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Affiliated to Urbaniana university







Aristotle's Metaphysics is regarded as one of the most influential philosophical works in history.
That man many philosophers been influenced by it including St. Thomas Aquinas and others. It
is a total whole with fourteen books inside it, these books delve into metaphysical themes,
providing the readers with insights into the nature of reality, existence, and the ultimate causes of
things. This paper is aimed at summarizing the book by highlighting the main ideas of Aristotle,
it is also aimed at finding the areas of weaknesses that can be criticized hence giving a criticism
to them and finally the paper will give some ways in which the Work of Aristotle metaphysics is
important in our daily lives.

To begin from Books 1 to 4, Aristotle discusses the Nature of Existence and Substance. He
provides an extensive analysis of existence and substance. Themes such as potentiality and
actuality, the four causes, and the distinction between matter and form characterize these initial
sections. Aristotle posits that everything in the physical world consists of a combination of
matter and form, and that it is through this combination that substances come into existence. He
further discusses the principle of causality, highlighting four causes: material, efficient, formal,
and final. By establishing a framework for understanding the nature of things, these books lay
the foundation for the subsequent discussions.

In Books 5 and 6, Aristotle deals with the Unity and Nature of Being. He explores the concept of
unity as an essential aspect of existence, arguing that all things are connected in a hierarchical
order. He posits that there is a primary substance, referred to as "the One," which is the ultimate
source of unity and being for all other substances. Furthermore, Aristotle introduces the concept
of potentiality, discussing how substances can possess potential but may require actuality to
fulfill that potential.

In Books 7 to 9, He tackle the problem of Actuality and Potentiality. Building upon the previous
discussions, the seventh to ninth books delve deeper into the concepts of actuality and
potentiality. Aristotle argues that these notions coexist in a complementary relationship, with
actuality representing the completion or realization of potentiality. He explains that potentiality
is an inherent capacity within substances, and actuality is the manifestation of that potential. This

dialectic between actuality and potentiality provides a theoretical framework for understanding
processes of change and development.

In Books 10 to 12, He concentrates on the Nature of Substance, God, and Being. In the tenth,
eleventh, and twelfth books, Aristotle focuses on the nature of substance, the existence of God,
and the concept of being. He argues that substances are the fundamental building blocks of
reality, as they possess independent existence and are not mere qualities or attributes. Aristotle
also presents his famous argument for the existence of God as the eternal unmoved mover,
whose existence is intrinsic to the coherence of the cosmos. Additionally, he explores the nature
of being, examining the relationship between essence and existence and positing that being is
fundamental to all existence.

And finally in Books 13 and 14, he discusses Philosophy and the Study of Metaphysics. Here he
focuses on the nature of philosophy itself and the study of metaphysics. Aristotle reflects on the
role of philosophy as a pursuit of wisdom and as a means to understand the ultimate causes and
principles of reality. He emphasizes the importance of metaphysics as the foundational science
that explores the nature of being and seeks to uncover the ultimate truths of the universe

However, while Aristotle’s metaphysics has made significant contributions to our understanding
of the world, there are several areas where I disagree with him and therefore worthy of criticism.

The first issue is the issue of the Nature of Substance. Aristotle defines substance as the
underlying subject or essence of an object. However, his idea of substances being composed of
matter and form fails to provide a coherent understanding of reality. By rigidly adhering to this
dualistic framework, Aristotle neglects the dynamic and interconnected nature of existence.

Secondly the Concept of Potentiality and Actuality. Aristotle introduces the concepts of
potentiality and actuality to explain change and motion. While acknowledging the importance of
change, his explanation lacks precision and consistency. For instance, Aristotle fails to explain
how potentiality can exist without actuality and how actuality can exist without potentiality,
leading to ambiguities in his framework.

Thirdly the Limitations of the Unmoved Mover. Aristotle introduces the concept of the Unmoved
Mover as the ultimate cause of all motion and change in the universe. While this notion attempts

to provide a metaphysical explanation for the existence of movement, it falls short in addressing
fundamental questions, such as the origin of the Unmoved Mover itself. Aristotle's argument
relies on an unexplained assumption, undermining its validity.

Also, Aristotle's concept of essence, closely tied to his doctrine of teleology, asserts that
everything in the universe has a purpose or function. However, this notion presumes that there is
an inherent design or predetermined end goal for each object or being. Such a teleological
perspective limits our understanding of purpose and fails to account for the complexity and
diversity of natural phenomena.

Aristotle's Metaphysics, although written in ancient times, continues to influence readers in the
contemporary world. While it may seem peculiar to study a work that dates back to over two
millennia ago, Aristotle's Metaphysics has enabled me to gain valuable insights that I have found
still relevant today.

Firstly, I have been able to understanding the Foundation of Western Philosophy and philosophy
at large. Aristotle's Metaphysics unveils the fundamental principles upon which philosophy is
built. By delving into Aristotle's thoughts, I have been able to explore the beginnings of
philosophical inquiry and grasp the historical origins of our modern understanding of the world.
Gaining this understanding allows for a more comprehensive appreciation of the evolution of
thought and ideology that shaped our society.

I have been able to Explore and understand the Concept of "Being" and "Reality". metaphysics,
as the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of reality, is central to Aristotle's work.
Through his examination of "being," Aristotle explores the concept of existence itself. This
exploration not only deepens our understanding of the world but also prompts us to reflect on our
own existence, purpose, and values. By engaging with Aristotle's metaphysical concepts, I have
gained insights into the nature of reality and potentially discover my own philosophical beliefs.

Thirdly the Examining Causality and the Laws of Nature. Causality, another essential aspect of
Aristotle's Metaphysics, seeks to understand the relationships between causes and effects, both in
the physical and abstract realms. Aristotle's emphasis on causality laid the foundation for
scientific inquiry and the development of the laws of nature. By familiarizing myself with

Aristotle's exploration of causality, I have gained a deeper comprehension of scientific principles
and a better grasp of cause-and-effect relationships in my own life.

Again enhancing Analytical Thinking and Reasoning. Throughout his work, Aristotle
emphasizes the importance of logical reasoning and analytical thinking. Engaging with his
Metaphysics necessitates critical thinking skills, as reader embark on the challenging task of
unraveling complex concepts, arguments, and theories. By honing my analytical abilities, me as
a reader of Aristotle's Metaphysics I have developed a more discerning approach to problem-
solving, decision-making, and philosophical inquiry.

And lastly Expanding the Horizon of Ethical Philosophy. Aristotle's Metaphysics also explores
ethical and moral philosophy, encompassing topics such as virtue, ethics, and the human
purpose. By navigating through his ethical theories, I have gained a broader perspective on moral
philosophy and reflect on my own ethical frameworks. Aristotle's insights on virtues, happiness,
and the cultivation of character has assisted me in contemplating my own ethical choices and
behavior in a complex world.


Despite of the few limitations that make Aristotle’s work to be criticized, Aristotle metaphysics
is still among the philosophical works that are still been praised up to today for the foundation it
laid down in various metaphysical studies. It represents a substantial body of work that has
influenced generations of philosophical thought. His delving into the fundamental questions of
existence, reality, and the nature of being through exploring concepts such as substance, essence,
causality, potentiality, actuality and the unmoved mover, presents a comprehensive metaphysical
flame work. His ideas have had a lasting impact on western philosophy and continue to shape
our understanding of the world. By studying Aristotle metaphysics we gain valuable insights into
the nature of reality and that govern it.

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