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Fall 2022 – MAT135

Learning Objectives for Midterm

Learning Objectives for Section 1.1
 Determine whether a given relationship is a function
 Use algebraic function notation (e.g. f (x) or g(t))
 Interpret and convert between the 4 representations of functions:

• algebraic (formulas)
• graphical (graphs)
• numerical (tables of values)
• verbal (descriptions in words)

 Determine the domain and range of a given function

 Explain the meaning of an increasing or decreasing function
 Make a judgment about whether a linear function models a set of data or a graph well, and construct
linear models from this information

 Convert between verbal descriptions using the word proportional and other representations of functions

Learning Objectives For Section 1.2

 Draw graphs of functions that have a given set of properties on certain intervals, including being
concave up or concave down, increasing or decreasing, linear, or exponential
 Describe exponential functions using the four representations of functions:
• verbally: including ‘half-life’ and ‘doubling time’
• graphically
• algebraically: using different bases (including base e)
• numerically: constant percentage increase
 Make a judgement about whether an exponential function models a set of data or a graph
well, and construct exponential models from this information

 Compare properties of exponential and linear functions

Learning Objectives for Section 1.3

 Connect transformations of functions (shifts, flips, and stretches) to their algebraic and
graphical representations
 Draw graphs of functions that have a given set of properties, including being even or odd
 Determine if a given function is invertible
 Compose functions given algebraically, numerically, graphically, or verbally.

 Construct the inverse of a function using the four representations of functions:
• algebraic (formulas)
• numerical (tables of values)
• graphical (reflection of graph)
• verbal (interpret the meaning of an inverse function, or determine if a function
described in words is invertible)
 Use transformations of functions to help construct mathematical models

Learning Objectives For Section 1.4

 Simplify and rearrange expressions with logarithms in them
 Define logarithms, including ln, log10 , loga
 Construct four representations of logarithmic functions from the appropriate representation of an
exponential function exponential functions
 Use logarithms to solve equations, including to help you construct exponential models
 Use logarithms to help create plots and determine what types of models are appropriate
 Graph transformations of logarithmic functions

Learning Objectives for Section 1.5

 Remember the definitions of a radian and of arc length, and identify their relationships
 Identify key properties of trigonometric functions and their transformations, including their amplitude
and period
 Translate between four representations of trigonometric functions: algebraic, graphical, numerical, and
 Assess whether a set of data or a graph is modelled well by a trigonometric function and construct
trigonometric models from the information

Learning Objectives for Section 1.6

 Compare the information given by local and global views of functions, and explain why each is impor-

 Determine the end behaviour of polynomial and rational functions and use this to find asymptotes
 Make a judgement about whether a polynomial function models a set of data or a graph
well, and construct polynomial models from a graph or table of values.
 Categorize functions as linear, power, polynomial, rational, exponential, or trigonometric value using
four representations of functions
• Use rates of change in categorization
• Recognize functions with constant rates of change as linear functions
 Develop mathematical models that fit given numerical data and verbal descriptions

 Analyze which representation of a function is most suitable for a given context

 Work with 4 representatives of polynomial and rational functions

University of Toronto 2 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 2.1
 Sketch distance, velocity, and speed graphs matching motion described in words and
describe motion matching given graphs
 Define the instantaneous velocity at a point in terms of average velocities, in words

 Given a distance versus time graph, identify lines whose slopes are equal to average and instantaneous
 Identify the interaction between the verbal, graphical, and algebraic definitions of average and instan-
taneous velocity

 Critique definitions of instantaneous velocity

 Explain why we use a limit rather than a ∆t = 0 when defining instantaneous velocity
and value the importance of limits when defining speed

Learning Objectives for Section 1.7

 Demonstrate an understanding that limits only take into account what happens near a
point, and that they do not take into account any information about what happens at a

 Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamic nature of limits

 Remember the definition of continuity in terms of limits
 Identify points of continuity and discontinuity
 Approximate limits of functions using graphs and tables of values

 Compute the exact value of limits of continuous functions

 Identify and illustrate functions where limits do not exist.
• Left hand limit is not equal to right hand limitderivative: a sharp point)
• Limit is infinite
• Oscillatory behaviourbehaviour that does not dampen)
 Identify the connection between limits and the velocity problem

Learning Objectives for Section 1.8

 Approximate one-sided limits graphically, numerically, and algebraically
 Use the Properties of Limits to compute limits of functions represented algebraically
 Apply the Properties of Limits to compute limits of combinations of functions represented graphically

 Calculate asymptotes of functions using tables of values, graphs, and elementary algebraic reasoning
 Given the distance versus time function for a moving object, estimate and compute instantaneous
velocities of moving objects using the four representations of functions:
• algebraic: compute using limit definition of instantaneous velocity and limit laws
• numerical: estimate using limits of average velocities on smaller and smaller intervals
• graphical: estimate using graphs and tangent lines
• verbal: explain the connection between average and instantaneous velocity

University of Toronto 3 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 1.9
 Use the Limit Laws to compute limits of the form limx→∞ f (x) and limx→a g(x)
 Recognize why the Squeeze Theorem is true

 Create bounds on functions so that the Squeeze Theorem can be applied

 Give 3 reasons why ∞ is not a number
 Explain why the ratio of a ‘number close to 0’ divided by another ‘number close to 0’ can be any number,
and what this implies about limits of quotients where both the denominator and the numerator are
approaching 0

 For a moving object with a given distance versus time function, compute its velocity and speed at a
particular time using current knowledge of limits
• Explain why we do not take the limit of the distance versus time function to compute the velocity
and speed

Learning Objectives for Section 2.2

 Recognize and use the ‘prime’ notation (e.g. f 0 (a)) for the derivative of a function at a point
 Estimate and compute rates of change of functions using the four representations of the
• algebraic: compute using limit definition of the derivative and limit laws
• numerical: estimate using limits of average rates of change
• graphical: estimate using graphs and tangent lines
• verbal: explain the connection between average and instantaneous velocity
 Translate between four representations of the derivative
 Connect the following interpretations of the derivative of a function at a point: the limit
of average rates of change, an instantaneous rate of change, and as the slope of the tangent
line at a point
f (a + h) − f (a)
 Explain why we think of as a function of h when finding an instantaneous rate of
f (x) − f (a)
change as functions of h and x, respectively
 Explain and use the relationship between the sign of the derivative at a point and whether the function
is increasing or decreasing near that point
 After Class: Compute the derivative at a point and use it to solve problems including:
• Finding the equation of a tangent line at a point
• Determining whether a function is increasing or decreasing at a point
• Estimating the value of a function at a point

University of Toronto 4 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 2.3
 Construct the derivative function by identifying its input/output relationship
 Compute and/or approximate the derivative function using the following three representations

• Algebraically: Use a limit definition of the derivative to compute a derivative function

• Graphically: Given the graph of a function, sketch a graph of its derivative (or vice versa)
• Numerically: Given a table of values, approximate a table of values of the derivative and explain
what information would make the approximations more accurate
 Given a list of conditions on a function, including whether the derivative at a given point is positive
or negative, sketch the graph of a function that satisfies all of the properties
 Relate the problem of finding the equation of a tangent line at a point to the problem of finding the
closest linear approximation of a function at a point

Learning Objectives for Section 2.4

 Use Leibniz notation for both the derivative function an the derivative at a point, and use it to define
different derivatives in situations involving multiple variables
 Identify the units of a derivative, when applicable

 Find and/or approximate the derivative function using four representations

• Algebraically: Use a limit definition of the derivative to compute a derivative function
• Graphically: Given the graph of a function, sketch a graph of its derivative (or vice versa)
• Numerically: Given a table of values, approximate a table of values of the derivative and explain
what information would make the approximations more
• In words: Interpret the meaning of the derivative for a function and the derivative of
an inverse of a function in a given situation (without using the word ‘instantaneous’)
 Make predictions based on information about how a quantity is changing or its derivative in a variety
of applied situations

 Modify mathematical explanations different audiences

 Explain why using the phrase ‘instantaneous rate of change’ or ‘rate of change at a point’ when asked
to interpret a derivative is a circular definition
 Use the derivative to describe change in a wide variety of fields, including those related to your intended

Learning Objectives for Section 2.5

 Explain what is meant by the second, third, and higher derivatives

 Use Liebniz notation for higher-order derivatives

 Find and/or approximate the second derivative using four representations of functions, and translate
between these reprsentations
 Given a list of conditions on a function (including values or signs of first or second
derivatives and values of limits), sketch the graph of a function that satisfies all of the

University of Toronto 5 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 2.6
 Understand the graphs of families of functions functions (functions with parameters) by taking different
values for a parameter
 Identify where a function (given graphically, algebraically, or verbally) is non-differentiable
and differentiable
 Analyze connections between statements related to continuity and differentiability
 At points where a function is differentiable, solve problems including:
• Finding the local linearization of a function at a point, and making a prediction with it
• Determining whether a function is increasing or decreasing at a point

Learning Objectives for Section 3.1 and 3.2

 Quickly and efficiently find formulas for the derivative functions of polynomial functions, exponential
functions, and sums and differences of these functions, including functions with parameters
 Justify that the derivative of an exponential function is proportional to the function itself,
using both graphical and algebraic arguments
 Make decisions about what type of function best models a situation given verbal infor-
mation about its rate of change (for example, the rate of change is proportional to the
function itself )
 Apply derivative computations to solve problems including:
• Finding the equation of a tangent line at a point
• Linear approximation and numerical approximations at a point
• Interpreting rates of change in words
• Determining where a function is increasing or decreasing

Learning Objectives for Section 3.3

 Critique Liebniz’s argument that the derivative of a product is the product of the derivative
 Quickly and efficiently compute derivatives of products of functions and quotients of functions using
the product and quotient ”rules” with other derivative short-cuts
 Apply derivative computations to solve problems including:

• Finding the equation of a tangent line at a point

• Linear approximation and numerical approximations at a point
• Interpreting derivatives in words
• Determining where a function is increasing or decreasing, or concave up and concave down
• Find multiple rates of change with respect to different variables in complex problems
 Given a graphical or numerical representation of differentiable functions f (x) and g(x) or
their derivatives, approximate or compute derivatives of f (x)+g(x),f (x)−g(x),cf (x),f (x)g(x),f (x)/g(x).

University of Toronto 6 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 3.4
 Use both Liebniz and function notation to represent the chain ”rule”, and recognize that they give the
same statement
 Apply the chain ”rule” to compute the derivatives of a variety of composite functions,
sometimes applying it several times or in combination with other ”rules”, interpreting
functions with parameters
 Apply multiple derivative ”rules” together to compute derivatives of complicated functions
 Understand that different derivative ”rules” can be applied to compute the derivative of a single
function (for example, product and chain ”rules” or the quotient ”rule”)
 Apply derivative computations to solve problems including:
• Finding the equation of a tangent line at a point
• Linear approximation and numerical approximations at a point
• Interpreting the meaning of derivatives in words
• Determining where a function is increasing or decreasing, or concave up and concave down
• Find multiple rates of change with respect to different variables in complex problems

Learning Objectives for Section 3.5

d d
 Sketch rough graphs of the shapes of dx cos(x) and dx sin(x), and use them to predict algebraic formulas
for the derivatives
 Quickly and efficiently compute derivatives of functions involving sin(x), cos(x) and tan(x)
 Give an example of a situation in science or social science where it is more natural to describe the
derivative of a function modelling a situation than the function itself
 Apply derivative computations to solve problems including:
• Finding the equation of a tangent line at a point
• Linear approximation and numerical approximations at a point
• Interpreting rates of change in words
• Determining where a function is increasing or decreasing or concave up or concave down

Learning Objectives for Section 3.6

 Find the inverse of simple functions, and use them to write function compositions equal to the identity
function, f (x) = x
 Combine all derivative shortcuts to efficiently compute the derivatives of functions, including those
that involve inverse functions
 Apply derivative shortcuts to find or approximate derivatives of functions given graphi-
cally and numerically
 Use a computer graphing utility to zoom in on functions and identify windows where they are “locally
 Apply derivative computations to solve problems including:
• Finding the equation of a tangent line at a point
• Linear approximation and numerical approximations at a point
• Interpreting rates of change in words
• Determining where a function is increasing or decreasing or concave up or concave down

University of Toronto 7 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 3.7
 Verify if a point lies on an implicit curve
 Identify where the chain rule is used in implicit differentiation

 Efficiently compute derivatives of functions given implicitly

 Understand that the formula for a function given implicitly often contains several functions
 Find tangent lines to implicit curves and identify points where tangent lines are horizontal and vertical

Learning Objectives for Section 3.9

 Value the ability to solve complex and novel problems
 Use a computer graphing utility to zoom in on functions and identify windows where they are “locally

 Determine whether a linear approximation gives an overestimate or underestimate

 Explain why the tangent line at a point is the graphical representation of the linear
function that most closely approximates the function near that point
 Use local linearizations to approximate and predict values of a function

 Use local linearization to simplify applied mathematical model

Learning Objectives for Section 4.1

 Identify local and absolute extrema on open and closed intervals on graphs, and sketch graphs with
extrema at given point
 Provide examples to demonstrate that f 0 (a) = 0 does not imply that f has a local extrema at a
 Select an appropriate test to determine if a local maximum or minimum value occurs at
a critical point

• Articulate the conditions of the First and Second Derivative Test

• Recognize that the First Derivative Test is never inconclusive, but that it requires evaluations of
the derivative on either side of the point in question
• Recognize when the Second Derivative Test is inconclusive

 Write rigorous arguments that a given point is a local maximum or minimum for a function
or family of functions using:
• Theorem 4.1
• The First Derivative Test
• The Second Derivative Test

 Translate between algebraic and graphical representations of a function by identifying

• intervals of increase or decrease
• intervals where the function is concave-up or concave-down
• local maxima and minima
• inflection points

University of Toronto 8 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 4.2
 Given a function on a closed interval, use convincing and thorough arguments to find its
absolute maximum and minimum values algebraically
• Find the critical points on the intervals
• Check values of function at all candidate points (i.e. endpoints and critical points), and compare
 Find global extrema of functions over open intervals, and use rigorous arguments to justify solutions
• Recognize that functions may not have absolute extrema over open intervals
• Replace the step of evaluating the function at endpoints with finding limits as you approach an
endpoint in the procedure for optimizing functions over a closed interval
 Calculate bounds on the outputs of a function
 Identify the domain of functions, given algebraically or verbally (arising from practical situations)

Learning Objectives for Section 4.3

 Formulate a plan for solving applied optimization problems
 Set-up and solve applied optimization problems

• Draw a diagram and introduce notation to describe the situation

• Identify quantity to be optimized, and whether a maxima or a minima needs to be
• Write a function that relates quantity to be optimized to other variables in the
problem (including using geometric considerations, when necessary)
• Identify the domain of a function from an applied situation
• Construct relationships between variables (sometimes using geometric relationships)
and use them to reduce the target equation to a single variable
• Apply techniques for finding global extrema to thoroughly justify a choice of global
maxima or minima

 Recognize and employ common problem-solving strategies for a variety of problems

Learning Objectives for Section 4.4

 Recognize the difference between a parameter and a variable in a family of functions
 Use a graphing utility to understand the effect of different parameters in a family of functions, by
choosing sample values for the parameters.
 Determine how parameters in a family of functions influence concavity, periods of increase
or decrease, and extrema

 Calculate parameters for a function modelling a specific situation, given information about concavity,
extrema, and periods of increase or decrease

University of Toronto 9 MAT135

Learning Objectives for Section 4.6
 Clearly and explicitly define variables related to a situation that is described in words
 Write down known and unknown quantities in a given situation, including using Leibniz notation for
multiple rates of change in a single situation
 Recognize problems that call for a related rates approach
 Construct relationships between variables, including using geometry
 Connect multiple rates of change using the chain ”rule”
 Put all of the learning objectives together to set-up and solve complex related rates problems
 Identify strategies that can be used to make progress on problems when you are stuck

Learning Objectives for Section 4.7

 Identify the growth behaviour of functions as x → +∞ and as x → 0
 Compare the dominance of functions as x → +∞ and as x → 0

Learning Objectives for Section 11.1

 Understand the definitions of a differential equation and an initial value problem
• Explain the difference between differential equations of the form dx
dy dy
= f (x) and dx =
• Recognize that a differential equation has an infinite number of solutions, while an
initial value problem has a single solution
 Verify that a given function or family of functions is a solution to a differential equation
 Compute or find conditions on parameters in families of functions in order for them to satisfy differential
 Identify key graphical features of the solutions to differential equations
 Translate between situations given in words and algebraic representations given by dif-
ferential equations
 Approximate numerical values of a function that is the solution to an initial value problem

Learning Objectives for Section 11.2

 Use slope fields to approximate graphical solutions to differential equations and initial
value problems
 Identify the direction field corresponding to a given differential equation
 Sketch slope fields by hand over small intervals and use an applet or computer algebra
system to construct larger slope fields

Learning Objectives for Section 11.3

 Use Euler’s method to generate an approximate table of values for a solution to an initial value problem
 Explain why Euler’s method can be made more precise by taking smaller step sizes
 Use the concavity of a function to explain when Euler’s method will give an underestimate and when
it will give an overestimate

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