was the last time you watched a film?
4. What was the name of the film you watched recently?
5. Where did you watch the film?
6. What was it about?
7. Did you enjoy it?

4. Tell me something about your favourite kind of film

Ways of saying you like something:
fond of:
I am fond of fantasy films.
interested in:
I am interested in fantasy films.
favourite/like best:
My favourite kind of film is fantasy.
I like fantasy films best.
a big fan of:
I am a big fan of fantasy films.
prefer: like better/more than
I prefer watching films at the cinema to watching films at home.
I like watching films at the cinema better/more than at home.

1. Do you like watching films?

2. What is your favourite kind of film?
3. Why do you like watching it?
4. Do you like watching it on TV, youtube or at the cinema?
5. Who do you like watching it with?

My favourite type of film is cartoon. Tom and Jenrry is my favourite film. I enjoy
watching animals. It’s very funny and makes me laugh a lot. I like watching films both
at the cinema and at home. I also like to watch films with my friends because we can
talk about the film.

My favourite type of film is sci-fi. I love watching films about future technologies. I
enjoy seeing things like aliens (người ngoài hành tinh) or spaceships. I like watching
films both at the cinema and at home. I also like to watch films with my friends
because we can talk about the film.

5. Tell me something about your favourite film

You should answer the following questions
1. Do you like watching films?
2. What kind of film do you like watching?
3. What is your favourite film?
4. When did you watched it?
5. Why do you like it?

6. Tell me something about your favourite subject

7. Tell me something about an invention that impresses you
8. Tell me something about a holiday you would like to do in the future
9. Tell me something about your favourite type of holiday
10. Tell me something about your favourite type of weather
You should answer the following questions
Do you like hot weather?
what do you like to do when it is hot?
What type of weather do you like?
why do you like it?
Where do you want to go in that weather?
what do you like to do in that weather?
Những cụm từ cần học:
Từ để hỏi: who, what, where, when, how often, what kind of…
Watch TV, TV programme, TV channel, favourite TV programme, kind of film, on
(được chiếu), on youtube, on TV, on the internet, about, the last time, with (someone),
enjoy (a film, a holiday), at the cinema, at home, technological invention, impresses,

1. Do you like watching these tv programmes
1. Sports programme
2. Films
3. Comedy show
4. wildlife documentary
5. The news

Model answer
A: Do you like watching the news?
B: Yes, I do. I love it because I want to know what is happening in the world. Do you
like watching the news?
A: Me too because it’s interesting and useful. Do you like watching films?
B: Yes, of course. I like watching action films because it’s exciting and thriller. Do you
like watching films?
A: Yes. My favourite kind of film is cartoon because it’s funny. Do you like wildlife
B: No, I don't because it’s boring. And you?
A: Yes. I love it because it gives facts and useful information. Do you like watching
sports programme?
A: Yes, I do because It’s very interesting. Do you like sports progrmme?
B: Yes. I am a big fan of sports. Do you like watching comedy shows?
A: Sure. I like watching them because they are entertaining and funny. How about
B: Yes. I like it because they are a good laugh, but I don’t really think they are suitable
for children.

Follow up questions
Which of these TV programmes do you like best?
Do you prefer to watch sports on TV?
When do you prefer to watch TV?

2. Do you like these leisure activities?

1. going to an art gallery
2. listening to music
3. hanging out with friends
4. playing sports
5. watching TV

Model answer
A: Do you like going to an art gallery?
B: No, I don't like it because I don't like looking at paintings. Do you like going to an
art gallery?
A: No. I hate it because it’s boring. Do you like listening to music?
B: Yes, It is a great way to relax. And you?
A: Me too. It helps me to relax and reduce stress. Do you like hanging out with
B: Yes, I do. It is always a fun way to spend time together. Do you like hanging out
with friends?
A: Yes. I like to spend time with my friends and it’s fun. Do you like playing sports?
B: Yes, I love it because it is good for my health. What about you?
A: Yes. I think it’s a way of getting some exercise. Do you like watching TV?
B: No, I don't like watching TV because it is boring. Do you like watching TV?
A: Yes, I like watching TV because it has a lot of different types of TV programmes.

Follow up questions:
Which of these activities to entertain do you like best?
Do you prefer going to an art gallery?
Do you prefer watching films at home?

3. Do you like these different types of film?

1. thriller
2. wildlife documentary
3. romantic
4. horror
5. cartoon/animation

Model answer
A: Do you like watching thriller film?
B: Yes, I do because it often has exciting chasing and fight scenes. Do you like thriller
A: Me too. I like it because it’s very exciting. Do you like watching wildlife
B: Yes. I love it because it gives facts and information about a subject. And you?
A: No, I don’t like watching it because it’s boring. Do you like romantic film?
B: Yes, I love it because it’s about love story and it makes me have a lot of different
feelings. Do you like watching romantic film?
A: No, I don’t like watching it because it makes me feel sad. Do you like watching
horror films?
B: No, I don’t like horror films because I find them too scary. How about you?
A: No, I don’t like really frightening films. Do you like watching cartoon?
B: Yes, I enjoy watching cartoons. There are many cartoons that are entertaining for
both kids and adults. Do you like cartoon film?
A: Me too. It’s funny and It makes me laugh a lot.

Follow up questions:
Which of these types of film do you like best?
Do you prefer watching films alone or with friends?
Where do you prefer to watch films?

4. do you like different places

1. Stadium: I like watching a football match /it’s exciting
2. theatre: I don’t like watching a play / it’s boring
3. art gallery: I like looking at the paintings /it’s interesting.
4. cinema: I want to see a good film. I like watching films on big screens. I like
going to the cinema to meet my friends.
5. museum: I like looking at old things/ objects

follow up:
which of these places do you like best?
do you prefer going to the museum? (Why?)
Where do you prefer to watch films? (Why?)

5. Do you like these different subjects?

1. Maths
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Literature
5. IT
Follow up questions
Which of these subjects do you like best?
Do you prefer learning IT?
When do you prefer to learn IT?

6. Do you like these different subjects?

1. Maths
2. Geography
3. History
4. Literature
5. English

Follow up questions
Which of these subjects do you like best?
Do you prefer learning English?
When do you prefer to learn English?

7. Do you like these different technology achievements

1. send people into space
2. robots
3. new medicines
4. the internet
5. self-driving cars

Follow up questions
Which of these technology achievements do you like best?
Do you prefer travelling into the space? (Why?)
When do you often use the internet? (Why?)

8. do you like these different types of holidays?

1. camping
2. hiking in the mountains
3. beach holiday
4. sightseeing tour
5. backpacking

Model answer
A: Do you like going camping?
B: Yes, I do. I love it because I enjoy being outdoors and experiencing nature. I like
spending time exploring the place with my friends. Do you like going camping?
A: Me too. It’s exciting and fun. It’s time for relax. Do you like hiking in the
B: No, I don't. It can be dangerous. How about you?
A: No. I hate it because it’s dangerous and you have to carry a lot of things with you.
Do you like beach holiday?
B: Yes. I love it because I like swimming and enjoying fresh air. Do you like beach
A: Yes, I do because it’s nice and I like going swimming with my family. It’s fun. Do
you like sightseeing tour?
B: Yes, of course. I like sightseeing tour in different cities because there is a lot to see.
Do you like going sightseeing?
A: Yes. I like visiting a lot of different places, but it is a waste of time. Do you like
B: Yes. It’s cheap and I can go anywhere and anytime I want. And you?
A: No. I don’t like backpacking because I have to plan everything and carry a lot of
things with me.

Follow up questions:
Which of these types of holidays do you like best?
I like going camping holiday because I enjoy being outdoors and experiencing nature. I
like spending time exploring the place with my friends. We often prepare necessary
things for the trip like food, water, and a tent. We often go to the mountains or the
countryside to camp. It is great to be away from the city.
Do you prefer travelling? (Why?)
Which country do you prefer to visit? (Why?)

9. Do you like exploring these places

1. Artic circle
2. Lake
3. Mountain
4. Forest
5. Waterfall

Follow up questions:
Which of these places do you like to explore the most?
Do you prefer hiking in the mountains?
Where do you prefer to go on holiday?
10. do you like these different types of weather
1. sunny: because I like going swimming
2. rainy: b/c it’s boring, dirty and wet
3. stormy: b/c it’s very dangerous/terrible (to damage) It killed a lot of people
4. snowy: b/c it’s nice /unusual
5. cold: b/c I like sleeping and eating

Follow up questions
Which of these types of weather do you like best?
Do you prefer walking in the rain? (Why?)
In which weather do you want to go out? (Why?)

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