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KPI Performance Alignment


Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI),
help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals.
Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and
defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key
Performance Indicators are those measurements.
As stipulated in most management systems, the importance of employee and
motivation and empowerment is essential in achieving quality objectives.
Through a well-defined structure, organization will be able to align their
objectives, KPIs through job motivation and satisfaction. The model is structured
so as to identify the KPI, KRA (Key Result Area) and instrument to measure the
success of the KPI through performance alignment and management and the use
of the relevant metrics.


Managers, supervisor, executives who need to understand the company KPI and
wish to know who to align their objectives through employee motivation process

The outcomes of the workshop are
 Understand the role of KPI and KRA in a quality management system
 Understand the attribute of a KPI
 Learn to construct KPI for your organizational development
 Recognize different types of KPI and the consequences of using different
types of KPI for different departments and purposes
 Understand how to measure the success of KPI
 Determine action plan for any KPI which is not meeting targets

1 day

 Module 1: Introduction to KPI concept and performance measurement

o Overview
o Corporate Goal Setting and Mission Statement: What are those?
o What is performance measurement and Why do we need it?
o What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Result Area
o What constitutes a good performance measurement system?
o Characteristics of effective KPI

 Module 2: Defining the Key performance indicators (KPIs) and Key Result
Area (KRA)
o Balanced Performance Management – looking into Balanced
Scorecard Model
o Cascading from Mission Statement to Quality Objectives to KPIs
o Defining Process KPI/KRA – Mapping your company core business
o Establish Roles, Responsibilities and Critical Success Factor
o Set your KPI/KRA
o Set the target and review date for KPI
o Monitoring and Improving with KPIs – Developing Scorecard

 Module 3: How to manage KPIs?

o Barrier to a successful KPI
o Performance management toolkit and templates – how other
companies doing it? (Case studies)
o What are the KPIs/KRAs suitable for your department?

o Performance management / alignment and motivation

o What motivates people?
o Performance Appraisal preparation and conducting appraisal.
o Job Enrichment in Employee Motivation

 Module 4: Principles of effective appraisal

o Performance management / alignment and motivation
o What motivates people?
o Performance Appraisal preparation and conducting appraisal.
o Job Enrichment in Employee Motivation
o Motivation Through Job Design
 Skill Variety
 Task identity
 Task significance
 Autonomy
 Job feedback
o Appraisal skills
 Questioning, listening and giving feedback

 Module 5: Setting SMART objectives

o Goal Setting in Improving Performance
o KPI & Motivation
o Communicating performance objectives
o Writing SMART performance objectives


Case studies, small group practical exercises, small group discussion, facilitator
presentations, skill practices, application planning and walk-through simulations.

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