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"APFIX THE PHOTOGRAPH ‘AS PER THE SPECIFICATION _Antrag auf Erte cines Viewns fir inen PHOTO ‘Anfenthale von mer als 3 Monaten (Vicum D) Application fora Visa fora stay exceeding 3 months Fisa Dj AME SHOULD BE | SHANTHA, PER THE PASSPORT Vere) Sansn(a))/ Fier name) (Gien name) “Geb Toles Tae) | Gobet Has ofa Daw efbve damon BANGALOR= 23/06/1980 Noe re Fasiacestoaral Ta Qasele male a leg snle Sets fle 2 vette maried sNeraler es Oram paper _ Seadenass Spec paspor 2 biplensiepoe Diplinane pert | Senge: Redakunent (ite nae Angaben) /Otor Diets Somseepacor (paved decane plose per) Wamsoe des Receichunesty | Aecelnaplina’] Giigte Tal | Repeal Gach Eom nevreeanrertmces | “37173013 | 23/01/2005] _RPO BANGALORE “Wels ed Nn -Anci de Atos “aa Tapone Applicants hone ods cndomel adress TWO ALTERNATIVE CURRENT ADDRESS AND EMAILID OF APPLICANT | NUMBER. 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