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Topic in ART:

Colors in Murals

Color pertains to the use of the hue in artwork and design. You already know that that the
primary colors red, yellow, and blue cannot be produced in pigment from other hues, while
secondary colors green, orange, and violet are produced from combining two primary colors.
Color adds life to anything —may they be objects, environments, or even people. Girls,
for example, put color on their faces, their nails, and take time out to know which color of clothes
suits them best. In a highly visual age like today, color matters a lot. The study and correct use of
colors is important especially in the arts but also in design trends.

Primary Colors

In the 18th century, the RYB primary colors became the foundation of theories of color vision, as
the fundamental sensory qualities that are blended in the perception of all physical colors and
equally in the physical mixture of pigments or dyes. These theories were enhanced by 18th century
investigations of a variety of purely psychological color effects, in particular, the contrast between
complementary or opposing hues that are produced by color after images and in the contrasting
shadows in colored light.
Painters have long used more than the three RYB primary colors in their palettes — and at
one point considered red, yellow, blue, and green to be the four primaries. Red, yellow, blue, and
green are still widely considered the four psychological primary colors, though red, yellow, and
blue are sometimes listed as the three psychological primaries, with black and white occasionally
added as a fourth and fifth.

Secondary Colors

A secondary color is a color made by mixing two primary colors in a given color space.
RYB uses pigments, similar to CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow), which combine subtractively by
absorbing light. Thus, combining colors using the RYB system will result in a darker color. The
composition is red + yellow= orange, yellow+ blue= green, and blue+ red= purple.

Tertiary Colors

A tertiary color is a color made by mixing either one primary color with one secondary color, or
two secondary colors, in a given color space.
The primary colors in the RYB color wheel are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary
colors in the RYB color wheel are made by combining the primary colors to produce orange,
green, and violet.
In the RYB system, as used in traditional painting and interior design, tertiary colors are typically
named by combining the names of the adjacent primary and secondary.

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 Oslo paper
 Poster paints (primary colors)
 Paints brushes
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 Black marker
Still-life Painting


1. Choose your subjects; subjects of still-life painting are objects that don’t move.
2. Make a preliminary sketch on the Oslo paper using pencils.
3. Finalize design by tracing the sketches with a black marker.
4. Paint the design using different colors that you can produce using the primary colors only.
5. Wash your brush with water before switching to another color. Use wide brushes for big
spaces and fine brushes for small details.
6. Let your painting dry.

- You will be graded using the rubrics below.

Criteria 5 4 3 2
Following All directions were Most directions were Some directions None of the
Project followed. followed. were followed directions were
Use of Creativity Used your own ideas Used most of your Used some of your Did not use your
and imagination. own ideas and imagination. own ideas or
imagination. imagination.

Neatness Completed artwork is Completed artwork is Completed Artwork is

very neat. neat with some parts artwork is more incomplete or
less neat. messy than neat. extremely messy.

Effort put into You took your time You worked hard for You put a small You rushed
project and worked hard on most of the time. effort into the through and did
the project. project. not work hard.

Weekly Evaluation

Direction: Identify the name of the colors when mixed with other colors. Write your answer on
the space provided. Base your answer on the color wheel on our discussion.

1. Red + orange= _________________________________

2. Purple + red= _________________________________

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3. Red + yellow= _________________________________

4. Red + blue = _________________________________

5. Yellow + blue = _________________________________

6. Yellow + green = _________________________________

7. Orange + yellow= _________________________________

8. Green + blue = _________________________________

9. Blue + purple = _________________________________

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Topic in HEALTH:
Maintaining a Healthful Physical Environment in
School and Community

One of the effective ways to keep your school and community clean is through proper waste
management. This can be done by means of the following:
1. Identify and separate wastes
Wastes can be classified as biodegradable, non-biodegradable and hazardous
wastes. Biodegradable are wastes that can decompose or destroy by itself. Non-
biodegradable are those that cannot be destroyed by any means even if they are burned.

Hazardous wastes are dangerous wastes that are

harmful to people, plants and animals.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable Hazardous Wastes

paper plastic chemicals
kitchen polystyrene used batteries
yard cuttings glass expired medicines

2. Proper Waste Management

Reduce waste by recycling or reusing them. When you recycle, you break down waste
products back to their basic material for reuse for the same purpose or for other purposes.
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What is recycling?
All across the cities in our country, garbage
trucks pick up trash from every house and street corners.
Even in nearby towns and cities, there are dump sites.
The piles of trash are getting bigger and bigger each day.
City governments are running out of places on where to
put these trashes.
Because of this, recycling
has been introduced to lessen the
piles and piles of trash. To
recycle means to use old materials again. Empty bottles can be given or
sold to garbage center they, in turn sell these to a company that melts the
glass and makes new bottles.
Used papers, newspapers and
cardboards are loaded into a machine that crushes them
and ties them into bundles. These bundles are sold by
paper companies that process the old papers to make
fresh paper and cardboard. Empty cans are recycled by
dumping them into big machine. This machine has
magnets that separate the steel cans from aluminum
cans. These cans are then crushed and sent to companies
that melt the cans and use the metal again.

Why is recycling

There are two good reasons why recycling is needed. First, if we recycle our trash at home
and in school, the garbage dumps will not be filled up quickly. Second, recycling and reusing old
newspapers mean a fewer trees will be cut to produce papers. Fewer new materials will be made.
Less oil will be used to run electrical companies. Less supply will be needed by factories. These
are all good for our planet, Earth.
a. Store your waste in tight-fitting storage containers after the separation of biodegradable
from non-biodegradable wastes.
b. Use proper waste disposal system.

Trashes or wastes should not be thrown in an open area where they pose health threats
because of insects and rodents. They should neither be thrown into lakes, streams and rivers.
The following are the proper ways of disposing wastes:
1. Composting- this is done when you make a
compost pit where you place organic wastes and
leave it to rot. The soil bacteria aids in transforming
your organic or natural fertilizers.
2. Proper disposal of hazardous waste could be

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of landfills. This is when wastes are buried between layers of soil and covers by dirt. The
landfill is compressed and smoothens out by means of heavy equipment like bulldozers.
This type of waste disposal takes out the risks of water supply and diseases from flies and
rats. The non-burning of waste or refuse also makes the air free from pollutants.


Direction: Make anything that can be used in school made of recycled materials. You will
be graded using the rubrics below:

Criteria 5 3 1

Following Project All directions were Some directions were None of the directions
Directions followed. followed were followed.

Use of Creativity Used your own ideas and Used some of your Did not use your own
imagination. imagination. ideas or imagination.

Materials Materials used are all Some of the materials are Did not use recycled
recycled. recycled. materials.

Effort put into You took your time and You put a small effort into You rushed through and
project worked hard on the project. the project. did not work hard.

Weekly Evaluation

Direction: (In 1 week) Sort the waste in your house into four categories: Paper & Cardboard,
Metal, Glass, Plastics (MGP), Food Waste and Landfill/ Trash. (Do not sort waste from
bathroom or health related areas. And wear gloves while auditing) Then, weigh the waste after it
is sorted into correct categories and record the results in the Audit Data Sheets below. After
auditing answer the following question. (Write you answer on a separate sheet and staple it here.)
Waste Audit Date: _______________
Time: _______________
Weight (in lbs.)

Food Additional Comment

Paper MGP Trash

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1. What were the main components of your house’s waste?

2. What were the some of the items that could have been reused instead of thrown away?

3. How could you reduce waste going to landfills?

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