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Topic in English:

Analyzing the Settings in Print, Non-print and

Digital Materials: Urban, Rural, Affluent and Poor

 What is a setting?
o It is a place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event
takes place.
 What are the types of settings used in print, non-print and digital materials?
o Urban area- is the region
surrounding a city. Most
inhabitants of urban areas have
nonagricultural jobs. Urban areas
are very developed, meaning there
is a density of human structures
such as houses, commercial
buildings, roads, bridges and
railways. “Urban area” can refer to
towns, cities and suburbs.
o Rural area- or
countryside is a
geographic area that
is located outside
towns and cities…
whatever is not
urban is considered
rural. “Typical rural
areas have a low
population density and small settlements.
Agricultural areas are commonly rural, as
are other types of areas such as forest.
o Affluent- means having an abundance of
goods or riches: Wealthy

o Poor- means lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or

normal in a society.


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Direction: On a long bond paper, make a Venn diagram that shows the differences and
similarities of Urban Area and Rural Are, Affluent and Poor. You will be graded using the
rubrics below.

2 3 4 5
Followed less
Following Did not follow Followed most Followed all
than half of the
directions directions. directions. directions.
Somewhat neat, Neat, executed
Not neat, did not
executed some Neat, executed required skills
Neatness execute required
skills with required skills. well and added
assistance. additional skills.
Showed some Work
Showed little to no individual demonstrates use
demonstrates use
Originality evidence of using thought but lacks of own
of own ideas and
own ideas. in sincere imagination with
originality. added detail.
Some Applied Applied
Understand Misunderstanding
understanding understanding understanding
and Met and/ or did not meet
and met part of and met and surpassed
Objective objective.
the objective. objective. objective.
Completed less Completed the
Exceeded project
Complete Did not complete. than half the project, stayed
project. on task.

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Weekly Evaluation

Direction: Critically observe the pictures below. Classify whether the setting is urban or rural,
affluent or poor.

1. _____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________

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5. ____________________________

6. ____________________________

7. ____________________________

8. ____________________________

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