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ACTIVITY TITLE: Term-End Essay Assessment
CASE STORY TITLE: One’s Responsibility Part-1


Give your thoughts on what are your roles in the different interpersonal dynamics such as family, groups
and community.
Student’s Answer

The moment that we step foot on this land and can create connection with people, we certainly develop
roles that we must act upon. Whether it’s my family, friends, or even the people around me, it is expected
that I have a role to perform to function accordingly with others. Acting upon our responsibility is a
necessity to create a harmonious environment. Each person has a part to embody wherever one is
situated. Even so, I still ponder on the thought on what really is my role in this society. Well, I would like
to dive in more in this topic by critically thinking the role that is best suited for me varying on the
interpersonal dynamics given.

As I wonder more about the depths of my part within my interpersonal relationships, it falls into kind of
things such as being someone who can always be prepared and ready to give help and compassion to
others. If I talk about my role with family, I personally think that it is my responsibility to fulfill my duties
as the older sister by setting a good example for my sister, it is also expected of me to be always available
to attend to family matters. Furthermore, being a good citizen is the part I must do for me to fit in without
a problem with society. It is also ideal if I broaden my understanding towards the people around me so
that I can be compassionate. I also think that my role in these interpersonal dynamics really varies on the
weight of the relationship and situations but nonetheless, I always believe that it is important to be
someone who others can depend on and trust fully.

To wrap up everything that I have shared, the key to a harmonious and peaceful community are the
people who eagerly play their role within their interpersonal relationship. Each of us has our own idea on
what our part is but what is more important is that we must take it seriously. Each role that we think that
we have must be executed with eagerness and willingness. With pure intentions behind our actions, it is
not impossible for us to achieve a well-coordinated relationship with others. Thus, keeping up with the
role that we set for ourselves is necessary to function well within the community.
Document No.:
Effective Date:


Give your thoughts on the learnings you gained through this course and its relation to your duties
as a citizen and active member of society.
Student’s Answer

As my journey in this course comes to an end, I can say that I learned various things that I can use in my
duties in society. I have gone through an innovative journey of civic responsibility, community
engagement, and social consciousness. In the span of 9 weeks of learning CWTS it has relatively
broadened my comprehension of the roles each person partakes in society. From exploring themes of
social connectivity to polishing leadership and collaborative abilities, the course has provided me with the
tools I need to manage the complexities of our connected society. I will talk more about my educational
journey and share more on how it helped me in my personal growth.

There are multiple learnings that really created a great impact in overall performance to the community.
This course made me clearly understand my responsibility as a member of society. It helped me hone my
skills and abilities so that it may be of benefit to others and to the environment. Another thing is I was
able to create a connection to different communities around. Through the activities involving
communities, it gave me more understanding of how society works. Moreover, CWTS, develops leadership
skills and innovation as we create plans and projects for the community. Lastly, it has a big part in helping
me develop and grow as a person. With this I can be an effective and active member of society.

In conclusion, The CWTS course has been a turning point in my endeavor to develop civic understanding
and social responsibility. All the insights and learnings gained, ranging from society engagement to
leadership and collaboration, widen my perspective to give the best for society and strive for the
betterment of the community. As I continue this endeavor, I bring with me the ideals imparted by the
course, which create a dedication to constant learning, teamwork, and taking an active part in responding
to the challenges that our communities encounter. CWTS helped both society and me to grow and
continue in making a positive impact on various aspects.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Magcayan, Princess Keziah A. Ms. Rica Denice Mina



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