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5S Management

5S is a visual-oriented system of cleanliness, organization and arrangement
designed to facilitate greater productivity, safety and quality. It’s a foundation for
more responsible behavior on the job – better work, better products, better morale.

This course also will change the mindset of participants on 5S, where it will be
projected as a change of culture rather than a project. The seminar begins with a
presentation of 5S principles. It continues with a self-audit and discussion of what 5S
in practice could look like in your organization. It concludes with implementation
planning and a discussion of barriers and supporting factors for 5S success in your
organization. Participants will learn the 5 levels of 5S continuous improvement as an
auditing tool to achieve an ongoing results.

Course Objectives
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
 Understand the operational approaches and impact of the 5S in their
 Measure and monitor the 5S implementation through Level of Achievement
 Prepare, execute and refine a 5S Management System in the organization
 Identify barriers and able to overcome them

Target audiences
Managers, engineers, 5S committees

1 day

Course Outline
 What is 5S All About?
o An overview of the 5S foundation Benefits and operational impacts of
implementing the 5S
o Mapping 5S through Japanese – English – Bahasa Malaysia version
for better understanding
 Why is the need of 5S management?
o Overview of common wastes and identifying them in your work place
o Categories of wastes
o How 5S help in eliminating and minimizing wastes?
 Continuous improvement: Refining the 5S process
o Do you just stop there?
o How to challenge the organization for further continual improvement?
o Borrowing Kaizen concept in maximizing the continual improvement

o Developing ownership for a preventive-based 5S management system
o Measurement of 5S audit process and how to move forward
 8-point roadmap for effective 5S implementation
o 5S Management – Leadership Focus team & Team Synergy
o Infrastructure
o Communications
o Training
o 5 Pilots
o Best Practices – Detailed Level of Achievements Audit
o Full Roll-out plan
o Evaluate and Adjust
 Barrier to 5S Success and how to tackle them
 The 5S Challenge in your organization-wide initiative

Learning Process

 Case studies, which are built through actual working environments, small
group practical exercises, small group discussion, facilitator presentations,
skill practices, application planning and walk-through simulations.

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