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Vestige Unbound

June 2023
DGR Piloting Eidomancy
This month we’re going to cover some DGR-related
Eidomancy is an ancient, difficult form of magic that
content. Along with the emergence of DGRs in Vestige of
harnesses the eidomantic radiation in the air to conjure
Ophiuchus, I’m happy to also reveal our system for piloting
mechs. This system is obviously still being play-tested, but powerful arcane effects. Compared to magic afforded to
mortal beings by the Eidomantic Web, eidomancy often
its rules should be able to cover not only DGR use, but
general mech use. 5th Edition wasn’t necessarily built for resulted in powerful but volatile effects. It was originally
developed by Vestias, and passed on to the arcanists of her
this kind of gameplay, but with some memorization it can be
time to retake magic in the battle against the Grand
functional! In the future I hope to make a more general
toolset that is focused on mech-centric games, which Primaries. After the Eidomantic Web was established and
mortal magic became possible through less dangerous
doesn’t grant multiple turns to the pilots.
means, eidomancy fell out of use in favor of spells with
Warlock Patron: Damocles more manageable effects. Though modern magic does
I’m including one of the many warlock pacts made for the involve ambient eidomantic radiation, the method by which
it is converted is dramatically different, trading control for
setting guide in this month’s releast as well! It is a partner-
explosive power.
based one similar to some done before, meant to evoke the
Eidolic Energy. All eidomancy spell damage is
idea of having a summonable super-robot. The included
style of having various patron premises and a list of considered eidolic.
Eidomancy Burn. Eidomancy spells can damage their
invocations unique to the subclass are something we’ll be
doing for all of our future Warlock Patrons. user. When one ends, the caster must attempt an
eidomantic check, which is a Constitution saving throw with
Eidomancy Spell Group a DC equal to 10 + the level at which it was cast + the
Finally, since the Warlock subclass has some spells that are number of turns after the first that it remained in effect while
eidomancy, I’m going to include the current eidomancy burn they were concentrating on it. If it is not a concentration
system below, which is tied to spells from the Eidomancy effect they make the check immediately after casting it,
school. Other spell groups have similar limitations and even if its duration is longer than instantaneous. On a
feedback. As a note, “Force Missile” is Mordenkainen’s failure, the caster suffers levels of exhaustion equal to half
Force Missile and “Supreme Hand” is Bigby’s Hand - we’re the spell’s level (rounded down, minimum 1), and cannot
removing trademark-laden caster names from spells for the cast this spell again until seven days have passed. If this
setting guide. failure would increase a creature’s level of exhaustion to 6,
they are reduced to 5 and are immediately reduced to 0 hit
points instead.
A creature’s spellcasting trait will note if they are excluded
from having to make eidomancy burn checks. These may
also be referred to as eidomantic checks or eidomancy
Arcane Reinforcement. If a caster fails a concentration

check to maintain an eidomancy spell, they can use their

reaction to roll a d20 and use it in place of their
concentration check’s d20 result.
Operating a DGR
Some individuals are capable of operating a DGR.
Framebilt are able to interface with them, but they are not
the only ones: the DGRs were built to incorporate eidolos
into their reactors, and so an eidolos can willingly reduce
themselves to sepherite to command the unit. As a
consequence, creatures carrying eidolic armaments can
pilot them as well. Some DGR’s also have PMLs that allow
for them to be commanded and controlled. The operate a
DGR, creatures must abide by the following mechanics:

A DGR unit is categorized by a scale referred to as their
footprint. This number is used to determine certain
DGR UNIT Footprint Creature Size Footprint
000 - ??? 7 Planetary creatures 14
001 - EXCALIBUR 5 Supermassive creatures 7
002 - ??? 5 Colossal creatures 5
003 - ??? 5 Tremendous creatures 4
005 - ??? 3 Titanic creatures 3
008 - ??? 3 Gargantuan and huge creatures 2
012 - ??? 3 Large and smaller creatures 1
019 - SAGITTA 3
XXX - ??? 7

A creature piloting a DGR must be an eidolos, or a creature Magic Items. If the operator has a magic weapon they are
that is half the size of the DGR or smaller. They must be attuned to that matches the description of a weapon carried
recognized by the DGR as an operator or pilot. Framebilt by the DGR (DM’s discretion), the DGR’s weapon can act
built in old ages for this purpose qualify, as do creatures as a conduit for the effects of the magic weapon. If the
carrying eidolic armaments or a PML for the DGR unit. operator has armor they are attuned to, the DGR gains the
Beings resplendent with eidomantic radiation such as effects of the armor as well (including its enhancement
Eidolons, gods, etc may engage with them the same way bonus). Only attuned items are considered for these
an eidolos would. purposes.
Proficiency Bonus. The difference between the DGR’s
Attack Rolls. The DGR’s ability scores are used to

determine attack and damage bonuses. proficiency bonus and the operator’s proficiency bonus are
Boarding. Entering a DGR takes an action if it is adjacent
added to the attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks the
to the operator, or an action by the DGR if the operator is DGR makes. If the pilot has a lower proficiency bonus, this
within their reach. Exiting the DGR takes the same amount is applied as a penalty.
Protected Pilot. The cockpit of a DGR is a sphere with a
of time as boarding unless the DGR is incapacitated, in
which case it also requires an amount of manual operation radius equal to 5 x its footprint. An operator remains within,
by the operator, represented in movement speed: it takes suspended, controlling the DGR through a visual simulation.
20 feet of movement for each point of footprint difference, Creatures cannot teleport into or form a gate of any kind
which may require several turns to accomplish. inside a DGR’s cockpit without the operator’s permission
Damage. The pilot has total cover in reference to
unless the DGR is incapacitated.
Saving Throws. Any Strength, Dexterity or Constitution
anything outside the DGR, and while piloting it they are in
an air-tight chamber with no openings for effects to enter save targeting the DGR uses its saving throws, while any
through. Damage received is dealt to the DGR unit unless Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma saving throws use the
otherwise stated. If anything manages to damage the pilot pilot’s saving throws. If an ongoing effect is on either, it is
despite their protection, the damage is reduced to half, and made on the turn of the one who would make the save
the DGR takes that reduced damage as well. (regardless of who it is affecting).
Healing. As the DGR is a construct, any feature that

cannot heal one cannot heal it. However, any healing spell
that targets the pilot also restores hit points to the DGR
equal to half the hit points the pilot regains.
The DGR and pilot have separate turns, determined by their Movement. The operator can use the DGR’s movement as
individual initiatives. On the DGR’s turn it takes whatever if it was their own, but using the DGR’s movement
actions are available to it as normal, acting generally in the consumes theirs as well. If the operator takes the Dash
operator’s interest or based on their commands. action this affects the DGR’s speed as well. The DGR’s
Actions & Features. On the operator’s turn, as long as speed on the operator’s turn is reduced by any movement
they and the DGR aren’t incapacitated, the operator can the DGR took on its previous turn, but when the operator’s
use their own actions through the DGR, using the DGR’s turn starts the DGR always has movement at least equal to
weapons to facilitate this. For example, a rogue operating the operator’s base movement speed (unless an effect is
the DGR can use their Sneak Attack through it, or a Paladin reducing it).
can enhance its damage with a Divine Smite. If the operator Any effect that would reduce the DGR’s movement speed
takes the Attack action, they can have the DGR make as below the operator’s base movement speed reduces the
many attacks as the operator is capable of. The operator operator’s speed to the same amount for the purposes of
cannot use the DGR’s Multiattack feature using their own piloting.
action unless otherwise stated. Reactions. The operator can have the DGR use its

Concentration. If a DGR and/or their operator are reaction as described in its stat block (if it has reactions),
concentrating on one or more effects, they make all of their and can use their own reaction to take actions (such as
concentration checks together whenever either takes Uncanny Dodge) through the DGR. The DGR regains its
damage (unless an effect specifically states one of them reaction at the start of its turn, as it normally would.
makes the check). When they do they make one check, Senses. The operator can see through the DGR’s senses

using the relevant Ability score that is higher between the while operating it. Their own senses - unless they penetrate
DGR and the operator. its hull - are not accounted for.
Legendary Actions. If the DGR has Legendary Actions Targeting and Range. Any effect with a range of “self”

and is being commanded by a player character, the can target either the operator or the DGR. The range of
operator can have it take one of its Legendary Actions on spells, features and effects used by the operator through
the operator’s turn. If it for some reason has multiple the DGR increases based on their difference in footprints.
operators, they can each command it to take a Legendary Most creatures have a footprint size of 1. A creature’s spell
Action on their turn but it still only has as many as is range increases based on the difference between their
described in its stat block. If the DGR is being piloted by an footprint and the DGR’s. When a ranged weapon’s short
NPC it takes its Legendary Actions as a monster regularly and long range are both being adjusted, the short range
would. increases by the range increase column, and the long range
increases by double that column.

Footprint Difference Melee Reach Ranged Attack/Effect Range/Cones Sphere Radius Cube Face Size
1 - +15 feet +10 feet +5 feet
2 +5 feet +30 feet +15 feet +10 feet
3 +5 feet +50 feet +20 feet +15 feet
4 +10 feet +60 feet +30 feet +20 feet
5 +10 feet +80 feet +40 feet +30 feet
6 +15 feet +120 feet +60 feet +40 feet
7+ +20 feet +240 feet +100 feet +60 feet

For medium/large creatures piloting a DGR, the most common footprint difference will be 2. For ones piloting a protoDGR, 4
will be the most common difference.
Junctioning Piloting Checklist
When an eidolos or a creature with an eidolic armament When piloting a DGR, check for the following to have that
operates a DGR, its functions change somewhat - its body information on hand:
changes to aesthetically represent the new eidolic
component, and the DGR can adjust to match the best Determine footprint difference - keep that column of the
qualities of both. This process is called Junctioning, and has different table on hand.
Determine proficiency bonus difference.
the following effects when piloting.
Determine what effect attuned items have.
Actions. The operator can choose to use the DGR’s
(If Eidolic) Determine which ability scores are highest
Multiattack feature if they wish to. If it involves making and will be used for attacks and saving throws.
melee or ranged weapon attacks, they can substitute copies (If Eidolic) Determine the number of extra weapon dice
of their own for those as described under Weaponry and added to attacks originating from pilot.
Equipment. For the purposes of their own features, this (If Eidolic) Keep what movement types, senses and
counts as the operator taking the Attack action. resistances are shared in mind.
Attacks and Saves. The DGR and its operator’s attack

bonuses and saving throws are determined using the Macro-Grid Combat
highest relevant ability score between both of them.
Initiative. The DGR does not roll initiative - the pilot rolls
When operating using DGRs in combat, if you are using
for them, and both share a turn in initiative. When their turn miniatures you may already be encountering issues
comes, the pilot may choose which of the two takes their regarding the scale of DGR units. It may be prudent to use
turn before the other. two battle maps that each represent a different scale: one
regular sized one to keep track of regular combat, and a
Last Stand. If the DGR is reduced to 0 hit points, the pilot

can choose to have it continue to operate without dying. In second grid where every 1-inch square represents a 15 foot
this case, all damage dealt to the DGR is instead dealt to its x 15 foot square/cube (referred to as a macro space), which
operator. Once both have been reduced to 0 hit points, both is used to keep track of the size of DGRs and other massive
the DGR and the operator fall unconscious and begin dying creatures. The smaller/regular grid can be used to
as usual. If the DGR has multiple operators, the damage is represent what is happening in the cubes on the larger grid
- it is recommended to put a marker on the regular scale
dealt to all of them. While fighting while in this state, the
DGR cannot take actions or movement on its own turn. grid and the macro scale grid to indicate where the middle
Movement. The DGR gains any movement type the
of both is, for reference.
operator has, equal to its base movement speed or the Creatures operating at a macro scale should be treated
operator’s (whichever is higher). If its operator and the DGR as having a range measured in macro squares: their range
share any movement speeds already, the DGR has the begins at the edge of their own space, and their range is
higher movement speed of the two. equal in macro squares to their range in feet divided by 15
(rounded up). This determines the number of squares away
Resistances. The DGR gains the operator’s immunities,

resistances and vulnerabilities. those attacks/effects can reach into. If a macro scale
Senses. The DGR gains the operator’s senses. Their
creature can reach into a macro square it can target any
range is increased based on the range increase column of creature inside it as if they were within range. Similarly, their
the footprint difference table. movement speed should be measured in macro squares,
Weaponry and Equipment. The DGR can create copies
determined by dividing their movement speed by 15
of the operator’s magic items, weapons and armor, which (rounded up).
In absurd scenarios where creature size increases to
reflect and synchronize with remaining uses, quantity,
charges, etc of the original. Its armor class is only adjusted even greater scales, you can operate using supermacro
by enhancement bonuses and magical effects, not by spaces that represent a 30 foot x 30 foot space, with all
regular armor bonuses (except for shields). When used, the divisions of range and movement being adjusted to match
original reflects how it was used: consumable items are (divided by 30).
used up, item charges are reduced, thrown weapons vanish (In the future we’ll have visual aids to imagine this style of
and reappear where thrown, etc. When attacking with a grid combat) }}
copied weapon it deals extra damage dice of the weapon’s
type, of a number equal to half their footprint difference
(rounded down) + 1.
The DGR benefits from the magical effects of any armor
or items the operator is attuned to.
Warlock Patron: Damocles
The inspiration for DGR units such as the Sword of
Damocles came from a world beyond the knowledge of its
creators - just as the One with Chaos dreamed of a foreign
world from which they found inspiration to summon the first
Cosmic Teardrop, so too did the DGR’s original inventors
follow eldritch, otherworldly designs. Warlocks can make a
pact with that source of knowledge and inspiration under
rare circumstances, following its will to breathe mechanical
life into the world. They inherit an agent that appears as a
small DGR-like unit, which gains size and capabilities as
they do.
These units are called D.G.ANCHORs, named because
they are the embodiment of a DGR or similar lifeform that
manifests in a less technical sense than their independent

Damocles Features
Level Features
6th Greater D.G.ANCHOR
10th Advanced D.G.ANCHOR
14th Major D.G.ANCHOR

Expanded Spell List

When you learn a new Warlock spell, you may treat the
following spells as being on the Warlock spell list for you.

Level Spell
1st Magic Missile, Shield of Summer
2nd See Invisibility, Skywrite
3rd Eidomantic Weapon, Vortex Quiver
4th Force Missile, Greater Invisibility
5th Destructive Wave, Supreme Hand

Patron Premises
A broken-down DGR unit grants its last spark of life to
someone who could use their power for a greater goal,
so it can continue to exist.
After dreaming about a mechanical world filled with
similar life forms, the Warlock attempts to construct
what they dreamed of and it mysteriously gains life.
A survivor of a terrible tragedy finds they awaken
power within themselves, and manifests an extension
of themselves as their D.G.ANCHOR.
A ProtoDGR or other powerful unit wishes to be found
or repaired, and through malfunctioning warp
transmission technology makes contact with a
The Warlock comes to find that a family heirloom is an
activation device (such as a PML), and through it
manifests the power of a DGR.
D.G.ANCHOR You can now use your bonus action to command your
D.G.ANCHOR’s actions, but if you do you cannot use
1st-level Damocles feature your action to do so on the same turn. When you use
As an action you can summon your personal your bonus action to do so you cannot have it use its
D.G.ANCHOR, which appears as a robotic miniature Multiattack option, but it can use one of its individual
version of a D.G.R. of your choice (or your patron’s choice). weapons once.
It appears in an unoccupied space that can fit it within 30
feet of you, and shares your initiative in combat (taking its The D.G.ANCHOR also gains another of the optional
actions and movement on your turn as you see fit). Your improvements from the Greater D.G.ANCHOR feature, or
D.G.ANCHOR uses the D.G.ANCHOR creature template one of the following; you cannot take one you previously
included with this subclass, adjusted based on your picked:
features and Warlock level. The D.G.ANCHOR becomes immune to your choice or
You can use your action on your turn to command your piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage.
D.G.ANCHOR to move and to take any action included on All of the D.G.ANCHOR’s movement speeds increase by
its sheet, otherwise it takes the Dodge, Dash or Disengage 10 feet (0-G Acceleration increases by 30 feet instead).
action as it sees fit, and if it has bonus actions you can The D.G.ANCHOR’s armor class becomes 15 + its
command them to use those as part of the same action. Dexterity modifier + its proficiency bonus.
You can also verbally command it to move, requiring no
action. As an action, you can also command it to teleport to Major D.G.ANCHOR
an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. 14th-level Damocles feature
The D.G.ANCHOR’s proficiency bonus is equal to yours. Your D.G.ANCHOR is improved in the following ways:
Any time PB or Prof Bonus is mentioned in its stat block,
use yours in its place. You can increase one of the D.G.ANCHOR’s ability
After 10 minutes (or if it is reduced to 0 hit points) the scores by 2, and another by 1.
It gains another saving throw proficiency of your choice.
D.G.ANCHOR vanishes entirely, and cannot be
It can be summoned as a Huge creature if you wish it to
resummoned until you complete a Short or Long Rest. be. If it is, its DGR Armament reach increases to 10 feet.
Its +2 bonus to the DGR Armament and DGR Blaster
Greater D.G.ANCHOR attacks increases to a +3.
6th-levelDamocles feature
Your D.G.ANCHOR is improved in the following ways: Piloting
As of this level, if you summon the D.G.ANCHOR as at
You can increase one of the D.G.ANCHOR’s ability
least one size larger than you, you can choose to summon
scores by 2, and another by 1.
It gains one saving throw proficiency of your choice. it overlapping with your space and exist inside it, piloting it.
It can be summoned as a Large creature if you wish it to If you are not piloting it, you can spend 5 feet and your
be. bonus action to move into its space and enter it, or do the
Its slam damage increases by 1d8. same while piloting it to exit into an adjacent space. While
It gains access to its DGR Armament and DGR Blaster piloting it you gain the following benefits:
attack options.
Its attacks become magical. You have total cover and any effect that targets you
targets the D.G.ANCHOR instead.
The D.G.ANCHOR also gains one of the following You can attack creatures with weapons you are carrying
optional improvements of your choice: through the D.G.ANCHOR, which produces copies to
attack. These attacks consume the weapon’s charges,
Its base movement speed increases by 10 feet, and its ammunition, etc.
0-G Acceleration speed increases by 30 feet. If you only use your bonus action to command the
It gains a fly (hover) speed equal to its base movement D.G.ANCHOR, you can use your action to make three
speed. weapon attacks through it with your own weapons, as
Its blindsight range is increased to 60 feet and it gains a though using its Multiattack.
+5 bonus to its passive Perception. You can see and hear through the D.G.ANCHOR’s
It gains access to its Excel Reactor bonus action. senses, as well as use your own through it.
You can cast Warlock spells through the D.G.ANCHOR
Advanced D.G.ANCHOR as if it was you, including affecting it with spells with a
10th-level Damocles feature range of self.
Your D.G.ANCHOR is improved in the following ways: If the D.G.ANCHOR dies you are shunted into the
nearest unoccupied space, and the D.G.ANCHOR
You can increase one of the D.G.ANCHOR’s ability absorbs all overflowing damage from the source that
scores by 2, and another by 1. killed it.
It gains access to its Missile Pod action.
It gains another saving throw proficiency of your choice.
It becomes resistant to piercing, slashing and
bludgeoning damage.
Its DGR Armament and DGR Blaster deal an additional
1d12 and 1d10 damage respectively, and the +1 bonus
to their attack and damage rolls becomes +2.
Damocles Eldritch Invocations Macro Scale Unit
Your D.G.ANCHOR can be summoned as one size
When you are considering which Eldritch Invocations to category larger than the largest you are capable of
take, you may choose from the following list as well as long summoning it normally. When you do, its Slam and DGR
as you meet the listed prerequisites. The Eldritch
Armament attack range increases by 5 feet, as does the
Invocations listed here are only available to the Pact of
range of any melee attack you make through it while piloting
Damocles Warlock.
Armor of the Avatar Micro Manifest
Prerequisites: 6th-level Warlock
If your D.G.ANCHOR is not currently summoned, you can
While you are wearing no armor you can calculate your
use your bonus action to conjure part of its body to make
armor class the same way your D.G.ANCHOR does.
any weapon attack it has access to, originating from you,
against a target within range. If you take the Weapon Tech
Dynamic Save Advancement invocation it applies to your use of the
Prerequisites: 14th-level Warlock weapons as well.
If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your
reaction to summon your D.G.ANCHOR into your space Optional Augmentation
instead (if it can fit) and immediately begin piloting it. If you Prerequisites: 6th-level Warlock
do so, the D.G.ANCHOR gains 40 temporary hit points and You gain another of the optional improvements listed in
becomes the new target of the effect or damage that any of your D.G.ANCHOR subclass features, but cannot
reduced you to 0. If it was destroyed previously and you pick one you have selected previously.
couldn’t summon it, the D.G.ANCHOR gains 1 hit point
when resummoned in addition to the temporary hit points. Shield Unit
You can use this feature once per Long Rest, and only if When your D.G.ANCHOR is targeted by a weapon attack
there is enough space to summon your D.G.ANCHOR in a that you or it can see, you can have it use its reaction to
large enough form to be piloted. increase its armor class by 5 until the end of the turn, as
though by the shield spell.
Extra Ability Boost
Prerequisites: 10th-level Warlock Signature Move
Two of the D.G.ANCHOR’s ability scores increase by 2
Prerequisites: 10th-level Warlock
If your D.G.ANCHOR is reduced to 0 hit points you can
Evasive Maneuvers have it use its reaction to use its Missile Pod feature,
targeting only one creature in range with it, before it
Prerequisites: 6th-level Warlock
vanishes. It can do so even if it has used it already.
Your D.G.ANCHOR gains the Evasion feature: if it makes
a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, it takes no Weapon Tech Advancement
damage on a successful save and half damage on a failure. Prerequisites: 6th-level Warlock
If you are within 5 feet of your D.G.ANCHOR you share the When your D.G.ANCHOR attacks with its DGR
Evasion feature with it. Armament or DGR Blaster, it scores a critical hit on a d20
result of 19 or 20. Additionally, it can choose to deal
Guardian Sentry piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage with the DGR
If you are within your D.G.ANCHOR’s movement range and Armament (its choice when attacking), or radiant, force or
are targeted by a weapon attack, you can use your reaction lightning damage with the DGR Blaster (its choice when
to have it move into a space adjacent to you (or switch attacking).
spaces with you) and become the new target of that attack,
and any others made against you until the end of this turn.
Eidomantic Weapon Vortex Quiver
3rd-level Transmutation spell (Eidomancy) 3rd-level Transmutation spell (Epic of Duality)
Casting Time 1 bonus action Casting Time 1 bonus action
Range Touch Range Touch
Components V, S Components V, S
Duration Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
You touch a nonmagical weapon and fill it with eidomantic You imbue a weapon with a swirling whirlwind. When you
energy, turning it into a magic weapon with a +2 bonus to make a ranged attack with that weapon, its hits deal an
attack and damage rolls. For the spell’s duration the extra 1d8 force damage, and if the target is no more than
weapon deals one additional damage die, its damage (and one size category larger than the size of creature the
damage done by its ammunition) is considered eidolic and weapon is intended for, they must make a Strength saving
magical, and if you are wielding the weapon you can make throw. On a failure, one of the following two effects occurs
one attack with it as a bonus action. (your choice):
You can also cast this spell on a magic weapon, but when
you do the bonus to attack and damage rolls is reduced by The target is shoved back 10 feet, stopping if they collide
2. with a solid surface. For every 10 feet they are stopped
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 5th level or
short, they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
The target is knocked prone.
higher, you can choose one of the following effects for every
two slot levels above 3rd: At higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell

slot of 4th level or higher, choose one of the following

The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by 1 effects for each slot level above 3rd:
(maximum +4)
You can target one additional weapon you can touch. The size of creatures that the Strength save can target
The weapon deals an additional damage die on a increases by one category.
successful hit. The target is pushed back 10 additional feet.
Shield of Summer For every two slot levels above 3rd, the extra force
1st-level Abjuration spell (Whisperwood Tome) damage also increases by 1d8.

Casting Time 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by
an attack
Range Self
Components V, S
Duration 1 round
A multi-layered near-invisible shield of force appears and
protects you. Until the start of your next turn you have a +5
bonus to your armor class, including against the triggering
attack. If you are hit by an attack while this spell is in effect
you can choose to end it early to reduce the damage that
attack deals to you by 5 points.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 2nd level or

higher, you can choose one of the following effects for each
spell level above 1st:

The bonus to your armor class increases by 1.

The amount of damage this spell reduces increases by
This spell can reduce the damage from one extra source
of damage before the spell ends.

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