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Interview Dos and Don’ts

Do …

Decrease your stress. Remind yourself that the interview will be more of a conversation rather than
an interrogation.

Prepare some anecdotes. Be ready to talk about your interests, skills, and experiences – your career
story – and provide examples from your life that demonstrate your professional and behavioral

Arrive 10 minutes early. No more, no less. Late attendance is never excusable. Arriving too early may
be seen as an intrusion for those who aren’t ready to receive you.

Check your appearance (teeth, hair, clothes) prior to the interview.

Shake hands with everyone you meet during the interview.

Choose to sit in a chair rather than on a couch for better interview posture.

Rise from your chair to shake hands with and greet new people who enter the room to join the

Truthfully, professionally, and directly answer questions. Be sure you answer the questions the
interviewer really asks rather than ones you feel more confident answering. Never use negative
language when discussing a previous work experience.

Get the interviewer to describe the position and responsibilities early in the conversation so you can
relate your skills and your background to the position throughout the interview.

Discuss your qualifications. Stress accomplishments that are most pertinent to the job.

Positively conduct yourself. Smile, make eye contact, nod occasionally to indicate
understanding/agreement, don’t slouch, and maintain your composure.

Dress appropriately. Even if casual dress is common to the workplace, dress up for the interview.

Ask questions throughout the interview. Rather than a one-sided conversation, an interview should
be a mutual exchange of information. The interviewer will appreciate not having to initiate all the

Listen. Concentrate not only on the interviewer’s words, but also on his/her tone of voice and body
language. Once you understand how an interviewer thinks, pattern your answers accordingly to
better relate.

Don’t …

Interrupt the interviewer. If you don’t have time to listen, neither will he/she.
Answer vague questions. Rather than answer puzzling questions, kindly ask the interviewer for
clarification and then respond.

Smoke, chew gum, or place anything on the interviewer’s desk.

Be overly familiar (address by first names, joke excessively, give pats on the back, etc.) even if the
interviewer demonstrates familiarity.

Wear heavy perfume or cologne.

Ramble. Long answers can sound apologetic, indecisive, or unfocused in your thinking. Conversely,
avoid answering questions with a laconic “yes” or “no.” Support your answers with brief, specific
anecdotes from your employment history.

Consume alcoholic beverages or order expensive entrees if the interview comprises lunch or dinner.

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